View Full Version : Which character do you equate yourself with the most?

May 10th, 2011, 05:33 PM
Not to be confused with your favourite character, but the character you look at and think... 'Yep... that'd be me right there.'? Myself I'd have to say I would equate myself to Datu. He really just wanted to run in the beginning, but as time wore on it seems as though he has come to terms with everything and found a new sense of purpose.


Rock Daddy
May 11th, 2011, 06:57 AM
I think about this a lot. I guess I'd equate best to Angel, not in a military sense, of course. But he is a good right hand man, not quite a leader. A bit clumsy at times in the beginning. He is scared and unexperienced at first, but gains confidence, and shines when the pressure is on. Oh, and he's attracted to strong women. LOL

May 11th, 2011, 07:01 AM
good question. I thought about that. I haven't seen myself in any of the characters yet. I can relate to a few of them but haven't been able to "equate" myself with any of them.
Introduce a Dad with some kiddos to protect and I might.
Michael is quite selfless most of the time but it's still different.

May 12th, 2011, 06:53 PM
I would say Saul... not because of the military career, but mainly because of the trouble maker and the "ladies man" part as well...

May 12th, 2011, 08:17 PM
the guy in the car that get's smoked at the very start...my stupid ass luck---

May 12th, 2011, 08:46 PM
the guy in the car that get's smoked at the very start...my stupid ass luck---

Quite the honest response. I considered that myself.

May 12th, 2011, 10:34 PM
Riley. She's not to afraid and is willing to help and get the job done.

May 12th, 2011, 10:37 PM
Riley. She's not to afraid and is willing to help and get the job done.

She does have that quality about her, doesn't she?

May 12th, 2011, 10:40 PM
She does have that quality about her, doesn't she?

The most common complaint I hear about Riley is that she's a Mary Sue. Completely flawless... they kind of have a point

May 12th, 2011, 10:41 PM
The most common complaint I hear about Riley is that she's a Mary Sue. Completely flawless... they kind of have a point

We just haven't seen her flaw yet. But it'll show. Give it time... before you know it, she's the rat.

But not Datu... because that's me.

May 12th, 2011, 10:49 PM
For me, it's Angel, (surprise surprise). Not really because of all the cool things he's done, rather, I relate to his flaws. His actions in the first few chapters, that's eerily similar to me at times. I've been that guy before. I've been the manager who's not quite good enough to be leader so yeah, that character hits pretty close to home for me.

May 13th, 2011, 01:24 AM
I think mine is more of Victor. Kinda just goes with the flow, but can handle business if it come down to it. Will not hesitate to pull the trigger when it comes down to it and will get in your face if he thinks you're wrong. Also has that cocky attitude which come with somebody who's been through a lot of shit and just wants to be left alone sometimes.

May 13th, 2011, 05:13 PM
the guy in the car that get's smoked at the very start...my stupid ass luck---

I think my wife would say that is me, but I am getting better with that now...

May 13th, 2011, 10:57 PM
For me, it's Angel, (surprise surprise). Not really because of all the cool things he's done, rather, I relate to his flaws. His actions in the first few chapters, that's eerily similar to me at times. I've been that guy before. I've been the manager who's not quite good enough to be leader so yeah, that character hits pretty close to home for me.

I related on Angel on a few levels. Mostly the space cadet that he was in the first few episodes. It felt like he was there, yet not really there. I sort of got the impression that he was watching everything happen like he was watching a movie for the first time.

May 13th, 2011, 11:02 PM
I think mine is more of Victor. Kinda just goes with the flow, but can handle business if it come down to it. Will not hesitate to pull the trigger when it comes down to it and will get in your face if he thinks you're wrong. Also has that cocky attitude which come with somebody who's been through a lot of shit and just wants to be left alone sometimes.

Again, another character that I can see elements of myself in. He gives a shit, but he is so nonchalant about everything that's happening. Sure he gets excited once in a while, but he's got that real 'not overly invested' vibe, but you know beyond any doubt that he's been deeply affected by the events around him, lost loved ones and almost comes across as if he just doesn't have the ability to care anymore.

Also I picture him looking like Danny Trejo.

May 14th, 2011, 07:06 AM
Unfortunately i don't see myself as any...yet. Maybe on there journey they will find a character like me...who knows.

May 15th, 2011, 10:12 AM
Kalani, but dear god I wish it was Burt :(

May 15th, 2011, 10:16 AM
I couldn't imagine who I would WANT to equate myself to... probably Scratch though. Sad as that sounds.

Private Parts
May 15th, 2011, 10:37 AM
I am PETE! but im probably like saul


May 15th, 2011, 04:01 PM

Oh wow...

May 15th, 2011, 04:06 PM
I'm not quite sure whom i fit into, normally i find myself having more in common with the villians, but the Maulers don't fit me... so maybe the zombies. but then again i'm not brainless. i could be one of the smart ones. idk

May 15th, 2011, 04:15 PM
I think I am a cross between Riley and Pegs. Pegs, cause I am happy nearly all the time and have a similar way of approaching life. In terms of the fighting I would be more of a Riley then Pegs. Also, I can cook ok, so Riley in the kitchen as well

Don Man
May 15th, 2011, 04:37 PM
I think I am more like Angel at the start becuase when there is trouble im a pussy and I always like to wait things out

May 15th, 2011, 04:40 PM
i am like Datu, ready to help, but very emotional. i would cry to things like someone died, but i would also be like Saul in the way i would be ready to turn said person into swiss cheese with the evil laugh Angel did in 'The War'.

May 15th, 2011, 09:16 PM
The most common complaint I hear about Riley is that she's a Mary Sue. Completely flawless... they kind of have a point

Some one's jealous.

I'm Pegs. :/ Early Pegs.

May 15th, 2011, 09:22 PM
Some one's jealous.

I'm Pegs. :/ Early Pegs.


May 15th, 2011, 09:25 PM
I feel most like Pegs. I'm a guy, so just her personality. Fearful and feeble at first, but I would adapt to the situation well.

May 15th, 2011, 09:27 PM
I feel most like Pegs. I'm a guy, so just her personality. Fearful and feeble at first, but I would adapt to the situation well.

Pegs really did come a long way.

May 19th, 2011, 07:25 AM

Oh wow...

Can I be rePete? Just kidding.

Kalani / Burt

I am older than Kalani, but younger than Burt. At 5'10" 250# I probably weigh almost as much as Kalani. But, I am broader across the shoulders and thicker in the chest than Burt's picture shows. My doctor says those Body Mass Index charts are not for me, because I am "A really big boy that ate his Weaties". But, I was also blessed with Asthma so Kalani and I will be sucking wind at the back of the pack. Need me to drop to the lower balcany and knock someone on their ass, sign me up. Ask me to sprint a 1/4 mile or run a marathon and I will tell you there has to be a better way. I do not know how to fly, but everyone in my family has a lot more guns than people. Except my mom, she only as one rifle. I am not a brown noser, but I do spend most of my on my own. I am not a Y2Ker, but I did grow up on near an Air Force base stocked with FB-111s and Nuclear ordanace. I lived through the cold war and remember Duck and Cover. So, my survivalist skills are well honed.

So, you, Kalani Haters, lighten up. I aint that bad a guy 8 )

May 22nd, 2011, 03:11 AM
Pretty easy one - Tommy. About the same age (mid-teens), I'm quite shy, think I'd try not to get in the way too much but do what I was told. Also think I'd warm to Burt like Tommy did.

I'd enevitably one of the first to turn, too (from the tower, that is).

May 22nd, 2011, 09:50 AM
Pretty easy one - Tommy. About the same age (mid-teens), I'm quite shy, think I'd try not to get to get in the way too much but do what I was told. Also think I'd warm to Burt like Tommy did.

I'd enevitably one of the first to turn, too (from the tower, that is).

Honest answer.

Jul 8th, 2011, 11:15 PM
I would have to say Saul sometimes I tend to act before I think things through.

Jul 10th, 2011, 07:59 PM
I would have to say Saul sometimes I tend to act before I think things through.

I am quite often guilty of this. It really depends on the situation though. Sometimes I will simply react to the stimuli around me while other times I will retain a modicum of restraint and think things through.

Jul 20th, 2011, 07:49 AM
Michael, no question. I am very much a take charge kind of person and in a crisis I general do not freak or panic. I also can relate to his self doubt and beating himself up over decisions he makes...

Jul 25th, 2011, 06:48 AM
I'm a guy, but Pegs would have to be the closes personality wise.
I'm quite the pacifist, but if the life of someone I love is on the line I will do whatever it takes to save them.
I'm always happy and seeing the best in things, but Pegs seems to be a bit too emotional compared to me.

I also feel like Datu is really close to me, but he gets pessimistic time to time.

Jul 30th, 2011, 10:34 PM
Scratch and Burt

Jul 30th, 2011, 10:43 PM
I think I'm most like Saul, altough not in looks, I'm white; but when I'm passionate about something, someone, I would stop at nothing to see them right. I also have had a troubled past, I can be a wise ass, but when shit needs to get done, I think I can always step up to the plate. I am also an extremly loyal person, when treated right, and I am not quiet when I think something is unfair.

Jul 30th, 2011, 10:50 PM
Pick an unknown extra. Cause, i'd be that person. In the back ground, just surviving.

Jul 31st, 2011, 01:17 AM
Pick an unknown extra. Cause, i'd be that person. In the back ground, just surviving.Good answer :)

Jul 31st, 2011, 03:19 AM
I will have to say Michael because I'm typically the one of the group that will become leader when shit hits the fan. I can also relate in trying to save people but having it end poorly and feeling beat up over it. I can relate to his overall character.

Aug 6th, 2011, 07:23 AM
LoL. Prehaps a poor choice of words considering the context. My point being, that I really like all the characters. By this point in, we have multiple sides to every character. KC and crew have given them great depth. I probably identify closest with SSG Michael Cross, myself former Army MI. Once you spend some time in the Intelligence community you come to a way of thinking about the world. Some may call it cynical, others analytical; I call it attention to detail. Observing, analyzing, identifying. Anyway I lost my train of thought. . . .

When I visualize Scratch, I think Fujin from FFVIII, with dark hair and the fascial scar.

I strongly identify with Burt, and the loss of his wife to cancer. My mother fell to cancer as well, almost one year ago, now. It’s been a hard road. At first I fell into darkness for awhile, then, over time, the clouds parted. And now I’m mostly okay, but sometimes it hits me like a ton of bricks, completely unexpected. I see or hear something that reminds me of her or I think of something to tell her and I’ll pick up the phone before I remember that she’s gone.

See I’m really getting off topic. I guess I’ll try to catch a later train . . . .

Until next time.

Aug 6th, 2011, 08:40 PM
I'm sorry for your loss :(

Aug 7th, 2011, 06:55 AM
LoL. Prehaps a poor choice of words considering the context. My point being, that I really like all the characters. By this point in, we have multiple sides to every character. KC and crew have given them great depth. I probably identify closest with SSG Michael Cross, myself former Army MI. Once you spend some time in the Intelligence community you come to a way of thinking about the world. Some may call it cynical, others analytical; I call it attention to detail. Observing, analyzing, identifying. Anyway I lost my train of thought. . . .

When I visualize Scratch, I think Fujin from FFVIII, with dark hair and the fascial scar.

I strongly identify with Burt, and the loss of his wife to cancer. My mother fell to cancer as well, almost one year ago, now. It’s been a hard road. At first I fell into darkness for awhile, then, over time, the clouds parted. And now I’m mostly okay, but sometimes it hits me like a ton of bricks, completely unexpected. I see or hear something that reminds me of her or I think of something to tell her and I’ll pick up the phone before I remember that she’s gone.

See I’m really getting off topic. I guess I’ll try to catch a later train . . . .

Until next time.

Back again.
Wow. I was everywhere. I blame it on low blood sugar.
Anyway, back to my point with Burt, his lost still effects him deeply.
In fact, his psychological problems even manifest themselves as a physically as a tremor.
At least, I hope its in his head. He very well could be sick in addition to the wounds he sustained
after the Fall.

Aug 7th, 2011, 08:46 AM
I think I would relate most to Lizzy. Lots of book smarts, not a lot of street smarts, but getting there. I would also have the need to do more with my life then just survive. I'm very curious and organized, so all that testing and experimenting would be right up my alley. She seems rather calm and collected most of the time, not afraid to speak up, but knows when to keep her mouth shut. I also just like to help people when I can.

If I hadn't discovered the Visual Effects major, I probably would have gone into psychology sort of like Lizzy and just breezed along not really wanting to do anything with it, so luckily we are not similar in that way lol.

Aug 7th, 2011, 01:28 PM
A super hybrid cross or weird mixture between Michael, Saul, Kalani, Datu and Tommy.

Michael - At first hesitant to lead but will do so if needed/chosen. I'd normally try to reason things out before resorting to violence.
Saul - A bit crass, hot-head (resulting from frustration from trying to reason things out) and follows orders (for the most part)
Kalani - Argumentative, physically challenged (not completely hopeless but, eh).
Datu - Ready and willing to help in anyway possible, rational, will bite back if pushed to far
Tommy - Naive

HOWEVER, if I did have to narrow it down to one character, I'd probably go with Kalani. Untrusting at first, I'd eventually warm up to the group and add my two cents in when I can/know better. I'd give orders when I'm more astute in something (i.e. Kalani's piloting abilities) and help out when I can, sometimes getting into arguments when I disagree strongly with something.

Aug 11th, 2011, 12:41 AM
I was going to say Burt & Lizzy's bouncing baby boy, but that's a couple seasons down the road well after Saul FINALLY turns I'm afraid. For now, I'll say I'm most like Burt.

Aug 11th, 2011, 06:42 PM
I think I relate to most Michael. While I am not a leader, I generally do not panic in situations. I over analyze most things (situations, people etc.) I almost always have a plan. Beat myself up over decisions I make. And am willing to do what is necessary when need be.

Aug 12th, 2011, 06:31 PM
I have to say I see myself relating more to Pegs. Like her if someone didn't come to my rescue near the beginning of the apocalypse i probably wouldn't have made it. Shes a good hearted person and is a pacifist in the beginning. I can see myself in her position. Wanting to help but having no particular skills to do so. I would end up just like her clinging to the closest person to a friend i could find and hoping for something to do but in the end becoming somewhat of an annoyance. I am against violence and the thought of holding a gun makes my hands shake. I would try as hard as i could to be of use but somehow manage to mess it up like she did with the flower pot. I don't doubt that i would end up doing something stupid like that...... of course if it came down to changing my beliefs or saving someone i love I have no doubt in my mind that i would step up to the occasion. I only hope that i could grow as much as she did in season 2.

Sep 9th, 2011, 10:20 AM
No one yet I am to kick ass for all of them

Sep 9th, 2011, 10:37 PM
I can relate to several characters. Probably Michael more than anyone. I am the type of person that could lead BUT I question myself a lot. I like his character and his overall work ethic and teamwork. I have pieces of me that relate to other characters that are just likes more than anything. I like Burt because of his experience and love of fireams and Riley because of her archery skills. Im not to bad with a bow myself. Also I like Bricks because if all else would fail I would like to think I would just beat the heck out of a baddie if need be.

Sep 11th, 2011, 11:00 PM
I would have to say Michael. He is stand firm and head strong- and most importantly- TELLS A DAMN OFFICER TO FAWK OFF when he is being a complete and total GIT! Hats off- thought I was the only one.

And I bet you thought I'd say Burt lol

Sep 12th, 2011, 11:25 AM
I would have to say Michael. He is stand firm and head strong- and most importantly- TELLS A DAMN OFFICER TO FAWK OFF when he is being a complete and total GIT! Hats off- thought I was the only one.

And I bet you thought I'd say Burt lol

You're not old enough to be Burt... God isn't old enough to be Burt..
I'd have given you Michael too

Sep 18th, 2011, 01:54 PM
saul because i like guns like women and have a small dog

Jan 12th, 2012, 02:33 AM
Pippin. Jokes.
Probably skittles or one of the people who have turned. Because they're the two fates I can see for myself.

Jan 12th, 2012, 05:43 AM
none of them. i'm a bit of a nut and i don't know if any of them could hang with me. closest i could think of would be burt, because if i had the money, i would totally have boxes of claymores laying around.

Feb 10th, 2012, 11:14 AM
Not totally sure if I've already posted in this but I will anyways. I think I'm like Riley. In the beginning she just totally kicks ass but then as time goes on the new world begins to wear her down. She becomes an alcoholic and I can totally see myself becoming an alcoholic in an apocalypse.

Feb 10th, 2012, 12:24 PM
I would have to say that Im kind of a cross between tommy and saul. the reasons why are that I am quiet tech savvy also I know my way around a gun like no one else I know.

Apr 3rd, 2012, 11:52 AM
Not totally sure if I've already posted in this but I will anyways. I think I'm like Riley. In the beginning she just totally kicks ass but then as time goes on the new world begins to wear her down. She becomes an alcoholic and I can totally see myself becoming an alcoholic in an apocalypse.

Now that's probably one of the most honest answers I've read in this thread. Sig material.

Apr 3rd, 2012, 05:39 PM
I think I identify with Riley the most. She seems to have the same type of personality as me. Se uses a bow (I'm a bow person, myself). She's a chef (I love food, but sadly I'm bad at cooking it.). She's a really good person.

I also suspect (I've seen others speculating about it, too) that she may not be 'straight.' I, myself am very openly not-straight, so that's another thing.

The only difference is that she's an alcoholic (or at least a very heavy drinker) and I am definitely not.

Yup. That's about it. :)

May 9th, 2012, 11:29 AM
i would say lt. angel, the reasons being is that when i do make a joke it is corny and bad, but fun (his sense of humor), though i am a bit ashamed to admit it i am kind of spoiled aristocracy ^^;, we share a lot of the same personality traits, i'm tall and loveable :3
XD, just screwing around on that last part btw :P
i had a rebelious phase, and do know a great many inovative ways to deal with things so to speak, not hotwiring a car mind you, lol