View Full Version : 4 Days Since Outbreak (Fan Made Journal)

Apr 7th, 2011, 03:50 PM
Tuesday, 2nd of July 2016

4 days since outbreak.

This is the journal of Jonathan Milman, until recently of the training division of the FPD. I am currently held up in the attic of the old library on 4th street, along with three other survivors. I am writing this journal so that, should the worst happen and I do not survive, others may learn from my mistakes. And should I get out of this hell-hole in one piece, I'm going to sell my story, retire early and father a lot of children with a beautiful woman... Well, that's the plan.

Even now, I'm not really sure what happened. We'd been getting reports all day about trouble near hospitals and clinics, but apart from a few minor acts of vandalism by protesters, there wasn't much for us to deal with. The police agencies had taken over not long after the incident began, and all that was left for us to do was boring routine stuff.

I think they called in the Feds, and must have decided to raid the building. I heard gunfire where I was... And a lot of it. I must have gone on for about 20 minutes. Then it all went quiet, and I thought it was over.

Then all hell broke loose. We started getting reports on the radio that rioting had broken out among the protesters. A few of the other trainees and I were on the scene within a minute, ready to lead a land wherever possible, but it was already far too late. It is a moment I will never forget. Those closest to the building had turned into frenzied flesh eating monstrosities that gladly tore their former compatriots' limb from limb. Those in the crowd who were still us tried to flee, but many slipped over in the blood and gore and were either trampled to death, or eaten. We were completely overrun, and had no choice but to retreat.

I confess I don't really know what happened in the chaos that followed. Suffice to say that a lot of people died very quickly. Some were eaten alive, but many more became victims of fear. Gun nuts started shooting everyone in sight, unable to tell friend from foe. Many more died in automobile accidents as thousands rushed to escape the city. Some took their own lives, believing the alternative was easier that the destination they were headed.

By nightfall on the first day, I had somehow managed to get off the streets, and into this library. There were fifty-two of us when we first barricaded the building. For two days, everything was fine, and it looked like we were going to be okay... Then people started to realise that we didn't have anywhere near enough food, and arguments started to break out. I did my best to keep the peace, but it wasn't enough...

In the senseless violence that followed, half of us were killed, and thirteen more badly wounded. By morning, some of those left began to fear the living more than the walking dead, and tried to escape the library. Despite our warning and pleads, those bastards took down the barricades and tried to go outside. Within' seconds, dozens of infected had forced their way inside...

Now all the lower levels of the building are completely overrun with them. Mark, Sarah, Tim and I are safe in this attic, for now, but we haven't got any food. My gun is the only one we have, and I haven't got much ammo left. As soon as the sun rises, we're going to have to risk leaving this sanctuary in search of something to eat. I hope this first entry isn't also my last.

Jonathan Milman,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
This isn't my story, but actually from a exerpt from a zombie game I play. I just changed some things to make it a bit better.
Check it out at deadfrontier.com , the 3D zombie survival game!

TCM Revolver
Apr 7th, 2011, 05:37 PM
Very cool man, thanks for sharing!!

Rock Daddy
Apr 8th, 2011, 06:21 AM
Awesome! You rock Dyehardjr

Apr 8th, 2011, 07:31 AM
Very good entry. Almosts makes me want to make an entry of my own on the LEO perspective of it.