View Full Version : Lewis is in jail. So what?

Jun 5th, 2011, 05:05 PM
Assumption Lewis is not the shooter

OK. So they put Lewis in jail for the shooting. What is the end game?

1). The real shooter calls their bluff. Do Angel and Michael eventually say April fools it was not Lewis. I cannot imagine that take the game to the end and issue punishment on Lewis.

2). The shooter cracks and pulls a Jack Ruby. Then try to go back to a "normal" life with two cold blooded murders on their spirit, and do not forget Angel and Michael have a dead Lewis and a shooter to deal with.

3). As above but the shooter is caught and Lewis is dead.

4). As above but shooter stopped and caught

I do not think either end game is good for Lewis.

Jun 6th, 2011, 05:12 AM
The point of taking Lewis was just to provide a scapegoat for the shooting, they didn't want complete anarchy out of fear and unguided suspiscion.

Rock Daddy
Jun 6th, 2011, 10:41 AM
Yeah this can't go well... I wouldn't get too attached to Lewis. Poor nerd. I think he might be next to get a bullet. What if he gets shot by the same killer that's on the loose, because this person knows Lewis is not the Rat, but doesn't want him to be able to prove his innocence. Solution for the killer: Shoot him while he's still guilty. If Michael and Angel are crafty enough, they should covertly set a trap near Lewis' "cell" to reveal the killer's identity...

Jun 6th, 2011, 08:20 PM
Remember that Michael thinks the shooter is loyal to the Tower now and if this is true there is no reason for the shooter to shed more blood. If s/he avoided confronting Angel because he would be a difficult kill (and not out of loyalty), they still would have killed Hope to leave no witnesses (i know, she's blind but still). The obvious conclusion: the shooter doesn't WANT to kill unnecessarily.
I predict that pitting Lewis as the shooter is going to backfire. The Tower will be divided on his punishment (prison, exile or death), some like Burt will be skeptical and find holes in the fabrication and someone will try to be a vigilante. I'm split 50/50 on how Tanya will act when she learns about Lewis. No one has any emotional connection to Pippin but Tanya is like a mother to Hope and may feel guilt for being unable to protect if something had happened, especially after being unable to have protected Saul when he was shot. Maternal feelings are powerful and she may act irrationally and attack or even kill Lewis. After all, we don't really know what sort of drugs she has in stock; would Tanya be capable of a lethal injection?

Jun 7th, 2011, 05:57 PM
Why do I see before "Lift Off" that this rouse is exposed... All Hell Breaks Loose!

I see 2 camps, one with Pegs and one with Kalani... Why do I see Pegs finally changing sides against Michael?

Jun 7th, 2011, 06:04 PM
"The point of taking Lewis was just to provide a scapegoat for the shooting, they didn't want complete anarchy out of fear and unguided suspicion."

i agree!! they are doing what Lizzy did to help Burt. "Punish" one person so there can be peace!! the people just want someone to be held responsible!!