View Full Version : Burt's Bag

Jun 21st, 2011, 04:22 PM
With the silenced pistol missing, I hope Burt had the sense to go through his bag to inventory what is or is not there. If this does, shame on Burt. I speculate that he has his M16. Shirly. And possibly another pistol holstered. His main radio.

We can speculate
Blaster caps.
Most likely C4. We have seen this, but it may have gone back to the tower.
Claymores. We have seen one used. Burt probably had more than one. He may have a couple.
Grenades. I think I heard Saul mention them when they opened the safe room for the first time
His test Walkie Talkie.

Angel and kalini have at least one Walkie Talkie, possibly one each. So, I expect a couple of IEDs.

But, this is not enough to defend against >100:1 with multiple breach points. Getting to the central tower and up a couple of floors may help. But there is probably two stairways. Not to mention what horrors lurk in the unscouted levels of the tower.

Jun 21st, 2011, 08:59 PM
Are You saying that we will see many dead main characters

Jun 21st, 2011, 09:06 PM
I think what he is saying is that we're going to have an awesome chapter where our main characters show off their bad-assery and pwn all those zombies. But I'm not going to eliminate someone dying as an option.

Jun 21st, 2011, 09:08 PM
Oh come some thing sad and story propelling has to happen

Jun 21st, 2011, 09:11 PM
I believe Arthur is merely speculating on just how prepared our friends at the hospital are...bare in mind, they have hundreds possibly a thousand of "them" to fend off...so just how well equipped are they?

Not very

Jun 21st, 2011, 09:12 PM
And I don't doubt that. But we can't lose all those characters. Too many important characters are there.

Jun 21st, 2011, 09:31 PM
Somehow....i bet we lose none of them. Maybe a c4 bomb on a rope? Hell I dunno...be interesting to see what burt pulls from that " bag o tricks"

Jun 22nd, 2011, 02:36 AM
They are pretty screwed.

They will have to go holywood to get out.

Pegs in the copter
Down the elevator shaft
Zombies go passive.
Zombie army gets attacked by another zombie army

Jun 22nd, 2011, 02:43 AM
That last option is the best....lets see THAT one happen

Jun 22nd, 2011, 03:34 AM
I do not think it is too far off. There are multiple smart ones. They may not have the same agenda. And colonies fight often. In fact, it goes so far as the invading army stealing the eggs of the other hive. When the eggs hatch, the ants become loyal to the colony in which they are hatched not where they were laid

I do not think the ones at the arena are the same as those at the hospital. With all the comings and goings from the tower in the last 48 hours, I think a migration of zombies from the arena to the hospital would be noticed.

No matter if it is the animal world or humanity, conflict arises when resources become limiting. After three months that is what appears to be happening. Toss in an Us vs. Them and we are sitting on a powder keg playing with matches.

Jun 22nd, 2011, 05:29 AM
And I don't doubt that. But we can't lose all those characters. Too many important characters are there.

Do you really see K.c. killing all of them off? Really? I don't I do see us watching him torture the entire group and us in the process much to our enjoyment. I can't wait till Monday!

Don Man
Jun 22nd, 2011, 05:49 AM
man.. they are screwed

Jun 22nd, 2011, 09:28 AM
I think Riley and angel will walk out of the hospital fine. Burt will probably die and kalani may die. It's Gonna be a good episode!

Jun 22nd, 2011, 01:21 PM
1: Why does everybody seem to want burt dead?

2: How's the kool-aid arthur?

Jun 22nd, 2011, 05:21 PM
Hmm.. If you mean the whole deep fried koolaid, not my style.

If you mean jones town, I do not think I have been brainwashed. But, that only means they did not just brainwash me, they took the damn thing out dry cleaned it.

Jun 22nd, 2011, 05:59 PM
So, let's breakdown Ground Zero...

It appears to be subliminal to the five senses
Dose appears to be cumulative short term. I do not know what the half life is once people get out of the area
It is most likely to be airborne, unless it passes through the ground and is then the tires.
It is diffusive in nature. The closer one gets to the site, the stronger the effect

It could be a mechanical wave. Low or high frequency
It could be electromagnetic waves.

There are a Lot of gasses that can affect the body. It could be a transdermal or inhalation may be required.

It is most likely defensive in nature. But, it could be a left over offensive weapon.

It is self sufficient in nature (off the grid) but it could require mainenance and that means people or really really smart ones.

Proposed experiment time permitting
Probe the range off effects. Is it a circle? If so. We are looking at waved. If it plumes it will be affected by wind currents. This would indicate a fluid diffusion.

There maybe more than one weapon. But, careful experimentation should be able to determine if it behaves like a wave or a fluid.

I have to get another listen through of Kalani and samanthas description. My current memory is they had protective clothing and zombies were present within the weapons AoE.

Although no direct evidence, it is interesting to postulate a connection with Latch / Scratch weapon

Jun 22nd, 2011, 07:20 PM
Hmm.. If you mean the whole deep fried koolaid, not my style.

If you mean jones town, I do not think I have been brainwashed. But, that only means they did not just brainwash me, they took the damn thing out dry cleaned it.

the kool aid with the ants in it.....

And are you proposing experiments???? Want do you want me to do? Signed on!!!

Jun 22nd, 2011, 07:23 PM
1. Burt can't be dead as he is telling what happened to the four of them in the hospital.

2. My guess is that they take to a furious fight but when they realize they are clearly out-manned and their guns will only hold up so long, they make their way to the roof and fly the helicopter back to the tower... That's my hope anyways. I don't want any of them to die. :P I was upset enough when Samantha died.

Jun 22nd, 2011, 07:34 PM
So, let's breakdown Ground Zero...

It appears to be subliminal to the five senses
Dose appears to be cumulative short term. I do not know what the half life is once people get out of the area
It is most likely to be airborne, unless it passes through the ground and is then the tires.
It is diffusive in nature. The closer one gets to the site, the stronger the effect

It could be a mechanical wave. Low or high frequency
It could be electromagnetic waves.

There are a Lot of gasses that can affect the body. It could be a transdermal or inhalation may be required.

It is most likely defensive in nature. But, it could be a left over offensive weapon.

It is self sufficient in nature (off the grid) but it could require mainenance and that means people or really really smart ones.

Proposed experiment time permitting
Probe the range off effects. Is it a circle? If so. We are looking at waved. If it plumes it will be affected by wind currents. This would indicate a fluid diffusion.

There maybe more than one weapon. But, careful experimentation should be able to determine if it behaves like a wave or a fluid.

I have to get another listen through of Kalani and samanthas description. My current memory is they had protective clothing and zombies were present within the weapons AoE.

Although no direct evidence, it is interesting to postulate a connection with Latch / Scratch weapon

Another possibility is some form of radiation. There was an explosion right around the time of the outbreak and I just can't help but imagine a big crater in the center of ground zero with some kind of radiation emanating outward from it.

Jun 22nd, 2011, 07:40 PM
I have a funny feeling we have been given a lot of the answers to questions already...example: raydon lobs...what is radon? What could cause nausea at ground zero?...i don't like that thought, id rather speculate and build an acoustic weapon that will make my ginea pig brother vomit...but it is a possibility

Jun 23rd, 2011, 01:57 PM
maybe the zombies from the arena are going to the hospital micheal does say they have burns could be from fire from the explosion. and they are carrying there buddies maybe for spare parts or too fix them, and to ground zero my bet isnt that an experiment dont you think survivors from there would have noticed military turcks and my bet is some sort of bio or chemical um something, or slim to none something extra terrestrial causing radiation... but again unlikely haha.