View Full Version : Randy and his friends

Aug 3rd, 2011, 10:50 AM
So, where did Waldo, I mean Randy go? Tanya goes outside and is taken by Randy. Michael, Steven, Kelly shoot and wound zombies, rescue Tanya and the four of them go back to the tower. Steven goes back to guard duty and reports seeing about 30 zombies around the tower.
Later, Michael drives out of the tower and goes to LAX. Before Kelly goes back to the other tower, Angel asks if there were any zombies about. Steven says the area between the building is clear like it has been all morning. ? When the Mallers come back to the tower, the place is crawling with zombies again. Did I miss a night or something? Did Burt, Saul and the new arrivals (Pegs, Kalani, Victor, Datu) at LAX spend the night there?

Aug 3rd, 2011, 10:55 AM
I'll have to check on the first part but I believe the creatures were only on one side of the building.

As for the snippet at the end, I'm sure there was a time lapse involved there. No way the Mallers hang around the area with so many biters and limited ammo supply. It's likely they came back after the creatures dispersed. The only question I have is why the Mallers could find anybody since the creatures ususally drag off any live/dead bodies with them?

Aug 3rd, 2011, 01:07 PM
The only question I have is why the Mallers could find anybody since the creatures ususally drag off any live/dead bodies with them?
Well that might go back to what Tanya was trying to tell Michael. She said something about the zombies possibly not digging up people who weren't turned and whoever they found in the stinger was at least somewhat buried in rubble.