View Full Version : Pegs Breaks Maskirovka?

Jun 17th, 2011, 08:04 AM
Maskirovka is russian for camoflauge. It is often used in Military Inteligence and Spy circles for deception. <br />
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Ok, So, I started another listen through. This time I was wondering if I could link...

Jun 17th, 2011, 07:51 PM
Interesting questions. I would say the biggest counterpoint is how quickly after the outbreak that Pegs and Riley joined with Michael and co. As I recall, the colony grew out of a gathering site for helicopter rescue. Because Pegs was rescued from her shop so quickly after the outbreak, she wouldn't have had time to learn about the colony. I took her comment to reflect surprise more than foreknowledge.

As for Marcus, there certainly is a possibility. The two issues I see are that (1) she only heard a first name, which is common enough to not jump to the conclusion that it's the 'Marcus' she would know and (2) that if they had a significant prior acquaintance, it seems strange that Marcus wouldn't have forced a meeting. An apocalypse is a significant enough event to quickly overlook previous bad feelings.

Jun 17th, 2011, 09:50 PM
But she wouldnt respond by Marcus is in charge? It should be something more like who's Marcus

Jun 17th, 2011, 11:54 PM
Are you suggesting that Pegs is the rat and/or killer? I'm not really following what this is about. But if it is incriminating Pegs, I have to strongly disagree. It's just not her personality to do something like that. And I love her, she wouldn't hurt me like that.

Jun 18th, 2011, 06:12 AM
My current assumption is that Pegs at a minimum has been ease dropping on conversations of other factions. For example. The mallers use police radios and Pegs has a police scanner

Jun 18th, 2011, 06:21 AM
When they were at the colony, did Marcus ever actually meet Pegs? I shall have to re-listen. I am intrigued.

Jun 18th, 2011, 06:27 AM
Even if pegs did have a police scanner and was ease dropping, the feeling I got was Marcus had been running the colony for quite. While ...therefore she wouldn't have reacted the way she did...i like where your going with this one though...did seem a bit strange when she said it....

Jun 18th, 2011, 06:53 AM
Like I said, I am still trying to pull this together. Maybe a maller spy in the colony talks about Marcus. May be Marcus is the spy. Marcus and in charge are mutually exclusive. It is possible to...

Jun 18th, 2011, 06:57 AM
I like to think Pegs and Marcus know each other, and that someone new from Tower 2 will appear and link them!

Jun 18th, 2011, 07:29 AM
Don't get me wrong, like what your doing...im just having trouble linking all the pieces together...theres literally dozens of small easter eggs within the story that nobody has touched...hell, since I think your like me and in the middle of a re-listen....why does burt speak Philipino? (Chapter 13 part 2 ,1:30 mark) ....tons of small things to puzzle over....

Jun 18th, 2011, 07:45 AM
There sure is. My impression is Bill is just guessing. Datu surely is not saying Burt I love you like a brother how can I help?

Jun 18th, 2011, 08:03 AM
Hahaha...yea! But those are the kinds if things that can lead you down a rabbit hole...and

Pegs= rat/mole/shooter
Gatekeeper=maller plant

Pegs mission: establish relations with a group of survivors, assess their situation,likeliness of survival..report back..
Gatekeeper mission: establish himself in a position of power,gain power through promises of power. Assess survival rate...report

Once it became clear that the tower was not a viable option, and that gatekeeper had gained considerable ground down south, the mallers pack up and leave....coincidence ? I think I'm starting to get what your getting at.

Jun 18th, 2011, 09:38 AM
I do not necessarily believe that &quot;the Rat&quot; in the tower was on a mission. I lean towards the connection with the mallers comes after the outbreak. I am also biased towards the non-malicious rat. ...

Jun 18th, 2011, 10:05 AM
Poor choice of words...(mission) on my part..i think we are getting at the same thing...durai is a smooth talker and pegs said funny stuff..and why did she say things the way she did...