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Jun 25th, 2011, 04:33 AM
meurtrière or murder hole in English

The importance of Murder holes

In siege warfare a critical defensive measure is the murder hole. They are placed at checkpoints. They allow the defender to fire at the attacker with a very small
chance for the reverse.

Our heroes almost grasped the concept but fell short. In chapter 2, they drill a small hole in the second floor to peer into the lobby. These holes can be enlarged to allow gun fire, boiling water, oil kerosine, whatever.

I have done enough of these to say that although there may be pipes in some areas, the majority surface area will be free of obstruction. Another great place for the additions of murder holes is along the walls of the stairway from the lobby to the second floor. Zombies will begin to stack up at the door. Kill them with nearly perfect Enfilade fire. Rinse. Repeat

Jun 25th, 2011, 07:55 AM
I really like this concept. Arthur what do you do for a living to come up with this stuff?

Jun 25th, 2011, 07:59 AM
Since we're relating it to the story, I've taken the liberty to move this to theories

Jun 25th, 2011, 09:21 AM
I was raised admits the Cold War next to a base that nuclear weapons and the refueling jets that give them the range to hit the U.S.S.R. As I rode my bike through town, I was always conscious of where the next bomb shelter. So, I a survivalist siege mentality.

I Am a history buff. I read a lot and watch a lot of documentaries. I have never seen an episode of Sienfeld or one of these talent or reality programs. Nearly every situation we encounter has been faced by other people. The distinction is more about the tech available than the problem and it is much easier to implement what others have in the past than to come up with something new. I use a form of Triz. It is a method of problem solving.

My brain is Full of this stuff. I really try to limit what I post, because I think most people are full of my inane dribble already