View Full Version : What about Kelly?

Bravo Team Leader
Jun 3rd, 2011, 12:03 PM
What about Kelly? I didn't like her at first, But in chapters 18-19-20 I think she has emerged as a solid character. What do you think?

Jun 4th, 2011, 08:14 PM
I still don't like her. She was a bitch in the beginning, and I'm still not too fond of her. I do agree that she has emerged as a solid character, but I can't get myself to like that. I feel the same way about Kalani. I guess I just don't like the fact that they both act like they know better than Michael and try to claim some authority they seem to fancy so badly. When Michael did that feign expelling from the tower thing with her, I wish she never decided to come back.

smalls kenobi
Jun 4th, 2011, 09:00 PM
i like her, but like i posted before i think she was the rat.

Jun 4th, 2011, 09:30 PM
She's one of my favorite characters. Even in the beginning she was just doing what she though necessary to survive, even if it did make her a bitch.

Jun 12th, 2011, 02:01 PM
Kelly is one character I am not very attached to at all but her journey in this story is one that I find to be very relatable for the civilian listener; being a lawyer gave her a status in civilization that defined her. When she was stripped of that post-outbreak, the Tower was a safe place for her to come to grips with the fact that she was no longer superior to any other survivors in this community. Since she realized that and became more of a team player in the Tower, she has had to reinvent who she is by what she does. She is no longer looking out for Tommy or any family, she has learned to handle a gun and pulled night shift laundry duty. Do you think pre-outbreak Kelly ever had to do those things?

As for Kelly being the rat:
Her extreme resistance to let go of her status is what I believe drove her to become the rat and betray the Tower to the Mallers. After Michael "evicted" her, she knew that she would have to play nice but wanted more than ever to do away with him. Durai likely only had to offer her a position of authority in his command to win her over and she justified all this to herself by believing it was making things safer for Tommy. Once he got killed, she felt at fault for bringing the war to their doorstep and no longer could justify helping the Mallers so she abandoned them.

That's my theory on how it went down

Jun 12th, 2011, 02:40 PM
Kelley is a lawyer, but we do nit know what type. Even if she was a trial lawyer, Eastern Bay was Federal so inmates are from all over. It is not the local jail were here local clients would be sent. It is possible she knows someone there, but it is more likely she would not.

As I have said, she is a talker and I could envision her talking on the cb when alone on guard duty. She would have access to the silenced MP5 or the silenced pistol that went to the colony and back. We can assume that pistol went out with Burt. But, there is not a lot of time to get it from the colony crew to Burt. Burt could have more than one silenced pistol. We just do not know.

But we believe Burt's silenced pistol is missing and there is no easy way for her to get it. But as we always seem to say we just do not know if the events are linked.

Don Man
Jun 13th, 2011, 12:45 PM
I hated her at the start but now i dont mind her there is obviously better characters

Jun 14th, 2011, 10:56 AM
I think that her character is one of the most interesting, as she is really changing as the story goes on and developing as a person. It would be too easy to characterise her as the bitch and leave her that way; she has changed since Tommy's death, and the idea of her being the rat and feeling responsible is a good one. The only thing that makes me hesistant to call her the rat is that she spent ages talking to Pippin, which doesn't fit with him recognising his killer in the doorway and exclaiming "You!" before he was shot... He'd already had a long conversation with her!

Jun 14th, 2011, 11:15 AM
I think that her character is one of the most interesting, as she is really changing as the story goes on and developing as a person. It would be too easy to characterise her as the bitch and leave her that way; she has changed since Tommy's death, and the idea of her being the rat and feeling responsible is a good one. The only thing that makes me hesistant to call her the rat is that she spent ages talking to Pippin, which doesn't fit with him recognising his killer in the doorway and exclaiming "You!" before he was shot... He'd already had a long conversation with her!

Maybe she spent ages talking to Pippin, because she was looking to find out if he could be trusted. If he was a spy for the mallers or had in malicious intent, then he was a threat to her. But if he was just an innocent survivor, then she had nothing to worry about.

Jun 14th, 2011, 11:37 AM
Maybe she spent ages talking to Pippin, because she was looking to find out if he could be trusted. If he was a spy for the mallers or had in malicious intent, then he was a threat to her. But if he was just an innocent survivor, then she had nothing to worry about.

I had been assuming that Pippin had seen the person in the doorway for the first time at the tower, and had recognised them as a Maller or someone sympathetic to the Mallers. This wouldn't fit with Kelly being the rat. However, maybe his exclamation was because Kelly was standing in the doorway with a gun pointed at him, and he realised who she was. It can be argued either way!

Jun 14th, 2011, 12:24 PM
maybe my blood sugar is too low. I know that Kelley got Laundry duty at the colony. But, I think she also had that job at the tower. Laundry twice? Is that telling us something? A lawyer who helps in (Money) Laundering?

Yup, double checked. Kelley is on Laundry Detail in the Tower and at the Colony...

Cabbage Patch
Jun 22nd, 2011, 03:01 PM
Yup, double checked. Kelley is on Laundry Detail in the Tower and at the Colony...

Doesn't necessarily mean anything. Kelley knows how to lawyer, and she knows how to do laundry. When she was processed in to the Colony she was probably asked about her skills, and she was assigned the the task considered most useful to the community. Same reason Pegs was assigned to farming.