View Full Version : Tanya, Tanya, Tanya. Tsk Tsk

Jun 21st, 2011, 05:12 PM
Well this will probably get me in trouble. I do not like Tanya. Hate is too strong a word, but...

Saul, does the crime, so he does the time. Tanya's response was to cut off all contact with her son.

She takes a new job and moves leaving no forwarding information. Her ego defense is that Saul could just ask a neighbor across the street. Saul does check, but he does not get the info he needs.

She is a veterinarian, but claims to be an MD. I do not care what she claims to have learned, it is not the same. Marcus claimed to have been in the Army, but never was. Well, he was in the marching band in high school. Same thing right? (I do not know about the band. I made it up for laughs)

She sees her son sick in bed. She plays it too cool, but scolds him for saying "shit". Saul tries to give her a hug and her biggest concern is Saul's IV instead of leaning closer to hug him.

She is quick with a sedative, but let her son go off, when most people think he is crazy and Saul himself thinks he was crazy and his mother was not really there. Saul has a 102 degree fever, apparently has been hallucinating on and off for a month and she allows her patient let alone Son run off.

She seems far too excited to experiment. She was bummed out because she could not do at the colony. Behavior above concerns me greatly. Dr Mengle I presume?

Her threat analysis sucks. Burn Pippin and consume a gallon or two of diesel that they will be unable to take with them. Not burn Pippin and leave him as a resource for the zombies. Maybe he can be reanimated. Probably not. But, he can still be used as a resource as Zombie Chow or his rotten corpse may draw Zombies to them. Verdict? Burn motherfucker burn... All the lyrics I remember.

Yea, Michael is a little high strung right now. I hope whatever information she walked away with is not very important. Her life, Saul's life, Hope's life and the lives of everyone there may depend on it.

Instead of using the buddy system, she walks out of the tower, probably unarmed.

Jun 21st, 2011, 05:42 PM
I have to defend Tanya a bit here:
1. She left while Saul was in jail sure, but she says it was because she got a job offer down south. And Saul said he did find out from the neighbor where she was at, he just didn't go after her.

2. There hasn't been any indication that she lied about her medical credentials while she was at the Colony. She was acting as a "doctor" while there, but during a zombie apocalypse, things like proper credentials don't matter as much. She had medical training, which was enough to qualify her as a "doctor." She says that she learned everything she could from the other doctors while she was there, and I doubt she would have lied to real doctors about her training. If she did it probably would have gone about as well as Marcus lying about being a soldier to Michael.

3. She may be enthusiastic about doing tests on the zombies, but that just means she wants to know what makes them tick. The Mengle comparison is a bit much I think. Knowing what attracts zombies (and hopefully what repels them), as well as why they react the way they do is highly useful information to have. The only reason the Tower stopped running tests is because it started becoming dangerous (the sweat bottles attracted hordes, and the "tagging" attempts got Datu caught in the Arena)

4. I'll give you your last point though. Letting Saul run off half cocked while still sick with a dangerous infection and running a high fever is really stupid. Sure as his mother Tanya probably knows Saul is single minded and determined, but she could have strapped him to the bed until he wasn't a threat to his own health anymore, and she really should have.

Jun 21st, 2011, 11:50 PM
Well my two cents on Tanya.

Your both technically right,my friends. Its just a matter of perspective..

My perspective.? A zombie apocalypse has no room for divas...;)

Jun 23rd, 2011, 10:29 AM
When Michael and Steven reach the parking garage they find that the gate is open by one foot.

Either Tanya left it open or she did not and someone else did

If it was Tanya, she is a threat. It could be accidental or on purpose
Accidental: Bad News. The Front FU&^* gate!!! how can you be so absent minded?
On Purpose: setting a trap in hopes that zombies my find the door open or maliciously letting some wee ones in.

If she did lock it behind her, Zombie intelect has taken anotther leap forward. They are picking locks.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 10:31 AM
When Michael and Steven reach the parking garage they find that the gate is open by one foot.

Either Tanya left it open or she did not and someone else did

If it was Tanya, she is a threat. It could be accidental or on purpose
Accidental: Bad News. The Front FU&^* gate!!! how can you be so absent minded?
On Purpose: setting a trap in hopes that zombies my find the door open or maliciously letting some wee ones in.

If she did lock it behind her, Zombie intelect has taken anotther leap forward. They are picking locks.

They could have snatched her as she was walking out the gate. We don't know she didn't lock it.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 10:52 AM
I have to defend Tanya a bit here:
1. She left while Saul was in jail sure, but she says it was because she got a job offer down south. And Saul said he did find out from the neighbor where she was at, he just didn't go after her.

2. There hasn't been any indication that she lied about her medical credentials while she was at the Colony. She was acting as a "doctor" while there, but during a zombie apocalypse, things like proper credentials don't matter as much. She had medical training, which was enough to qualify her as a "doctor." She says that she learned everything she could from the other doctors while she was there, and I doubt she would have lied to real doctors about her training. If she did it probably would have gone about as well as Marcus lying about being a soldier to Michael.

3. She may be enthusiastic about doing tests on the zombies, but that just means she wants to know what makes them tick. The Mengle comparison is a bit much I think. Knowing what attracts zombies (and hopefully what repels them), as well as why they react the way they do is highly useful information to have. The only reason the Tower stopped running tests is because it started becoming dangerous (the sweat bottles attracted hordes, and the "tagging" attempts got Datu caught in the Arena)

4. I'll give you your last point though. Letting Saul run off half cocked while still sick with a dangerous infection and running a high fever is really stupid. Sure as his mother Tanya probably knows Saul is single minded and determined, but she could have strapped him to the bed until he wasn't a threat to his own health anymore, and she really should have.

1) ok, I thought Saul went and did nto get the info. Maybe he got the info and did not act upon it. I did not think about that We have to tighten up the information we have. Was it Jail or was it prison. People often use the words like they are the same. They are very different. If he was in Jail, he is most certainly near by. Although she claims she took a job down south, WTF is "down South" It sounds so big and ominous. What is San Diego 60 miles away? Lets not forget that she was in the colony My guess is nearly everyone was in the Greater LA area. If she was going to a rescue point, I would argue they would be more in San Diego becasuse of the larger military presence. She might have moved down south a good 10miles or so.

I am in the Adirondacks. I am more than 300miles north of New York city. But a lot of people sent to prison way up here are routinely visited by family. The whole, I moved south does not fly with me.

2) The only reason anything has a name is to separate it from other things. Gatekeeper calls her the Doctor. She said she has tried to learn form other doctors, but I think when she is asked she says that she is helped by a few nurses and Hope. Conversely, Victor says I do not know if Tanya is on duty this night. It could be because there are other doctors who take an evening shift or that she is more of a 9 to 5er. Gotta go back and listen to that section

3)Mengle is over the top, but let's see what happens. She asked what are you going to do with the prisoner? I think a person with any type of empathy would phrase it differently. Your not leaving him behind are you? Does the that doctor oath go out the window in a zombie invasion? For someone accused of Murder? I think if anything ANY human life is now critical and must be saved. We will just have to wait and see how it plays out.

At the Colony I loved her. I thought she was a great character. But, now that I know more I am pretty cold on Tanya.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 12:04 PM
1) ok, I thought Saul went and did nto get the info. Maybe he got the info and did not act upon it. I did not think about that We have to tighten up the information we have. Was it Jail or was it prison. People often use the words like they are the same. They are very different. If he was in Jail, he is most certainly near by. Although she claims she took a job down south, WTF is "down South" It sounds so big and ominous. What is San Diego 60 miles away? Lets not forget that she was in the colony My guess is nearly everyone was in the Greater LA area. If she was going to a rescue point, I would argue they would be more in San Diego becasuse of the larger military presence. She might have moved down south a good 10miles or so.

"Down South" means Anaheim. Early on, (chapter 5 I think) he mentions that his mom lives in Anaheim. So I'm assuming she moved from Compton (based on where "Saul's House" is listed on the map) to Anaheim. Not being from anywhere near L.A. I don't know how far of a trip that is both in distance and time.

Also I'm pretty sure Saul was in jail, not prison. He did a year for what sounds like pretty petty theft. I'm assuming he was minimum security.

And on a pure personality note: I loved the way she dressed down Michael in this episode. I just find it hilarious to hear the big hero getting scolded like a 10 year old. But everyone's gonna react differently.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 12:11 PM
Having just listened to chapter 1 on the box set, instead of "down south" it has been edited to "Anaheim"

Edit: I remembered wrong. Podcast and CDs are the same thing regarding Anaheim vs down south. I swore it was down south at one point.... Maybe I redownloaded chapter 1 and there was a correction or something because when I did my research for WND 12, I remember making the note of the vague down south reference.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 12:27 PM
Now that you mention it, I think Saul did say Anaheim. I never heard the place where his parents live. St. Mary's Nabisco or something like that. I feel like the dude in living dead (?) where he screws up the last line for the book.

That makes it even worse. To use the fact that she moved from Compton all the way to AnaHeim as an ego defense to not feel guilty for not visiting is really lame.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 03:00 PM
Now that you mention it, I think Saul did say Anaheim. I never heard the place where his parents live. St. Mary's Nabisco or something like that. I feel like the dude in living dead (?) where he screws up the last line for the book.

That makes it even worse. To use the fact that she moved from Compton all the way to AnaHeim as an ego defense to not feel guilty for not visiting is really lame.

The only argument I can think of to answer you here is the possibility that Saul might not have been housed locally. I think I need to correct my previous post because I just realized it didn't make a lot of sense. Saul most likely was in prison not jail. It was probably minimum security, but if he did a year, he wasn't being housed in a local county jail. And California has serious overcrowding problems (The U.S. Supreme Court ordered the release of something like 35,000 prisoners earlier this month because the overcrowding is so bad it constitutes cruel and unusual punishment) and I have to imagine the overcrowding is worst in places like L.A. So its likely Saul was sent wherever they had room for him, which could be anywhere in the state.

Wicked Sid
Jun 23rd, 2011, 04:00 PM
They could have snatched her as she was walking out the gate. We don't know she didn't lock it.

Do you want to know why Tanya left the gate open? So she could get back in or to let other people have access to the Tower e.g. Somebody could be relieved of duty and want to get back into the Tower.

They have cameras and microphones for a reason.

Jun 23rd, 2011, 06:15 PM
I do not like that idea at all. Leave the gate open and hope to respond in time to stop the breach. Bad idea. At one time the gate was set on a remote. Leave the gate shut and present one's self at the gate and camera. Guard pops gate.

If the only way back into the parking garage is if the gate is already up, how did they Michael, Steven, Kelley and Tanya get back in? Yea, somebody in the tower let them back in, but Tanya put her desire to enter the tower easily over the safety of others in the tower.

Jun 30th, 2011, 05:26 PM
I like tanya. yeah she's made some mistakes but she's been helpful more than she hasn't.

Jul 3rd, 2011, 11:34 AM
I don't feel too strongly about Tanya except that she is a good asset to have. Proper credentials or not, she has more experience in doing medical procedures than anyone else.

Someone already said it in regards to the gate... We don't know what happened, so its no good to judge from assumptions.

Jul 3rd, 2011, 03:35 PM
she has more experience in doing medical procedures than anyone else.
While yes she is more medical i would say she has had more experience medically (meaning training) i wouldn't say she has has more experience on PEOPLE, remember that Saul and Michael both have treated PEOPLE while they were on active duty, so technically they have had more experience on people, and it seems like Saul is handy with meds as he does patch up a few people before they have Tanya... just sayin :3

Jul 3rd, 2011, 04:25 PM
While yes she is more medical i would say she has had more experience medically (meapning training) i wouldn't say she has has more experience on PEOPLE, remember that Saul and Michael both have treated PEOPLE while they were on active duty, so technically they have had more experience on people, and it seems like Saul is handy with meds as he does patch up a few people before they have Tanya... just sayin :3
I hear what you're saying, but there's a big difference between battlefield trauma stuff and doing actual surgery. Michael's arm is a good example. It's just a different world. Most battlefield stuff focuses on helping the soldier return to battle quickly on minor stuff or stabilizing them for delivery to a medical facility. While Tanya does not have training on people from before the zombies, but certainly does from after the zombies. She does have experience with surgery of complex natures, even though its for animals. While the systems are different, they are also very similar. This means that if someone gets seriously hurt, Saul and maybe Michael or Angel could keep them alive, but if the injury is more severe, Tanya is the only one that has a real chance of fixing it... I don't pretend to know the full extent of military medical training, I only have a vague concept of it from working with a lot of retired military guys... But I don't think they can re-assemble a destroyed knee or anything. I don't think that's a battlefield treatment. The big stuff is what she'll be good for. And any additional medical help is always good.

Other than that, I find her slightly irritating.

Jul 4th, 2011, 07:18 AM
Also they were just soldiers, so i doubt they had extensive training :) good points, and yes i really dislike her...

Jul 5th, 2011, 11:19 PM
I didn't like her from the moment she wouldn't let Hope hear about her mother. Hope was ready and willing to listen. And the tantrum she threw with Michael was annoying. If she had important info, spit it out already! She is a bit of a Diva, lol.

BTW what is up with the characters not spitting out info in coherent sentences? I understand that suspense is a main part of the show, but it can be taken too far when the characters are routinely unable to communicate. I.E. Lizzie trying to tell the Maulers the zombies are parking cars as boobie traps. I mean, come on.

Jul 6th, 2011, 08:50 AM
A lack of communication skills, especially under stress, isn't uncommon... But I agree that its irritating that so many characters have issues with getting to the point. Never heard so many Ummers in my life.

Aug 22nd, 2013, 08:56 AM
Well, I still got a bad feelling about Tanya.

In her autopsy late in season 3, she does not go for the brain. Whatever they are, their pathology is aberrant behavior. She is much more likely to find it in the brain than the torso. Granted, it is possible the skull cap code defeat the bone saw, but she did not even try.

She reminds me too much of a parent dotting over the triumphs of a child admiring bone tensity and increased cardio than a rational scientist doing route cause analyses.

Aug 22nd, 2013, 09:23 AM
Well, I still got a bad feelling about Tanya.

In her autopsy late in season 3, she does not go for the brain. Whatever they are, their pathology is aberrant behavior. She is much more likely to find it in the brain than the torso. Granted, it is possible the skull cap code defeat the bone saw, but she did not even try.

She reminds me too much of a patent dotting over the triumphs of a child admiring bone tensity and increased cardio than a rational scientist doing route cause analyses.

She does sound like that! Her reaction is kind of "I knew these were going to be amazing but I never guessed they would be THIS damn good!"

I first chalked it up to pure scientific/doctor enthusiasm, but now I'm beginning to suspect something a little more sinister....

There have been many a story where one of the bad guys was "hiding out" as a victim in the good guys camp. I'm not saying it like she's a mole. Maybe more of a person who was involved and then wanted out/got out.

To that end, we only assume that she gave Saul the medicines that she said she did. Not sure anyone could/did double check to see what they were. Or if anything was added to them when she hooked her boy up to the line....

I'm liking this whole "sinister Tanya" thing. Thanks Arthur!!! :D