View Full Version : Claire Dodin on Deadliest Warrior

Cabbage Patch
Aug 7th, 2011, 12:13 PM
Claire Dodin, our Riley on "We're Alive", was a guest star on a recent episode of Spike TV's series "Deadliest Warrior". This is a history-based series that compares famous warrior cultures and/or leaders against one-another in simulated combat to determine which one is "the deadliest warrior". The show is immensely entertaining and a great way to learn about the weapons and tactics of older cultures.

Claire's episode was "Joan of Arc vs. William the Conqueror", comparing the 15th Century female French leader and the 11th Century Norman warrior. Claire was billed as a mediaeval sword and combat expert. She demonstrated the use of the armor, swords and crossbows that were used by Joan of Arc and her forces. Her crossbow work was excellent and her sword work was amazing; KC really needs to put a sword in Riley’s hands sometime soon! In the end Joan of Arc was judged to be the deadliest warrior.

It was great seeing Claire and hearing that familiar voice coming from an actual person. Deadliest Warrior has another episode coming up that should be of special interest to We’re Alive fans, featuring “Zombies vs. Vampires”.

Cabbage Patch
Aug 7th, 2011, 05:04 PM
Here's the link to watch Claire's episode through Hulu: http://www.spike.com/full-episodes/uixarz/deadliest-warrior-joan-of-arc-vs-william-the-conqueror-season-3-ep-302

Aug 9th, 2011, 07:09 AM
watching it now. awesome to see Claire being... well, awesome!
Plus it helps that she looks exactly as I'd pictured Riley :P

UPDATE: Gah. Watching outside of USA so can't Hulu it. Only 3 of 5 sections of the ep up on the tubes. Will have to wait for it to appear on foxtel :S
Shall keep my eye open for this episode though. I do like this show and have enjoyed this episode so far. Plus Claire's comment of "It's a siege, we do have all day" (or words to that effect) was awesome! :P

Dec 6th, 2011, 04:31 AM
everyone has probably seen this now but as i am new here and nothing else has been mentioned in this thread... here is a link to the full episode.... it was awesome :)


Jan 18th, 2012, 02:30 PM
hey dont forget about this one http://www.spike.com/full-episodes/q7bq0v/deadliest-warrior-vampires-vs-zombies-season-3-ep-310

Red Shirt
May 5th, 2012, 10:42 AM
Necro Post? Sure why not. This forum is for a Zombie Podcast after all.

I found it on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8ewt50gSCg&feature=relmfu) also. The vid is flipped L2R, IDK why though.

Damn Ms. Dodin, you scary with a crossbow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ESkgYCIlqzQ#t=256s).

Dec 24th, 2012, 04:42 PM
This episode is scheduled to air on Spike tonight at 10pm (eastern).

Since I keep forgetting to watch online, I'll try to catch it tonight.