View Full Version : is Pegs Mental?

May 26th, 2011, 04:36 PM
I don't read as much on here as I should... so forgive me if someone else has thought of this....
but after listening to the the last episode... has anyone suggested Pegs might be mentaly unstable...
giving her strong opposition to using a weapon in the early episodes (her knowing what she's capable of), and the fact she was working in a flower shop (reminds me of these inmates knitting as part as their rehab program)
I'm thinking this could tie her to being the shooter in the end of this last episode and possibly the rat?
another fact that lends to this is the fact she was skilled enough with a gun to shoot Latch during the war with the Mallers...
I do know alittle about guns and high stress situations... people, even trained officers loose fine motor skills and concentration under those conditions...
so I don't know If I should just count that as the "fiction" aspect of the story or if that was an intended clue...
what do you guys think??? am I crazy or does this make a little sense?

May 26th, 2011, 04:41 PM
I'll give you it makes a little sense. I won't delve too deep right now, but i'll give you another bit of potential evidence: she absolutely lit the runner up that caught M/P/K in the car near the beach house. Best of my knowledge, that's the second time she shot a weapon in the show. Discuss.

May 26th, 2011, 05:23 PM
There was a theory a while ago that she had a bad experience with a gun and it was why she wouldn't shoot one for the longest time. It took the threat of Michael's impending death to get her to draw that weapon and fire it.

May 26th, 2011, 05:27 PM
pegs being a psychopath explains a lot.

May 26th, 2011, 07:17 PM
I've started listening from the beginning, and when Pegs talks about not wanting to shoot a gun... It reminds me of the Rock in "the Run Down"
I just got a spooky vibe that she's nuts....
It would make for some good drama if Michael had to deal with her....

May 26th, 2011, 07:27 PM
pegs being a psychopath explains a lot.

She isn't a psychopath she is just well..... different

May 26th, 2011, 07:28 PM
Pegs couldn't have been the one to shoot at the prisoners...she was in the room with Michael and the rest when that happened. Which episode are you talking about though? The episode after the party or the latest episode?

May 26th, 2011, 07:45 PM
Pegs couldn't have been the one to shoot at the prisoners...she was in the room with Michael and the rest when that happened. Which episode are you talking about though? The episode after the party or the latest episode?

Latest episode. You're right. We know where Pegs was in the pre-war hysteria.

May 26th, 2011, 07:56 PM
This would make sense, nobody really pays attention to the evolution of the pegs character herself. Simply the relationship she and Michael are/have forming....

May 26th, 2011, 08:24 PM
pegs being a psychopath explains a lot.Just like Angel being the man that sees everything but Riley's preferences. Yeah I went there.

May 26th, 2011, 08:29 PM
I love Pegs, best character here I think. I don't think it makes here mentally unstable to want to use a gun. I know a person who has had a bad experience with a gun, and is terrified of them. But is completely fine. And the flower shop thing, that's just ridiculous, maybe she just loved flowers before z-day. I, in no way, think she is the shooter. It tore her apart to have to kill Latch, she can't be the shooter. I love Pegs and if KC does make her the shooter, which is not gonna happen, I would have to send him some rude messages. And I don't like to make grown men cry, so you better take this warning KC!

Rock Daddy
May 31st, 2011, 01:06 PM
LOL As much as I'd like to say Pegs is mental, I'd say she's just an emotional drama queen and has/had a needy, codependent personality type. I doubt she is the rat/shooter.

smalls kenobi
May 31st, 2011, 01:43 PM
Yeah, what Rock Daddy said.
as for her working at a flower shop... flower shops exist, and people work at them.. i cant see how that would be evidence into proving she's crazy. now scrapbooking shops are a different story :P


May 31st, 2011, 06:13 PM
We'll see! I read a really good theory about it being Kelly... But I got a gut feeling about Pegs... If I'm wrong I will humbly bow and admit I'm wrong... But like I said.... We'll see! :)

May 31st, 2011, 06:19 PM
We'll see! I read a really good theory about it being Kelly... But I got a gut feeling about Pegs... If I'm wrong I will humbly bow and admit I'm wrong... But like I said.... We'll see! :)

oh no no no no....If you're wrong you gotta sit here and eat your crow. There's no humble bowing and admitting you're wrong!!!!! :p ;)

Don't worry, sooner or later I'll be joining you for a big ol' vat of crow for the amount of stuff I get wrong around here.

May 31st, 2011, 06:41 PM
oh no no no no....If you're wrong you gotta sit here and eat your crow. There's no humble bowing and admitting you're wrong!!!!! :p ;)

Don't worry, sooner or later I'll be joining you for a big ol' vat of crow for the amount of stuff I get wrong around here.

By Golly... So that the way we roll in here!! :p

May 31st, 2011, 06:47 PM
Pegs is kind of whiny and a think a little bit of a hippie. Flower shop proves absolutely nothing, in chapter 7 she states that she loves flowers. I don't think this holds much stock. I interpreted the scene where she shot Latch was that he was pretty close to her, like right in front of her and Michael. Pretty hard to miss.

As to where she shot up the zombie when they exited the tower, I think it is Pegs becoming a bit colder, more steely, but doesn't mean a psychopath. Everyone is becoming more steely and shooting zombies. Riley from the get-go was all "give me a gun or I'll steal one" and perfectly okay with shooting zombies. The soldiers and Burt were also cool with it, but they're military, trained to shoot people.

I think a better question is Riley in 20-3. She asks if her fire will be needed alongside Angel's in Saul's proposed assault on the Mall. In Chapter 2, Riley was very much against the idea of shooting Bill when Michael told her to take him out if necessary. However I believe this is just because she is super pissed that the Mallers have Lizzie and would kill to get her back. I think I just gave the "Riley is a Lesbian" camp some fuel. I vote that Riley is asexual!

May 31st, 2011, 07:07 PM
I didn't say that the job in the flower shop is prof that she's crazy, I just said it makes me think of these rehabilitation programs... That's it...
As far as the shooting... I had a friend that was in competitive pistol shooting, he shot about 600 rounds a week... And he said you would be surprised how often people miss shots under 3 yards... I've know of police shootings in my area where 3 officers were shooting at a guy in a car... All 3 emptied their firearms, and one officer hit him 3 times....
But I know this is fiction, and the good guy always hits his target.... So I'm not hanging my hopes on it...

Jun 1st, 2011, 08:11 AM
Think of the average size window. Now sit down in the middle of it. Picture someone filling up most of the blown out window. Think you could hit them? I would guess yes because it is so close. Ok, say she missed. Did it freak Latch out enough that he just fell the what, three + floors. Combine the two and I think we have a dead Latch unless he is treated by a well equipt trama team.

She said she did not like guns and does not want one. An alcoholic would say the same thing to group shot or toast. Does not mean she does not know how to use the shot. Bad experience early on. With a loved one that got shot. A loved one was the one that took the shot. Accidently do the shooting ala Burt and Tommy. Lots of possibilities.

I do not think she is crazy, but I can make up reasons 8 ). Wait, the Base / flower shop is not very far from the Mental Institution maybe it was works study. Maybe it is the same place that Ink was headed. She was nearly reformed now she is a serial killer again and will make Edward Scissor psycho kitty look like. Um... Drifts of into a Saul Mark 2.0 moment, LOl

Jun 1st, 2011, 08:34 AM
was just thinking/looking through here and i dont remember....but how into detail did pegs get about her father and his flying experience? best i remember it was only briefly mentioned, hmmm i feel a crackpot theory coming on.....:)

pegs father was ex-military. he taught her how to shoot guns and some flying experience. something happened and he dies in a tragic way (involving of coarse, a gun)... would explain her not wanting to carry a weapon intially, her seamingly overnight deadeye aim in the car ride during the colony mission....and her attraction to michael(!)....but >>>thats entirely made up speculation..probly miles from right:)

Jun 1st, 2011, 09:57 AM
Michael says I thought you said your father was a captain. Pegs says of a plane. But, I think 70DD has a point. He might have been military. I would suspect that it is not easy to get a daughter on a military plane. It could be renting or owning a smaller plane on the weekend. Alternatively, he could have taken her on the flight simulator at the base. I am not military. But, a friend was in Highschool. His father took me on the FB111 flight simulator twice. But, my best friend flew coptors for the Air Force. I really got the impression from him that it is more complicated than the planes. In fact, his training started on planes and then went to copters. That is what the Air Force does. I do not know, other branches may do things differently. But, I do not think Pegs is going to pick it up after a few hours of peptalk. Guessing, Pegs spent the last few hours reading Flying for Dummies or something that Kalani gave her instead of taking guard duty.

Don Man
Jun 1st, 2011, 11:41 AM
no pegs is sooo cool she cant be crazy

Jun 1st, 2011, 11:43 AM
no pegs is sooo cool she cant be crazy

Well the Manson family thought Charlie was sooo cool too, but he is nuttier than squirrel crap.

Don Man
Jun 1st, 2011, 11:48 AM
pegs is one of my favorite characters but then again so is riley and all signs point towards her being the rat

Jun 1st, 2011, 12:00 PM
[QUOTE=I do not think she is crazy, but I can make up reasons 8 ). Wait, the Base / flower shop is not very far from the Mental Institution maybe it was works study. Maybe it is the same place that Ink was headed. She was nearly reformed now she is a serial killer again and will make Edward Scissor psycho kitty look like. Um... Drifts of into a Saul Mark 2.0 moment, LOl[/QUOTE]

Yadda Yadda... if there isn't something nafarious with Pegs (ie the Pippin's Assassin and/or the Rat) I will change my avatar pic to a different flower after every episode for two chapers!!! and "humbly" bare the scorn and ribbing of my error :P
by the way... that was pretty damn funny.... Bravo!

Jun 1st, 2011, 12:01 PM
Well the Manson family thought Charlie was sooo cool too, but he is nuttier than squirrel crap.


Jun 1st, 2011, 01:13 PM

Credit to JK Rowling for that joke. I only wish I had thought of it on my own.

Jun 1st, 2011, 09:22 PM
I really wish I could believe this but I just can't. Shes to normal to be crazy.

Jun 4th, 2011, 04:51 AM
I really think she had seen or had something bad happen with guns. I really like her character and the relationship with Michael, I would be sad if she was the shooter!
Thats all!

Jun 6th, 2011, 06:25 AM
Yadda Yadda... if there isn't something nafarious with Pegs (ie the Pippin's Assassin and/or the Rat) I will change my avatar pic to a different flower after every episode for two chapers!!! and "humbly" bare the scorn and ribbing of my error :P
by the way... that was pretty damn funny.... Bravo!

I'm going to bed... when I wake up I'm sure I won't have to make good on this!!! and you'll get a Big Fat "Burt" I Told You So! :P Good Night All!