View Full Version : Why didn't the tower improve their situation?

Bravo Team Leader
May 25th, 2011, 06:58 AM
I really like this podcast. But The thing that bugs me is the tower doesn't improve their situation. I would have been back to that base that Michael Angel,Saul got their weapons and that humvee sooner. If I remember correctly they didn't take that much ammo. Resupply.

May 25th, 2011, 07:35 AM
Note: Moved to theories.

When Z-Day happens there's a lot that could go wrong, and they took their time to make sure they were stable before taking a superfluous mission.

Ctatyk Frost
May 25th, 2011, 08:24 AM
I kind of wondered why they didn't grab a couple of the batteries out of the Humvee's at the base & charge them. Then they could return to the base, drop in a battery and they'd be all set up with...

May 25th, 2011, 03:49 PM
I really like this podcast. But The thing that bugs me is the tower doesn't improve their situation. I would have been back to that base that Michael Angel,Saul got their weapons and that humvee sooner. If I remember correctly they didn't take that much ammo. Resupply.

Well one other major reason not to go back to the base was simple: They thought it was secure but forgot they left the key in the door thus leaving it wide open for pillaging. And it made less sense to take the risk of sending another expedition out for supplies they had in relative abundance after their Locked and Loaded excursion. The base was a nice cache of ammo and weapons that they could raid when they needed it.

If they hadn't been attacked by the Mallers, I'm sure they would have gone their rapidly after the robbery, but it happened too soon and they focused on the party instead of resupplying themselves.

May 25th, 2011, 08:20 PM
I have wondered the same at times also. But I think this is one of those points where there are a million things needing to be done and only so many hands and no one can go out on there own to do a task. Another thing to think of is that getting around the city would not be the easiest. Though they do return looking for MRE's, it took them some time to realize just that, nevemind other things. Am sure in the madness alot of ideas came and went. I hope I remember in an event like this to hit the Big 5 sports just down the street. :)

May 25th, 2011, 11:02 PM
They have tv's and they leave blind girls in rooms with someone they don't trust...uhh they do have tv's

May 26th, 2011, 06:49 AM
They have tv's and they leave blind girls in rooms with someone they don't trust...uhh they do have tv's

Was this meant for another thread?

May 26th, 2011, 06:58 AM
Was this meant for another thread?

they have the video system and warning devices set up, this is an improvement, yet you trust your security system to a blind child who never ran it before, not an improvement.

May 26th, 2011, 07:23 AM
they have the video system and warning devices set up, this is an improvement, yet you trust your security system to a blind child who never ran it before, not an improvement.

Yep, most def for the other thread.

There isn't much you can do with "20 something" people with no real useful skills. Datu is about the only one capable of building anything.
I thought they'd at least use the "sweat trial" building as a back up, but it's hard enough to secure one building as it is. They'd have to do room by room sweeps everytime they went over just to be sure.
They did raid that building for medicines and what not so that's an improvement.

May 26th, 2011, 10:29 AM
what other thread?

May 26th, 2011, 05:38 PM
They have so much other stuff to do. It's hard to feed 20+ people when all the super markets have been raided. Recently they've needed to resecure the tower after the war and find a chopper. Once they had found burt they had enough ammo and guns to last a while so they had no need to go back to the base. After the ammo and guns were stolen they should have gone back(Burt wanted to) but Michael thought a party was more important. After they found the weapons again there wasn't much of a need to go back to the base for supplies when there were so many other things to do. To make a long story short I just don't think they have had time to do much other than survive.

May 26th, 2011, 06:04 PM
My question: Why in the name of all that is holy didn't they find a nice firehouse with a ambulance rig in it? Saul's surgery could have gone so differently had they had some "sterile equipment" a few bags of IV fluid oh and pain killers that would have been nice. maybe some iodine Heck why not check out the firetruck after all was said and done and see how much gear was left. Most of them carry basic paramedic equipment

May 26th, 2011, 09:18 PM
My question: Why in the name of all that is holy didn't they find a nice firehouse with a ambulance rig in it? Saul's surgery could have gone so differently had they had some "sterile equipment" a few bags of IV fluid oh and pain killers that would have been nice. maybe some iodine Heck why not check out the firetruck after all was said and done and see how much gear was left. Most of them carry basic paramedic equipment

THANK YOU! I've been saying it since they started talking about helicopters. Emergency vehicles have all kinds of useful crap in them. Also, hospitals have helicopter pads on the roof. It's possible one's still parked there. I mean if the chaos started so abruptly, there's a chance one's still functional with a dead crew inside. Police helicopters, firehouses, hell check Hollywood. There's gotta be one sitting in some celebrity's backyard!

May 27th, 2011, 04:49 AM
THANK YOU! I've been saying it since they started talking about helicopters. Emergency vehicles have all kinds of useful crap in them. Also, hospitals have helicopter pads on the roof. It's possible one's still parked there. I mean if the chaos started so abruptly, there's a chance one's still functional with a dead crew inside. Police helicopters, firehouses, hell check Hollywood. There's gotta be one sitting in some celebrity's backyard!

Because those helicopters aren't troop carriers. At most, they'd carry 4 people, unless you luck out, and find a Bell 212 or something.

May 27th, 2011, 06:31 AM
To me the chopper idea is "hmm lets put ourselves in a lot of danger and try to kill off some of the lesser seen characters".
As far as the tower goes I dont understand why the reinforcements around the ground floor werent ever built any better than they were. Some of these people had to have seen Zombie films before all this happened.
I dont think we all fathom the supply thing in relation to that many people using and needing that much stuff. Each time a group is sent out to scavenge, the need to go further and further increases.
Things are going to get scarce after awhile.

May 27th, 2011, 03:35 PM
Military HUMVEE are unlike most other vehicles out there, for starters they do not require a key to start. The only thing that requires a key most times is the chain that is ran through the steering...

May 27th, 2011, 06:04 PM
THANK YOU! I've been saying it since they started talking about helicopters. Emergency vehicles have all kinds of useful crap in them. Also, hospitals have helicopter pads on the roof. It's possible one's still parked there. I mean if the chaos started so abruptly, there's a chance one's still functional with a dead crew inside. Police helicopters, firehouses, hell check Hollywood. There's gotta be one sitting in some celebrity's backyard!

Hospitals are NOT safe that's where all the really smart zombies hang out. But to add to my own post.. Pharmacies are a great place for cool stuff like drugs.

Don Man
May 28th, 2011, 07:40 AM
Their situation is fine

May 28th, 2011, 09:14 AM
Truthfully nothing says they haven't been checking out emergency equipment when they come across them. May not be mentioned as a small detail. I was beaten to the punch about the hospitals, but yeah thats where some of the real smart deadheads are. And I got a hunch that as complete as the Mallers have been looting as they have been, that fire rig was probably picked clean well before it was to be used as a seige engine. Also it was mentioned how the 2nd floor and I think the 3rd floor were now booby trapped....there are some improvements :)

May 28th, 2011, 09:36 AM
Truthfully nothing says they haven't been checking out emergency equipment when they come across them. May not be mentioned as a small detail. I was beaten to the punch about the hospitals, but yeah thats where some of the real smart deadheads are. And I got a hunch that as complete as the Mallers have been looting as they have been, that fire rig was probably picked clean well before it was to be used as a seige engine. Also it was mentioned how the 2nd floor and I think the 3rd floor were now booby trapped....there are some improvements :)

I beg to differ had they been checking out equipment why did they have to use hammers and pliers on Saul's shoulder? I get chills just thinking of that red hot carbonized hammer going into saul's shoulder... ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. .. did I mention EW!

May 31st, 2011, 11:35 AM
I'd venture a guess to say the Maller cleaned out every damn thing of importance that couldn't be unbolted and picked up in the entire area.

May 31st, 2011, 11:52 AM
This is always bothered me. But, I dismiss it to just enjoy the show.

LA is what? 5MILLION people and in just a few hours "no one" is left? Then, in a day or two a group of ~100mallers and ~200 or so other survivors have raid nearly all the resources required for 5million people for say a week or so (things are not really overstocked and stuff comes in "just in time" delivery).

Put 100 people in an average size grocerystore and I do not think they will eat it all in a just a few days. And that is just one grocery store.

I figure that a lot of LA is burned down. We heard a lot of explosions and without containment maybe the fires burned a lot of stuff down.

May 31st, 2011, 12:17 PM
I really like this podcast. But The thing that bugs me is the tower doesn't improve their situation. I would have been back to that base that Michael Angel,Saul got their weapons and that humvee sooner. If I remember correctly they didn't take that much ammo. Resupply.

Two responses on this one. The hummer is big and helpful, but also very loud and consumes a lot of diesel, the same fuel they use for the generators. The generators are used to support various vital functions in the tower for lighting, communication, etc. Since fuel is never to be made again, up armored vehicles that use unleaded are preferred.

There wasn't much ammo left in the armory at the military base to begin with. It was said to be only what was left over from the range. They loaded up most of it, only leaving a few boxes. There's a common misconception that military bases would have any ammo to being with. There's typically none on reserve bases, and the fact that there was some in this arms room says a lot about how well the units there followed the rules.

As for everyone else's theories and idea I can't comment on that too much. Everyone has different ideas of what would work and go after. If we covered every little detail on who wants to grab what, it'd become a stagnant story very quickly.

Jun 1st, 2011, 11:58 AM
Two responses on this one. The hummer is big and helpful, but also very loud and consumes a lot of diesel, the same fuel they use for the generators. The generators are used to support various vital functions in the tower for lighting, communication, etc. Since fuel is never to be made again, up armored vehicles that use unleaded are preferred.

There wasn't much ammo left in the armory at the military base to begin with. It was said to be only what was left over from the range. They loaded up most of it, only leaving a few boxes. There's a common misconception that military bases would have any ammo to being with. There's typically none on reserve bases, and the fact that there was some in this arms room says a lot about how well the units there followed the rules.

As for everyone else's theories and idea I can't comment on that too much. Everyone has different ideas of what would work and go after. If we covered every little detail on who wants to grab what, it'd become a stagnant story very quickly.

I know that even on an active AF installation, there isn't that much ammo kept on stock either. We used to carry 120 rounds for the M16s and the Armorer carred an M9 as did the peope riding law enforcement for the day. There is always stores kept, but they wouldn't last more than a week with a 200-500 cops spitting lead on target.

Cabbage Patch
Jun 10th, 2011, 07:39 PM
Concur on the fact that military arms rooms don't have large amounts of ammunition stored in them, usually just a few rifle and pistol clips to used for guard duty. On active duty bases there is always a large supply of ammunition, but for security reasons it's stored seperately from the weapons, usually in heavily reinforced bunkers. I don't know if this is the same for Reserve or National Guard units, which aren't staffed all the time and don't have the luxury of full-time security guards.

Cabbage Patch
Jun 10th, 2011, 07:50 PM
When Saul's wound was cauterized why didn't they use Chloroform on him? We know the Tower could produce it, since that was what was used to knock out the zombies that were tagged. During the Civil War Chloroform was one of the primary anesthestics used to sedate soldiers in order to operate on bullet wounds (like Saul's) or amputate limbs (thankfully not necessary this time). Did they use it all up, just forget about it, or did they just not know?

Jun 10th, 2011, 07:53 PM
I would assume that they just didn't think about it. That method was outdated before the characters were even born if it was used in the civil war.