View Full Version : One More Reason Romeo and Juliet are gonna die

Jun 11th, 2011, 11:37 PM
The longer I listen to Britt insisting that Burt is going to die next, the more this thought has formed into a niggling in regards to my Romeo and Juliet theory.

I think it's hard to deny how similar Saul and Lizzy act like R+J. They are in severe puppy love/lust and make rash decisions (ie. Sitting with a wounded lover while the floor you're on is aflame, or speeding off into a large city without knowing where you really should go first...while trailing an IV behind you just to name a couple). So here's one really good justifiable reason Saul (at least) and Lizzy needs to die.

Lets say you eliminate Burt. You now lose a sharpshooter (who's hands are going already and also his confidence is shot). What thought remains? Warm memories of a kindly old man, and a pair of young lovers who are forever grateful for the sacrifice. But what else comes of his death? What story line gets pushed forward if he dies? Not to mention, if he dies....you lose an increasingly worthless old man. He's not entirely worthless, but if he can't shoot anymore.....Hate to say it, but I'm just sayin'.

Now lets say you eliminate Saul, or Lizzy or both? Now you are left with a lot more. You're left with a man who has to deal with the guilt of what he did to cause this. You are left with Burt in conflict with Tanya for the death of her son. You're left with a depressed gunslinger who can't even perform his one useful task: gunslinging. We have a replacement to Saul's medical knowledge, and Lizzy's doctorate/experimental nature in Tanya....if Lizzy and Saul die their roles are fulfilled in some manner, but you suddenly lose something very important: Saul's mountaineer training.

If you're talking about this situation strictly from the impact to the story perspective, Saul/Lizzy/Both dying and leaving Burt to try to pick up the shambled pieces to me is the more interesting story to tell.

How about you? If you had your druthers which of these character(s) do you kill off and why?

Cabbage Patch
Jun 12th, 2011, 12:24 AM
What if the Shakespearean analogy for the story of Saul and Lizzie isn't Romeo and Juliet, but rather Hamlet? The protagonist (Saul) pursues his mad goal, engaging in ever riskier behavior, oblivious to the damage he's doing to everyone he loves. He causes Saul's death (possibly kills him by accident), and begins a slow descent into madness and communing with skulls. This leads to his estrangement from Lizzie (Ophelia) and her eventual death. Much mayhem ensues.

Not saying this is how I want things to progress, but I wanted to put the alternative out there.

Jun 12th, 2011, 12:32 AM
He causes Saul's death (possibly kills him by accident).

Did you mean to say Burt? Or did you have another character in mind? Saul acting as Hamlet would sorta jump to the end of the story if he killed himself before he communed with skulls and what not. ;)

I feel like Hamlet is more of a stretch... and they fit into R+J well, but I like the idea of fitting them into other Shakespearean works. I'd try to fit them into the Scottish play, but that would be really hard.....that would make Riley, Pegs and Kelly the three witches......uh....Angel is Banquo?...Or maybe Bill since he's dead and all....I can easily see how Lizzy could be Lady M.

Jun 12th, 2011, 01:17 AM
I think if either Burt, Lizzie or Saul die than the Tower will have lost very valuable people and the show some great characters and actor performances. Those three are my favourites of the main bunch. Basically if they go, the Tower will be in trouble. Could the Tower survive? Yes, but it would be harder for everyone. It would be great for drama, I know I'd cry if any one of them died. Or I would start screaming randomly and cursing people while I listen to the new episodes at work. I don't really want any of those three to die, though I do realize it is a zombie show, people die.

So yeah, kill Saul, Lizzie or Burt and you will get a big reaction from me. It would involve much cursing and man tears. I still hold out hope for Burt regaining his skills, maybe not as awesome as before, but adequate. I'm an optimist.

I think if Riley died stuff would get stirred up. I want to see Angel go crazy in that situation. Actually, now that Riley is binging on alcohol and emotionally unstable, I'm thinking. During season one, she was the big emotional support most of the Tower leaned on. She kept Michael and the others sane, seeing as she was the best at talking Micheal down. Now she is not doing that and I wonder if Micheal's closeted issues (I read the guy as having many skeletons) will catch up with him again. On the other hand, there is so much going down at the moment I now doubt it will come into play. So yeah I want to see Michael a little more unhinged now that Riley is going to make him actually talk about his feelings. All three of his feelings that he is capable of.

Okay, so you know how season 1 ended with the Tower up shit creek without a paddle? Only way they could have been more screwed was if they were being shot at by the Warthog from Halo (infinite ammo). So what if Season 2 ends on a similar Cliffhanger? How to do that? Before the helicopters get to take off, you kill Kalani, the experienced pilot. I think that would leave a lot of dramatic tension. Also he is likeable now, so people wouldn't go dancing on his grave. I doubt that Kalani will actually get killed off though, not right now. One day maybe, he is eaten as everyone is running away and his fat keeps all of the Zeds chewing so that his friends can escape.

Jun 12th, 2011, 01:29 AM
oh by the way, if Burt does die, I think he would make an awesome ghost and/or recurring dream for one of the other characters. Likewise, Lizzie or Saul could have visions of the other one if one of them dies. I say this out of "I think it would be cool" and I selfishly just want to keep hearing their voices

Jun 12th, 2011, 07:19 AM
oh by the way, if Burt does die, I think he would make an awesome ghost and/or recurring dream for one of the other characters. Likewise, Lizzie or Saul could have visions of the other one if one of them dies. I say this out of "I think it would be cool" and I selfishly just want to keep hearing their voices

Interesting way to say you love to hear voices in your head... Paging Doctor Tanya Tink...

Ok as to my theory here... Ever since ID4 or Independence Day, where they killed off top characters even those we liked. Movies and TV has begun to do the same. To assume KC and the Sunshine Band (oh sorry 70's flashback), will not knock off some or leave only 1 (Last Man Standing) would be a disappointment to me that the listeners are not intelligent enough to figure something like this happening.

Would it be Saul and/or Lizzie? Hard to say... Lizzie has a higher chance of death, remember what Michale said about her and how revenge can kill you fast? Go back an listen to her arrival to the Tower. I don't think you will think I am wrong...

SAUL - I think with his mom there he will not go out in a BANG or anything after Lizzie goes. I think he may have a hell of a time after wards, but I think his duty and mom can keep him in line.. barely

Jun 12th, 2011, 07:49 AM
(ie. Sitting with a wounded lover while the floor you're on is aflame,

ahem Kelly sat with him. Not Lizzie. Lizzie just refused to leave him. Kelly stayed so Lizzie could continue to fight the fire and other things. I can't see refusing to abandon a lover to a burning floor. You try and save people you love. Anyone of us would put it all out on the line for anyone we loved. You for a family member. Me for my kids. I don't find that part at all Romeo and Juliet. I find it human.

Jun 12th, 2011, 08:00 AM
To many things to quote. So I'll just say it. Saul and Lizzie dying or just Saul to save Lizzie's life by far would be by far the most painful thing a writer could do to his listeners/readers and his characters. Saul and or Lizzie's death makes good story. The moment for sacrifice and character development is huge. No writer could pass it up. I have in my own writings done terrible things to my characters all in the name of character development and advancement of the story. But their deaths would be very obvious which is why I think its going to be Burt. Burt's last brave act. A good marine defends the young couple. Marines or at least the ones in my family and that I know personally don't retire. Retirement for a marine comes when they lay him/her in the ground.

Nik, why use Romeo and Juliet? Star crossed lovers who are together against the wishes of their families. I am confused by the reference.

Jun 12th, 2011, 08:05 AM
Oh god, really? I do agree that Burt is next to go though. Britt knows what she's talking about.

Jun 12th, 2011, 08:10 AM
Nik, why use Romeo and Juliet? Star crossed lovers who are together against the wishes of their families. I am confused by the reference.

Because I sat in a room analyzing Romeo and Juliet for 7 months of my life while working on it and the discussions we had about Romeo and Juliet's relationship parallel that of Saul and Lizzy in my opinion. You are looking at the story on whole, I am looking at the relationship and their actions specifically. The point is that R+J make rash decisions throughout the entire production which ultimately result in the pair of them dying.

Jun 12th, 2011, 08:12 AM
Because I sat in a room analyzing Romeo and Juliet for 7 months of my life while working on it and the discussions we had about Romeo and Juliet's relationship parallel that of Saul and Lizzy in my opinion. You are looking at the story on whole, I am looking at the relationship and their actions specifically. The point is that R+J make rash decisions throughout the entire production which ultimately result in the pair of them dying.

So your only looking at it from the point of the relationship? Then it makes more sense as to its use. I can see it better now. Thank you.

I still stick with Burt as the next death. Kc never once that I can remember and please remind me if I am wrong done anything obvious.

Jun 12th, 2011, 08:14 AM
so your only looking at it from the point of the relationship. Then it makes more sense as to its use. I can see it better now. Thank you.

I highly doubt that at this point of a zombie outbreak, Tanya and Lizzy's father would object to their relationship. ;)

Jun 12th, 2011, 08:15 AM
I highly doubt that at this point of a zombie outbreak, Tanya and Lizzy's father would object to their relationship. ;)

Yes but I am not theater trained. I look at the whole story ....

Jun 12th, 2011, 10:45 AM
Steven is gonna die trying to save Saul. He's had a boy crush on Saul. Thats why he turned Lizzy out. Steven will be instantly defeated and Saul will be like _______?

Jun 12th, 2011, 03:59 PM
I'm going to agree with Nik on the r+j to s+l story comparison..and throw this out there...when I think of the "current" burt we have..im reminded of Roland from the dark tower series....burts not dying anytime soon, just making the same painful mistakes over and over....

Jun 12th, 2011, 04:08 PM
I don't think that Lizzie and Saul are going to die. After all the crap they've survived, I just wouldn't like it if they ended up dying. Saul pulls out of this severe wound and is finally going to get better, and Lizzie avoids rape and finally finds a sort of peace with a maller. And if they die, I just think it would be a sucky way to end that. And also they're the romantic side of this story. Yes, Pegs and Michael are together, but it's not nearly as interesting as I would like it to be. I'm a huge sap for romance stories, and I think that Lizzie and Saul could progress the story a lot more. Like Lizzies zombie baby perhaps?

But I would be all right if Burt died. It would truly restore his honour if he died to save Saul and Lizzie or something of that sort.