View Full Version : Hope?

Apr 19th, 2011, 08:42 PM
One character that has been introduced recently but not had much coverage is Hope. Does anyone else wonder when she is gonna get to be able to tell her story? Anyone else wonder how she went blind, or if she is going to regain her sight(if at all possible)? I mean with her being blind and making it this far, she has to be worth it.

Apr 19th, 2011, 11:26 PM
Well, according to Hope's story to Michael she lost her sight on impact with the ground when escaping. So in theory she might be able to regain her sight but it would probably involve complex and delicate surgery no one we are acquainted with as of now could perform. I don't know that for certain of course. If the impact caused damage to the eye itself (like a slipped retina) that could be fixable but if the damage was to the optic nerve I'd imagine she's never getting better.

Here's a link to what i'm talking about (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100201204343AAN4TBa)

Apr 20th, 2011, 12:08 AM
having eerienced two detached retinas myself, these are reparable, and not all that onvasive of a surgery; however, as nik stated, it is delicate. another take on the blindness, which doesn't seem to be complete blindness if I am correctly remembering her conversation with Michael about it, could be psychological...like the one soldier from the second episode of Band of Brothers.

Rock Daddy
Apr 20th, 2011, 06:23 AM
I would like to hear her story and some new info about the last tower. Here's a thought -- She's blind, so will she recognize Kalani, if he indeed is was at the tower, like he claims? I do feel like too much shit is going down right now, and it's distracting them from connecting vital clues.

Apr 20th, 2011, 07:10 AM
We haven't heard from Kalani since Michael and co got back to the Tower, so I wouldn't be surprised if Hope has a run in with Kalani in Chapter 21.

May 8th, 2011, 03:46 PM
Yeah...Kalani and Hope must know each other..hmmm. could shed some more light on Kalani's past. I like

May 17th, 2011, 07:54 PM
Should be interesting to find out more about her and hopefully she'll be able to shed some more light on Kalani. He really seems like a dick. I'm definitely not a fan of that one. I'm also sort of wondering what kind of relationship Datu will have with her. Will he try to be all fatherish to her, will he just keep a watchful eye on her? Or is she going to become just another resident to him after the initial shock of her arrival wears off?

May 17th, 2011, 09:12 PM
Raise your hand if you think KC will give us Hope's story at the End of Part 3 of Chapter 24!!!

May 17th, 2011, 09:18 PM
Raise your hand if you think KC will give us Hope's story at the End of Part 3 of Chapter 24!!!

In for cliffhanger episode where we find out Kalani is her dad!

May 17th, 2011, 09:19 PM
Where is the barf image???

You sir are in Time-Out!!! Go to the corner and think on what you just said... No Scooby Snacks for you now!

May 17th, 2011, 09:20 PM
I feel like Hope's only purpose is for Datu. He has been all sad for a while, and his character has lost his importance. But giving him Hope gives him a reason to live again. Someone to love and care for as a daughter. Someone to replace his mostly likely dead family. And I think out of all the people in the tower he is the most likely to be able to learn to fly a chopper. So with this new hope in his life (Ha, pun), he'll be more motivated to fly and protect Hope.

May 17th, 2011, 09:27 PM
I feel like Hope's only purpose is for Datu. He has been all sad for a while, and his character has lost his importance. But giving him Hope gives him a reason to live again. Someone to love and care for as a daughter. Someone to replace his mostly likely dead family. And I think out of all the people in the tower he is the most likely to be able to learn to fly a chopper. So with this new hope in his life (Ha, pun), he'll be more motivated to fly and protect Hope.

Too true. She seems like one of those characters with a very obvious name. Beinging Hope to Datu of being surrounded by family again, bringing Hope to the residence that some of the youth managed to survive and more than just the aging generations are left. But she also came from a larger group of survivors which once again shines a ray of Hope that there are others out there, strong and in numbers that are managing to keep the horde back and not only survive, but seemingly thrive. Quite the messianic character on so many levels. Perhaps not in a literal sense, but knowing now that there are others... that's quite lifting.

Too bad they're assholes.

May 18th, 2011, 06:00 AM
Maybe when it comes time for a reunion with the colony that hope may be able to help communicate with her original tower mates and help them overcome their keepers?

May 18th, 2011, 09:21 AM
Maybe when it comes time for a reunion with the colony that hope may be able to help communicate with her original tower mates and help them overcome their keepers?
I'm pretty sure that all of Hope's contacts from the Other Tower are dead now. Or am I just making up the other guy dying?

I know there was Sean, AJ(?) and Hope that made it there together. We all know Sean was murdered. And I swear we heard that the other guy died at some point....but I might also be just assuming that from someone's forum post that was so good I committed it to memory as fact...

Did someone say at some point that the other guy was the slow turner?

May 18th, 2011, 09:29 AM
I'm pretty sure that all of Hope's contacts from the Other Tower are dead now. Or am I just making up the other guy dying?

I know there was Sean, AJ(?) and Hope that made it there together. We all know Sean was murdered. And I swear we heard that the other guy died at some point....but I might also be just assuming that from someone's forum post that was so good I committed it to memory as fact...

Did someone say at some point that the other guy was the slow turner?

Good Call, I totally missed those facts. So much happened in the colony Chapters I had to listen to em a few times.
Guess I'll go with my first idea of she is there because Datu was running out of reasons to cry:)

May 18th, 2011, 09:31 AM
Good Call, I totally missed those facts. So much happened in the colony Chapters I had to listen to em a few times.
Guess I'll go with my first idea of she is there because Datu was running out of reasons to cry:)

HEY! There will ALWAYS be reasons for Datu to cry!

"Oh no! I stepped on a beetle! Why God??? IT HAD SO MUCH TO LIVE f-or-or-or-or!"
