View Full Version : With a little help from Revolver...

TCM Revolver
Apr 21st, 2011, 01:29 PM
We all have our Zday preparedness list ready to go. Nicely laminated and tucked in our wallet just in case.

Where to go?
How to get there?
Who to bring with?
What are you going to do once you get there??

Go for supplies, right? Sure, but you didn't honestly think you are the only survivor to think of that, did you? This is where I step in. In my monthly blog, I will show you tips and tricks you may have never even considered.

When it's us against them (and maybe even other survivors...), you're going to need all the help you can get.

Always Aim for the head

Little Help (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/entry.php?108-With-a-little-help-from-Revolver...)

Apr 21st, 2011, 10:14 PM
Ok Rev. Ill be the first to step up to this plate.

So to start off, I have a confession to make. I dont have a fully formed zombie plan. But I am going to make one now.

Lets do this.

Where to go? I would go to our familys camp -- its a hunting camp. its out in the woods. and very secluded. there are houses on the roads there but the zombies wouldnt be there right away. and once we were in the camp we could lock ourselves up unitl we could get our crap together. We would bring the hunting rifles and shot guns that my dad and i own (i know on facebook i look like a hipster, but i do own guns and i do go hunting). We have a wood stove there and we could hunt deer -- yes it would be loud shooting, but if we are that far out in the woods i dont think the zombies could find us too easily. We could sustain ourselves. It wouldnt be fun but we could. Once we had waited it out for a bit and the zombies had begun to thin out like in WA, we would travel to the local shaws and see what we could find that was left for us to use to eat ect. we could as rally forces with any surviving houses around the area provided the rednecks arent all crazy and what not.

Who would i go with? The family. It would be boring, but my dad knows a lot more about guns and hunting than I, and he would hopefully be the one with the clear head to get us there. The rest of the family would tag along too im sure. Hopefully everyone is in the same location when the outbreak hits or we might have to leave some behind.

How would I get there? This is the hard part. Our camp is about 30 to 45 min out from our house. It would be difficult to get there with road congestion. but we own a truck. Im sure we would be able to drive there with a mix of utilizing the 4WD to get past large blocks of cars. It would definitely be the longest day; getting to the camp and securing it. The first would be the longest.

Thats a good start anyway. What you think?

Apr 21st, 2011, 10:28 PM
Well where would I go, I'd head north, plenty of hunting cabins around plus Canada is not the far away!
How would I get there, I'd take my wife's car since it's nicer!
Who would I take with me, my family of course gotta protect the family.

What I would do is head north, I know plenty of back roads and side streets and finding a hunting cabin would not be difficult. Plenty of secluded places to stock up and defend with my family plus there is plenty of deer for temporary food sources. I'd probably hit a a few out of town grocery stores or caseys and stock up on living supplies.

Luna Guardian
Apr 22nd, 2011, 12:23 AM
(This must be the third time I'm posting this plan on the forum. How many of these topics do we have again?)

My plan: As soon as reports start coming in that people are attacking each other, victims have been found with bite marks or any other zombie-level suspicious at all, my plan goes into action.
Phase 1) I take out my map with the closest two pharmacies, food stores, gun shops and hunting good stores marked and I call my group (closest friends whom I know I can trust and who will be very useful in the case of society's breakdown, whatever the cause).
Phase 2) I then assign tasks for everyone, making sure that everyone knows what they are responsible for and organize a rendezvous at my place.
Phase 3) Once my group's gathered, we load up our cars with the essentials they brought as well as what I have at my place (obviously I've been loading my car with the essentials I already have, such as firewood, food, and massive quantities of water)
Phase 4) We decide on the best option out of the populated areas. The most likely is by boat (we live very close to the harbor where my parents' boat is), but if that way's already been cut off, we have the option of cars, motorbikes, bicycles or bipedal locomotion.
Phase 5) Get the hell out of dodge and move to our designated safezone (there are several options to choose from, depending on which is most accessible to us)
Phase 6) Secure the safezone, set up the parameter, set up food supply, power and water and hole up tight. Be ready to fight, but also make sure that the "flee" option is always open.
Phase 7 [optional]) After the initial panic is over and most people are dead, send small raiding parties to gather what we may need/want. The reason this is optional is that if everything has gone according to plan, there's no need to leave our safezone. However, in case it becomes necessary, never send less than two and never leave too few people to guard the safezone. Returning raiders must relinquish their weapons and submit to a full body search for bite/other marks that may be a sign of infection. If a person has a bite mark, he'll be euthanised. If another suspective mark, he'll be locked in solitary for a period of surveillance. If they don't comply, they'll be executed.

Who can I trust and why?
The aforementioned group. I've known them for ages, we've all been through the military (different branches, but still) and I know what they are capable of and what they can do. I feel that with these people by my side, I can get through whatever hell awaits us.

What's the item right next to my right hand?
My officer knife. It's a place of honor, but sure turns out to be handy (hehe...) when the the excrement hits the rotating oscillator.

Apr 22nd, 2011, 01:01 AM
(This must be the third time I'm posting this plan on the forum. How many of these topics do we have again?)

Well to be fair, this was meant to be the introduction to Revolver's blog concept. I don't think he intended to rehash the "Survival Plan" topic which, as you pointed out, has been covered a couple times. It just so happens, it got rehashed.

Luna Guardian
Apr 22nd, 2011, 01:15 AM
Ah, in that case my most sincerest apologies. Guess we're all just so worried about our continued survival that we jump at the chance to present our plans in hopes of someone pointing out ways to improve them.

Or then that's just me...

TCM Revolver
Apr 22nd, 2011, 06:07 AM
Ah, in that case my most sincerest apologies. Guess we're all just so worried about our continued survival that we jump at the chance to present our plans in hopes of someone pointing out ways to improve them.

Or then that's just me...

My blog is going to be more tips on what to do, and how to survive when your plan is done. Sort of a Bob Vila meets Survivor-man of the Zombie Apocalypse. Skills that the regular person can do, but maybe hasn't thought of or just doesn't know. Is cool that you guys are interested!

Luna Guardian
Apr 22nd, 2011, 07:30 AM
An awesome idea Revvy. If I can be of help, just ask. I'd love to.

TCM Revolver
May 14th, 2011, 10:47 AM