View Full Version : The Reputation System

May 17th, 2011, 10:50 PM
Recently, I've received more and more questions about the reputation system and how it works. So I'm creating this thread to handle all your reputation questions.

1. What is it?
The reputation system is the way the forum keeps track of people who make solid posts that other forum members like because they are well written, bring up a strong argument/point, are hilarious etc. The rep system can also be used to show your displeasure for posts. Lets say for instance someone swears a lot in a particular post or something like that. If you don't like it, you can disapprove of the post and lower that person's reputation on the forum.

2. How does it work?
A fantastic question! Below everyone's signature, there is a task bar with icons on it. It looks like this:


I've placed a white block around the Star that looks almost like a sheriff's star. When you click on that star a menu will pop up asking "What did you think of User X's post" and you'll be given the option of "I approve" or "I disapprove" and that looks like this:


You will also be given an option to write a comment for the user like "LOL! SO FUNNY!" Or "That's really offensive..." whatever comment you wish the user to see for their reputation.

When you first start out on the forum, you have a low reputation power: Meaning you can't influence people's reputation all that much. But, as you post more and you receive more reputation from your posts, you will gain larger reputation powers meaning when you give someone Rep. it will give them more points.

3. What does it do?
Well, quite simply it will display to the forum members how popular your posts have been by displaying green bars under your Forum nickname. For instance, at the time of posting this thread, I have 5 green bars meaning I have achieved 5 bars worth of positive feedback.

4. What's with the titles that pop up when I hover over the Rep bars?
These are rep titles. When you sign up for the forum, you are given the numerical reputation of 10 points and the title with that is "Has Killed 1 zombie" which you can see if you hover over someone's reputation bar. As you receive more rep and get more points, you will "level up." So instead of killing one zombie, this is what happens when you hover over They Call Me Revolver's Reputation bars right now:


5. Where can I see all of this??
At the top of your forum window, there is a button that says "Settings" When you click on that, you will be taken to the User Control Panel. There, you can see the latest reputation comments you have received and also your point total. Currently, I have 415 rep points, and there are a couple of my latest rep comments given to me.


So in this example, you can see all of mine are green on the left hand side. However if you receive negative rep, it will show up either as a grey or red box instead.

6. How do I know what post I made got the rep?
Easy! When you are at the screen I showed you above where it shows your latest rep given, click on the thread title. The forum will take you directly to the post you received your rep from.

7. Can I give a person multiple "I approves" for a single post?
No. Once you have given reputation for a post, you can not do it for that post again. If you click on the sheriff's star, you will see your reputation comment.

8. Can I give myself reputation?
No you cannot, you egomaniac! ;)

The rep system will not allow you to give rep to yourself, but if you click on the sheriff's star and you have received rep from someone on that post, you will see that person's comment.

9. Can anyone else see my reputation comments?
Regular Users won't be able to see your reputation comments, they will just be able to see your Reputation system green bars (or red bars if you are The One With the Markings). Administrators have access to the comments you give to people, so if you don't like someone's post please keep your comments civil.

10. Are there other ways to get reputation points?
As a matter of fact, yes. You will receive a rep bump for donations you make to We're Alive. Rep bumps are based on a sliding scale: The more you donate, the higher we will bump your reputation. Your donation will need to be verified before you will receive the rep bump.

I hope that answers any questions you may have about the reputation system, the comments, the reputation system titles and more. So have at it!! Give out some rep, and the odds are you'll get some in return!

Aug 9th, 2011, 03:41 AM
The reputation system is collecting dust in the past week. I believe I shall give this a bump for new users to learn about it and for old users to remember to use it :)

Jan 5th, 2012, 08:56 PM
*blows off dust*

Lots of good thoughts being posted around here. And not nearly enough forum rep love!!!!!! Gentle reminder for those who've been here a while to give rep, and for those that are new here, an explanation on how you get those kick ass green bars next to your name!

Apr 23rd, 2012, 11:22 AM
For the first time....this isn't a reminder. This is a "WAY TO GO!" and "KICK ASS!"

In the past 30 days, the reputation system has been used over 300 times by a wide variety of users. Hurray!!!!! Keep it up!

Feb 12th, 2013, 02:19 PM
Want an even easier way to dole out rep??

Search around different threads and you'll see a "Like this post". Click on it just like you would on facebook. Done. Rep given, ego's boosted, life is good.

Still want to give someone negative rep? Gotta go through the star. The star is still your friend if you want to send a message with your "like."

Have at it!!! It's even easier to spread the Reputation love!