View Full Version : Everyone is really mean about Datu!

Jun 17th, 2011, 08:02 AM
I feel bad for Datu, everyone goes on about how he's too sensitive and is always blubbering.
I have really enjoyed Datu's story arc though, I thought the section with him and Samantha in the arena was a highlight of Season 1 and was the most emotionally wrenching thing I've listened to in a while. Hearing him cry as he tried not to watch nearly had me in tears as well... People seem to have more of an issue with him crying again when he met Hope, but I thought it was nice that he was so glad to see her, and I think he will become a sort of father figure for her in future episodes.

(Having said that, it was pretty funny when Angel said "Oh look, Datus crying again" at the end of Chapter 19)

Also, nobody complained about Angel crying when they had to shoot Cindy!

shric debar
Jun 17th, 2011, 10:04 AM
I do actually agree with you on this one everyone is being a bit hard on datu after everything he's been through.

smalls kenobi
Jun 17th, 2011, 10:05 AM
i personally like the guy. he reminds me of myself sometime.

Jun 17th, 2011, 10:08 AM
I feel bad for Datu, everyone goes on about how he's too sensitive and is always blubbering.
I have really enjoyed Datu's story arc though, I thought the section with him and Samantha in the arena was a highlight of Season 1 and was the most emotionally wrenching thing I've listened to in a while. Hearing him cry as he tried not to watch nearly had me in tears as well... People seem to have more of an issue with him crying again when he met Hope, but I thought it was nice that he was so glad to see her, and I think he will become a sort of father figure for her in future episodes.

(Having said that, it was pretty funny when Angel said "Oh look, Datus crying again" at the end of Chapter 19)

Also, nobody complained about Angel crying when they had to shoot Cindy!

No one is giving Datu shit for crying about samantha during chapter 9 and 10, right after the incident. But ever since then he has been a pain in the ass. Mr negative, I wish we could all die because I hate life. Also he gets bummed out and probably has some level of depression.

All in all, Angel cried once about having to shoot Cindy on the spot. Never again. Samantha died in chapter 9. It is now chapter 23, and Datu is still depressed and cries a lot. Screw you Datu. Go jump of a cliff.

smalls kenobi
Jun 17th, 2011, 10:15 AM
Screw you Datu. Go jump of a cliff.

You're mean, haha.

shric debar
Jun 17th, 2011, 10:16 AM
No one is giving Datu shit for crying about samantha during chapter 9 and 10, right after the incident. But ever since then he has been a pain in the ass. Mr negative, I wish we could all die because I hate life. Also he gets bummed out and probably has some level of depression.

All in all, Angel cried once about having to shoot Cindy on the spot. Never again. Samantha died in chapter 9. It is now chapter 23, and Datu is still depressed and cries a lot. Screw you Datu. Go jump of a cliff.
woha mean much? oh wait you're defending angel, there's a surprise.

ok angel never had to witness his girlfriend being ripped to shreds by 100's of zombies did he? datu did. also angel is trained to deal with situations such as having to see someone close to him die and sending people to their deaths. he's an officer, they are trained to cope with those emotions. datu on the other hand is not.

Jun 17th, 2011, 10:34 AM
lol the datu fans are uniting. The problem with datu is he had a traumatic experience, but it was so long ago, that the audience is over it. They don't care about what he saw. Yeah that was an excuse to defend datu up to a certain point. Now he's just whining about a boo boo as far as the majority is concerned. Now is that the most analytic, most responsible way to go? No. But it's a lot more fun for me cause I hate Datu.

Jun 17th, 2011, 11:35 AM
Samantha died in chapter 9. It is now chapter 23, and Datu is still depressed and cries a lot

Maybe I don't mind it because I only discovered the podcast in May, perhaps if I'd been listening to him crying since February 2010 I'd be a bit tired of him as well. I still think people are too harsh about him though, god knows what I'd be like if I'd watched someone I loved being torn apart for entertainment, you can't get much more traumatic than that.

I don't see this as an Angel vs Datu thread or anything, I was just pointing out that other characters have cried and people haven't been giving them stick about it! Riley seems to be coping with the whole situation by turning to alcohol, and people aren't bashing her for being depressing.

I think shric debar explained what I was getting at better than I did!

shric debar
Jun 17th, 2011, 11:38 AM
Yes i get the fact that he's been whining and crying a lot. but some people find it difficult to get over these things. not everybody can ignore their emotions. ok sure it is a bit annoying but i know people who have lost family members 2 years ago and still cry about it today.

Jun 17th, 2011, 11:50 AM

I feel for Datu. Not everyone can be the hard ass, get-the-mission done and worry later kind of hero. But I think his compassion both helps and hinders him. In a situation where someone he cares about is involved, he'll beat some zombie ass with little more than a chair leg. But should the person he care about become lost, well then he dissolves into a pessimistic heap of sadness.

But yeah, I'm of the opinion that Datu gets picked on too much. Not just for his wave of emotions but also because of his accent.

Jun 17th, 2011, 12:11 PM
Yes i get the fact that he's been whining and crying a lot. but some people find it difficult to get over these things. not everybody can ignore their emotions. ok sure it is a bit annoying but i know people who have lost family members 2 years ago and still cry about it today.

and thats ok, in the real world, but on a tv show. People don't care that much. Well not most anyway

Jun 17th, 2011, 12:51 PM
lol the datu fans are uniting.

http://files.sharenator.com/Challenge_Accepted_RE_Hungry_Try_Bacon_and_Cheese_ Stuffed_Pizza_Burger-s325x265-118475.png

shric debar
Jun 17th, 2011, 12:52 PM
http://files.sharenator.com/Challenge_Accepted_RE_Hungry_Try_Bacon_and_Cheese_ Stuffed_Pizza_Burger-s325x265-118475.png

haha.... why has the gladiators theme just started playing in my head after seeing this picture?

Jun 17th, 2011, 01:08 PM
haha.... why has the gladiators theme just started playing in my head after seeing this picture?

Because I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next

Defenders of Datu (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/group.php?groupid=31) unite!

shric debar
Jun 17th, 2011, 01:10 PM
Because I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next

Defenders of Datu (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/group.php?groupid=31) unite!

no that's gladiator

this is gladiators


Jun 17th, 2011, 02:18 PM
no that's gladiator

this is gladiators

I thought that you'd meant something like this:


And I was wondering how I'd come across so aggressive!

Btw, 90s Gladiators rocked

EDIT: I don't know how to embed videos, oh dear

shric debar
Jun 17th, 2011, 03:08 PM
Oh yeah the original gladiators rocked. The new one is rubbish. You press the insert video button just above where you enter your message.

Jun 17th, 2011, 08:05 PM
But yeah, I'm of the opinion that Datu gets picked on too much. Not just for his wave of emotions but also because of his accent.

That is an interesting point =). Do you think listeners have more chance to feel "close" emotionnally to a character who have the same cultural background that they can relate to? I am not suggesting anything towards racism or discrimination but more as an inconscient bond.
Its possible that it is harder for listeners to relate emotionnally and be compassionnate to him Tatu due to his background (working in a lower class status as a concierge, sending money to his family, a normal average dude without any training and mentally sensitive) compare to some other characters like Angel or Micheal?
That is a possible reason why as a "weak" character people are picking on him so much...
I found it very interesting to understand why people don't like a certain character and for which reasons and characteristics =D

Jun 17th, 2011, 08:07 PM
They're evil toward Scratch as well. I've no sympathy for Datu. He is weepy and flip flops far too often. Nobody ever said you had to love every character.

Jun 17th, 2011, 08:08 PM
pluse he is usualy crying

shric debar
Jun 18th, 2011, 02:25 AM
pluse he is usualy crying

typo: plus

and he's not usually crying. he only cries occasionally

Jun 18th, 2011, 06:26 AM
But yeah, I'm of the opinion that Datu gets picked on too much. Not just for his wave of emotions but also because of his accent.
SPOILERS (I guess...)

I really don't find the accent annoying. I know others have mentioned it as being such, but I find it just adds that extra variable in the voices we hear. If they were all stock-standard american we'd probably be sick of it by now. Having the Reily's and Datu's in the group keep it fresh and interesting.

As for his depression, it's a serious condition. And one which I think we will see Hope helping him out of as he assumes a parent-like role with her. I think both will help the other through whatever the end of season 2 has in store for us!

smalls kenobi
Jun 18th, 2011, 09:31 PM
no that's gladiator

this is gladiators


American Gladiators theme is better :)


Jun 20th, 2011, 02:17 PM

Here's the thing people need to remember about Datu, he not only watched Samantha die, but long before the zombies he had to leave his family, including children, to try to find a way to make a living and support them. Now he doesn't know if the zombie outbreak has reached his kids or if they're still safe. Remember we don't know if this is a pandemic or just local to the US. Plus, I don't feel like his grief about Samantha or anything else has hindered him. Unlike Riley, who's become an alcoholic, he still manages to get his work done, he's even out at the Airport working on the chopper and has been willing to help out whenever he can. While he's not my favorite character, I think he's a great boon to the tower.

Jun 20th, 2011, 03:04 PM

Here's the thing people need to remember about Datu, he not only watched Samantha die, but long before the zombies he had to leave his family, including children, to try to find a way to make a living and support them. Now he doesn't know if the zombie outbreak has reached his kids or if they're still safe. Remember we don't know if this is a pandemic or just local to the US. Plus, I don't feel like his grief about Samantha or anything else has hindered him. Unlike Riley, who's become an alcoholic, he still manages to get his work done, he's even out at the Airport working on the chopper and has been willing to help out whenever he can. While he's not my favorite character, I think he's a great boon to the tower.

the whole watching people die thing is only an excuse for so long, his attitude annoys people. that and his fake accent. And riley gets stuff done, she just may or may not be buzzed when she does it.

Jun 20th, 2011, 03:16 PM
the whole watching people die thing is only an excuse for so long, his attitude annoys people. that and his fake accent. And riley gets stuff done, she just may or may not be buzzed when she does it.

What has Riley gotten done since Lizzie left? I seem to remember Datu working on the roof for Kalani and Riley saying she was busy. I'm sorry, but it really hasn't been that long since he watched Samantha get eaten, but everyone expects him to get over it right away. Watching someone die can have a profound effect on ones psyche, that coupled with the other losses he's sustained in life I think he's allowed to be a little depressed or even pessimistic. I don't know why people seem to think everyone in the Tower needs to have a peachy keen outlook on life.

Jun 20th, 2011, 10:16 PM

Here's the thing people need to remember about Datu, he not only watched Samantha die, but long before the zombies he had to leave his family, including children, to try to find a way to make a living and support them. Now he doesn't know if the zombie outbreak has reached his kids or if they're still safe. Remember we don't know if this is a pandemic or just local to the US. Plus, I don't feel like his grief about Samantha or anything else has hindered him. Unlike Riley, who's become an alcoholic, he still manages to get his work done, he's even out at the Airport working on the chopper and has been willing to help out whenever he can. While he's not my favorite character, I think he's a great boon to the tower.

My thoughts on the issue exactly. It must be terrible to first be cut off from your family and loved ones, and then to see the one person left who you care about deeply ripped to shreds and eaten. And while Datu is going a bit overboard with his grief, he is still doing his jobs, and doing them well. I am of the opinion that if someone is given a job, and they do that job well, then it doesn't matter if the person bitches and moans (or in datu's case, cries till their eyes fall out) while they do it.

Jun 20th, 2011, 10:24 PM
Jesus. The first broad that bats her eyelashes at him and he's fucking heartbroken until the end of days. He wasn't with her long enough to develop feelings beyond 'hey, she's pretty... maybe we can hook up and have a relationship if we make it out alive... but we won't make it out alive... or at least one of us won't... it's in the script.' Enough is enough. The focus of the story seems to have shifted, Datu isn't weeping into his pillow every 8 seconds. Let's all move on.

As far as people's demeanour and how it effects those working around them? He's got to suck it up for the morale of all the survivors. You ever worked with someone who was bitchy or weepy constantly? I have and believe me that shit will wear on your nerves faster than a constant stream of walking dead ever would.

Jun 20th, 2011, 10:37 PM
Jesus. The first broad that bats her eyelashes at him and he's fucking heartbroken until the end of days. He wasn't with her long enough to develop feelings beyond 'hey, she's pretty... maybe we can hook up and have a relationship if we make it out alive... but we won't make it out alive... or at least one of us won't... it's in the script.' Enough is enough. The focus of the story seems to have shifted, Datu isn't weeping into his pillow every 8 seconds. Let's all move on.

As far as people's demeanour and how it effects those working around them? He's got to suck it up for the morale of all the survivors. You ever worked with someone who was bitchy or weepy constantly? I have and believe me that shit will wear on your nerves faster than a constant stream of walking dead ever would.

I fuckin love you right now

Jun 20th, 2011, 11:02 PM
Jesus. The first broad that bats her eyelashes at him and he's fucking heartbroken until the end of days. He wasn't with her long enough to develop feelings beyond 'hey, she's pretty... maybe we can hook up and have a relationship if we make it out alive... but we won't make it out alive... or at least one of us won't... it's in the script.' Enough is enough. The focus of the story seems to have shifted, Datu isn't weeping into his pillow every 8 seconds. Let's all move on.


In stressful situations people do weird things like fall in infatuation (love) out of these stressful situations reality sets in and the golden light of infatuation goes away and you see the object of your infatuation (love) in a real light. Its common in war time for something similar to happen among solders far from home who are lonely, frighted, young, etc

Sometimes a story is just a story and the writer does things in the story to advance and or kill a character to enhance the story. I want to see where Kc is going to take Datu.

Jun 21st, 2011, 08:43 AM
the whole watching people die thing is only an excuse for so long.

Remember that just because it's been YEARS* for us waiting for the next podcast, it hasn't been that long for Datu.
Also, he's not as annoying as Steven, so I forgive him more. :p

*slight over-exaggeration. It's only been approximately forever.

Jun 21st, 2011, 12:51 PM
I fuckin love you right now

Awwww.... Lovefest '11

Jun 22nd, 2011, 04:01 PM
Remember that just because it's been YEARS* for us waiting for the next podcast, it hasn't been that long for Datu.
Also, he's not as annoying as Steven, so I forgive him more. :p

*slight over-exaggeration. It's only been approximately forever.

Couldn't agree more about Steven, but I guess it's a preference thing.

Jun 22nd, 2011, 04:41 PM
typo: plus

and he's not usually crying. he only cries occasionally
Three, four days a week max.

Dr. Hatchet
Jun 30th, 2011, 05:18 PM
I really like Datu, he out of the other guys was really just a normal guy before all of this happened, he is just not a solider or marine so he hasnt dealt with things like this before.

Jun 30th, 2011, 05:30 PM
He's a good guy. He met somebody and fell in love and they died. He deserves to cry as much as he wants.

Don Man
Jul 1st, 2011, 04:18 AM
I really like datu but we havent heard a lot from him in the recent chapters

Jul 22nd, 2011, 10:38 AM
woha mean much? oh wait you're defending angel, there's a surprise.

ok angel never had to witness his girlfriend being ripped to shreds by 100's of zombies did he? datu did. also angel is trained to deal with situations such as having to see someone close to him die and sending people to their deaths. he's an officer, they are trained to cope with those emotions. datu on the other hand is not.

being an officer doesn't mean you don't feel, and no amount of training can prepare you to give the order to put a bullet in a loved one. i've been been listening like two days and i can see where people are getting fed up with datu. to me angel typifies a new LT, no experience, no leadership skills, nothing but book smarts. in that way michael and angel fell perfectly into the nco/officer roles: the officer lays out the mission and the nco executes it, but head knowledge doesn't change the fact that when it started, angel was just some kid, fresh out of college who was greener than the grouch, so saying that he should be better able to handle it because he is an officer isn't fair. what it comes down to is the difference between someone who joins the army and someone who doesn't, it's a baseline personality difference. yes i think datu is wallowing in that whole "pity me" attitude, but he just isn't the kind of person who can easily deal with that sort of trauma.

Jul 27th, 2011, 03:29 AM
From the beginning you could see that Datu would never be a soldier, he's scared and has very weak willpower. How could anyone really expect him to completely control his emotions and behavior.
He has suffered something that I don't even think I would be able to get over: seeing and or hearing someone he loved (even if it was sudden) get ripped apart, played with, and eaten.
The only thing that I would say I dislike about Datu is that he let it change him into a pessimist, but when he found out about Hope you could hear life breathing back into him.
You can't compare character that are almost polar opposites, Datu is an emotional character and it's not a bad thing, you can always turn around and call other characters heartless for not even shedding a tear for someone.

If you don't like Datu's personality you most likely don't like Peg's, but that may be hidden because of biases with gender or her lack of traumatic experiences.

Jul 28th, 2011, 04:32 PM
From the beginning you could see that Datu would never be a soldier, he's scared and has very weak willpower. How could anyone really expect him to completely control his emotions and behavior.

You are nuts. If anything Datu is more brave for going into these situations with only like a beretta or a wrench and not really knowing how to use either.

Jul 28th, 2011, 10:07 PM
There's no doubt that each character that has made it this far is brave, but Datu was found hiding in the apartment when they found him.
It's not like he was running around wrenching zombies before everyone showed up.
He seems to be more of a pushover and the more he does out of character proves that.

I like Datu's character, he sometimes feels like he's the most "real" out of all of them, but I wouldn't ever say he's even close to the bravest character.
Especially because he can't really endure pain. *SPOILER* Pretty much why most people don't like him.

Jul 28th, 2011, 10:47 PM
There's no doubt that each character that has made it this far is brave, but Datu was found hiding in the apartment when they found him.
It's not like he was running around wrenching zombies before everyone showed up.
He seems to be more of a pushover and the more he does out of character proves that.

I like Datu's character, he sometimes feels like he's the most "real" out of all of them, but I wouldn't ever say he's even close to the bravest character.
Especially because he can't really endure pain. *SPOILER* Pretty much why most people don't like him.

Datu was found trapped in the elevator because of the guy who killed himself in the bathtub. He wasn't in his apartment. And while he doesn't have the traditional bravery, he's brave in different ways. Like standing up to people who are stronger and more aggressive than he is like Burt and Michael.

How many other characters in the show have actually told Michael, and Burt to shut up and do it with extreme conviction and get both of them to back down?

Jul 29th, 2011, 02:59 AM
Datu was found trapped in the elevator because of the guy who killed himself in the bathtub. He wasn't in his apartment. And while he doesn't have the traditional bravery, he's brave in different ways. Like standing up to people who are stronger and more aggressive than he is like Burt and Michael.

How many other characters in the show have actually told Michael, and Burt to shut up and do it with extreme conviction and get both of them to back down?

Ah I thought he was hiding in the apartments*
That definitely clears a bit more up about datu that I was a bit confused about.
Even after listening to the story twice in such a short amount of time I still forget/mix stuff up.

He definitely has bravery in different ways, and I still think he is less of a baby than most make him out to be.
*SPOILER* He has been through so much, and when I thought he was going to give up in the hummer after the stadium, he actually survived through shock.

Jul 30th, 2011, 06:51 AM
I haven't been around for awhile and didn't realize that some people have a hard on for Datu..
But i like him..he's unique. Who hasn't known someone overly dramatic and a emotional ping pong like Datu?
I also wonder if it's a sex thing..as in guys are more bothered by him than females.
I was pretty tough on Pegs for all her whining... for a while...
I think it bothers me more to see an inept crying female...might be the same for some guys..

May 28th, 2012, 10:37 AM
I have not read the rest of these posts yet, I will get there. However I like Datu. He is a good character. I don't get why folks don't like him, yes maybe if I read the rest of this thread I would. However, he is not an action character, he represents for me the average person, the nice quiet neighbors who look out for people. However with this said, I think we may find that Datu has an action hero deep down and there will be that moment that will surprise us all.

May 31st, 2012, 10:55 PM
i have not read the rest of these posts yet, i will get there. However i like datu. He is a good character. I don't get why folks don't like him, yes maybe if i read the rest of this thread i would. However, he is not an action character, he represents for me the average person, the nice quiet neighbors who look out for people. However with this said, i think we may find that datu has an action hero deep down and there will be that moment that will surprise us all.


Jun 10th, 2012, 08:44 AM
Jesus. The first broad that bats her eyelashes at him and he's fucking heartbroken until the end of days. He wasn't with her long enough to develop feelings beyond 'hey, she's pretty... maybe we can hook up and have a relationship if we make it out alive... but we won't make it out alive... or at least one of us won't... it's in the script.' Enough is enough. The focus of the story seems to have shifted, Datu isn't weeping into his pillow every 8 seconds. Let's all move on.

As far as people's demeanour and how it effects those working around them? He's got to suck it up for the morale of all the survivors. You ever worked with someone who was bitchy or weepy constantly? I have and believe me that shit will wear on your nerves faster than a constant stream of walking dead ever would.

I think I love you for this. :yay:

Jun 10th, 2012, 08:49 AM
I have not read the rest of these posts yet, I will get there. However I like Datu. He is a good character. I don't get why folks don't like him, yes maybe if I read the rest of this thread I would. However, he is not an action character, he represents for me the average person, the nice quiet neighbors who look out for people. However with this said, I think we may find that Datu has an action hero deep down and there will be that moment that will surprise us all.

An "action hero down deep"? Umm...are you listening to the same podcast we are? LOL Now, I don't hate Datu. He has his purposes; he's good at fixing stuff. But he is is a whiney dude who needs a smack out of it occassionally. Action Hero? That just kills me. Guess we shall see...

Jun 10th, 2012, 07:37 PM
Datu was found trapped in the elevator because of the guy who killed himself in the bathtub. He wasn't in his apartment. And while he doesn't have the traditional bravery, he's brave in different ways. Like standing up to people who are stronger and more aggressive than he is like Burt and Michael.

How many other characters in the show have actually told Michael, and Burt to shut up and do it with extreme conviction and get both of them to back down?

Here we go. That makes Datu the biggest badass ever. He's one of the few Burt has APOLOGIZED to.

I like all of the characters, even in their most annoying moments. Mostly because I love the actors that play them. The way they've interacted with us as fans is tremendous and awesome. Mostly because the actors have listened to the show and are invested in it, so they themselves are fans. They never seem to be above their fans and that is the problem with most big shot actors these days. They are treated like Gods and not only that but they act like them.

Cabbage Patch
Jun 10th, 2012, 08:07 PM
In a number of ways Datu is better than an action hero. He and his tools have always been there to pull off the impossible repair (remember the generator full of bullet holes, the helicopter hydraulic line?) or to fix the inevitable battle damage to the Tower. He's not particularly aggressive about getting into the fighting, but we've never seen him run away from it, and he's always held his own. He's shown himself to be honorable, fair and reliable. He may be gullible, and more emotional than some people prefer, but that doesn't detract from his value to the team. It's a waste of time wishing Datu was more like Burt or Michael; if he were, our heroes would probably have died in the dark when the Tower collapsed, if they'd made it that far.

Jun 13th, 2012, 06:03 AM
Datu fixes stuff and creates things. Thats his part in the group. The only person on the team that possibly THINKS they are an action hero is Burt. And you HAVE to apologize to the guy that fixes your stuff, like generators and cars. I live with one of those fix everything guys, (but unlike Datu he isn't squeaky and is one hell of a shot!). I apologize alot. HELLO!!!! It's Datu's squeaky, whiney voice and swooning over that dead chick, Sam, that takes away from the "badass" or action hero label. As a well oiled machine the group is like one badass action hero. They lack alone. Thats normal. They are trying to survive an apocalypse, not fight terrorists on a 70 story building like Bruce Willis! LOL

Jun 13th, 2012, 06:03 AM
...It's a waste of time wishing Datu was more like Burt or Michael; if he were, our heroes would probably have died in the dark when the Tower collapsed, if they'd made it that far.

AGREED!!!!!!! Well said!!!!!

Jun 13th, 2012, 06:44 PM

What does qft mean?

Jun 13th, 2012, 07:41 PM
What does qft mean?

Means "quoted for truth." gh0va agreed with you :)

Jun 14th, 2012, 09:03 PM

Overall, I like Datu. He is useful and I do think that people judge him slightly too much. But .... the Samantha thing is kinda weird to me. Maybe it's because I was listening to that episode while working and may have been distracted but it seemed (especially after listening to the journal entry Samantha wrote) that they did a complete 180 in less than a minute and went from dislike to I'm in love. And I understand that emotions can be accelerated by stressful situations, but honestly it was like they couldn't live without each other after knowing each other only a couple of hours. Because that's how long they knew each other.

But really that's a complaint of the situation, not of Datu. Otherwise, I feel that he may be being just more realistic now. And by that I mean that he finally hit that wall where he just couldn't be optimistic about his situation anymore. Though it was frustrating that it happened after losing the love of his few hours.

Jun 15th, 2012, 02:41 AM
I love all the Datu controversy and the lines drawn. Its freakin awesome and disturbing 'cause he's not the most interesting character for the love of Hades! But it means KC is doing his job well. Some people like strong characters. Some people like intelectual characters. Some people like softer characters. I like Victor and Saul, macho-man characters. Others like whiners. Its ok. There's enough for all of us! ;-)