View Full Version : Sauls deal

Jul 11th, 2011, 03:00 PM
So saul is making a deal with scratch for trade but who my thoughts are pegs

But u could be wrong who else could it be?

Jul 11th, 2011, 03:02 PM
Lewis. As far as Saul knows, Lewis is the rat. I believe that Saul will return to the tower, try to grab Lewis, but be told that Lewis is a scapegoat.

Jul 11th, 2011, 03:05 PM
I'm leaning towards him trying to sell out Pegs in order to get his Blondie back. Saul seems like he's really lost it and at this point I put nothing past him. With any luck Scratch will put a hole through his head before the finale hits the credits.

Jul 11th, 2011, 03:08 PM
In terms of the bluff angle: Saul might try to bluff Scratch by dangling Pegs in front of her. And if that happens, Saul will either pull off his hail mary pass, or he will get someone killed.

Jul 11th, 2011, 03:19 PM
Lewis. As far as Saul knows, Lewis is the rat. I believe that Saul will return to the tower, try to grab Lewis, but be told that Lewis is a scapegoat.

First of all: Saul doesn't think Lewis is the rat. He thinks Lewis shot Pippin, but he thinks it was because he thought Pippin was the rat.
Second: Why would Scratch want the rat? If Saul knows who the rat is, then they are redundant and Scratch would probably just shoot them. Not worth giving up a prisoner for.

Jul 11th, 2011, 06:01 PM
First of all: Saul doesn't think Lewis is the rat. He thinks Lewis shot Pippin, but he thinks it was because he thought Pippin was the rat.
Second: Why would Scratch want the rat? If Saul knows who the rat is, then they are redundant and Scratch would probably just shoot them. Not worth giving up a prisoner for.

Burt and Saul were at LAX when Pippin was shot. They were told of the shooting by Datu. Datu, like everybody who isn't Micheal or Angel, thinks that Lewis is the rat/shooter. They think that Lewis shot Pippin to keep the rat's cover.

Jul 11th, 2011, 06:47 PM
Sal's gonna try to sacrifice himself; however, I think some sort of backfire, like both Sal and blondy, will be "Maller Owned".

Jul 11th, 2011, 08:11 PM
lets start just thinking about WHO THE MALLERS WOULD WANT

Jul 11th, 2011, 08:58 PM
Pegs for sure She is the only one scratch would love to get her hands on. Everyone else the mallers have and issue with are to strong to be taken captive by saul If it is forced i mean Datu would be usefull to them because he can fix things but the strongest character would have to be peggs even when angel dropped off the body for peggs scratch grumbled "let her know this isnt over" or something to that effect so Peggs has gotta be on the most wanted list.

Jul 11th, 2011, 09:27 PM
lets start just thinking about WHO THE MALLERS WOULD WANT

Pegs for sure She is the only one scratch would love to get her hands on. Everyone else the mallers have and issue with are to strong to be taken captive by saul If it is forced i mean Datu would be usefull to them because he can fix things but the strongest character would have to be peggs even when angel dropped off the body for peggs scratch grumbled "let her know this isnt over" or something to that effect so Peggs has gotta be on the most wanted list.
Yeah, I have to agree. Its got to be Pegs. There's no one else the Mallers, and more importantly Scratch, would really want. Plus Pegs is very vulnerable right now. Victor is the only real threat Saul would have to face and if he sees Saul, he's not going to assume that he's a threat. So Saul could subdue him quietly. As for Datu, if Saul starts waving a gun around, Datu would probably curl up into a ball and start crying as usual :p. So Pegs is easy pickings, at least until Michael tracks Saul down....then Saul's in for a world of hurt.

smalls kenobi
Jul 11th, 2011, 09:41 PM
why would scratch want the rat? handing over the rat is about as effective as handing over a new pair of shoes. it has to be Pegs, but i'm sure it'll be just bait.
but my friend Mario Believes it might be Angel, idk about that, but it would be a nice way to unlock a little more about Angel's past, if his past does involve Scratch.

Jul 12th, 2011, 04:03 AM
Burt and Saul were at LAX when Pippin was shot. They were told of the shooting by Datu. Datu, like everybody who isn't Micheal or Angel, thinks that Lewis is the rat/shooter. They think that Lewis shot Pippin to keep the rat's cover.

I believe you are incorrect. Everyone but Michael, Angel and Lewis himself think that Lewis is the shooter. They all think that Lewis shot Pippin because Lewis thought pippin was a rat.

why would scratch want the rat? handing over the rat is about as effective as handing over a new pair of shoes. it has to be Pegs, but i'm sure it'll be just bait.
but my friend Mario Believes it might be Angel, idk about that, but it would be a nice way to unlock a little more about Angel's past, if his past does involve Scratch.

I think there is still some chance that it could be Angel that Saul wants to trade. I say this because we might get to hear more about the past, between them. But a reason why people might think he is Sauls target could be because Saul just went to Eastern Bay, and he said that he is going to go back to the tower. Scratch wasn't in Eastern Bay, but what if Saul found Latch's cell, and perhaps he found a journal and worked out how Scratch knew Angel. Okay, Its a long shot I know. But maybe its a different option for people who want other options than its pegs or its a bluff.

Jul 12th, 2011, 06:52 AM
I never thought of it as he might bluff, but maybe shit goes down hill and some gets killed preferably scratch but whatever

nate of the dead
Jul 13th, 2011, 09:32 AM
In terms of the bluff angle: Saul might try to bluff Scratch by dangling Pegs in front of her. And if that happens, Saul will either pull off his hail mary pass, or he will get someone killed.

Definitely agree with you. I think with the helicopter from the hospital they will have air support that the mallers wouldnt expect and give them the edge in the exchange.

My guess is that during the exchange the zombies will attack and we will just have to wait and see who makes it out alive

Jul 13th, 2011, 09:57 AM
If the members of the tower show up in a helicopter and try take Lizzy off the maulers by force, then someone will get hurt. Probably Lizzy. Sure, Saul would do a lot to get Lizzy back, but getting her killed isn't even slightly what he wants.

nate of the dead
Jul 13th, 2011, 10:37 AM
I dont think that anyone would get hurt in the helicopter. With burt, angel, and even riley with her bow providing aerial cover fire from the helicopter I think that would give Saul enough time to grab lizzy and make a break for it. Plus they have the element of surprise on their hand. I dont think everyone is going to make it out alive of course. Someone is going to buy the farm in the finale.

smalls kenobi
Jul 13th, 2011, 12:43 PM
helicopter? i don't think that would work. there is no usual city sounds, the streets would be very silent, the sound of a helicopter booming in would be heard way before you'd be able to see it, and that would throw up a big red flag for Scratch, she would immediately abort the "Trade". Scratch isn't stupid, she would meet with Saul heavily armed, and if anything seemed fishy her and her men would not be afraid to pull the trigger. Now i don't know if helicopter glass is bulletproof, but i'm sure if they were shoot at it, something would get messed up. it wouldn't be smart to risk something as important as one of the helicopters.

Jul 13th, 2011, 02:16 PM
I definitely believe he's referring to Pegs, but how he intends to use her is the question. I have two theories on this:

1) He is just going to go it solo. He's mad with love right now and is on a mission that he feels no one is willing to back him on. He'll tell Scratch he's got Pegs and that they should rendevoius somewhere. When he gets there, he's going to pull some sneaky shit that gets him, Lizzie, and/or Scratch killed.

2) He could drive over to LAX and plead his case to Pegs and Victor. Vic seems like he's been looking for some action, but I don't know if he's sympathetic to Sauls cause. He's never met Lizzie, nor has he had any beef with the Mallers (as far as we know). But Pegs kind heart might be won over and since Vic seems to dig Pegs, he may go along. So the three hed over to meet up with Scratch under the ruse that Pegs is to be traded. Scratch and Lizzie go out to make the trade with Saul and Pegs, with the Mallers in plain sight as back-up. At the hand off, Vic opens fire, taking out Tardust or maybe even Bricks. I dunno, a gunfight ensues and we could end up seeing Scratch, Saul, or Lizzie killed. There even may be a possibilty that Victor radio's the Tower and they recieve major back-up for this plan. It would be a better equiped group of Tower members vs. a much smaller and already weakened group of Mallers. If that face-off occurs, then Burt totally has an opportunity to sacrifice himself! "Hey Scarface, it's me you want. Hand over blondie and I'll gladly take her place."

nate of the dead
Jul 13th, 2011, 02:42 PM
I dont initially think they would risk/sacrifice the chopper for Lizzy but I think it would be more of a diversionary tactic to give Saul a chance to grab Lizzy. I would also like to point out that if a helicopter is high enough you wouldnt hear it as much. I live in LA and if the helicopters arent flying low then I dont normally know that they are there.

Jul 13th, 2011, 02:50 PM
I dont initially think they would risk/sacrifice the chopper for Lizzy but I think it would be more of a diversionary tactic to give Saul a chance to grab Lizzy. I would also like to point out that if a helicopter is high enough you wouldnt hear it as much. I live in LA and if the helicopters arent flying low then I dont normally know that they are there.

Ever been out in the bush, far from the city when a helicopter is approaching... even at a higher altitude? You definitely notice it. In the city, with constant noise from traffic, planes, people, hell even the hum of powerlines... I could see it somewhat becoming white noise-ish. In almost complete stillness? No way you wouldn't hear it unless you were deaf.

smalls kenobi
Jul 13th, 2011, 04:34 PM
I dont initially think they would risk/sacrifice the chopper for Lizzy but I think it would be more of a diversionary tactic to give Saul a chance to grab Lizzy. I would also like to point out that if a helicopter is high enough you wouldnt hear it as much. I live in LA and if the helicopters arent flying low then I dont normally know that they are there.
What part of L.A. do you live at? JW :)

Ever been out in the bush, far from the city when a helicopter is approaching... even at a higher altitude? You definitely notice it. In the city, with constant noise from traffic, planes, people, hell even the hum of powerlines... I could see it somewhat becoming white noise-ish. In almost complete stillness? No way you wouldn't hear it unless you were deaf.


Jul 13th, 2011, 05:04 PM
Woah Smalls! Who said you could use my colour? Don't make me rough you up.

smalls kenobi
Jul 13th, 2011, 06:53 PM
Woah Smalls! Who said you could use my colour? Don't make me rough you up.

shovel:)I'd like to see you try...

Haha :P

Jul 13th, 2011, 07:36 PM
shovel:)I'd like to see you try...

Haha :P

Well, I warned you, it's time I go Scott Pilgrim on your ass!

Look at what you're making me do, I have to switch colours.

Jul 13th, 2011, 07:59 PM
Getting back on track here...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'd like to see Saul's killed off. Give Lizzy some motivation and reinforce the idea that nobody is safe.

Jul 13th, 2011, 08:10 PM
Idk maybe they both due scratch kills lizzy and Saul go on the war path and he like sacrifices himself or something

Jul 13th, 2011, 08:20 PM
Total speculation, but after last ep. I'm saying lizzies dead....

Jul 13th, 2011, 11:14 PM
Total speculation, but after last ep. I'm saying lizzies dead....

It's always possible. Hell for all we know when we show up for the season finale the tower is in flames, kelly is hanged from one of the balconies and Ink is watching tivo'd teletubbies.

Jul 14th, 2011, 06:29 AM
It's always possible. Hell for all we know when we show up for the season finale the tower is in flames, kelly is hanged from one of the balconies and Ink is watching tivo'd teletubbies.

well, there's method to my madness on this one. I touched on it in the ep discussion but in the latest epi. The walkies are set to 2-1 and 8-2. 2-1 Is the intro of Lizzie via (dun dun dunnn) Todds death. 8-2 Is uneventful save in that ep we learn of Cindys body being dug up. So you have a clear reference in the story to two dead characters. Both of which are prior love interests of two of the main characters....now while that could cause you to point fingers at any of four characters (angel riley Saul and Lizzie) only one of them could possibly bridge the gap between the two groups....that being Lizzie. ( I put waaaay to much thought into that)

Jul 14th, 2011, 08:14 AM
Just had a thought. If Saul is going to try attack the Maulers, he might want some protection. At the tower they have some Bullet-proof vests. Only problem is I'm not sure if Saul knows about them...

Jul 14th, 2011, 08:20 AM
It's always possible. Hell for all we know when we show up for the season finale the tower is in flames, kelly is hanged from one of the balconies and Ink is watching tivo'd teletubbies.

again again

Jul 17th, 2011, 05:51 PM
Dont you guys believe that when Saul says "Her" he might not be talking about a person at all. But an object, as many people call there things "Her" or "She". Like maybe the big helicopter, or a gun, or a vehical.

Jul 18th, 2011, 03:07 AM
Dont you guys believe that when Saul says "Her" he might not be talking about a person at all. But an object, as many people call there things "Her" or "She". Like maybe the big helicopter, or a gun, or a vehical.

Saul says, "I want her back". After he then says "What if I got someone you want."

The her is almost certainly Lizzy. He never says that he wants to trade a "her".


Also, anyone consider the possibility that their conversation isn't over, and that Scratch is going to tell him what she wants?

Jul 18th, 2011, 04:47 AM
Would have been great if he could have just given her pack Pippen but WHOOPS oh well, lol

Jul 20th, 2011, 06:56 PM
Wouldn't he give up Micheal instead of Pegs? Maybe thats who scratch wants, so if something happens to Micheal... Pegs would suffer loosing someone she loved like scratch did?

Eye for an eye

Jul 20th, 2011, 07:27 PM
But how does she know Michael and pegs are bangin

Jul 20th, 2011, 07:47 PM
Scratch has been very straight forward regarding her hatred for Pegs, despite Pegs' efforts to mend fences. Scratch wouldn't want Michael, she wants Pegs dead. She's looking for her own satisfaction ad retribution, not the emotional torment killing Michael would put Pegs through.

Jul 21st, 2011, 05:47 AM
But how does she know Michael and pegs are bangin

LOL-- There rat remeber? :)

Jul 21st, 2011, 06:22 AM
LOL-- There rat remeber? :)

Maybe not, if the rat has changed loyalties. They only got together on the colony mission, and theyve only been back from that for 2 days.

When Angel dropped off Latch's body, Scratch asked Angel if he was Pegs' lover. Maybe she suspects there is something going on between Pegs and Angel.

Jul 21st, 2011, 09:14 AM
Maybe not, if the rat has changed loyalties. They only got together on the colony mission, and theyve only been back from that for 2 days.

When Angel dropped off Latch's body, Scratch asked Angel if he was Pegs' lover. Maybe she suspects there is something going on between Pegs and Angel.

You bring up good points, But Kawane (Sp? The guy from hawaii) now under my suspicious radar now since he know's about Micheal and Pegs..

Saul was also mad at Micheal too, or ticked off better choice of words and willing to make a trade and he knows about them too.

Jul 21st, 2011, 09:31 AM
You bring up good points, But Kawane (Sp? The guy from hawaii) now under my suspicious radar now since he know's about Micheal and Pegs..

Kalani :)