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Cabbage Patch
Sep 5th, 2012, 11:22 PM
and have fallen in love!!! I caught up in one week listening all day at work. Great way to work, made my days go by so fast....alas I am now caught up and have to suffer the week in between with everyone else. Thankfully I also found We're not Dead, which I am now listening to from the beginning. It has been quite fun to listen to thier theories when I already know what has happened!!!! I can not belive my luck finding such a great podcast by accident. I have told almost everyone I know about it, and my husband just started the series. Thank you all so much for a great product!!! I will now be super prepared if the zombie apocolypse ever comes to suburbia Coloado!!!!

Welcome to the Forum! There is a tremendous amount of information to be found here, some canon (K.C. Whalen posts regularly), most consisting of theories and observations from your fellow fans. Feel free to jump into the conversation anywhere, new perspectives are always welcome, especially while we're waiting for episodes to drop.

Sep 6th, 2012, 08:07 AM
Hello Everyone
I'm making this post as an Intro!
Ali Bakshi . I've just joined this board .
Hope, I could learn a bit something and share useful stuff here too.!


Sep 6th, 2012, 08:14 AM
Hello Ali,

nice to have you arround. If you like WA, and if you even enjoy the WND podcast, then you will like this forum a lot. The discussions-section provides plenty of opportunity to share ideas, thoughts and information!

All the best!

Sep 7th, 2012, 06:11 PM
Welcome all new people!! :D

Sep 9th, 2012, 09:02 PM
First post!

Hi everyone! My name is Blake.
I have been listening to WND since the end of the first appearance of the Colony, but have never been one for posting on forums or even being able to keep up with them. I couldn't resist reading more and more on the forums involving the series so I finally gave in :)

I am a music therapy student in college. I am decently proficient at the piano, guitar, and multiple types of percussion. I enjoy watching most types of movies, playing browser games that aren't too time-consuming, and reading comics, comedic articles, and research journals. And yeah :)

I can't wait to post more and to finally become a part of the active community!!

Sep 9th, 2012, 11:13 PM
Hello Blake,

awesome that you finally jumped over the edge to become an active community-member! Am looking forward to reading your ideas, comments and opinions on WA- and WND-related or other stuff!

All the best!

Sep 10th, 2012, 02:42 AM
Hello everyone, I am new here and my name is James. I have great interest in games.

Sep 10th, 2012, 04:03 AM
Ji James,

welcome to the WA-community. Games? What games?

All the best!

Sep 10th, 2012, 08:05 AM
New to the forum, love the show (have listened to all episodes at least 2x) and have a few questions...
Why didn't they obtain any mortars or construct any Fougasses?
Why didn't they attempt to put a few camaras further away from the tower?

Sep 10th, 2012, 08:11 AM
Welcome :)

Not really sure about the first one, but the latter would probably have something to do with the wiring/accessibility

Sep 10th, 2012, 08:22 AM
Hello J1285!

Welcome to the forum!
Q1: They didn't find mortars and/ or had no ammo for it and/or had no opportunity to use 'em.
Q2: DeadPixel nails it.

Questions in general: Try to keep them in the discussion-section of the forum - 'cause of Spoiler-alter and stuff ... Also the place there is a lot more lively ... ^^

All the best!

Sep 12th, 2012, 08:33 AM
Hi, My name's Bill, Currently in Afghanistan on deployment (SSG, US Army). I found this site while looking for spoilers. Been listening for about a year. The internet here is spotty, and sometimes takes two days to download new episodes.

Sep 12th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Hi Bill,

yeah, the internet might be spotty ... But what are two days compared with what you get in the end? Right - nothin' and worth your while ... ;)

All the best!

Sep 12th, 2012, 04:18 PM
Hi, My name's Bill, Currently in Afghanistan on deployment (SSG, US Army). I found this site while looking for spoilers. Been listening for about a year. The internet here is spotty, and sometimes takes two days to download new episodes.

That's some bullshit, son. You should find someone to bitch to about that.

Sep 13th, 2012, 08:09 PM
hello every one !

I am happy to join this forum,my name is jami shaikh , I am a beginner, still lay. i like to learn about online business in this forum,
I hope u will help a lot.
Thanks and have a nice day.

Sep 13th, 2012, 09:56 PM
Learning about online business on a forum about a zombie-podcast??? Strikes me kind of ... odd ...
Anyway: Hello.

Sep 13th, 2012, 10:01 PM

Sep 13th, 2012, 10:39 PM
Hello all. New member here. Gone through all the episodes in about a week. Just joined up to talk about the show and to see if anyone else shares my mental image of Burt,lol.

Sep 14th, 2012, 01:56 PM
Hi Murder101,

nice to have you around!

All the best!

Sep 17th, 2012, 07:23 PM
Hi all, my name is Jake im 24 and live in Dayton,Ohio. Im new to the forms obviously, but i am not new to "Were Alive". I've been listining to it for going on 2yrs, and I've finally got the nerve to get on here and start trolling around. I also am very into anything zombies. My Favorite Z movie is Night of the LIving Dead. My favorite Zombie game is Resident Evil Code Veronica, But i do enjoy all types of games(Im on Xbox). My wife and I love sitting down and listening to the podcast and the relistening to past episodes and catching many things we have missed before. I am also trying to get her to create an account. I am looking forward to the continuing of the Story of Survival and Were not Dead.

Sep 18th, 2012, 08:04 PM
The name is Jazz...I'm 26...I'm from New Orleans...and I love the show.

Sep 18th, 2012, 09:44 PM
Hello and welcome Jake and Jazz ...

I say: Rock'n'Roll! Nice to have you around and looking forward to you sharing your ideas!

All the best!

Sep 19th, 2012, 04:32 PM
What is up everyone, I am Nathan from Fresno. I blew through the fist 15 chapters, and now listen to the "We're Not Dead" podcast immediately after listening to the "We're Alive" episode. I am now on currently on Chapter 23 and I am trying to go though them slowly so I can listen to them on my upcoming Hawaii trip, but once I have caught up I anticipate being on these forums a lot.

Sep 19th, 2012, 08:37 PM
Hello Nathan,

nice to meet you! Listening to both podcasts is just +1! And I recommend you this: don't hesitate to listen wo WA in any speed; relistening to it a few times reveals so many more details ... ;) And about Hawaii: Don't forget to have your personal Zombie Survival Guide (by Max Brooks) with you, stay close to Kalani and keep distance to Pippin!

All the best!

Sep 20th, 2012, 12:44 PM
My Internet name is and has been Ginja for so many years that I've forgotten how to type my real life name :) I grew up in the 80s and am a long time zombie fan. I can do without the ghouls themselves, I'm more a fan of what happens to the people, how they survive, adapt etc. One of the things I most appreciated about this series is that it puts us down right in the beginning of the tale. That was a refreshing change of pace for me. I had grown tired of the 'person in a coma wakes to a zombie apocalypse' plot. Glad to have found this podcast. My cat enjoys it as well, she sits up on my desk with her ears perked up when the WA music begins to play.

Sep 21st, 2012, 03:59 AM
Hello Everyone!
I am a long time We're Alive fan, and have been lurking on here for some time, but I want to get more involved in the discussion now.
I live in the north-west of Ireland, which will be a good spot to live once the Zompocalypse happens - less people, easily defensible terrain...but at the moment it can be a little on the quiet side!
WA is in my opinion the greatest podcast or audio dramatisation ever, and I love letting them build up so I can listen to a bunch of episodes back to back.

Sep 21st, 2012, 10:14 AM
Hi Ginja and cat, and hello mark!

Seasoned zeeh-pocalypse-veterans! That's what we need. Am really looking forward to your opinions and thoughts on what is up in WA-verse!

All the best!

Sep 22nd, 2012, 02:10 PM
Hello LOGOMAN is the name Glad to be here. my brother told me about you while back wish I had more time to listen.

Sep 22nd, 2012, 03:18 PM
Hi there, stumbled across We're Alive for the first time earlier this year and fell in love with it. It is by far the longest running, in-depth, well made audio drama I have come across, thankyou to all the cast and crew for bringing it to us!

I'm a 30 something year old fellah from UK, former 3D content (zombie stuff) creator for an online virtual world/community. I also designed the ultimate handheld anti-zombie weapon :)

Hi !

Sep 22nd, 2012, 03:20 PM
Hello Logoman and Gfresh,

nice to have you both around. Logoman: Take your time, it's worth it; and Gfresh: it's cool to have someone around who knows about the architecture of zombies and especially the weapons to take them down!

All the best!

Sep 22nd, 2012, 03:23 PM
Wow that was fast! lol, thanks
Actually the claim of "ultimate handheld anti-zombie weapon" is nothing more than my own opinion, but i think it may make for an interesting thread if others have any ideas or designs of their own. If I/someone else starts that thread I'll post a pic of the design and an explanation.

Sep 24th, 2012, 12:21 PM
Hello all! A rather disturbing message told me I'd better post and introduce myself and, well, I'm not one to argue with disturbing individuals with strange markings.

As far as this site goes, my names is Jannit. <Waits for the round of unimpressed 'Hello Jannits' to end.>

I somehow or another stumbled across the site very recently and now that I try to remember how, I can't! In the span of a few days at work I managed to make my way through the full 33 episodes and am now waiting impatiently with the masses to see what happens next! Not traditionally a fan of zombie-related things, this series has completely won me over. The storytelling is quite fantastic with engaging characters, interesting plot twists and more than enough suspense to choke a behemoth!

I'm currently going back through the series and re-listening to everything to try and catch all of the minutia to pick up on things I missed out on the first time around. Also, it's much more interesting to listen to real zombies than those that could almost pass for zombies at my office. Between work and listening to the episodes again, I've been trying to work through the theories people have posted and possibly add a few of my own to the mix (unless of course they've already been suggested).

I look forward to getting to know more of you and hopefully staying out of sight of The One With the Markings least I get more creepy messages...

Sep 24th, 2012, 01:46 PM
Hello all! A rather disturbing message told me I'd better post and introduce myself and, well, I'm not one to argue with disturbing individuals with strange markings.

As far as this site goes, my names is Jannit. <Waits for the round of unimpressed 'Hello Jannits' to end.>

I somehow or another stumbled across the site very recently and now that I try to remember how, I can't! In the span of a few days at work I managed to make my way through the full 33 episodes and am now waiting impatiently with the masses to see what happens next! Not traditionally a fan of zombie-related things, this series has completely won me over. The storytelling is quite fantastic with engaging characters, interesting plot twists and more than enough suspense to choke a behemoth!

I'm currently going back through the series and re-listening to everything to try and catch all of the minutia to pick up on things I missed out on the first time around. Also, it's much more interesting to listen to real zombies than those that could almost pass for zombies at my office. Between work and listening to the episodes again, I've been trying to work through the theories people have posted and possibly add a few of my own to the mix (unless of course they've already been suggested).

I look forward to getting to know more of you and hopefully staying out of sight of The One With the Markings least I get more creepy messages...

♫Dammit Jannit!♫

Sorry, Rocky Horror Picture Show reference. Anywho, welcome aboard! I can relate in that when I first heard We're Alive, I powered through it all while at work. It has made my time while listening to it very productive at work, but then I stop listening and come to the forums to post my theories and my productivity at work plummets. Oh well, I suppose the universe is just balancing things out!

Enjoy the forums! :D

Sep 24th, 2012, 02:27 PM
♫Dammit Jannit!♫

Sorry, Rocky Horror Picture Show reference.

Haha, no problem! I've gotten quite used to that since adopting this handle for online interactions; so much so that it's almost an expectation now. Thanks for the welcome! ;)

Sep 24th, 2012, 11:26 PM
<'Hello Jannits'.>


Nice to have you around. Mind to speak a little more about the 'disturbing message'? It's what we all got and why we have gathered to share our thoughts and to learn about each other, because we all want to find relief that fate and fortune is no different to each of us ...

Best wishes!

Sep 25th, 2012, 05:03 AM
Haha, no problem! I've gotten quite used to that since adopting this handle for online interactions; so much so that it's almost an expectation now. Thanks for the welcome! ;)

would you have been disappointed if no one had made the reference?

Wow that was fast! lol, thanks
Actually the claim of "ultimate handheld anti-zombie weapon" is nothing more than my own opinion, but i think it may make for an interesting thread if others have any ideas or designs of their own. If I/someone else starts that thread I'll post a pic of the design and an explanation.

you designed the .45 caliber 1911 pistol? wow, it's an honor mr. browning.

Sep 26th, 2012, 03:38 AM
Kia Ora,

I'm Udo from Wellington, New Zealand. Found WA when I first downloaded a podcast player for myPhone. I am a fan of vampire & zombie genre stuff so am loving WA. It's probably the best made series of its type I have come across.

An IT Operations wrangler by trade, live wife my wife & 2 month old son. Into older school rock - KISS, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Stones, Beatles, old Aerosmith blah blah blah.


Sep 26th, 2012, 04:32 AM
Hello Udo,

nice to have you around - end especially a survivor along the Ring of Fire, right?
Zombies and the stuff around the Undead are interesting. If you like to enjoy some serious tax-shit from the US ... An US lawyer wondered, if Zombies, Ghosts and Vampires have to pay taxes ... ! The name of the Lawyer: "Chodorow", the title of the document: "Death and Taxes ... and Zombies" - available here: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2045255

All the best!

Sep 27th, 2012, 09:34 PM
Hey there,

The names Graves, I'm a night manager, born, raised and still living in the arse end of East London, in the UK. In my spare time I watch far too many films, write stuff and never publish it anywhere, play games I never finish, create videos I never upload and fail to find myself a better job I don't hate quite as much.

Stumbled upon the podcast while trying to find more stuff to listen to during my lonely ten hour shifts and remembered having seen the "We're Alive" podcast and basically ignoring it about a year or so back. Decided to download the first few chapters for my first shift and was hooked by the end of the second part of the first damn chapter. Proceeded to listen to about 12 chapters in the next night and had caught up after about 3 days.

Have since re-listened to it all (at least once), recommended it to all and sundry, and have spent my time between chapters thinking way too much about the show. So glad I finally listened to it. Had found myself burned out on anything zombie related but this show feels so refreshing in so many ways and I just couldn't help getting sucked back in.

So now I'm here, looking to talk up the show, catch up on my "We're not dead" backlog and wait anxiously for what happens next in the show (you're killing me K.C).

Sep 27th, 2012, 10:10 PM
Hey Graves,

nice to have you around. Sharing ideas about it is good. And since you changed your mind on the topic of "zombies", you may even change your attitude in starting and finishing things regarding talking about the show. Am looking forward to read about your opinions and thoughts!

All the best!

Sep 29th, 2012, 01:35 PM
Well, hello to all! <br />
<br />
First things first, I'm Michael I'll most certainly disarrange most of my sentences in horrible ways, since I live in Germany and my English has got a little 'rusty'. So be...

Sep 29th, 2012, 02:12 PM
Hi Michael,

you crazy madman - your friend did a good job kicking your ass right into the direction of this awesome podcast. Nice to have you on this forum. And Expendables 2 was NICE ... And it is good to hear that you recovered from Twillight after having taken the right medicine ...

All the best!

Oct 2nd, 2012, 05:52 PM
The names Blip my nickname since.....well a long time ago now. I've been hiding out here in an irish castle since Zed day. The castle is about 300 years old but was renovated in the late 1770s by some rich Protestant family after it was confiscated from the rightful Irish catholic family. Anyway Sir Henry came to a terrible end, there's a couple of biters roaming about with blue blood in them now. I've managed to get hold of some long range CBs and a satellite phone. I've intercepted many conversations between a tower building and maybe another area, seems like a lot of shit going down, any way I can't make contact from my end but I did hear some guy called Dattu or something calling out for help saying he's alive and "We're Alive" so I tracked his call and using the sat phone I'm able to post text across the wires.

I hope this reaches some survivors and I hope I can hook this thing up to a text terminal. Hope it's one of the only things I got left.

Oct 3rd, 2012, 01:07 AM
Hello Blip,

this is an official confirmation: You have re-established contact with living beings - finally! This forum here is a means to share communication and intelligence on them zeds. Noble zombies? Or at least Zombies of noble heritage with blue blood? Do they have special abilities?
As far as I know Irish and British castles have strong walls; thus you are in a very safe location! Keep it safe!

All the best!

Oct 4th, 2012, 07:52 PM
Welcome aboard, new faces.

Oct 4th, 2012, 11:45 PM
Hi cjoleann,

welcome to the WA-forum! Enjoy your time. :)

All the best!

Oct 5th, 2012, 11:06 AM
Hi! I'm Stat. I'm 25, I live in Albuquerque, and I'm a nursing student. I came to We're Alive a few weeks ago, and started lurking here this week. I listened to the first 29 episodes but had to take a break because I had too many feels. Naturally, I'm going to take a break by spending time on the forums.

Also, je suis très contente de voir des autres francophones. (I'm happy to see Spanish and Nederlands speakers, too. But I'm mostly happy to see other French speakers.)

Oct 5th, 2012, 11:17 AM
Hey stat,

a warm welcome to you. Nice to have you around. I so much hope that the forum offers you plenty of information and oppinion and invites you to share your thoughts as well. And I am very, vergy grateful that the zombie- and WA-fans gather from all over the world in this Internet-Tower to fend of them zombie-hordes!

All the best!

Oct 8th, 2012, 12:52 AM
Indeed, welcome aboard, Stat.

Oct 8th, 2012, 02:23 PM
hello everyone I'm Jerry and I have been a fan 6 months now I have finally caught up on all the episodes and I enjoy my weekly podcast I hope to contribute more and maybe travel to the coast to listen to a live reading.


Oct 8th, 2012, 03:15 PM
Hi Jerry,

you chose one of the most badass times in the WA-universe ... A huge 'blast' in episode #100, and you show up. How amazing is that? Am looking forward to the ideas, opinions and thoughts you wish to share!

All the best!

Oct 8th, 2012, 03:45 PM
Hey, I live in South Lake Tahoe which is one of the best places to be when the Zombie Apocalypse happens. Plus its a beautiful place to live even if it doesn't.
I have been listening to the show for Since it was half way into the 1st season and am happy to say that I have gotten at least 5 other people into it. It is a really good story and well produced, so cheers for all the work you guys do. Cant wait for more!

Oct 8th, 2012, 05:19 PM
I am new fan/listener/lover of We're Alive! I found the podcast a few weeks ago and have listened in the car, while cleaning at house, every chance I had until I caught up a couple of days ago. It spoiled me being able to immediately go to next upload and was glad to see the new part out about noon today while I was working. Im a total fan, you guys are great! See you around the forum...Im wondering now about the nuke and the results of it like everyone else! I was glad to hear Hope stop whining but I hope that doesn't mean she's gone forever! -Wendy

Oct 8th, 2012, 06:36 PM
Welcome to all the new members, feel free to ask questions, there's lots of helpful people around here. Good to the community continue to grow.

Oct 9th, 2012, 01:10 AM
Hello and welcome to the forum, Shokist and Wendy!

WA is absolutely everywhere. Shokist - you do it right. Since zombies spread by infecting new people, survivors like you and anyone else here on the forum fight the zombies by spreading the word about WA!
And Wendy - you are awesome. Keeping up to date and on track all the where ever and when ever ist the right thing to do. You'll never know what's gonna happen around the next corner!

All the best!

Oct 9th, 2012, 05:46 PM

Had a pal mention the podcast in August to me - caught up on all the episodes a few weeks ago. That was great, because I could listen to them back to back. The sad thing is that now I have to wait at least a week before getting to hear the next one! :)

Ahh well, if that's the worst it gets, I'm doing pretty well. Really enjoy the show, and kudos to the foley artists!

Take care,

- KK

Oct 9th, 2012, 06:19 PM
Why is everyone so obsessed with muppets and ending them lately?

Welcome Kermit!

Oct 9th, 2012, 10:26 PM

Had a pal mention the podcast in August to me - caught up on all the episodes a few weeks ago. That was great, because I could listen to them back to back. The sad thing is that now I have to wait at least a week before getting to hear the next one! :)

Ahh well, if that's the worst it gets, I'm doing pretty well. Really enjoy the show, and kudos to the foley artists!

Take care,

- KK

Hi KK!

Nice to have you arond. If you can shoot puppets, Zombies should be no problem. Hope you get the other muppet-killers on board as well ... ;)
All the best!

Oct 10th, 2012, 06:55 AM

Had a pal mention the podcast in August to me - caught up on all the episodes a few weeks ago. That was great, because I could listen to them back to back. The sad thing is that now I have to wait at least a week before getting to hear the next one! :)

Ahh well, if that's the worst it gets, I'm doing pretty well. Really enjoy the show, and kudos to the foley artists!

Take care,

- KK

Having just listened to the series a couple of weeks ago, I feel your pain. It almost makes me wish I hadn't stumbled across the podcast until season four was finished but c'est la vie. At least now you can come hang out and make predictions with all the rest of us! :)

Oct 10th, 2012, 07:14 AM
I was on Scott Siglers web site looking for new podcasts to listen to while I worked. There was a link to this podcast and I asked my husband if he had listened to this. He had and said it was really good. At that time there were about 19 or 20 epis out. I'm a big fan of zombie stuff so I couldn't wait to listen. I listened to all the epis in just a few days. Once I was caught up I was anxiously awaiting the next epi and found the We're not Dead podcast. Love Britt, Beez, Greg, and NikVoodoo! They make me laugh out loud! Thanks to everyone who is involved in both these podcasts. It makes my day go by quicker. I'm all caught up and waiting on both! Sigh :-)

Oct 10th, 2012, 09:13 AM
Hello Kikianime,

nice that you enjoy both podcasts - the original and the podcast about the podcast. And I absolutely agree with you. And yeazh - zombie-topic = pretty cool.

All the best!

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:21 PM
Hello all,

Just a little background on the username. Back in the day (when the first Half-Life was released), a buddy and I would get together and play Deathmatch all weekend long. He had a very nice rig, and I was using a crap PC with software emulation for graphics. He would use a Kermit the Frog skin, and since my PC sucked, he would only use the crowbar as a weapon. So, as I would run around the map, I would suddenly hear, "whoosh!-whoosh!-SPLAT!!".

After weeks of that, I decided to make my own PC so I could compete on even terms. After I started playing with that PC, the Kermit crowbar beatings dropped to zero. At that point, I named my new PC the Kermit Killer, and then decided to use that as my gaming handle for most games.

I love the Muppets, and still regard the Muppet version of "Treasure Island" (with Tim Curry as Long John Silver) to be my favorite version of the tale.

Anyways, back to zombie related topics.... ;)

Oct 10th, 2012, 08:48 PM
Hi, I have just joined. I have started listening recently, as I was looking for some Audiobooks. This makes a great bed-time story to help you relax (though I very rarely fall asleep before the chapter ends). I am from Australia.

Oct 10th, 2012, 09:52 PM
Hi hbg,

nice to have you around! And yah, WA (and WND) work out to be the right sleeping pill - except maybe for some of the more action-packed episodes. ;)

All the best!

Oct 11th, 2012, 08:15 AM
Howdy y'all,

I'm Aerock from Chesapeake, Virginia. I'm a staff sergeant in the Army National Guard and I'm an Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation New Dawn veteran. I started off as a heavy vehicle operator, became an artilleryman, and I am now a cavalry scout. I work full-time as a DoD contractor with North Tide Group, LLC as a Total Records and Information Management System Specialist. I have been in and out of college since 1999 (changed my major 5 times), and I'm considering going back and actually finishing a degree.

I am an avid comic book enthusiast and have been reading/collecting since 1989. My first comic book was Amazing Spider-Man #312 - "The Goblin War" featuring the Green Goblin versus the Hobgoblin with Spidey caught in the middle! Since then, I have amassed over 16 long boxes worth of comics, all bagged and boarded. I'm also a fantasy & sci-fi fanboy. My wife isn't into any of these genres, but I'm slowly converting her. We love to watch Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead together.

I just recently learned about We're Alive from two of my Army buddies from New York. They spoke highly about this podcast and I hope that this series will keep me at the edge of my seat for a long time!

Oct 11th, 2012, 08:54 AM
Hello Aerock,

man, that's rock'n'roll to my ears, what you write there. More gun-experts in the war against 'em zombie-dudes!
And comic books/ graphic novels in huge masses? => Awesome. Do you own the "Walking Dead"-stuff as well? And what is your opinion about it? Since a few weeks I consider buying the first to compeniums of "The Walking Dead" ...

All the best!

Oct 11th, 2012, 09:58 AM
Hello Aerock,

man, that's rock'n'roll to my ears, what you write there. More gun-experts in the war against 'em zombie-dudes!
And comic books/ graphic novels in huge masses? => Awesome. Do you own the "Walking Dead"-stuff as well? And what is your opinion about it? Since a few weeks I consider buying the first to compeniums of "The Walking Dead" ...

All the best!

You know what's funny about me? I am qualified on bunch of different weapon systems due to my Army training, yet I hate guns. Ironic, no? As far as the comics go, I do not own any Walking Dead, but I did buy the first compendium for my wife to read in between the AMC series's seasons. I absolutely love the show, and in my experience, reading a storyline is way better than watching it's television/movie counterpart. That being said, I will eventually read the comics, but only after I know I won't be running across any spoilers for the TV show! Speaking of The Walking Dead, I can't wait for this Sunday!

Oct 11th, 2012, 10:06 AM
You know what's funny about me? I am qualified on bunch of different weapon systems due to my Army training, yet I hate guns. Ironic, no?

I guess that will earn you a medal, 'cause in that case you will treat weapons with the respect and the lives of others even more, which each and everyone deserves. +1 !

All the best!

Oct 11th, 2012, 01:06 PM
That being said, I will eventually read the comics, but only after I know I won't be running across any spoilers for the TV show! Speaking of The Walking Dead, I can't wait for this Sunday!

Right with you there! Two great zombie storylines that we have to wait a week for the next fix... :D

Oct 11th, 2012, 01:35 PM
you designed the .45 caliber 1911 pistol? wow, it's an honor mr. browning.Oh dear, oh deary, deary, dear.

"Ye of short sight, count your bullets wisely"
-Gfresh, 2012

Oct 11th, 2012, 04:11 PM
Hewo new faces. :love:

Oct 12th, 2012, 01:12 AM
Hi hbg,

nice to have you around! And yah, WA (and WND) work out to be the right sleeping pill - except maybe for some of the more action-packed episodes. ;)

All the best!
Thanks for the welcome.

I have passed the link onto the local Zombie society in Newcastle. A great thing would be if we did a localised version.

Oct 12th, 2012, 08:39 AM
you designed the .45 caliber 1911 pistol? wow, it's an honor mr. browning.

Should read "You designed the Sig P229"

Oct 12th, 2012, 04:02 PM
Thanks for the welcome.

I have passed the link onto the local Zombie society in Newcastle. A great thing would be if we did a localised version.

Welcome to the WA Forum, from a UK fan in Sheffield!

Should read "You designed the Sig P229"

Do you guys seriously believe that the "ultimate handheld anti-zombie weapon" would be ANY kind of gun at all? I mean come on, it's not a very independent weapon is it. Once you're out of ammo, just how "ultimate" do you think it'd be?

Oct 13th, 2012, 01:21 AM
Hi everybody.

I'm new to the forum but I've been listening to the show since December 2011 (mid-way through season 2). I was prompted to listen by none other than Greg Miller, and started listening to We're Not Dead as well. I'm a fan of old time radio dramas like The Shadow, Suspense, and Boston Blackie, and We're Alive does a terrific job of carrying on the tradition of audio storytelling.

Oct 13th, 2012, 02:19 PM
Hi everybody.

I'm new to the forum but I've been listening to the show since December 2011 (mid-way through season 2). I was prompted to listen by none other than Greg Miller, and started listening to We're Not Dead as well. I'm a fan of old time radio dramas like The Shadow, Suspense, and Boston Blackie, and We're Alive does a terrific job of carrying on the tradition of audio storytelling.

Plus one for OTR! I wrote a blog about that on here not too long ago. Welcome aboard and enjoy your stay with us. :love:

Oct 13th, 2012, 05:15 PM
Hi TheIsh79,

nice to have you around. And nice to have you experience the awe and amazement of audio-dramas as well ... Don't laugh: Back in the 80ies it all started with "John Sinclair" for me ... Not sure, if anyone here knows those ...

All the best!

Oct 15th, 2012, 07:06 AM
I'm Jill, I live in Oregon. I work on an alpaca ranch. I found this podcast through a new hire at work. He's a jerk, cause he got me seriously hooked on We're Alive!! So good, I have gotten caught up over the past week or so, and am anxiously awaiting the newest episode. Thanks for making picking up alpaca poop so much more pleasant!!

Oct 15th, 2012, 09:16 AM
Hello Jill,

if this is what makes jerks kind of 'adorable' and alpaca poop not as bad anymore, then WA is the right medicine, I guess. Nice to have you aboard this forum! And we all share the tense moments (i.e. weeks or two weeks) until the next episode shows up on the feed ...

All the best!

Oct 15th, 2012, 07:23 PM

I'm Kevin, from Canberra in Australia. I started listening to WA shortly after hearing about it on Up At Noon w/ Greg Miller. I was immediately addicted and have lapped it up every week (or second week). I have been reading theories and stuff on this forum for a while now but never got around to making an account until now. I just pulled off a zombie trifecta, played Resident Evil 6 for a couple hours, then watched The Walking Dead s03e01 (which was sooo good), and then got to listen to the newest chapter of WA! YAY!!! Figured that since today was so zombie themed, I'd finally make an account on the forum :P.

Fricken loves me this zombie podcast action.. it's so incredibly compelling! I listen to We're Not Alive each week just to get a minor fix.. plus the intro always makes me smile ^_^. BANGBANGBANG!~

Keep it up KC! You've managed to make a complete and utter crack-rock level addictive product, which is no small feat in today's age of everything being 'samey'!


Oct 15th, 2012, 07:26 PM
Listened to the latest at work again, can't wait for the next one. Thanks for the nice welcome!!

Oct 15th, 2012, 09:56 PM
Uh well...lets see. I'm Andy, I join you from the great nation of Texas...I mean state, state of Texas. It's warm and sticky and I'm not originally from here, but I moved here to work in electrical manufacturing for a company that does aircraft upgrades and remodels. I started listening to this podcast as a way to keep focused and awake at work (I'm not a morning person) and music makes me sleepy a lot. I haven't even been listening for a year but I was hooked right away. The wait still kills me after being so used to running right through all of it. I've been lazy about getting involved though. I'm not sure how to describe myself any better, moving down here has kinda turned everything I had established about myself upside-down, but that's finally settling down.

Oct 16th, 2012, 12:41 AM
Hi Kevin and Andy, <br />
<br />
Kevin - the zombie-topic is just incredible. If you'd like to learn a &quot;different&quot; &quot;The Walking Dead&quot;-storyline, I recommend either player &quot;The Walking Dead&quot; by Telltale Games...

corneilious jones
Oct 16th, 2012, 04:43 AM
Hi. I'm "Corneilious". I live on the central coast of California where the weather is awesome all year and I manage a linen/laundry service.
A facebook friend of mine turned me on to this fantastic podcast, "We're Alive". I love it. I am almost caught up (two chapters to go tonight). now I'll have to wait with the rest of you.
I love all things zombie. I even gave a speech in school on 'how to prepare for a zombie attack' that was very popular :) my apartment is zombie proof! also, blades never need reloading (rule #4).
i look forward to long zombie talks with the lot of you.
have a happy!


Oct 16th, 2012, 06:36 AM
Hi Corneilious,

the zombie-genre is awesome. And nice to have you on the show. And Kelly would be happy to have you around as well, since she was in the laundry-biz for a short while as well - back at The Colony. ;)

All the best!

Oct 16th, 2012, 09:45 AM
Im not so good at the mechanical, but electrical is tons of fun. Texas has been an adjustment, but it's a nice place. I'm glad to have finally joined these forums.

Oct 18th, 2012, 01:42 PM
Hi all, Don Paleo, from Europe.

I found out about the podcast from a tech blogger I follow who mentioned the 100th episode. That was a week last monday. I am as of today up to date, and I suppose the hardest thing for me, will be getting used to weekly intervals, rather than 50 episodes per week!

Oct 18th, 2012, 01:49 PM
Hi Paleo,

welcome to the forum! Yeah, the sugar-rush is intense ... And the cool-down phase after this is kind of a torture. I recommend you listening to all of the episode at least a second and third time; you will recognize plenty of details you may have overheard or considered not so important ... At least this is what I experienced when I listened to them another time and another time and ... Also: Now that you know how things turn out you make listen to the older episodes with new attention ... It is amazing! Really, it is. Try it out! This helps you get the time passed ... And besides this: The WND Podcast is worth your time as well ... Although the older episodes are about things already obsolete, it still is worth a try - especially the episodes with special guests on them ...

All the best!

Oct 18th, 2012, 02:13 PM
Welcome, new folks. Enjoy your stay with us.

Oct 19th, 2012, 06:07 PM
As an avid listener to audio books I am always interested in new forums of entertainment . Listening many of the new and old authors. Last year getting for a road trip I found We're Alive on iTunes and have been addicted since.

I work in video production and do a fair amount of travel so an interesting story can make a plane flight more bearable.
An interesting point, about 2 months ago my wife and I became "empty nesters". About the same time We also had a terrible accident with our pet Brusslest Griffon . Well my wife was having a awful time and had to find another dog. As it turned out she called me from Petco and was going to bring home a rescue. It turns out she bought home a Puggle. I wanted to call her Lady, but she is named Gwen.
Unlike Lady, Gwen is the most Psycotic dog alive. Probably a result of my wife's training and the Puppy Mill genetics.

As someone that grew up in Los Angeles, I have knowledge of the area in We're Alive story. I find that I am able visualize the places in the WA series.


Oct 20th, 2012, 12:42 AM
Hi RhinoGunner,

nice to have you aboard.
A few weeks ago I spoke with a friend who was born in LA as well; but she did not know this podcast. I invited her to listen to WA, because I wanted to know what happens with your imagination, if you actually know the place where WA takes place. And you provide the answer. Awesome!
About your pet: I am so sorry; I grew up with cats and dogs ever since; and as of now I own a cat (Diva) and a Dog (Shushu). I know how it feels to loose one such a friend, and I also know how complicated it might be to become accustomed to a new fellow. Things will fall into place sooner then later. ;)

Do you know about audio-dramas comparable (in quality, storywise, voice-acting-wise) with WA?

All the best!

Oct 20th, 2012, 09:50 AM
Thanks for the sympathy. My Wife and 18 year daughter are feeling better now. I created an Album with the pictures of Gwen the Zombie Puggle. Take a look.

I began listening to audio books for the past 10 years. Very few audio books have the same impact that the audio drama format can have. Unfortunately I have found very few audio dramas that interest me. I found a couple authors that do a good job reading their works. Are you familiar with Scott Sigler? Jake Bible? I like Scott Sigler's work, he has created some interesting Science fictions novels and does a good job producing the audio books.
In the beginning I was not really a fan of the Zombie stories, but after WA I have become a fan of the genre. I am also a fan of Science Fiction genre.


Oct 21st, 2012, 03:03 AM
Hey everyone. My actual name is Neal, and it wasn't taken, so it was an easy choice. This is the first audio drama I've ever listened to and it's an amazing story. Before I went on vacation this summer, my friend had me download the 30 chapters that were then available and listen to them on the flight. I'm generally a nervous flyer, but as soon as I plugged my headphones into my mp3 player, the nerves all left and the flight actually became tolerable. And from that point on, I was hooked.

Oct 21st, 2012, 03:35 AM
Hi Neal, also known as Neal!

it is always interesting to see how the WA audio-drama is suitable for different life-situations - from entertainment and distraction to life flight up to the lullaby. Yes, inded: I enjoy listening to WA when I am awake, and I also use it for falling asleep, 'cause it prevents me from thinking about serious shit ...

All the best!

Oct 22nd, 2012, 05:49 AM
Hey everyone. My actual name is Neal, and it wasn't taken, so it was an easy choice. This is the first audio drama I've ever listened to and it's an amazing story. Before I went on vacation this summer, my friend had me download the 30 chapters that were then available and listen to them on the flight. I'm generally a nervous flyer, but as soon as I plugged my headphones into my mp3 player, the nerves all left and the flight actually became tolerable. And from that point on, I was hooked.

Yeah, this is my first listening to an audio drama as well! I downloaded the first nine chapters on my phone, but could only get through the first 4 while I was working this weekend with the Army! It did make the convoy home fly by in no time though!

Oct 23rd, 2012, 01:04 AM
hey guys i'm josh . i've been listening to we're alive since the middle of the first season and i've really been hook ever since.
just thought i'd finally join the forum to share the thoughts that go on in my head because its not doing any good going nowhere.
hope to see you guys on the forums

Oct 23rd, 2012, 09:57 AM
Good Day. Just popping in to say hello. I'm a body modifier and a zombie geek. I found this site while browsing r/zombiesurvivaltactics on reddit. I will now commence browsing this trove.

Oct 23rd, 2012, 10:23 AM
Hi Neal, also known as Neal!

it is always interesting to see how the WA audio-drama is suitable for different life-situations - from entertainment and distraction to life flight up to the lullaby. Yes, inded: I enjoy listening to WA when I am awake, and I also use it for falling asleep, 'cause it prevents me from thinking about serious shit ...

All the best!
Liam I can't use we're alive to fall asleep. It excites my mind and makes me wanna re-listen to old episodes.

Oct 23rd, 2012, 10:48 AM
Welcome <name>. Enjoy your stay.

Oct 23rd, 2012, 02:51 PM
Hi Josh and Robyn. Nice to have you onboard.

Oct 23rd, 2012, 03:57 PM
Hey everyone!

My names Patrick, but mostly I go by my internet handler CoolPat7

Currently my interests are drawing and illustrating when im not working, gaming from SNES, N64, PS1, 2, and Xbox 360, and when I get the chance hiking around Illinois

;) I actually was hooked on We're Alive all the way back in July, but its taken me all the way to today to get caught up to the current episode. Finally decided today to register on the forum and meet the people from the exciting podcast

Cant wait for more!

Oct 23rd, 2012, 04:01 PM
Hi Patrick.

Then you should take a look at "Ask it himself"; but Kc and the cast and all the people involved in producing the show are/ seem to be active on the forum anywhere and anytime. Nice to have you aboard, and take your chances!

All the best!

Oct 23rd, 2012, 09:59 PM
hello everyone! I'm from Washington. I enjoyed in this site and it was really interesting.

Oct 24th, 2012, 12:55 AM
Hello antonetcoln from Washington.

I so much hope this site STILL IS really interesting. ;) Nice to have you with us!

All the best!

Oct 25th, 2012, 07:39 AM
Hello All,

My name is Gregg and I am fighting my We’re Alive obsession. So far I have it managed but it’s been a challenge. I finally registered for the forum after a discussion with friends on what characters and places look like. I figured the forum would have some interesting insight.


Oct 25th, 2012, 07:52 AM
Howdy y'all,

I'm Aerock from Chesapeake, Virginia.

Howdy to you too. Good to see someone else from Hampton Roads on here. I'm in Port-Chesa-folk, myself. Sounds like you've discovered that this show is highly addictive already.

Oct 25th, 2012, 08:12 AM
Howdy to you too. Good to see someone else from Hampton Roads on here. I'm in Port-Chesa-folk, myself. Sounds like you've discovered that this show is highly addictive already.

Great to see more people from the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River! As far as WA being addictive, I've gone through 5 chapters in 4 work days... I've been trying to keep it under control, but I think I'm gonna start kicking it into overdrive so I can interact with people on current chapters on the forums! Back to the WA listening marathon!

Oct 25th, 2012, 01:58 PM
Hi Gregg,

and welcome to this forum. Yeah, the WA-virus is kind of a challenge. And you bet: This forum is just as challenging ... Defintion of challenge in the WA-verse: addiction, addicting with only positive (side-)effects.

All the best!

Oct 26th, 2012, 01:09 PM
Hi @Aerock, GreggSz and antonetcoin, we already missed you! Welcome to the tower! :)

Oct 26th, 2012, 03:21 PM
Great to see more people from the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River! As far as WA being addictive, I've gone through 5 chapters in 4 work days... I've been trying to keep it under control, but I think I'm gonna start kicking it into overdrive so I can interact with people on current chapters on the forums! Back to the WA listening marathon!

It is soo hard to pace oneself with this show, but once you've caught up, the production schedule will do the pacing for you. This show is like crack, or how I would imagine crack to be. Soon, you'll come across a person wearing a band-aid and you'll ask if they've been bitten, and heaven help anyone you see walking with a limp on the side up the road.

Oct 26th, 2012, 03:23 PM
My names Patrick, but mostly I go by my internet handler CoolPat7

Glad to have you on board CoolPat7!

Oct 26th, 2012, 03:28 PM
hello everyone! I'm from Washington. I enjoyed in this site and it was really interesting.

Listening to WA from Wa. Welcome to the forum.

Oct 26th, 2012, 05:02 PM
Witch Doctor is the fucking tits!!!

Patient Zer0
Oct 28th, 2012, 05:34 PM
Hey folks, my name is Darren but most people call me Zer0. I found this podcast completely by accident, and now I'm hooked. I love well written zombie stories and this one is amazing. I've been listening at work for the last week and I am dreading the day when I am all caught up.

Oct 29th, 2012, 12:40 AM
Hi Darren, welcome. The whole non-zombified world is looking for patient zero. Maybe you have some new information for us? :)

Oct 29th, 2012, 01:06 AM
Hello Zer0,

nice to have you aboard. You don't need to dread the moment when you have caught up; just listen to the show a second and third time, because then you most likely explore more depths of the story and recognize many details that might have slipped your attention on the first run. At least that's what happened to me. :)

All the best!

Oct 29th, 2012, 09:44 AM
Hello. Names Fabian from Los Angeles.
My cousin got me to listen to this a couple of weeks ago and pretty much pulled all nighters to catch up. Now I'm stuck like all of you desperate for the next episode.

Oct 29th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Hi Fabian from L.A.!

And shared desperation is half desperation. There is plenty to talk about on the forums - enough to distract you, keep you busy and enjoy the next episode to show up!
All the best!


Oct 30th, 2012, 12:12 AM
Witch Doctor is the fucking tits!!!

Wow, you just... you just rolled in really hot with that one. Like some kind of plane... crashing....

Oct 30th, 2012, 11:20 AM
Hi, I am Chris
Caught up last week and I am now at a loss of what to listen too... Looks like I am going to get a new mp3 player tonight and start over again. My player lost the power button today.

Waiting for next episode...

Oct 30th, 2012, 01:20 PM
Hi Chris,

welcome to the WA community. If you have listened to the show once, do it several more time; you might recognize details that slipped your attention the first time. And enjoy your new MP3-player.

All the best!

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Hi Chris,

welcome to the WA community. If you have listened to the show once, do it several more time; you might recognize details that slipped your attention the first time. And enjoy your new MP3-player.

All the best!

Thanks for the welcome. I will start my second run through probably this week. Still haven't found a new MP3 player yet (not a fan of apple), I just have to plug my old one into the computer to turn it on...

Nov 5th, 2012, 10:31 AM
Hello! Love reading the forum and everyone's theories. Thought I would join.

Nov 5th, 2012, 12:08 PM
Welcome Saul!

Hello! Love reading the forum and everyone's theories. Thought I would join.

Awesome! I am curious what's on your mind about WA and us crazy theorists ...

All the best!

Nov 7th, 2012, 04:10 AM
Hi all I'm Stuart a new recruit to the were alive podcast. Found it one sleepless night when FBA ( free buddist audio) just wasn't doing it for me!!!
Since that first night I've been hooked and I've hooked quite a few others since too!!
Now I'm all upto date with the pod it seems such a long wait to get the next fix so I keep the shakes at bay with brittney on the were not dead pod cast ( oh she sounds soooooo ficking hot. :0) in another life maybe. Well that's all for now I will try and catch a few of you on the chat so if u see me there give me a nod.

Nov 7th, 2012, 06:56 AM
Welcome Stuart! I just found WA in October, but I've been rationing out my listening. I'm only on Chapter 19, but I'm getting up there. I still haven't listened to a single podcast of WND. I'm looking forward to it though!

Nov 7th, 2012, 07:16 AM
Hello All. My name is Bubba and I found WA a couple of weeks ago thanks to a post someone did about the 100th episode. I got all caught up last Wednesday and was agonizing over having to wait for the next episode.

Absolutely loving the show and this site. Can't wait to see where it all goes....

Nov 7th, 2012, 07:48 AM
Welcome aboard, new folks. Enjoy your stay.

Nov 7th, 2012, 08:01 AM
Hey y'all, I'm Malena. I found the WA about 2 weeks ago while searching the marketplace on my phone, curiosity took over me and I downloaded the first chapter. Got hooked, now I'm a WA junkie. Took me a couple of days to get caught up on all the chapters. But I did it, listened at work (not like I have a lot of work to do), in the car, at home in every room. Can't wait for the new chapters to come out. Oh, by the way, I'm in Texas.

Nov 7th, 2012, 09:02 AM
hello everybody my name is Marvin a friend of mine told me about the podcast got hooked after the first chapter. I am in California and i work in Inglewood yeah i know

Nov 7th, 2012, 09:29 AM
hello everybody my name is Marvin a friend of mine told me about the podcast got hooked after the first chapter. I am in California and i work in Inglewood yeah i know


Nov 7th, 2012, 12:09 PM
Hello all new faces!

Spread the virus, enjoy your stay and share your thoughts!


Nov 8th, 2012, 03:55 AM
my name is Cornell, Corn for short. I found this podcast on my I phone and been hooked ever since!!!!!! I love to listen to W.A while working out, and driving to work. I'm a fun guy and crazy to be around...

Nov 8th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Hi fun guy!

It's crazy to have you around. And nice.

All the best!

Nov 8th, 2012, 10:36 AM
It seems like every few days I'm saying "welcome new faces" and then promptly never seeing them again. Join in the discussions! We're all (mostly) friendly and totally (some of us) willing to help you blend into the fold.



Nov 8th, 2012, 04:21 PM
Whats up Folks, I'm Smokey (I smoke to much and the name stuck in High School) I currently reside in Dayton, OH (You lucky fuckers who live in Cali or Florida or all those nice places that aren't Ohio) and I play with chemicals for a living (especially Nitrogen, see if you can guess my job). I started listening to WA about a week ago and now I already have relistened several times and have my brother and a few friends hooked on it. Great podcast!

Nov 9th, 2012, 12:57 AM
Hi Smokey,

Whats up Folks, I'm Smokey (I smoke to much and the name stuck in High School) I currently reside in Dayton, OH (You lucky fuckers who live in Cali or Florida or all those nice places that aren't Ohio) and I play with chemicals for a living (especially Nitrogen, see if you can guess my job). I started listening to WA about a week ago and now I already have relistened several times and have my brother and a few friends hooked on it. Great podcast!

nice to have you and family and friends aboard. Enjoy your time, feel free AND invited to join in the lively discussions on this forum.
I live in the crap named Lower Saxony in Germany; I guess there is no place as worse as that; so even Ohio would be way better, I guess ... You lucky guy! :cool:

All the best!

Nov 9th, 2012, 04:04 AM
Hello all. I got hooked on WA about 3 months ago after a friend stu10166 told me I had to listen to it because I might like it. He was right!! I blasted through the whole thing in about 3 weeks and now have that agonising wait every week. I recently discovered WND and I am currently ploughing through all of those. After that I'm going to listen to the whole of WA alive again. I have referred a few people that are now hooked as well.

Thanks :)

Nov 9th, 2012, 06:28 AM
Hi Nicknak,

awesome! And welcome!
The agony will be challenging soon when season 3 is finished, 'cause then you'll have to wait at least for about half a year until season 4 gets started ... But that is also a good time to relisten to the show another few times.

All the best!

Nov 9th, 2012, 06:56 AM
Thanks Liam. I'm not looking forward to that wait, but I'm hoping the season finale will be a nice long episode.

Nov 9th, 2012, 09:05 AM
Hi Nicknak, I would like to welcome you, too. Enjoy your stay at the tower!

Nov 12th, 2012, 08:17 AM
My names Jessica, I'm 28 and from the US. I love to travel and would like to see the world. I went to college in the mid-west... but left because it's way too expensive for my taste, currently enrolled in online courses majoring in business. No idea what I want to do when I grow up. I currently write short stories and enjoy photography. I'm obsessed with anything zombies. I run a lot! I love being outdoors, hiking, climbing, running, reading (I do a lot of this) and writing. My favorite novels are anything with revenge and post-apocalyptic. I always have the last word and I'm very opinionated.

Nov 12th, 2012, 10:39 AM
Hi Jessica, welcome to the forum. I guess you have found the right place. You simply can not find a better place to witness the inevitable consequences of the zombie apocalypse. Great to have you with us.

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:09 PM
Hi Jessica,

My names Jessica, I'm 28 and from the US. I love to travel and would like to see the world. I went to college in the mid-west... but left because it's way too expensive for my taste, currently enrolled in online courses majoring in business. No idea what I want to do when I grow up. I currently write short stories and enjoy photography. I'm obsessed with anything zombies. I run a lot! I love being outdoors, hiking, climbing, running, reading (I do a lot of this) and writing. My favorite novels are anything with revenge and post-apocalyptic. I always have the last word and I'm very opinionated.

nice to have you around. And your obsession is no obsession at all - that's simply natural... ;)

All the best!

Nov 12th, 2012, 12:11 PM
My names Jessica, I'm 28 and from the US. I love to travel and would like to see the world. I went to college in the mid-west... but left because it's way too expensive for my taste, currently enrolled in online courses majoring in business. No idea what I want to do when I grow up. I currently write short stories and enjoy photography. I'm obsessed with anything zombies. I run a lot! I love being outdoors, hiking, climbing, running, reading (I do a lot of this) and writing. My favorite novels are anything with revenge and post-apocalyptic. I always have the last word and I'm very opinionated.

Welcome aboard! You found the right spot...Zombies, Revenge, Post-apocalyptic. And that's all in just the 1st season...

Nov 15th, 2012, 04:22 PM
Hello, I'm Scott.
Found 'We're Alive' through King Co. library (WA). Get audiobooks there and this came up.
Have been interested in 'Walking Dead' finding the comic book collections at the library. Been wanting to read 'World War Z' (have read some through Amazon). Prob. have to buy it.
Hi again,

Nov 15th, 2012, 06:25 PM
Hello, I'm Scott.
Found 'We're Alive' through King Co. library (WA). Get audiobooks there and this came up.
Have been interested in 'Walking Dead' finding the comic book collections at the library. Been wanting to read 'World War Z' (have read some through Amazon). Prob. have to buy it.
Hi again,

Welcome Scott! Lots of good stuff around here between the Forum and the Wiki.

Where are you in the series (which Chapter) right now?

Nov 16th, 2012, 01:59 AM
Hi Scott and welcome to this forum,

by any chance: consider the audiobook-version of WA as something you may want to listen to ... The cast is incredible, and it covers a lot of the book (it is slightly shorter then the real book).

All the best!

Nov 22nd, 2012, 07:51 AM
Hi All, Jeremy, Glass torch worker from the ideal retreat zone of deep in the "Mountain South" (border region of Ky,Tenn,VA,NC)

I discovered WA by accident by purchasing it on Amazon or Audible, thinking it was gonna be a good survival audiobook along the lines of "Patriots", "Lucifer's Hammer", Alas Babylon, etc. It's only been a couple of weeks, and I'm totally hooked. On my third listen through, and dreading the season break and the impending doom of only one more season to be made... I really love audiobooks, cause I can get my book fix and work at the same time, but I've been completely blown away by how much better this is, with the different actors and sound effects, etc. I'd love for this genre to blow up, if it could be done half as well as KC and the cast and crew have done this one. Hat's off to all of you. Look forward to following your future work as well.
So, spreading the word and telling everyone I can about WA, hope to get you lots of other fans. And hoping against hope for further development of the story after next season.
I never do forums, but couldn't help myself here, so ignore me or direct me if I'm doing something wrong or look like a dumbass...

Nov 22nd, 2012, 07:56 AM
Hi All, Jeremy, Glass torch worker from the ideal retreat zone of deep in the "Mountain South" (border region of Ky,Tenn,VA,NC)

I discovered WA by accident by purchasing it on Amazon or Audible, thinking it was gonna be a good survival audiobook along the lines of "Patriots", "Lucifer's Hammer", Alas Babylon, etc. It's only been a couple of weeks, and I'm totally hooked. On my third listen through, and dreading the season break and the impending doom of only one more season to be made... I really love audiobooks, cause I can get my book fix and work at the same time, but I've been completely blown away by how much better this is, with the different actors and sound effects, etc. I'd love for this genre to blow up, if it could be done half as well as KC and the cast and crew have done this one. Hat's off to all of you. Look forward to following your future work as well.
So, spreading the word and telling everyone I can about WA, hope to get you lots of other fans. And hoping against hope for further development of the story after next season.
I never do forums, but couldn't help myself here, so ignore me or direct me if I'm doing something wrong or look like a dumbass...

Welcome, Jeremy. We have a great community here so please jump in with both feet.

Glad you are enjoying WA. Visit some of the episode discussions and let folks know what you think. Good discussions in there.

Hope to see you around the tower...

-Bubba (resident of the "Deep South")

Nov 22nd, 2012, 12:02 PM
Hi All, Jeremy, Glass torch worker from the ideal retreat zone of deep in the "Mountain South" (border region of Ky,Tenn,VA,NC)

I discovered WA by accident by purchasing it on Amazon or Audible, thinking it was gonna be a good survival audiobook along the lines of "Patriots", "Lucifer's Hammer", Alas Babylon, etc. It's only been a couple of weeks, and I'm totally hooked. On my third listen through, and dreading the season break and the impending doom of only one more season to be made... I really love audiobooks, cause I can get my book fix and work at the same time, but I've been completely blown away by how much better this is, with the different actors and sound effects, etc. I'd love for this genre to blow up, if it could be done half as well as KC and the cast and crew have done this one. Hat's off to all of you. Look forward to following your future work as well.
So, spreading the word and telling everyone I can about WA, hope to get you lots of other fans. And hoping against hope for further development of the story after next season.
I never do forums, but couldn't help myself here, so ignore me or direct me if I'm doing something wrong or look like a dumbass...

Hi Jeremy, welcome to the forum, too. Do not be afraid to post on this forum. The forum is actually very good, no shit storms, no flame wars, just people who appreciate this very special podcast. I would even encourage you to post and to participate as much as you like to. Just have a go! :)

Nov 22nd, 2012, 03:50 PM
Hi All, Jeremy, Glass torch worker from the ideal retreat zone of deep in the "Mountain South" (border region of Ky,Tenn,VA,NC)

I discovered WA by accident by purchasing it on Amazon or Audible, thinking it was gonna be a good survival audiobook along the lines of "Patriots", "Lucifer's Hammer", Alas Babylon, etc. It's only been a couple of weeks, and I'm totally hooked. On my third listen through, and dreading the season break and the impending doom of only one more season to be made... I really love audiobooks, cause I can get my book fix and work at the same time, but I've been completely blown away by how much better this is, with the different actors and sound effects, etc. I'd love for this genre to blow up, if it could be done half as well as KC and the cast and crew have done this one. Hat's off to all of you. Look forward to following your future work as well.
So, spreading the word and telling everyone I can about WA, hope to get you lots of other fans. And hoping against hope for further development of the story after next season.
I never do forums, but couldn't help myself here, so ignore me or direct me if I'm doing something wrong or look like a dumbass...

Welcome! I'm the resident douche canoe! If you do end up making an ass of yourself, don't worry! I'll tell you!

Nov 23rd, 2012, 07:49 AM
Hey guys! I'm James, and I'm finishing up my Civil Engineering Degree over in Florida.

I started listening to WA in the summer of 2011 after my friend kept pestering me over and over until I finally gave it a try. From chapter one I was hooked. I've listened to seasons one and two countless times in introducing my friends to the show. I'm tired of having all sorts of cool theories but having everyone I know be behind, and missing out on fascinating concepts. I've been lurking the forums a tiny bit, and recently started listening to WND. Looking forward to getting my WA fix here while waiting for Season 4 to begin, and can't even imagine what's going to happen for twelve more chapters.
Looking forward to talking with you all!

Cabbage Patch
Nov 23rd, 2012, 09:20 AM
Hey guys! I'm James, and I'm finishing up my Civil Engineering Degree over in Florida...

Hi James, welcome to the Forums! It's definitely the place to be if you want to talk about We're Alive, and I know we're all interested in having you add your voice to the conversation.

Nov 23rd, 2012, 06:27 PM
Hey guys! I'm James, and I'm finishing up my Civil Engineering Degree over in Florida.

I started listening to WA in the summer of 2011 after my friend kept pestering me over and over until I finally gave it a try. From chapter one I was hooked. I've listened to seasons one and two countless times in introducing my friends to the show. I'm tired of having all sorts of cool theories but having everyone I know be behind, and missing out on fascinating concepts. I've been lurking the forums a tiny bit, and recently started listening to WND. Looking forward to getting my WA fix here while waiting for Season 4 to begin, and can't even imagine what's going to happen for twelve more chapters.
Looking forward to talking with you all!

Welcome James. Glad to have you aboard!

And we would all love to hear your theories on WA. So go check out the latest episode discussions or theories threads and jump on in..

Nov 23rd, 2012, 08:28 PM
Hi, I am a divorced mother of two wonderful kids. I live in a very small town in southwest Michigan. A coworker told me about WA and I have been hooked since I listened to the first episode, which was about 1-1/2 ago. KC and everyone has done a great job, please keep up the good work.

Nov 23rd, 2012, 08:40 PM
Hi, I am a divorced mother of two wonderful kids. I live in a very small town in southwest Michigan. A coworker told me about WA and I have been hooked since I listened to the first episode, which was about 1-1/2 ago. KC and everyone has done a great job, please keep up the good work.

You should tell Kc yourself! He's a very sad man who needs ehugs every day or he ends up in the fetal position on the floor of a closet. Poor little guy. He works so hard for all of us.

Nov 23rd, 2012, 08:41 PM
Hi, I am a divorced mother of two wonderful kids. I live in a very small town in southwest Michigan. A coworker told me about WA and I have been hooked since I listened to the first episode, which was about 1-1/2 ago. KC and everyone has done a great job, please keep up the good work.

Welcome to the community. We're glad you came in. Many of us are fairly well addicted to WA in here. If you haven't done so already, check out the "We're Not Dead" podcast for lots of great commentary and info.

Nov 23rd, 2012, 08:44 PM
Look... let's face it. If you're here it's because you're an addict. We're all addicts. We all need help. We should all... go inside.

Nov 23rd, 2012, 08:46 PM
Look... let's face it. If you're here it's because you're an addict. We're all addicts. We all need help. We should all... go inside.

We're not going to have an intervention until after season 4 is over though. So don't worry...much.

Nov 23rd, 2012, 09:03 PM
We're not going to have an intervention until after season 4 is over though. So don't worry...much.

I ain't even bovvered.

Nov 24th, 2012, 09:35 AM
Hey, everyone.
I'm Phil, from Michigan, USA
I learned about this site from the message at the end of the Podcasts.
Figured I'd check it out.

A bit about myself:

-I work for a Hyundai New-Car Dealership as a parts specialist.
-I've got an associates degree in Computer Aided Drafting and design
-I've got a second associates in Automotive Technology (Working on cars)

-I grew up in Detroit, MI

-I love the zombie / post-apocalyptic / prepping genre of film, blog, podcast, book, game, etc.
I'm currently writing a Zombie Survival story
[Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8526914/1/Zompoc-Diaries-A-story-of-survival]

I'm also in process of posting it up in blog form here:

I've done several "Zombie-Proof" vehicle conversion concept designs, which I've posted on my main blog, here:

So, yeah. I'm pretty into the genre, and have been watching most of the shows on Netflix, as well as several of the best Zombie movies.
I've read Max Brooks' "Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War Z" several times.

I'm not trying to promote my blogs, just trying to express my near-obsession with the genre.

Nov 24th, 2012, 09:53 AM
Hey, everyone.
I'm Phil, from Michigan, USA
I learned about this site from the message at the end of the Podcasts.
Figured I'd check it out.

A bit about myself:

-I work for a Hyundai New-Car Dealership as a parts specialist.
-I've got an associates degree in Computer Aided Drafting and design
-I've got a second associates in Automotive Technology (Working on cars)

-I grew up in Detroit, MI

-I love the zombie / post-apocalyptic / prepping genre of film, blog, podcast, book, game, etc.
I'm currently writing a Zombie Survival story
[Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8526914/1/Zompoc-Diaries-A-story-of-survival]

I'm also in process of posting it up in blog form here:

I've done several "Zombie-Proof" vehicle conversion concept designs, which I've posted on my main blog, here:

So, yeah. I'm pretty into the genre, and have been watching most of the shows on Netflix, as well as several of the best Zombie movies.
I've read Max Brooks' "Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War Z" several times.

I'm not trying to promote my blogs, just trying to express my near-obsession with the genre.

Welcome to the Tower, Phil. Jump in and share your enthusiasm in the forums. Love to hear from you...

The concept cars are pretty cool. I especially like the Baja truck & Ford Raptor.

Nov 24th, 2012, 10:36 AM
I like the raptor too, though I'd have to pick the small tank as my favorite.

Nov 24th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Hey, everyone.
I'm Phil, from Michigan, USA
I learned about this site from the message at the end of the Podcasts.
Figured I'd check it out.

A bit about myself:

-I work for a Hyundai New-Car Dealership as a parts specialist.
-I've got an associates degree in Computer Aided Drafting and design
-I've got a second associates in Automotive Technology (Working on cars)

-I grew up in Detroit, MI

-I love the zombie / post-apocalyptic / prepping genre of film, blog, podcast, book, game, etc.
I'm currently writing a Zombie Survival story
[Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8526914/1/Zompoc-Diaries-A-story-of-survival]

I'm also in process of posting it up in blog form here:

I've done several "Zombie-Proof" vehicle conversion concept designs, which I've posted on my main blog, here:

So, yeah. I'm pretty into the genre, and have been watching most of the shows on Netflix, as well as several of the best Zombie movies.
I've read Max Brooks' "Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War Z" several times.

I'm not trying to promote my blogs, just trying to express my near-obsession with the genre.

Good stuff, Phil. If you grew up in Detroit, you're already prepared for the zompocalypse better than 80% of the country.

Nov 24th, 2012, 01:47 PM
Hey, everyone.
I'm Phil, from Michigan, USA
I learned about this site from the message at the end of the Podcasts.
Figured I'd check it out.

A bit about myself:

-I work for a Hyundai New-Car Dealership as a parts specialist.
-I've got an associates degree in Computer Aided Drafting and design
-I've got a second associates in Automotive Technology (Working on cars)

-I grew up in Detroit, MI

-I love the zombie / post-apocalyptic / prepping genre of film, blog, podcast, book, game, etc.
I'm currently writing a Zombie Survival story
[Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8526914/1/Zompoc-Diaries-A-story-of-survival]

I'm also in process of posting it up in blog form here:

I've done several "Zombie-Proof" vehicle conversion concept designs, which I've posted on my main blog, here:

So, yeah. I'm pretty into the genre, and have been watching most of the shows on Netflix, as well as several of the best Zombie movies.
I've read Max Brooks' "Zombie Survival Guide" and "World War Z" several times.

I'm not trying to promote my blogs, just trying to express my near-obsession with the genre.

Hi Phil, welcome to the forum. It is good to have you with us. Well, do I get this right: you work for Hyundai but live in Detroit which is the partner city of Toyota in Japan. Strange. :)

Nov 24th, 2012, 08:58 PM
Hey, my real mane is Christian.
I found the podcast simply by chance. I've been listening since chapter 8.
I live in a small town in norther Washington. i moved from Canada when I was 4, 17 currently. One of my biggest hobbies is writing, and I hope to write a book one day.

Nov 24th, 2012, 09:07 PM
Hey, my real mane is Christian.
I found the podcast simply by chance. I've been listening since chapter 8.
I live in a small town in norther Washington. i moved from Canada when I was 4, 17 currently. One of my biggest hobbies is writing, and I hope to write a book one day.

Welcome Christian. I think we have a lot of writers around the tower. Might want to check around the forum for fan fiction to find them.

Hope to see your contributions in the forum threads.


Nov 24th, 2012, 10:46 PM
Hey, my real mane is Christian.
I found the podcast simply by chance. I've been listening since chapter 8.
I live in a small town in norther Washington. i moved from Canada when I was 4, 17 currently. One of my biggest hobbies is writing, and I hope to write a book one day.

A fellow writer! Welcome aboard...

Nov 25th, 2012, 12:26 PM
Hi... My name is Stuart. I live and work in Hamburg Germany. A workmate sent me a link to the zombiepodcast Website. I got hooked right away. I even bought the first two seasons digitally after listening to all the podcasts before, just to go through the experience again and to support an excellent project. Waiting for season 3 to be available for purchase. Keep it up... And thanks for this perfect time killer!

Nov 25th, 2012, 12:55 PM
Hello Stuart!

The German fraction is flourishing here in the forum. It is good to have you with us, enjoy your stay. And besides, WA is not only an excellent time killer, it is a real challenge for your grey matter because there is so much fun in speculating about each and every fact and indication here around that will keep you busy for a long time. Welcome.

Nov 26th, 2012, 06:41 PM
I'm Rick (hippies_suck). If my screen name offends, I'm sorry. There's a story behind how I got it, ask me if you're curious...

I'm a retired soldier and currently a DOD contractor in the land of hash hish, taliban, and roads that have bombs on them. When I'm not in the desert, I'm living in Alabama with my family. I spend WAAAAYYYYYY too much time on my Harley and shooting my "collection". I'm a sucker for my german shepard and he's attached to my hip when I'm home.

If you have any questions, ask me.

Nov 26th, 2012, 08:39 PM
Hi... My name is Stuart. I live and work in Hamburg Germany. A workmate sent me a link to the zombiepodcast Website. I got hooked right away. I even bought the first two seasons digitally after listening to all the podcasts before, just to go through the experience again and to support an excellent project. Waiting for season 3 to be available for purchase. Keep i up... And thank for this perfect time killer ;)

Welcome to the forums, Stuart. Good community in here - feel free to jump right in. If you like killing time listening to the podcasts, you might really enjoy getting in here and killing some time discussing We're Alive (and some other related and non-related stuff) in the forum threads.

Good to have you here...

Nov 26th, 2012, 08:43 PM
I'm Rick (hippies_suck). If my screen name offends, I'm sorry. There's a story behind how I got it, ask me if you're curious...

I'm a retired soldier and currently a DOD contractor in the land of hash hish, taliban, and roads that have bombs on them. When I'm not in the desert, I'm living in Alabama with my family. I spend WAAAAYYYYYY too much time on my Harley and shooting my "collection". I'm a sucker for my german shepard and he's attached to my hip when I'm home.

If you have any questions, ask me.

Welcome aboard, Rick! Always cool to have input from veterans in here, esp. with all the military reference/jargon in the podcast.

Come on in and mix it up in the forums. Don't be shy...

What kind of bike do you ride? When I get a chance (less and less it seems), I like to get in the wind on mine as well...


Nov 27th, 2012, 02:41 AM
I'm Rick (hippies_suck). If my screen name offends, I'm sorry. There's a story behind how I got it, ask me if you're curious...

I'm a retired soldier and currently a DOD contractor in the land of hash hish, taliban, and roads that have bombs on them. When I'm not in the desert, I'm living in Alabama with my family. I spend WAAAAYYYYYY too much time on my Harley and shooting my "collection". I'm a sucker for my german shepard and he's attached to my hip when I'm home.

If you have any questions, ask me.

Hello Rick and welcome at this place. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you will get through all of these dangers unharmed. The Middle East is a hard place to work at, I guess.

Nov 27th, 2012, 10:28 AM
Hello everyone.

My name is Cashel as far as you’re all concerned. I am hiding out in a rural area outside of Cincinnati that will remain undisclosed. As winter is approaching I hope that my food supplies will be enough to make it through the winter. I feel that I we have a good chance though because most of my neighbors mistakenly rushed downtown trying to reach the evac site at CVG. I felt it would be best to board up and try and hold through the cold winter and see what happens.

IRL I stumbled a crossed the pod cast by accident one day in the iTunes store on my phone. Two weeks later and I have run out of old episodes to listen to so I am waiting like everyone else for the season 3 capstone. <sigh>

Nov 27th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Hello everyone.

My name is Cashel as far as you’re all concerned. I am hiding out in a rural area outside of Cincinnati that will remain undisclosed. As winter is approaching I hope that my food supplies will be enough to make it through the winter. I feel that I we have a good chance though because most of my neighbors mistakenly rushed downtown trying to reach the evac site at CVG. I felt it would be best to board up and try and hold through the cold winter and see what happens.

IRL I stumbled a crossed the pod cast by accident one day in the iTunes store on my phone. Two weeks later and I have run out of old episodes to listen to so I am waiting like everyone else for the season 3 capstone. <sigh>

Welcome to the tower, Cashel. Good to have someone else on board who obviously has some knowledge of how to survive Z-day. Many of us have found that talking about recent episodes (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?2-Episode-Discussions) and theories about the story (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?5-Theories) help with the agonizing wait. Go check out those threads in the forum and join the fun.

Glad you're here...

Nov 27th, 2012, 10:42 AM
Welcome to the tower, Cashel. Good to have someone else on board who obviously has some knowledge of how to survive Z-day. Many of us have found that talking about recent episodes (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?2-Episode-Discussions) and theories about the story (http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?5-Theories) help with the agonizing wait. Go check out those threads in the forum and join the fun.

Glad you're here...

Thank you Scbubba for the welcome and advice. I will look into it.

Nov 27th, 2012, 12:38 PM
Hi guys I'm Spazz :o 17 year old Survivor in arizona thats all i got for now :D

Nov 27th, 2012, 12:51 PM
Hi guys I'm Spazz :o 17 year old Survivor in arizona thats all i got for now :D

That's enough to get started... Make your way around the forums and you'll find yourself some good stuff, I'm sure. We're all a pretty friendly lot in here. Just be careful talking about Scratch around Deacon_Tyler.... He can get a little excitable.

Welcome to the Tower, Spazz!

Nov 27th, 2012, 01:03 PM
That's enough to get started... Make your way around the forums and you'll find yourself some good stuff, I'm sure. We're all a pretty friendly lot in here. Just be careful talking about Scratch around Deacon_Tyler.... He can get a little excitable.

Welcome to the Tower, Spazz!

Hi Spazz, welcome to the Tower. <Burt_Mode>Same applies for the Cinicinnati kid.</Burt_Mode>

One word of advice: Do not argue with Osiris about Scratch as well, he is right. :)

Nov 27th, 2012, 10:14 PM
I am masteriamamind. I live in South Florida. I love the zombie genre. I can't get enough in any form. I found this site through another specializing in modern radio entertainment. I am enjoying the show and site so far. Thanks for having me.

Nov 27th, 2012, 11:01 PM
Welcome Masteriamamind! Glad you are with us. Is it safe in Florida? Are there many zeehs lurking around? Better watch your back! :)

Nov 28th, 2012, 04:18 AM
I am masteriamamind. I live in South Florida. I love the zombie genre. I can't get enough in any form. I found this site through another specializing in modern radio entertainment. I am enjoying the show and site so far. Thanks for having me.

Welcome to the Tower, masteriamamind. I think I heard that y'all had an issue with "biters" down in Florida not long ago. Maybe we should get all the bath salts out of here....

Where are you in listening to the show? Wherever you are, there's a bunch of folks here in the forums that are probably at the same spot and a ton of threads about the different parts. Hope to see you around here some more.

Nov 28th, 2012, 11:05 AM
Greetings all, found you on the Parsec Award page

Nov 28th, 2012, 11:17 AM
Greetings all, found you on the Parsec Award page

Glad you decided to come on into the forums. Welcome aboard. Have a look around and join the fun!

Nov 28th, 2012, 12:37 PM
Hi my name is Jorma aka Pike, from ks. A want to be artist, gamer, music lover, want to be podcaster/dj and so/so artist. GThere not many things that I get heavy into and this is one of them. I've been hook from first show and loved everyone. Hope to get to know some you guys if not all. Thanks.

Nov 28th, 2012, 01:04 PM
Hi my name is Jorma aka Pike, from ks. A want to be artist, gamer, music lover, want to be podcaster/dj and so/so artist. GThere not many things that I get heavy into and this is one of them. I've been hook from first show and loved everyone. Hope to get to know some you guys if not all. Thanks.

Howdy Jorma! Glad to hear that you're as addicted to WA as many of us are. I bet you'll fit right in around here.... :-)

If you haven't had a chance yet, I recommend the Episode Discussion and Theories thread areas as good places to get your WA fix between shows. Glad to have you in the Tower!

Nov 28th, 2012, 01:16 PM
Welcome to our new members. Glad to see people introducing themselves!

Nov 28th, 2012, 07:28 PM
My name is Vapiai Caply. I am 37, i do horror conventions running a booth with my lovely wife Lace. I can across Were alive on demonoid looking up zombie audio to listen to on my way to work. I became instantly addicted to it and then found myself having to do the week to week wait. I know listen to it over and over. It is like having a book read to you by your friends. when i though Burt had died I came home fussing to my wife (who has not bothered to listen to it, but i have not bothered to listen to Twilight...so we are even). anyway there it is and here i am. Yay to "Were Not Dead" as well.

Nov 28th, 2012, 07:33 PM
My name is Vapiai Caply. I am 37, i do horror conventions running a booth with my lovely wife Lace. I can across Were alive on demonoid looking up zombie audio to listen to on my way to work. I became instantly addicted to it and then found myself having to do the week to week wait. I know listen to it over and over. It is like having a book read to you by your friends. when i though Burt had died I came home fussing to my wife (who has not bothered to listen to it, but i have not bothered to listen to Twilight...so we are even). anyway there it is and here i am. Yay to "Were Not Dead" as well.

Hi there Vapiai and welcome to the "WA addicts anonymous" meeting. We have coffee and donuts in the Episode Discussion threads and someone refilled the water cooler in the Theories threads.

Make yourself at home. And many of us have spouses or significant others who don't also indulge in our addictions. It's kinda tragic but, hey, We're Alive...

Nov 29th, 2012, 01:39 AM
Hi Vapiai, welcome to our little fun world of zombies.

Nov 29th, 2012, 11:09 AM
Welcome to the Tower, masteriamamind. I think I heard that y'all had an issue with "biters" down in Florida not long ago. Maybe we should get all the bath salts out of here....

Where are you in listening to the show? Wherever you are, there's a bunch of folks here in the forums that are probably at the same spot and a ton of threads about the different parts. Hope to see you around here some more.

The salts thing had all my friends go into "zombie apocalypse" mode.

Nov 29th, 2012, 09:50 PM
The salts thing had all my friends go into "zombie apocalypse" mode.

It's not over yet.

Nov 29th, 2012, 09:52 PM
You should watch and learn form their mistakes. Improve your own survival plan. Just what I would do if that was happening where I live.

Nov 30th, 2012, 05:29 PM
Needed something to pass the time... Wow, this is awesome!

Dec 1st, 2012, 04:47 AM
Needed something to pass the time... Wow, this is awesome!

Yeah, pretty awesome way to spend your commute. I listened all the way through in my car the first time. If you haven't listened to the episodes through some good head phones, I suggest you try that next. So many subtle things in sound design. It's great!

Welcome to the Tower!

Dec 1st, 2012, 05:33 AM
It is really great to hear that somebody from Mississippi (I copied and pasted it) has made it to the Tower, welcome friend!

Dec 5th, 2012, 07:29 PM
HI my name is Deb and I'm an zombieholic. I work in the rain and mud building concrete forms by day and a machine operator at a commercial bakery at night. I make zombies out of dough balls for entertainment while passing away the graveyard shift. I get to listen to WA all the while otherwise I would go more insane than I already am. I'm just wondering what kind of zombie I'll grow up to be. I hope I don't run into Saul, might get my ass kicked.
I live in Vancouver, British Columbia up here in Canada, woohoo! I've only been to Mexico a half a dozen times, bin mugged in Guatalajara trying to find our way back to our hotel in the middle of the night by some crack zombies. I think they were the little fast ones b/c damn we just couldn't catch them! Got stabbed in the neck a few times and a broken nose but was saved by my kickass hoodie I was wearing. Their sharpened screwdriver didn't penetrate, but was able to take it away and reciprocate.

Love podcasts, audiobooks, animation and of course love the outdoors and all things outdoors. Was born in Tofino, BC. If you're a surfer you know where that is and if you don't, you should check it out. Anyways, love this site and hope we get more of it! Thanks WND Productions!

Dec 5th, 2012, 07:37 PM
Welcome DStrap to the Tower. Enjoy the safe zone before the zombies come...:)

Dec 5th, 2012, 08:16 PM
Huge fan here; a friend of mine up at work told me about WA and I started listening to the podcasts at work. I was caught up in two weeks and became addicted. I'm not a podcasts fan, but this is different. The sound effects, music, and actors make this sound like it should be a TV show. If I could find another way to describe WA, it's aural crack. Very addictive!

Dec 5th, 2012, 08:57 PM
I've been listening to We're Alive about midway through season two, but I'm new to the forum and we're not dead. LOVED THE FINALE!

Dec 6th, 2012, 12:09 AM
Hello friend i am Dolly. I am new in forum. I am here to share the knowledge of real estate.

Dec 6th, 2012, 12:17 AM
Well, hello Dolly!

Dec 6th, 2012, 03:54 AM
Welcome, new folks! Not sure how long y'all have been listening, but we got folks all around that you can talk with. Check out the Episode Discussions and the Theories threads to get in on some great conversations (and a few crackpot ones)....

Dec 6th, 2012, 04:20 AM
i am Kees from Amsterdam, downloaded this for my train rides in China, never i felt sorry that a train ride ended , untill now , i love them.

Dec 6th, 2012, 04:29 AM
i am Kees from Amsterdam, downloaded this for my train rides in China, never i felt sorry that a train ride ended , untill now , i love them.

Welcome, keezi. Glad to have you in here with us. I listen mainly on my rides to and from work. Many times I've sat in the car once I got there still listening to the show. It is awesome....

Dec 6th, 2012, 04:33 AM
Welkom bij ons thuis, keezi. Wij hebben altijd voorraad Poffertjes.

Dec 6th, 2012, 05:29 AM
Hello all new faces.
And use the forums ... You have no idea what you miss, if you don'T try.

All the best!

Dec 6th, 2012, 10:38 AM
Hello. I'm new here, and I love the show. A real big fan!

I'm a female, around 30 years old. I love to write and is trying to make a book of my own, which I hope to publish someday- if not, then I hope that some one will at least read it

Dec 6th, 2012, 10:47 AM
Hello. I'm new here, and I love the show. A real big fan!

I'm a female, around 30 years old. I love to write and is trying to make a book of my own, which I hope to publish someday- if not, then I hope that some one will at least read it

Welcome to the Tower, Turras! There are a lot of writers in the group here and even a section where people post their own works (We're Alive fan fictions - http://www.zombiepodcast.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?82-Fan-Fictions)

Take a look around and feel free to jump right in.

Dec 7th, 2012, 11:07 AM
Hello Turras, welcome, have can offer you a large variety of different apartments here at the Tower.

Dec 8th, 2012, 03:27 AM
Hey (again,) everyone.
I've been gone for a fair while, so I'll introduce myself again as I see there's a lot of new faces!

I'm a Dutchman, pursuing my BSc in Industrial Engineering and Management at uni.
I've been vice-chairman for our student (field) hockey association for the past year, and am now coach for a new team.
On the side, I'm a sales promoter for different consumer electronics manufacturers. Stuff like amplifiers, DSLRs, laptops and more.

As for hobbies, I play guitar a lot nowadays, enjoy TV Shows (White Collar, Suits, Game of Thrones, Dexter), and am in the progress of starting my own business. I love working on it (and I do so in spare time), so listing it as a hobby seems justified.

I guess that's all for now - if you have any questions, just hit me up!

Dec 8th, 2012, 07:48 AM
Hello cPT.cAPSLOCK! Welcome back to the forum, it is good to have another Dutch with us. Which province are you from?

By the way - nice picture! :D

Dec 8th, 2012, 09:02 AM
I hail from Groningen, but currently live in Overijssel.

Dec 8th, 2012, 09:11 AM
Hi, that is great! I have been only once to your lovely country. One of my colleagues is from the Netherlands. He told me me a lot about the delicious satesaus, de zwarte piet, Totaalvoetbal and other different aspects of Dutch life in general. :)

Tot ziens!

Dec 12th, 2012, 05:06 AM
yo, i've been a long-time listener of the show and just decided to join to stay connected through the long drought that will ensue.

i started listening since around Chapter 16. i must have listened to the entire thing over 2 dozen times now!

brilliant story, great writing, and wonderful voice-acting. really, top-notch.

i keep telling everyone i know about this!

great to be a part of the community.

Dec 12th, 2012, 05:20 AM
yo, i've been a long-time listener of the show and just decided to join to stay connected through the long drought that will ensue.

i started listening since around Chapter 16. i must have listened to the entire thing over 2 dozen times now!

brilliant story, great writing, and wonderful voice-acting. really, top-notch.

i keep telling everyone i know about this!

great to be a part of the community.

Welcome to the Tower! Take a stroll through the Theories and Episode Discussion sections and jump in with anything you have. Always good to hear from someone who has listened to the show so many times.

See ya around!

Dec 12th, 2012, 05:21 AM
Hey (again,) everyone.
I've been gone for a fair while, so I'll introduce myself again as I see there's a lot of new faces!

I'm a Dutchman, pursuing my BSc in Industrial Engineering and Management at uni.
I've been vice-chairman for our student (field) hockey association for the past year, and am now coach for a new team.
On the side, I'm a sales promoter for different consumer electronics manufacturers. Stuff like amplifiers, DSLRs, laptops and more.

As for hobbies, I play guitar a lot nowadays, enjoy TV Shows (White Collar, Suits, Game of Thrones, Dexter), and am in the progress of starting my own business. I love working on it (and I do so in spare time), so listing it as a hobby seems justified.

I guess that's all for now - if you have any questions, just hit me up!

Welcome back!

Dec 12th, 2012, 08:42 AM
Hi Footbutt (Scratch already started to like you!), welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay.

Dec 12th, 2012, 02:18 PM
My name is Matt. 32 year old from Utah. I work as a government contractor. Love all things zombie. I co-host a Zombie Themed podcast called "Dead Men Talking". Find us on iTunes and stitcher if you're into that. Look forward to talking to some of you.

Dec 12th, 2012, 02:20 PM
My name is Matt. 32 year old from Utah. I work as a government contractor. Love all things zombie. I co-host a Zombie Themed podcast called "Dead Men Talking". Find us on iTunes and stitcher if you're into that. Look forward to talking to some of you.

I just might start listening... of course, you'll have to build up a bit of a post count so that I don't just think you're here for free advertising... ;)

Dec 12th, 2012, 02:22 PM
My name is Matt. 32 year old from Utah. I work as a government contractor. Love all things zombie. I co-host a Zombie Themed podcast called "Dead Men Talking". Find us on iTunes and stitcher if you're into that. Look forward to talking to some of you.

Welcome aboard! I definitely second what Osiris said, get involved with the community here (by posting in the different threads) and you'll most likely get several new listeners....

Dec 12th, 2012, 02:23 PM
That isn't to say that I won't listen... because I'm already opening iTunes...

Dec 12th, 2012, 02:33 PM
I just might start listening... of course, you'll have to build up a bit of a post count so that I don't just think you're here for free advertising... ;)
Naw, not my style. But I hear what you're saying. I hate that...

Dec 12th, 2012, 02:35 PM
Naw, not my style. But I hear what you're saying. I hate that...

I need a meaty podcast... something I can throw on and will keep me entertained for an hour or two. Probably why I love the SModcast network so much, especially SModcast itself... by far my favourite podcast.

Dec 13th, 2012, 01:14 AM
Hi everyone! I'm Bill. I have been listening to WA since I broke my femur at the end of 2010. It was the one thing that kept me sane:). I found WA in another forum I read,USN, in the zombie section. The producers and cast of this show are GREAT!!

Dec 13th, 2012, 03:11 AM
Hi Bill, welcome onboard. But be warned, we might not start growing cucumbers again any time soon. Oh, sorry, that was another Bill I was thinking of. :)

Dec 13th, 2012, 03:43 AM
Welcome to the Tower, Bill. Hope your leg is a lot better now. If you enjoy WA, then you'll probably have a good time getting involved in the forums here.

Good to see you!

Dec 16th, 2012, 06:13 AM
So... Let's just hope I do this right, since this forum is a bit ... Special to navigate around on with a screen reader - at least for me.

Okay... As you might have guessed from that, I'm blind (have to ocular prostheses, so yay).
I'm 18, from Denmark and (probably the most importent info) started listening to WA around april this year. (I even got three of my friends hooked too :D)

I first heard about We're Alive on AudioGames.net, when I found a topic (http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?id=7863) about it on the forum there. I thought I sounded quite interesting, so I decided to give it a try. :D

Have been a member here for some months too, but haven't posted anything until now. I usually just read the topics for the newest episodes.

My interests are reading and writing. Some of my favorite genres are sci-fi, horror, fantasy, and crime fiction.

Besides that, I'm also interested in different aspects of science, mainly physics, though, and chess. Chess is an awesome game! :D

Time for you to throw questions at me - if you have any, that is, if not, just throw greetings and welcomes. :)

Best regards


Oh... Forgot my favorite character! :D Well, except the same ones as everyone else, Saul, Vic, Michal and all those, I'd say that my favorite character is Kimmet. Though he's a bit crazy in chapter 36.
I can't really tell why, but I just love his way of thinking, he's just being logical when he detonates those bombs, and I like that. Logic is a good thing... Some times... :) An other character I really liked was Bricks, and for some chapters I kinda believed that he'd help them get Lizy out of the colony. Then Scratch killed him - unfortunately.

I don't know if there's more to tell, if there is, I will when I remember.

Dec 16th, 2012, 06:39 AM
Ok then:

I throw some greetings and welcomes into your direction. Nice to have you around.

Sci-fi, horror, and crime fiction are all awesome. At the moment I am deeply involved in gathering book-titles covering stories ablut multi-generation starships. That is pretty interesting and amazing. Chess is cool, too, but I never got real warm with it - maybe, because none of my friends is interested in it, thus there is no opportunity to stay focussed. And online-gaming ... Nah, didn't like it. I need to feel the chesspieces in my hand.

Am looking forward to reading more from you. Best wishes to Denmark!

All the best!

Dec 16th, 2012, 06:49 AM
Hi Liam,

*Catches the welcomes and greetings* Thanks, just what I needed for my greeting collection. :D Didn't have any from you until now.
Most of the people I play chess against don't live anyewhere near me, so I'm almost always doing it online... Though I'm moving the pieces on a physical board while playing, after some moves it gets a bit hard to remember where all the pieces are placed.

And you surely will hear more from me - at least I hope so. :D

Dec 16th, 2012, 08:43 AM
Hi Stormy,

velkommen til WA forum. Det er rart, at du er med os! :)

Dec 16th, 2012, 09:33 AM
Welcome Storm. I was going to ask how online gaming is for the blind. With all the visual cues in most games, I wonder which ones (other than chess) you typically play.

I'm a huge sci-fi and fantasy reader. Haven't gotten much into the horror genre mainly because there is so much in the other areas to read right now. What books can you recommend?

Hope to see you around the forums some more.....

Dec 16th, 2012, 10:24 AM
You hear that Kc? I'm not the only one that thinks the board is "special"... and I'm pretty sure he means short-bus special, too.

Dec 16th, 2012, 10:24 AM
Oh and also, welcome aboard.

Dec 16th, 2012, 11:45 AM
Mange tak - især for en hilsen på dansk. :)
Thanks a lot - especially for a greeting in danish.

The game I'm playing most of my time - ATM - is an audio game called Swamp, which is a zombie FPS. :D
I've also just completed a game book from http://www.chooseyourstory.com/ called 'Dead Man Walking' - again in the zombie genre. :D

Regarding books in the horror genre, I can recommend H.P. Lovecraft, even though his language might be a little old at times. He's great! Haven't read that much by him yet, but I really liked both 'The Case Of Charles Dexter Ward' and 'The Shadow Out Of Time'.

Heh, I meant "special" like in "confusing to work with using a screen reader". I've only seen this kind of forum on one other site, though, I don't post anything on there, though, so this is the first time I'm playing with this wonderful layout - or what ever to call it.
I must say though, that I learn more and more all the time, so I think I can actually get used to this. Besides that, I've heard from other blindies that it shouldn't be that inaccessible after all, so... Let's hope they're right. :D
Oh, and thanks for the welcome!


Lol, just spent several minutes to search for the link/button to press to reply... Then I realised that I wasn't even logged in... *Shakes head and smiles*

Dec 16th, 2012, 08:51 PM
Hello to the world of the Apocalypse and the Living and Living Dead that inhabit it. I've been a horror fan for a seriously long time (too long?) and Zombies have played a major role in that bit of fun. I happen to be one of those that were into the idea before they were......"cool"?....yeah I guess Zed is cool now. After I ran out of movies to watch I picked up every book I could find, starting with WWZ. And then a fellow Z nut at work led me here. Old school radio broadcasts (podcast), how freaking ass cool is that. As far as that goes (We're Alive, podcast) I guess you can call me a "newbie". Looking forward to experiencing end of the Zombie culture.

Anyhow............here's to the Living Dead and living with them! Right before the head shot that is........:rolleyes:

Dec 16th, 2012, 09:18 PM
Hi, I'm new...to the site, to the story, to the neighborhood. I'm a friend of yarri's. :D

Dec 17th, 2012, 04:07 AM
Hello to the world of the Apocalypse and the Living and Living Dead that inhabit it. I've been a horror fan for a seriously long time (too long?) and Zombies have played a major role in that bit of fun. I happen to be one of those that were into the idea before they were......"cool"?....yeah I guess Zed is cool now. After I ran out of movies to watch I picked up every book I could find, starting with WWZ. And then a fellow Z nut at work led me here. Old school radio broadcasts (podcast), how freaking ass cool is that. As far as that goes (We're Alive, podcast) I guess you can call me a "newbie". Looking forward to experiencing end of the Zombie culture.

Anyhow............here's to the Living Dead and living with them! Right before the head shot that is........:rolleyes:

Welcome to the WA universe, Solstice! Sounds like you've covered a lot of ground in the Zombie and post-apoc genre. Would be interested to hear your thoughts on the WA story. Check out the Episode Discussion and Theories threads and jump right in...

See you, around!

Dec 17th, 2012, 04:08 AM
Hi, I'm new...to the site, to the story, to the neighborhood. I'm a friend of yarri's. :D

Welcome, Rowan! Always good to have new folks around. Would love to hear your thoughts on the story as you listen to it.

And, any friend of yarri's.... :-)

Dec 17th, 2012, 02:38 PM
Hey everyone here on the forums :D
I've already posted a bit, thought I'd post here quickly. I've kind of lurked for a while, but made an account after the season finale. Expect to see me around for a while ;)

Dec 17th, 2012, 03:12 PM
Hey Guys, I'm new to the forum and I just got caught up on the podcasts. I am a native from LA, so I really love the whole story and landscape. I am totally addicted to apocalyptic genre right now and zombies too. My absolute favorite is season 2 and then 1, but the season 3 finale was fantastic and really got me in the mood for season 4. Happy to talk We're Alive!

Dec 17th, 2012, 07:30 PM
Hey everyone here on the forums :D
I've already posted a bit, thought I'd post here quickly. I've kind of lurked for a while, but made an account after the season finale. Expect to see me around for a while ;)

Welcome to the forums. Hope to see some posts from you around the place.

Dec 17th, 2012, 07:32 PM
Hey Guys, I'm new to the forum and I just got caught up on the podcasts. I am a native from LA, so I really love the whole story and landscape. I am totally addicted to apocalyptic genre right now and zombies too. My absolute favorite is season 2 and then 1, but the season 3 finale was fantastic and really got me in the mood for season 4. Happy to talk We're Alive!

Welcome to the Tower! It must be really neat to hear some places that you are familiar with in the show. And to try to figure out where the fictional settings would be.

Hope you go pst some thoughts/ideas in the episode discussions and theories threads.

Dec 19th, 2012, 01:17 AM
Woohooo!!!Finally decided to make an account to this, anyways the name is Patrick. I live Simi Valley Ca I have been listening to this podcast since it came out! I discovered this podcast on iTunes when I was in my high school year. Needed something to listening to while the drive was about a hour including traffic. I was listing to the podcast all the way to the Chapter of "The War". Now I don't know if they took a break after that chapter, so I stop...a few months passed and one of my friends told me about this podcast called "We're Alive" told him I have been listening but I don't know if they made new episodes. He told me that they new episodes and after towards I went straight home and downloaded the rest of the podcast! I am now officially caught up with this podcast!!!

Dec 19th, 2012, 03:39 AM
Woohooo!!!Finally decided to make an account to this, anyways the name is Patrick. I live Simi Valley Ca I have been listening to this podcast since it came out! I discovered this podcast on iTunes when I was in my high school year. Needed something to listening to while the drive was about a hour including traffic. I was listing to the podcast all the way to the Chapter of "The War". Now I don't know if they took a break after that chapter, so I stop...a few months passed and one of my friends told me about this podcast called "We're Alive" told him I have been listening but I don't know if they made new episodes. He told me that they new episodes and after towards I went straight home and downloaded the rest of the podcast! I am now officially caught up with this podcast!!!

Hey Patrick! Welcome to the forums. Glad you got back into the podcast and caught up to everything.

As a long time listener, you might enjoy checking out the Episode Discussion and Theories threads in here. Lots of good discussions and we always like to hear from new voices.

See you around the Tower!

Dec 19th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Hey Guys!!!

I'm kinda new to the Forum...though I've been watching all of you for some time now. LOL!!! I finally decided to be part of the group and start actively annoying all of you. :) Any way...I've created three posts so far and I've had some positive responses so far so I guess I'll keep it up. My initial plan was to beg KC for a role in We're Alive but he's so numb to that by now that it wouldn't even be fun to try so I guess I'll be contenet to be one of the survivors in the tower instead.

I'm from the infamous state of Mississippi...even zombies don't come here. LOL!!! I'm a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and I'm an aspiring prepper. I didn't care for the "We're Alive" story line in the begining but the story line has become a lot more interesting lately. I love a handful of the characters but despise the majority (Pegs and Riley). Its been a great thrill ride so far and I hope to meet all of you.

Dec 19th, 2012, 10:58 AM
Hey Guys!!!

I'm kinda new to the Forum...though I've been watching all of you for some time now. LOL!!! I finally decided to be part of the group and start actively annoying all of you. :) Any way...I've created three posts so far and I've had some positive responses so far so I guess I'll keep it up. My initial plan was to beg KC for a role in We're Alive but he's so numb to that by now that it wouldn't even be fun to try so I guess I'll be contenet to be one of the survivors in the tower instead.

I'm from the infamous state of Mississippi...even zombies don't come here. LOL!!! I'm a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and I'm an aspiring prepper. I didn't care for the "We're Alive" story line in the begining but the story line has become a lot more interesting lately. I love a handful of the characters but despise the majority (Pegs and Riley). Its been a great thrill ride so far and I hope to meet all of you.

yeah, i'm just going to go ahead and call that creepy...

nah, i keed i keed, welcome to the forums, it's good to have another preperation minded individual.

Dec 19th, 2012, 11:11 AM
Hey Guys!!!

I'm kinda new to the Forum...though I've been watching all of you for some time now. LOL!!! I finally decided to be part of the group and start actively annoying all of you. :) Any way...I've created three posts so far and I've had some positive responses so far so I guess I'll keep it up. My initial plan was to beg KC for a role in We're Alive but he's so numb to that by now that it wouldn't even be fun to try so I guess I'll be contenet to be one of the survivors in the tower instead.

I'm from the infamous state of Mississippi...even zombies don't come here. LOL!!! I'm a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and I'm an aspiring prepper. I didn't care for the "We're Alive" story line in the begining but the story line has become a lot more interesting lately. I love a handful of the characters but despise the majority (Pegs and Riley). Its been a great thrill ride so far and I hope to meet all of you.

Creepy or not, preppers welcome, fo sho!!!

Good to see ya in here, Ordinary12. Welcome!