View Full Version : Wall of the Fallen ( a place to say good bye) take 2

Jul 31st, 2011, 09:14 AM
As its thought that the chat ate the first wall I will again start off this post.

To Kalani,
No matter what you died with honor. You will be missed.

Jul 31st, 2011, 09:54 AM
When I first brought up the idea that Lewis was left locked in his room when the Tower collapsed, I meant it jokingly. But as I repeat the idea on various threads, I increasingly find myself wanting to eulogize him.

Lewis wasn’t anyone special. He wasn’t one of our major characters. He was, quite literally, a voiceless Tower resident who ended up the victim of a cruel, cruel, world. Lewis never got to tell his story of survival. We never got to know his thought and feelings on the madness surrounding him. We never learned about his hopes and fears. All we know is that he was a nerdy gamer who did his part to help the Tower function. He was set up as a patsy to lure out Pippin’s killer because he was filling the generator when the murder occurred and thus lacked an alibi. He apparently willingly accepted his role as a patsy in hopes of finding the killer. What that tells me is he was a guy willing to do his part to help the Tower even if that meant letting everyone think he was a killer and possibly a traitor. That dedication was left unrecognized though. Instead he was left, forgotten, in his “cell” when the “world” came crumbling down around him. So I say that we should honor Lewis by remembering him, and by extension all the nameless and voiceless Tower residents who died in the battle. They did their part to keep the Tower running when it stood, and that dedication should be remembered and honored.

May 14th, 2012, 09:56 AM
Angel was one of the major characters and it is sad to hear that Angel died from the fall when he was on the top of tower when it started to colapse.

May 15th, 2012, 06:29 PM
RIP Angel. :(

Scratch shows her true nature more and more. I hope KC makes that b***h pay for it someday!

May 16th, 2012, 01:23 AM
Wow...I agree with all here. I never even considered Lewis myself, but HardKor, you have honored him well.

I find it the hardest to say goodbye to rich characters, like Kalani and Angel. When I first began to listen, Angel didn't really make an impression on me, but over time his character grew on me...particularly when he and Riley risk it all to save first Datu and then Kalani from the arena.

Kalani, his character automatically struck me as interesting. Once he told his story (pre-reveal) my interest in him deepened. There were a few things that I noticed about his character that struck me...and I ended up liking his character as well. I cried when he blew himself up...heartsick because not only did he think that his daughter was dead, but that she was dead even though he did a terrible thing by tipping off the Mallers and causing the deaths of innocent people, and it was all for nothing in the end. His reason for living was gone.

I think what he was really saying "I'm sorry" about right before he crashes was that he was sorry that he betrayed them to the Mallers...I truly believe that's what he was really aplogizing to Angel for, not just the flat tire.

I also believe that the title "We're Alive" carries a much deeper meaning than just the obvious. Even the dead and gone are still carried in the hearts and minds of the characters who are still alive, but the fact that they lived and told even just a part of their stories creates an impact on us the listeners, and the rest of the cast who survives them.

It also breaks my heart to think that no one will play "Taps" for Angel...

Oh, now I'm weepy again...

May 16th, 2012, 03:30 AM
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHYP4ClUqKZQEpHXwtJ9Z46VpfI2p0T aYix1JWa0XiVPB-HGpsW-fhby46CQ

A candle in the window for Angel and Ra1th.

Jun 25th, 2013, 12:49 AM
My heart goes out to Samantha when she died and Datu had almost no reason to live after she died even when Hope came back really all Hope is to Datu is an extension to Samantha which is something to feel for him so for Samantha WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE NO YOU WERE DATU'S NEW LOVE

Aug 26th, 2013, 02:24 PM
So already the new season has begun and one of the older characters has already bit the dust.

Lets pay "fromage" to those who will/may meet their inevitable ends in this season :)

1. Amy : yup she may have deserved to be one of those who had their come-uppance for locking Pegs up in that room and siding with Gate-Keeper.. but you cant help but feel sorry for her painful and sticky end.

Aug 26th, 2013, 10:55 PM
nah, she kinda deserved it

Aug 27th, 2013, 07:44 AM
Agreed that Amy deserved it.

Aug 27th, 2013, 07:45 AM
I'm concerned about the Saul/CJ angle. He has Lizzy back but he seems too interested in CJ.

Aug 27th, 2013, 04:33 PM
Poor Amy. She's getting such a hard time on here but we'll never truly know her reasons for siding with Gatekeeper. We never got a true view of The Colony at the time, and in the end we learned from Glen and Pete that things did get better under Gatekeeper. She did what she did to Pegs to stop her preventing Gatekeeper's coup, which she thought was for the best in the overall scheme of things with The Colony. Therefore, RIP Amy.

Aug 27th, 2013, 08:55 PM
I think Saul has just gotten used to being around CJ, and once she is out of immediate danger or Lizzy begins giving birth, he'll snap back to his old ways.

Red Shirt
Aug 28th, 2013, 08:31 PM
So I say that we should honor Lewis by remembering him, and by extension all the nameless and voiceless Tower residents who died in the battle. They did their part to keep the Tower running when it stood, and that dedication should be remembered and honored.

You, that Guy in the Red Cap. We never knew who you were except that when you were asked, you took a post and stood watch. While no role is more or less important than the next these days, you still filled it without complaint. Standing watch is among the oldest deeds of a Soldier and to a Veteran like me, that means a lot.

I didn't know your name, but I will remember you. From one Red to another, thanks.


It's the end of watch, you may stand down.

Aug 29th, 2013, 02:15 AM
RIP, Col. Kimmet. Even though you lost it in the end you also made some good decitions, and deserve to be honored. When the fort got overrun and everything seemed hopeless you chose to sacrifice yourself to get the others safe. You "pulled the tricker" to kill all the little ones running towards you.
Rest in peace

Okay, he probably wasn't doing the stuff mentioned because of the reasons mentioned, but I'm trying to make him look like a nice guy...
As Shakespeare said:
"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

Aug 29th, 2013, 09:08 AM
RIP, Col. Kimmet. Even though you lost it in the end you also made some good decitions, and deserve to be honored. When the fort got overrun and everything seemed hopeless you chose to sacrifice yourself to get the others safe. You "pulled the tricker" to kill all the little ones running towards you.
Rest in peace

Okay, he probably wasn't doing the stuff mentioned because of the reasons mentioned, but I'm trying to make him look like a nice guy...
As Shakespeare said:
"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

Kimmet, one of the most controversial characters of the show. Rest in subatomic pieces!

Aug 29th, 2013, 10:18 AM
Kimmet, one of the most controversial characters of the show. Rest in subatomic pieces!

Well, he's still one of my favorites :D

Sep 2nd, 2013, 05:50 AM
It also breaks my heart to think that no one will play "Taps" for Angel...

Oh sweet mother Mary, you're right :'(
*plays Taps in Angel's memory*