View Full Version : Jenna's Puppy.

Wicked Sid
Jul 13th, 2011, 09:12 PM
Hey fellow forumers,

I'd like to take this time to alert you all of a heartfelt plea (http://www.payitsquare.com/collect-page/3102) from the lovely Jenna McCombie otherwise known as Scratch from 'We're Alive'.

It seems that one of her adorable puppies has recently suffered an injury to his leg which can not be set by traditional means. It requires surgery and, as some of you already know, surgery is expensive. Most of you also know that revenues from the podcast are not as stellar as they should be, what with the costs of this kind of quality being so high. As such, Jenna cannot afford the surgery that her puppy, Han Solo, would require to prevent further problems later in life.

Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

More details after the jump.

The link, again. (http://www.payitsquare.com/collect-page/3102)

Thank you for reading and your time,

Your Resident 'Community Manager' - Sid.

Jul 13th, 2011, 10:17 PM
Aw crap. I guess it's off to the bank tomorrow for me.

Jul 13th, 2011, 10:27 PM
Word...cannot resist puppies...

Jul 13th, 2011, 10:52 PM
Word...cannot resist puppies...

Not to mention puppies with Star Wars names! Count me in for a donation.

Jul 13th, 2011, 11:12 PM
Best money I ever spent. Good luck, Han, old buddy.

Aug 11th, 2011, 01:38 AM
Update: I just saw on the book of faces that Han Solo had his surgery! Everything is looking good and he's already using the leg (though his movements have to be regulated). Congrats to both Jenna, and Han! We're so happy things worked out! And I'm sure I speak for Jenna when I say thank you to all those who donated to the cause.