View Full Version : Tower Split; Angel vs Michael

Jun 3rd, 2011, 12:15 PM
If the tower split up and went their separate ways with Angel leading a team and Michael leading another.

WHO would you go with....and why?

Please don't overthink this. It's simple. No wait! You can analyze all day, just answer the question when your done. LOL

Jun 3rd, 2011, 12:22 PM
For Sure Michael... Angel, while he is an officer good guy and whatnot, doesn't have the experince to lead like Mike does.

Jun 3rd, 2011, 12:49 PM
From the nature of your question, I assume you are asking about serving under different leadership styles and background information with no information a priori about destination and not knowing anything about composition of each group.

Michael has more charisma and the protective instincs of a squad leader. But, as soon as the interpersonal skills drift from chain of command he comes up lacking. He is too hot headed and insecure about his position. Michael has very good situational awareness and can react in a crisis. He can evaluate and lead. Without all the information very rarely will the perfect choice be made. But, any action is better than the inaction caused by a trembling spirit. This is not something that is easily taught and to valuable to be ignored. So, two tumbs up for tacticts. But, planning out a strategy and implementing defensive measures is lacking.

Angel has come along way. He is better with people. He often uses this skill to steer Michael back in line when his temper takes him off the rails. This suble leadership with a light hand is good and I am sure it will get better as Angel becomes more comfortable in his role. Michael also has the ability to not necesarily admit, but defer to others with more experience. Do I want him in my foxhole? Probably not. He Hesitates in combat / stress conditions. In one way, this can never be overcome. He will always freeze until his rational side takes back over and tells him that he has to do something. Nothing to be ashamed of. Albeit almost an axium that People Rise to the Occasion, it is actually more like people will fall down to the level of their training.

My assumption is we have been there several months. I assume I would be treated by Michael as he treats Burt. Unless I have burned through that and gotten significantly past it I would not be able to go with Michael. If you got two big dogs and only one alpha position you can be rest assured that they are going to fight, hard, someday.

Don Man
Jun 4th, 2011, 06:52 AM
with Michael he has shown how to be a good leader and Angel is known to hide at the sign of trouble

shric debar
Jun 4th, 2011, 06:57 AM
michael because he's more likeley to keep me alive. yes angel has become less of a dbag throughout the show but he's still more likeley to get me killed, he's too hesitant

Jun 4th, 2011, 10:13 AM
Angel has a tendency to panic. When things start to go wrong he just starts screaming at people. Michael can panic too but he's more controlled than Angel.
I gotta go with Michael.

Jun 5th, 2011, 11:03 PM
I love Angel but I would have to choose Michael. I would choose him because his actions,behaviors,loyalty and experence have earned my trust.

Jun 6th, 2011, 04:31 AM
Michael is an excellent leader. It’s like Saul said somewhere in first season, he puts others first before himself. I think it’s hard on him, but somehow he pulls it off. He almost broke when Tommy died, but still saved eventually everyone. I think it also comes from his prior experience in the field, he mentions the incident when he was the guilty one. Psychologically it’s good that he feels guilt, it means that he recognises his mistakes and ready to correct them. He doesn’t hide from them and not trying to escape the self torture.

However despite his natural abilities I believe it’s not only he but a good team behind him. Angel including. The first quarter of first season shaped the team around him. And to be honest it’s no longer a team – its family. Otherwise they wouldn’t save Datu or went after Liz. However I cannot imagine he would succeed without the support, pair him with Steven or Victor or anyone else, I think it will collapse. Steven going to bitch and Viktor rebel or even worse plot against Michael.

As for Angel, at the start he seemed incapable to lead. However Michael mentioned, I think, that he never been out there in combat. So Angel was not yet tested. We know he is higher in rank than Michael, so let’s assume that the ones who put him there during normal life knew what they were doing. I don’t think in military they would’ve misjudged the character of a person. After all military is another survival challenge. I think Angel was tested more than once during all seasons, and at the moment he is my favourite character. He slowly grows on me. He is a bit rude a times and cocky, but he doesn’t give up. I think eventually he will be brought to a point as a character where he will lead. It will be another test. But I don’t think he will be able to lead if Michael going to be around. Because he still feels as if Michael judges his decisions, he needs his own group.

Jun 8th, 2011, 07:23 PM
We know he is higher in rank than Michael, so let’s assume that the ones who put him there during normal life knew what they were doing. I don’t think in military they would’ve misjudged the character of a person. After all military is another survival challenge. I

He was an Lt, meaning he was just out of officer school, if the Aussie military is anything 2 go by, there is a test so to speak to get into becoming an officer, but it doesn't mean he is suitable to lead the tower.
But yea he has been tested in the series and has come out being dependable. Something that would be hard for the best of us.

Jun 8th, 2011, 07:50 PM
If forced to choose between them I'd go with Michael. But, I really like how they balance each other out.

Jun 9th, 2011, 05:41 AM
From the nature of your question, I assume you are asking about serving under different leadership styles and background information with no information a priori about destination and not knowing anything about composition of each group.

Michael has more charisma and the protective instincs of a squad leader. But, as soon as the interpersonal skills drift from chain of command he comes up lacking. He is too hot headed and insecure about his position. Michael has very good situational awareness and can react in a crisis. He can evaluate and lead. Without all the information very rarely will the perfect choice be made. But, any action is better than the inaction caused by a trembling spirit. This is not something that is easily taught and to valuable to be ignored. So, two tumbs up for tacticts. But, planning out a strategy and implementing defensive measures is lacking.

Angel has come along way. He is better with people. He often uses this skill to steer Michael back in line when his temper takes him off the rails. This suble leadership with a light hand is good and I am sure it will get better as Angel becomes more comfortable in his role. Michael also has the ability to not necesarily admit, but defer to others with more experience. Do I want him in my foxhole? Probably not. He Hesitates in combat / stress conditions. In one way, this can never be overcome. He will always freeze until his rational side takes back over and tells him that he has to do something. Nothing to be ashamed of. Albeit almost an axium that People Rise to the Occasion, it is actually more like people will fall down to the level of their training.

My assumption is we have been there several months. I assume I would be treated by Michael as he treats Burt. Unless I have burned through that and gotten significantly past it I would not be able to go with Michael. If you got two big dogs and only one alpha position you can be rest assured that they are going to fight, hard, someday.

So, what's your answer?

Jun 9th, 2011, 05:43 AM
Michael is an excellent leader. It’s like Saul said somewhere in first season, he puts others first before himself. I think it’s hard on him, but somehow he pulls it off. He almost broke when Tommy died, but still saved eventually everyone. I think it also comes from his prior experience in the field, he mentions the incident when he was the guilty one. Psychologically it’s good that he feels guilt, it means that he recognises his mistakes and ready to correct them. He doesn’t hide from them and not trying to escape the self torture.

However despite his natural abilities I believe it’s not only he but a good team behind him. Angel including. The first quarter of first season shaped the team around him. And to be honest it’s no longer a team – its family. Otherwise they wouldn’t save Datu or went after Liz. However I cannot imagine he would succeed without the support, pair him with Steven or Victor or anyone else, I think it will collapse. Steven going to bitch and Viktor rebel or even worse plot against Michael.

As for Angel, at the start he seemed incapable to lead. However Michael mentioned, I think, that he never been out there in combat. So Angel was not yet tested. We know he is higher in rank than Michael, so let’s assume that the ones who put him there during normal life knew what they were doing. I don’t think in military they would’ve misjudged the character of a person. After all military is another survival challenge. I think Angel was tested more than once during all seasons, and at the moment he is my favourite character. He slowly grows on me. He is a bit rude a times and cocky, but he doesn’t give up. I think eventually he will be brought to a point as a character where he will lead. It will be another test. But I don’t think he will be able to lead if Michael going to be around. Because he still feels as if Michael judges his decisions, he needs his own group.

Who's team are you on though?

Rock Daddy
Jun 9th, 2011, 06:27 AM
LOL Crowbar, my man. You are opening up a can of worms. hahaha This is a great hypothetical situation! I honestly have to think about this one. Although I am an Angel fan, I'm not anti-Michael. Both Survivor and Arthur have illustrated the pros and cons to the characters above. But honestly, I think the reason for the split up and who else is on the teams would factor most on my decision. But if I HAD to choose, based on just leadership, I'd probably go Mikey, based on everything he's accomplished so far in his current leadership. But, the fact is: If Michael & Angel split up, both teams will be weaker because they have become each other's ying & yang. Michael is a great leader, but where his leadership skills lack, Angel fills in the gaps (and vice versa) Don't forget these are people being led, not soldiers, and Michael is realizing that now. So, I'm proud of him for that. And I'm proud of Angel for not being such a douche-nozzle anymore. I think most people could definitely agree though, if Michael died, they'd default to Angel quickly. At least there's decent leaders available - not like that dingleberry Marcus.

Jun 9th, 2011, 07:24 AM
Ok, Ok, If I was a typical Red Shirt I would go with Michael. I think chances might be a little better with him and the people I believe would side with him.

But, in my own arrogance of being me. I have to go with Angel. I think my skills best compliment Angel's.

Jun 9th, 2011, 07:37 AM
Ok, Ok, If I was a typical Red Shirt I would go with Michael. I think chances might be a little better with him and the people I believe would side with him.

But, in my own arrogance of being me. I have to go with Angel. I think my skills best compliment Angel's.

LOL.. UGH! way to not really answer the question by answering the question. I'm putting you down as going with Angel since I asked who would YOU go with.

Jun 9th, 2011, 07:49 AM
Ok, Ok, If I was a typical Red Shirt I would go with Michael. I think chances might be a little better with him and the people I believe would side with him.

But, in my own arrogance of being me. I have to go with Angel. I think my skills best compliment Angel's.

If you join Ange;'s team, EVERYONE is a red shirt... Sorry but his choices are guesses and sure he now stands and fights... BUT only with a select few. Michael will stand with anyone

Sorry but Michael is my Caesar!

I feel Angel will lead you into this mess...


Jun 9th, 2011, 07:50 AM
LOL Crowbar, my man. You are opening up a can of worms. hahaha .

ROFL. Why yes, yes I am Sir ROCK!
Ok man. Who's on the team? really? By the time you sit around waiting, you take the cance of ending up on the weakest team anyway. It isn't picking teams for dodge ball. hahah.
It's about our survival. So which dude is gonna be the best choice to save your ass?

Jun 9th, 2011, 07:52 AM

Dude, that some scary looking ish right there.

Jun 9th, 2011, 07:53 AM
fresh from WALKING DEAD season 2!

Jun 9th, 2011, 07:57 AM
This is a difficult decision. I think as of right now Michael is the better leader. However, I do believe that Angel has a higher ceiling in his leadership abilities. Michael just has more experience, so if I had to pick right now it would be....JIM GLEASON!! but seriously it would be Michael. As Angel grows and matures I think he is going to be an excellent leader.

Jun 9th, 2011, 08:13 AM
This is a difficult decision. I think as of right now Michael is the better leader. However, I do believe that Angel has a higher ceiling in his leadership abilities. Michael just has more experience, so if I had to pick right now it would be....JIM GLEASON!! but seriously it would be Michael. As Angel grows and matures I think he is going to be an excellent leader.

Bruce you damn near went Rock Daddy on me, but you pulled it out your butt in the end. ROFL!

Jun 9th, 2011, 08:16 AM
Assuming that both groups will have an even spread of supplies and marksman, I'd go with Michael because of his field experience and his ability to think on the fly.

Although Michael and Angel have their share of making silly mistakes, I think Michael might be able to dig his way out of trouble with fewer casualties, although it should be noted that Angel probably wouldn't want to leave anyone behind, which is admirable but probably not the best decision with a large group of people to take care of (i.e. Saving Private Ryan).

As Boomstick said...

This is a difficult decision. I think as of right now Michael is the better leader. However, I do believe that Angel has a higher ceiling in his leadership abilities. Michael just has more experience, so if I had to pick right now it would be....JIM GLEASON!! but seriously it would be Michael. As Angel grows and matures I think he is going to be an excellent leader.

But if I had to make a decision right now, I'd join Michael...after he tells us how he broke his arm and how he escaped the water facility.

I wonder what Ra1th will think of this thread?


Jun 9th, 2011, 08:18 AM
how the hell did you add a GIF??

Jun 9th, 2011, 08:20 AM
how the hell did you add a GIF??

Insert image my friend =P

Jun 9th, 2011, 08:23 AM
ah.. you need an URL, so you can pull one from the HD?

Jun 9th, 2011, 08:30 AM
ah.. you need an URL, so you can pull one from the HD?

Hmm, I would imagine that you would need to upload it to a website (photobucket, etc.) but I'd like an admin to confirm it. ADMINS HEED MY CALL!!!

Jun 9th, 2011, 09:49 AM
If you join Ange;'s team, EVERYONE is a red shirt... Michael will stand with anyone

Sorry but Michael is my Caesar!

I feel Angel will lead you into this mess...

Not any more! I have been doing this a lot longer than Michael or Angel. Besides, I know we are in a horror story and I ain't putting on any red shirts. LOL. Glad my borrowed term is being used.

Jun 9th, 2011, 10:33 AM
Not any more! I have been doing this a lot longer than Michael or Angel. Besides, I know we are in a horror story and I ain't putting on any red shirts. LOL. Glad my borrowed term is being used.

We've been using the Star Trek Red Shirt thing for a good while. Way back when the Rat thread came online. There's a very, very, very, very, very, very small percentage of me us who thinks the rat is "None of the above aka a Red Shirt"

Rock Daddy
Jun 9th, 2011, 11:46 AM
ROFL. Why yes, yes I am Sir ROCK!
Ok man. Who's on the team? really? By the time you sit around waiting, you take the cance of ending up on the weakest team anyway. It isn't picking teams for dodge ball. hahah.
It's about our survival. So which dude is gonna be the best choice to save your ass?

Hey Crowbar, gimme some credit! I DID say Michael. :) And yes, I was always like the third to last kid to get picked for dodge ball. (Those bastards!) I was in the nerd/dork zone, but not quite full-dweeb material. LOL

Jun 10th, 2011, 12:29 PM
Hey Crowbar, gimme some credit! I DID say Michael. :) And yes, I was always like the third to last kid to get picked for dodge ball. (Those bastards!) I was in the nerd/dork zone, but not quite full-dweeb material. LOL

LOL.. Yes Sir, you did pick Mikie! I'm sorry you were the kid who the always called on in Red Rover..... ROFL!

Bravo Team Leader
Jun 11th, 2011, 04:24 PM
I don't know I am not a fan of either. It depends on who is on the team or what the odds would be. But they have both made mistakes my money would be on Michael. The lesser of two evils.

Jun 19th, 2011, 10:44 PM
I would go with Michael. Angel's character is a little on the shady side (example: past with Scratch) and I have found his attitude (whether he was right or wrong on his decisions) very annoying.

Jun 20th, 2011, 01:12 PM
I'd go with Michael, but then I'd suck up to him to try and replace Angel :P