View Full Version : Characters that changed your mind

Jul 10th, 2011, 08:10 PM
I was thinking this afternoon, as I listened to Over the Air-Waves, about Kelly and how I'd borderline hated her after her first appearance, then slowly her character redeemed herself somehow. I'm not certain of the exact moment which she managed to accomplish this feat, but I know by the time I reached the end of Over the Air-Waves I was less likely to be annoyed everytime I heard her voice, though it is likely she pulled it off when she came back for Michael and Pegs. I have to admit it... I'm now a Kelly fan.

So I pose the question to you: What character(s) if any did you start out hating but grew fond of over time?

Jul 10th, 2011, 09:00 PM
I was thinking this afternoon, as I listened to Over the Air-Waves, about Kelly and how I'd borderline hated her after her first appearance, then slowly her character redeemed herself somehow.
Well I think a lot of people, myself included, had a reaction to Kelly that is pretty similar to yours. She was the only character I can say I really didn't like who then redeemed herself.
But I've also had some changes in my view of Riley. I actually liked her from the moment she was introduced. I was a little confused by her accent (I thought she sounded vaguely British in the beginning and I wasn't sure where she was supposed to be from) but I still liked her. Then she kind of disappeared for awhile and sort of became a background character so I sort of forgot about her. The last couple of chapters have really intrigued me though and I really want to know what direction she's going to go in (And I'm also waiting on the edge of my seat for her drunken confession to being the rat). I like the questions about her and the flaws in her character. And I've gone from mildly liking Riley, to being a full fledged fan.

Jul 10th, 2011, 09:30 PM
I hated Kelly in the beginning and I still hate her. She was annoying bitchy bitch when she came to the tower, now she is just annoying bitch. I can't get my self to like her. And Riley I have actually grown to not like. I used to think she was awesome, now I think she is just a traitorous drunk. She changed negatively somewhere. But Pegs I have grown to really like. I never didn't like her, but her development has been extraordinary and she is now my favourite character.

Jul 10th, 2011, 09:51 PM
True story. Pegs is pretty awesome. I'm finding more and more that she's a character I enjoy hearing from.

Jul 10th, 2011, 10:34 PM
My opinion about the characters hasn't changed dramatically enough to mention. I've always approved of Kelly's character even when she inaugurated herself as Queen bitch Bee of the Tower. Angel continues to slowly sink on my Cool Meter. Everyone I didn't like at the beginning, I still don't like and I'm still a fan of everyone I do like although Pegs, my favorite, has left me extremely suspicious.

Jul 11th, 2011, 11:39 AM
My opinion about the characters hasn't changed dramatically enough to mention. I've always approved of Kelly's character even when she inaugurated herself as Queen bitch Bee of the Tower. Angel continues to slowly sink on my Cool Meter. Everyone I didn't like at the beginning, I still don't like and I'm still a fan of everyone I do like although Pegs, my favorite, has left me extremely suspicious.

Angel has been growing on me ever since his adventure with Kalani. I laughed so hard through that whole chapter.

Aug 1st, 2011, 10:27 AM
Angel has grown on me a great deal. We get to see glimpse of what sort of person he is and what kind of leader he could be.

Aug 1st, 2011, 10:31 AM
Based on the last episode... Kalani has definitely changed my perception of him. That was a sacrifice and a half, my friend. A sacrifice and a half.

R.I.P. Tons of Fun.

Aug 2nd, 2011, 07:02 PM
Definitely Kelly, she gave me the s#%ts at first, but I love her now. I think ever since she looked after Saul & the trip to the boat. Pegs is growing on me, she was really annoying & whiny but now she's grown a pair and is stepping up as an equal, not just a hanger on.

Ps... Riley is bad ass!

Apr 9th, 2012, 09:27 PM
I've been thinking about certain character's arcs through this season and who might be change my mind. First, Kelly and then Kalani--even after finding out what we did about him, I still love him without judgment--won me over. There are a few characters that I really dislike right at the moment and my favourite characters are presumed dead. Each season we've been gifted with some brilliant characterization by Kc and the cast, having really made the roles their own. I'm excited as balls to discover that character that I couldn't stand having that moment where they impress the hell out of me and win me back.

I'm hoping it's Tanya.

Cabbage Patch
Apr 9th, 2012, 11:15 PM
Riley impressed the hell out of me at first. She was smart, quick witted, pulled her weight and kicked ass in a fight. She reached her peak at the Arena, putting an arrow in the eye of the Behemoth. Then came the drinking, the whining and the "letting people down". She had a few high points, the hospital mission, the golf course, but overall her trajectory has been downward ever since. She's frankly stopped being one of my favorites, though she can still redeem herself.

May 9th, 2012, 11:41 AM
angel, i hated him in the first chapter or two, but if you looked through his actions to what he was trying to do he had a heart, and not an ego (giving power to michael when michael still didn't want to admit he had it)

angel is now my favorite all time character :)

May 15th, 2012, 06:03 AM
Angel, imo was a normal guy who is trying to deal with the situation by the book, when things like trauma or zombie or war or anything. I believe we all either go by the book survival mode. And some of us think out of the box. Micheal had a mix of both so his character is strong in most respects, however Angel also reminded Micheal of the big picture. I also think that Angel sometimes agreed with Micheal because of the social setting, kinda like peer pressure from the group. Still if I were in the situation such as this, I wouldn't pick one over the other, I want both of them with me is the situation...Micheal for short term survival, Angel for long term survival. They both Blend so well. I do love Angel though. Great character, and with more experience in the situations given I think that he will surpass Micheal and become a great leader.

May 15th, 2012, 06:18 AM
Angel........I think that he will surpass Micheal and become a great leader.

Erm, did you listen to the last episode at all?

Aug 15th, 2012, 07:27 PM
So far it hasn't been Tanya. It was actually king crybaby himself... Datu.

Aug 16th, 2012, 09:51 AM
I actually like what you said to start off the thread...Kelly. I was certain Kelly was the rat. I had all kinds of scenarios running through my head as to how she could be working against Michael...

Aug 16th, 2012, 04:52 PM
She'll be back.

Tales from Valhalla
Aug 23rd, 2012, 04:18 AM
I'm in a On/Off relationship with Datu. During the Arena I was a big fan, but during the nihilistic!Datu episodes, when he was all bitchy and "what for? it's not gonna work" while there was a battle going on I was very pissed with him. Yeah, sure, he lost Samantha, but his negative vision of everything was dragging other people down.

During the course of the show, tho', the one that has grown the most was Pegs. I went for "oh geez don't be like that *facepalm*" to mildly annoyed to "I think I like you". Dunno where it started, but by the time she said "just sit down and shut up!" to Datu and Michael in the helicopter I was already in love. Oh! Wait! I think it was by the time where she grabbed the walkie talkie after saying to the guys "you're going to spent 5 minutes going around in circles just to stop in the same spot as before". Yeah, that was when Pegs started to change before my eyes.

Tales from Valhalla
Aug 23rd, 2012, 04:23 AM
Oh yeah and I loved Kelly after she lost Tommy, really. That was the best thing that happened to her.

The second best thing for Kelly will be when she finally get it on with someone off screen and after all the happiness she'll pull out a cigarette and say "Ok, now time to shoot some zombies, bitches!", thus going back to Ft Irwin.

Aug 23rd, 2012, 04:36 AM
have to say Datu is a class character, his story of the arena made him a top bloke in my book, but the WAR episodes for me is when he had some excellent input, especially when finding Bill's stash and telling Burt to "shut up" after Burt said "go boy!" plus calling him all the names under the sun in spanish or whatever language!
but i think the character that has really come to the forfront for me is Victor... he was at first a sad little man trapped, now thanks to Micheal and Saul he's awsome. "cat hoarder supporter" big lol.
Burt has dropped in my estimations ever since he got captured (crying, really), however i know he'll come back in a big way.
p.s loved bricks too. shame!

Aug 25th, 2012, 12:37 AM

First impression: Every show needs its hotshot, at least for some distraction, comic relief and shit ...
Then: Oh my god, he evolves to a pretty interesting, good hearted dude being involved with many other major characters. Nice.
With chapter 24: Holy hell ... WTF? He seems to be the stupidest a-hole in the world killing dozens of people because he is so 'leeching' and over-protective about Lizzy. Actually #24 raised the very heavy question: What worth is a single life in the face of dozens dying ... ?

Anyway ... Just my 2c ...

Tales from Valhalla
Aug 27th, 2012, 04:22 AM

First impression: Every show needs its hotshot, at least for some distraction, comic relief and shit ...
Then: Oh my god, he evolves to a pretty interesting, good hearted dude being involved with many other major characters. Nice.
With chapter 24: Holy hell ... WTF? He seems to be the stupidest a-hole in the world killing dozens of people because he is so 'leeching' and over-protective about Lizzy. Actually #24 raised the very heavy question: What worth is a single life in the face of dozens dying ... ?

Anyway ... Just my 2c ...

I can understand that a single life may mean much more to one individual than the rest of the world if you have the emotional connection/attachment to them. Even knowing so, and even knowing the importance of Lizzie to Saul, he's been pissing me off with that single minded loose-canon behavior.

Although, even pissed, I prefer he does this instead of forgetting about Lizzie. The thing that makes me like Our Tower most is how they seem to have more humanity than some of the other people they encounter.

Nate Eeez
Aug 27th, 2012, 10:54 AM
Hopefully, Saul's efforts payoff. We don't get a good sense of how Lizzie feels. Maybe she has reconciled that Saul died in the fall of the tower. But we haven't gotten any journal notes saying either way.

Aug 27th, 2012, 01:15 PM
Hopefully, Saul's efforts payoff. We don't get a good sense of how Lizzie feels. Maybe she has reconciled that Saul died in the fall of the tower. But we haven't gotten any journal notes saying either way.

Yeah, she is hard to read. Have listened to #31 and #32 a minute ago. She displays so many different facettes of her character. And she seems to be a genious in keeping her thoughts and emotions strictly bound to certain situations or topics - her talk with Scratch about her trauma, then again in the same discussion she utters her disbelief and fear that Scratch might have second thoughts about Lizzy, then her roller-coaster-ride with Bricks which ends up in planning against Scratch ... She switches between emotions and thoughts very quickly. And about Saul? Well, maybe she is very skilled in masking her deepest emotions, which erupt every now and then - like when she asked Bricks if there was anyone havin' searched for her and then in the end of #32 when she and Saul exchange their deepest wishes via radio by only calling their names ...

It's kind of absorbing and challenging alike to read her character ...

Nov 25th, 2012, 10:27 PM
Michael... I hated this guy FOREVER! Thankfully once he fell back in with the military he became gifted with common sense & douche-bag score dropped by 98%.

Kelly started acting like a decent human, in other words not self-absorbed or brown nosing.

Blind girl/Hope was just a charity case but now she adds some comedy relief tied to Datu.

Scratch became 3 dimensional & a valid character, she really needed the story time.

Angel started to improve with me but... RIP.

Nov 28th, 2012, 08:22 AM
Michael... I hated this guy FOREVER! Thankfully once he fell back in with the military he became gifted with common sense & douche-bag score dropped by 98%.

Kelly started acting like a decent human, in other words not self-absorbed or brown nosing.

Blind girl/Hope was just a charity case but now she adds some comedy relief tied to Datu.

Scratch became 3 dimensional & a valid character, she really needed the story time.

Angel started to improve with me but... RIP.

I agree on Kelly, Scratch, and Angel.

Michael has had ups and downs, but he's stayed pretty stable as far as my opinion of him.

Datu has grown on me and I really like him now, even if it is just as "King Datu the Resourceful" :-)

I went the other way with Hope, she was a non-entity and then became someone I hope to not hear from again (for now). She served a good purpose in 34 and 35 as a foil to Datu but I think that'll get old real soon....

Nov 30th, 2012, 02:55 AM
CJ: She evolved into my favorite character. I was actually surprised by the outcome of the battle between her and Scratch.

Scratch: At first, I found her character annoying, she just screamed like Ms. Veronica Crabtree (the bus driver on South Park), but now she has evolved to someone really interesting and malevolent.

Hope: Her snotty attitude toward Datu started getting irritating.

Nov 30th, 2012, 11:57 AM
I would have to say Kalani.

I started off not liking him at all. As the story moved along I reached that tipping point where I started to like the Kalani character. I really came to have respect for the character, an odd thing when you think about an imaginary person gaining your respect, after the "Kalani" chapter.

Dec 5th, 2012, 05:37 PM
I'd have to go with Puck. At first I wasn't too sure of his character but with the time lapse and getting to see his character interact more with Michael, the character grew on me and he is very loyal.

Dec 5th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Definitely Kelly for me. I can kind of understand where the character is coming from what with the whole "apocalypse and now I'm stuck with my teenage nephew, what the hell is going on" aspect of how she initially started out. Then, once Tommy died, her character was allowed to develop. Now she's one of my favorite characters. Never thought I'd say that about her.

Dec 8th, 2012, 01:46 AM
Beau 'Arrowhead' Hemoth. Sure he tried to kill Riley, Angel, Datu, Saul and Kalani. Then tried to get Angel and Kalani again at the Reserve Base. But, when I heard his/her screams, wails and moans as it thrashed about blind and in pain, I was torn between cheering for Burt and feeling a bit of sorrow for the pain felt by a creature that still feels pain and fear. Sure it was a flesh-eating zombie out to make a meal of our friends but those cries and moans were haunting.

I'm gonna add this to my list of most difficult scenes to listen to.
Samantha - chilling
Scratch discussing her rape - very uncomfortable
Burt losing Shirley - heartbreaking
CJ screaming in pain - heartbreaking
Trapped, dying behemoth - bittersweet to far extremes

RIP Arrowhead
Flesh-eating cannibalistic zombie no more, my friend.

Dec 8th, 2012, 08:23 AM
Beau 'Arrowhead' Hemoth. Sure he tried to kill Riley, Angel, Datu, Saul and Kalani. Then tried to get Angel and Kalani again at the Reserve Base. But, when I heard his/her screams, wails and moans as it thrashed about blind and in pain, I was torn between cheering for Burt and feeling a bit of sorrow for the pain felt by a creature that still feels pain and fear. Sure it was a flesh-eating zombie out to make a meal of our friends but those cries and moans were haunting.
RIP Arrowhead
Flesh-eating cannibalistic zombie no more, my friend.

I must state that the scene between Arrowhead and Burt reminded my of somehow of the battle between Luke Skywalker and the rancor. Yeah, I am a child of the 1980s.


Dec 10th, 2012, 04:13 PM
Kalani, even though he was the traitor, was awesome, same goes for the whole crew, everyone was growing on me. And then angel died....... When he was getting really cool. However I do think that puck is a good replacement. The character development and build up has been amazing so far, thank you KC!!!