View Full Version : "I want hour long episodes and more often"

Jun 24th, 2011, 12:26 PM
I normally don't get to read the reviews from the UK iTunes page, but I found this one:

Gripping but losing pace *** out of *****

by Scrotbag Gripping is, or was, the only way to describe this. I listened to the first 16 chapters non stop during a few days of long journeys in the car. I was gutted when i finished them, so I just listened to them again!

However, since then I've gone to being drip fed one 15-20 min episode (2 mins of which are credits) every couple of weeks and I'm struggling to maintain the same level of enthusiasm. Plus at this pace there's some characters who's voices I've not heard in almost 2 months which I know is going to start making the story difficult to follow!

The episodes need to be at least an hour long or need to be released more frequently or people are going to start losing interest. (I'm a massive fan of the zombie genre and of We're Alive so if I can lose interest, anybody can!)

Please please please guys, make this podcast great again!

Jun 24th, 2011, 12:29 PM
yes KC, work harder!!!! Its not like you've devoted yourself to this or anything, jeesh we all expect you to do better.

Jun 24th, 2011, 12:35 PM
I'm just amused. I can't fathom the amount of time it would take to put it out that often.

Jun 24th, 2011, 12:42 PM
Of course we (fans) are always going to want more, but I think that's the beauty of it; we crave more and so we stick with the podcast, waiting for our crack fix! ^o^

Seriously, I think you all do a choice job with the show. I cherish those 15-20 minutes and appreciate the time and effort behind it. Plus, I also feel that an episode a week, with a two week break between chapters is awesome. Leviathan Chronicles was being cranked out at an unpredictable rate. So I REALLY appreciate you all putting the episodes up when you say you are going to. It's so cherry chezzer. 8D

Jun 24th, 2011, 01:15 PM
I don't think the majority of fans know that working on We're Alive isn't a paid gig (YET! dundunduunn). With the production value being absolutely ahhhh-mazing, it's hard to believe it's something done during one's free time. I've seen this gripe before from others, but as soon as I explain the dealio to 'em a little light bulb goes off.

But what gets my panties in a bundle is when they give two-star reviews because of it.


Jun 24th, 2011, 01:32 PM
Lol. "(I'm a massive fan of the zombie genre and of We're Alive so if I can lose interest, anybody can!)" This guy is just an impatient prick and I'm glad that we won't be classified together. He is a fool.

The short episodes have never bothered me. If I want to listen for longer, I'll just relisten to old episodes. And I can handle the cliff hangers. Paolini has kept me waiting for three years for the sequel to Brisingr, and that was a hell of a cliffhanger. The 1-2 weeks here is nothing.

Jun 24th, 2011, 01:44 PM
What I want to know is where are these people getting the impression that the show updates irregularly? We get a ~20 minute episode every week with a one week break between chapters. Hell this show is more reliable than network TV!

Jun 24th, 2011, 01:59 PM
I understand what he says and for the first week of listening to episodes, I joined at the start of season 2, and then suddenly having to wait a week for a small amount of story it was hard, but I stuck it out and eventually I've gotten use to the regular release of 20ish minute episodes. So if the prick can't stick it out then he doesn't deserve to be listening to this gold.
EDIT: AND not only should he listen to WA, but to help him get through the week, he should listen to the always interesting WND. they generally have regular weekly shows.... I'm still waiting Britt.

Wicked Sid
Jun 24th, 2011, 02:04 PM
I've been listening since chapter 2 part 3. Now, either I'm batshit crazy or there's no way in hell anyone can lose interest in this story and not be an insatiable prick.

Jun 24th, 2011, 02:56 PM
I understand what he says and for the first week of listening to episodes, I joined at the start of season 2, and then suddenly having to wait a week for a small amount of story it was hard, but I stuck it out and eventually I've gotten use to the regular release of 20ish minute episodes.

I totally agree, I joined close to the second season and after a WA-fest of the first season in a couple of days, the agonising cold turkey of a week was hard to bare.

But I got over it.

In fact, as I'm a fairly moderately intelligent person, I realised that the first 20 or so hours I had listened to was 'catch up' and from then on I've been on the edge of my seat with everyone else.
This guy must have gotten too used to watching shitty TV dramas that are on every day. Muppet.

Jun 24th, 2011, 06:52 PM
If wishes were horses beggars would ride. Yes it would be awesome to have K.c give us hour long episodes .... daily but the reality of it all is.. K.c. likes to do things like.. sleep and eat. Then there is that job thingy. You know normal people things. It takes time consuming effort to make the 20minutes of programing we get. I for one am very grateful for the time put into them. The chapters are high quality, interesting and have a lot of attention placed on the detail. They leave us wanting more. I think the .. what is it now 4million listeners? Yes 4,000,000 million listeners trump this one guy's review. Don't change a thing!