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Wicked Sid
Jan 22nd, 2011, 07:43 AM
I faked left, went right. I've seen an opening, I take it. One gets in my way. I lower my shoulder, he's on the ground. As I make my escape, my instinct takes over. The alley to the left? No good,...

Wicked Sid
Jan 22nd, 2011, 07:43 AM
How I survived this long is a mystery to me. My mind is weary and I'm tired. I still need a fucking vehicle. Abandoned cars are not quite as a rarity as a few miles back, no keys and gas caps are opened, so I guess no gas as well. Houses all around, no people. I'm getting used to the silence. A scream emanates from a large red house on my left. Three gun shots and the door bursts open.

A red-haired chick and a black dude. Contrary to what I thought, it was the chick who had a pistol, shooting rounds back into the doorway, the look of terror on his face was priceless, I don't even understand why it seemed funny. Maybe it was because he was a heavier-set man, just running for his life, reminds me of some movies. Black dude always dies first, kind of racist. It was funny until another survivor was thrown out of the second level window, followed by a really tall something which jumped another 10 feet up.

"Oh Shit," I whispered under my breath as the thing dove straight towards the chick, taking her down relentlessly, another jump after the guy. I raise my weapon and burst.

The jumper was on his back, crushing his torso, shredding his back. My god, it was so fast. It dodged my first three shots, as if it was anticipating my moves. It wasn't so lucky with the fourth shot as it caught his thigh. Its screech was like nothing I've heard before, but, that did not deter my actions. BLAM. One to the stomach. BLAM, BLAM. Two to the chest, it was still squirming as I lifted my barrel to his temple. He tried to swipe my gun away, it didn't work. His last sad whimper plucked at my heart strings as I pulled the trigger.

As I checked the woman for vital signs, I hear a moan to my left. I react quickly, drawing my pistol. It was only the man, his back was torn to the spine but, he was holding on.

"Run..." Was his last word as the breath left his body for the last time.

The last look of fear on his face would haunt my dreams for the coming nights.

The doorway of the house burst open, splintered wood smacked my arms and face even at 25 yards. Body parts hit the area around me. Hands, feet, legs... It was like nothing I had seen before. All of the parts were decaying, the house must have been filled with them. The heat was immense, I have no idea what they used to cause the blast but, I could tell them that it didn't work.

Three extremely large things came bursting out of the rubble, maybe they took out one of them but, it still didn't matter.

'I need to leave now.' ran through my head, over and over again, getting louder and louder until it was impossible to ignore. I left in an extreme haste, my legs outrunning my body, tripping me up a little and slowing my pace. I knew my gun was going to do little against their bodies and fleeing was my only option but, to where? The smaller surrounding houses would do nothing to stop their combined might, the cars were most likely broken down and fuel-less. I need to choose and quick...

I run for the first car I see, smash the window and fly through the door. They're already on top of me, they smash the door repeatedly. The car moves about ten feet after every hit, one of them grabs the broken window, aiming to rip it right off. The second is smashing the hood, he rips it off, exposing the engine. I can't see the third. I gain clear thought long enough to open the other door, diving out towards the ground. Sprinting towards a house, I fortunate enough to escape them for now. I immediately head upstairs, refill my rifle and cock my pistol. Catching my breath takes some time, you think running this much would have improved my cardio.

I hear loud footsteps circling the house, loud sniffing sounds emanate from an open window. A guttural growl follows soon after. My heart rate increases dramatically, I start to panic.

"Did they find me, how'd they see where I went...?" Scrolls through my mind and out of my mouth through a whisper.


The car I had taken refuge in, flies through the front top room of the house. My ears ring from the noise. Tripping as I scramble to my feet, looking for a place to hide. I barely think my choice through as I open the closet door, stuffing myself inside. After a few minutes I begin to hear loud footsteps again, loud smashes can be heard in the distance. I hold my breath in as it felt to be my last.

They're right outside the room. Their weight is shown as their footsteps shake the floor beneath my feet. I close my eyes and attempt to slow my heart rate, to gain some composure, to... clear my mind...

I can hear their labored breath as they stand outside the door. There's no escape for me... Its either fight or die. I check my surroundings, a small closet, nothing out of the ordinary in here. Its just... small. I'm ready to fight for my survival, I ready my rifle.

"Come on, Head shots... Head shots." As I slowly turn the doorknob, my heart is pounding.


The door slams in. I hit the wall and my eyelids slowly lower themselves...


A car's horn is set off right in front of the house and gun shots sound far off as I slump back into the closet and let myself lose consciousness.

I awake on a cot in what looks to be an abandoned warehouse. There are metal shelves with emptied boxes strewn about and ripped open. Plastic packaging lays everywhere... I pick one up,

"Wagon wheels? Damn would have been nice to get here earlier."

"Then I would have had to shoot you."

An ambient voice relays all around me. Its gruff and loud. It is at that point which I notice my wounds are bandaged but my legs are shackled...

There's a solemn light above my head, it is stationary. As for the rest of the warehouse, there is a small amount of natural light protruding from a single window high above the ground. The smell is actually quite pleasant, lavender. Weird. The source of the voice is nowhere to be seen, but I feel as though they're stalking me. I can feel their eyes watching my every move. Even the slightest of movements sends the chain rattling and echoing throughout the area.

'BANG' A smash to the side produces a rather excruciatingly loud sound.

"Fuck. Looks like they still have your scent. I figured as much."


This only heightens my fear. "What the hell were those things?" I spurt out as I try to remove the clasp of the shackles.


"They are... Well, they're coming for you." Are the last words he says as I hear a door shut.


Wicked Sid
Jan 22nd, 2011, 07:43 AM
Its Back! 10000 characters this time, awesome!

Wicked Sid
Jan 24th, 2011, 08:04 PM
Another part, it is what I have added! Hope you enjoy.

Jan 25th, 2011, 10:17 PM
Glad to see it made the changeover. I swear it looks a lot bigger than it used to, you must have added new stuff. Still good. Still fresh. Still want more...:p

Wicked Sid
Feb 5th, 2011, 05:32 PM
Just a small part for today.


Feb 27th, 2011, 12:32 PM
Well done, dude! :-) Interesting frenetic pacing.

Mar 14th, 2011, 10:51 AM
That was wonderful. Will there be more?

Wicked Sid
Mar 16th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Eventually, just been a little busy lately, I apologize.

Wicked Sid
Mar 16th, 2011, 01:06 PM
An even smaller piece than Last time! Its becoming habit... I need inspiration.

Mar 16th, 2011, 07:14 PM
Haha. Listen To the podcast. Plenty of inspiration.

Wicked Sid
Apr 10th, 2011, 02:47 PM
And there's one more piece on the cake. Been too long.

Apr 11th, 2011, 03:35 AM
Nicely done