View Full Version : Tower vs. Mallers and the unknown rat.

Apr 7th, 2011, 11:42 AM
Alright so, we have known for a while now that there is or was a rat in the tower. someone who alerted the mallers and told there where it was, ect. so today an idea what brewing in my brain and i wanted to share it with you all and get your thoughts.

Now that the mallers have lizzy and they are on the hunt for her...and the mallers as they seem to have relocated, is it possible that whoever the rat is, if they are still alive, realizes that the mallers are terrible people and that they should no longer side with the mallers and instead help against them. what if this person knows where the new hideout is.

I know that there are holes in my thinking, ex. if the rat is still alive and wasnt killed in the fight, then how would they have contacted the mallers after the first battle in the tower, but as we all know Kc can find a way to fit anything into the story naturally.

What are your thoughts?
Could this person be Steven? Could it all work out that he ends up saving her and taking out the mallers, if it is him, he has to die in the fight right?

Apr 7th, 2011, 12:10 PM
Very interesting, Young padawan.....very very interesting.

This prompted me to think about something I'm not sure was mentioned in the "Who's the Rat" thread (and if it was please excuse me....it was a 25 page long thread!), what if when Latch and Scratch arrived at the Tower the first time to negotiate the rat was already there and led them right to the Tower? Sad to say for all the Kalani haters, that means it's not Kalani. and by the way...that also means it wasn't Kelly because she fell asleep while guarding the Tower. And if that is the case, I feel like a lot of people's votes would change and would probably change to an Unknown Tower resident. But enough of that thought!

If the Rat survived the war, I'd imagine they would get in contact with the Mallers the same way they did before. Via the radio. The Tower isn't over run with communication equipment like the Colony is. They probably don't have a way to monitor all frequencies to try to catch errant transmissions to the enemy. That's not to say Michael won't institute this policy now that he's seen how effective it is, but I don't think it's in place now.

I do believe that the Rat is still alive, and they will have to die. They may not necessarily (and honestly probably won't) die in the upcoming altercation between the Mallers and the Tower, but they will have to die before the end. It's Hollywood Karma. If the rat is still alive and present in the ranks of the Tower, they will expose themselves (or be exposed) and switch sides and go with the Mallers. This would mean that a third altercation between the Tower and the Mallers would be coming down the pike in Season 3 or 4 where the Rat would be killed then.

Apr 7th, 2011, 11:52 PM
Who had access to the radio before or during the party? Tommie.
Who was on guard during the party? Tommie.
Who is always working with Datu?
How was the first person to tell pegs that Riley shop had been broke into?
Which person would have previous contact with the Maller before the zombie outbreak happened?
By the way, which arm did Micheal break. Left or Right? The picture attached to the Micheal profile show a sling on his left arm. However there is no clear statement in the podcast.

Apr 8th, 2011, 12:03 AM
Which person would have previous contact with the Maller before the zombie outbreak happened?

I assume from the rest of your post you think it's Tommy, but how would he have previous contact with the Mallers?

Apr 8th, 2011, 12:17 AM
If the Rat survived the war, I'd imagine they would get in contact with the Mallers the same way they did before. Via the radio. The Tower isn't over run with communication equipment like the Colony is. They probably don't have a way to monitor all frequencies to try to catch errant transmissions to the enemy. That's not to say Michael won't institute this policy now that he's seen how effective it is, but I don't think it's in place now.

i think you're dead on, except for this part. Do you remember a long time ago, back when you were first starting out and i was a mod, a member unleashed all hell on the war, basically pointing out a number of either weaknesses or plotholes in the war?

this thread

basically one of the things he brought up was that, had the traitor been working with the mallers, or was fully cooperating with the mallers, then he would have told them how to avoid the car sensors, and setting off the silent alarms, or the traitor would have helped set up a pulley system into the tower from the apartment building next door, one similar to the one saul set up so that they could move between buildings for testing. basically he said that the traitor could have caused a lot more damage than he did, he claimed this was a plot hole, and we argued that its possibly another fact to be considered. so what was really interesting about all this was that whoever the traitor was, he/she either had a change of heart midway through it, or was not all that commited to the mallers or had his/her own agenda (if it is the last one, you can incorporate the random tower resident shooting at the mallers and starting the war)

Apr 8th, 2011, 12:37 AM
basically one of the things he brought up was that, had the traitor been working with the mallers, or was fully cooperating with the mallers, then he would have told them how to avoid the car sensors, and setting off the silent alarms, or the traitor would have helped set up a pulley system into the tower from the apartment building next door, one similar to the one saul set up so that they could move between buildings for testing. basically he said that the traitor could have caused a lot more damage than he did, he claimed this was a plot hole, and we argued that its possibly another fact to be considered. so what was really interesting about all this was that whoever the traitor was, he/she either had a change of heart midway through it, or was not all that commited to the mallers or had his/her own agenda (if it is the last one, you can incorporate the random tower resident shooting at the mallers and starting the war)

I do recall this thread and I also recall how much I disagreed with Dave's points (wonder if he's still around... Haven't seen him since that thread). There still is the possibility that the person who sold the tower out didn't know about the green cars and the silent alarm. After all, that system was only a day or two old when the Mallers showed up at the front door with all their friends. Tommy and Burt set it up after they left on the water/zombie tracking mission.

I still don't think a zip line is an option, it would require way too much coordination between one person and the Mallers not to mention equipment would-be hard to get a hold of. Saul had to make the harnesses for the sweat bottle experiment, and it's not exactly like the rat could ask Saul to do that for him/her.

But all said and done, I don't buy the change of heart. I would however buy into the own agenda thought. Especially once it became clear the Mallers were being outclassed by the tower I bet they either continued to sulk alone in their room (go Datu theory!) or began chuckin' crap with spit and vigor!

Apr 10th, 2011, 02:24 PM
I really want to believe that the Rat is gonna be Angel because I always like to think whatever would be the most obsurd or controversial thing would happen. <br />
I don't have much in terms of solid...

Apr 10th, 2011, 02:38 PM
After reading this i heard in my head Angel saying aloud to scratch something along the lines of, &quot;I dont care who you kill, just take care of Michael.&quot; I could totally see this happening, but at...

Apr 10th, 2011, 03:02 PM
First of all, whenever you attack angel, the one you should be afraid of is ME thank you very much. <br />
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Scratch once said that Angel seems familiar this doesn’t have to mean anything,...

Apr 10th, 2011, 03:38 PM
I thought this because Scratch mentioned early on that she remembers peoples faces well and also in her character profile it lists her special talents as Facial and Voice Recognition <br />
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I only...

Apr 10th, 2011, 04:24 PM
if Angel is the rat, then it would have been very careless of Scratch to semi-out him like that by stating he seemed "familiar".

edit to add additional thoughts:

if the rat isn't a plant by the mallers...meaning it is someone that, for one reason or another, wants to assist the mallers...then it is possible they contacted the mallers of their own volition and not "under orders" from the maller head honcho. if that is the case, then they most likely would not have ever seen each other face to face and only communicated via the radio. if...big if here...any of the above is true, then Angel could be the rat; however, I personally find that unlikely.

Apr 10th, 2011, 04:35 PM
if Angel is the rat, then it would have been very careless of Scratch to semi-out him like that by stating he seemed "familiar".

Well to be fair, I'm not sure, so correct me if I'm wrong. But I think Scratch and Angel had that conversation BEFORE the death of Latch, so I guess that might have changed things, heck I even go as far as to say that was the spark to help start "The War".

Apr 10th, 2011, 04:38 PM
indeed...however I guess I am running with the assumption that the rat is/was someone there to facilitate the maller takeover of the Tower resources...so, chronologically, the rat would have been "in place" by the time that Angel and Scratch spoke at the Tower.

Apr 10th, 2011, 04:43 PM
Which only serves to strengthen my argument, if Scratch is so good at remembering names and faces, then why is it that she doesn’t remember Angel’s face and name? We know that Scratch is a higher up...

Apr 10th, 2011, 04:47 PM
Assuming your assumption is true, which is possible. But I always saw it as like I said in the earlier post with Ra1th. That since Angel pretty much had free reign of the Tower while Michael was...

Apr 10th, 2011, 04:49 PM
ok you really need to look at this thread <br />
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http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?1247-Will-Angel-Ever-Take-Control-of-the-Tower <br />
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i hate this thread, i lost this fight, but it's valid...

Apr 10th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Bruce, I agree with you that Angel had opportunity; however, seeing as how we dont know the exact whereabouts of every character at all given times the same can be said of most of the characters. ...

TCM Revolver
Apr 10th, 2011, 06:48 PM
Ra1th, I think we found your sidekick!! :D

Apr 10th, 2011, 07:08 PM
hey, wait...why do *I* have to be the sidekick?!?

TCM Revolver
Apr 10th, 2011, 07:09 PM
hey, wait...why do *I* have to be the sidekick?!?

Lol, He was here first. Get your Robin costume ready :p

Apr 10th, 2011, 09:42 PM
Sighhh fuck I don’t wanna use this but

Did your soul burn to list this as a reference and then tear your boy down with my and crowbar's logic? I'm just wondering.

Yes, bruce, as you obviously realize now, Ra1th is who you need to worry about when it comes to poking at Angel. You just need to worry about me for everything else you might post.....because just like the any vigilante superhero, you don't know if I'm nearby but I just might be....;)

Just want to throw this out there though: Scratch's ability to remember faces but not remember Angel right away means that whatever interaction they had was a long time ago. She remembered Lizzy immediately when she saw her in the furniture store. And could tell her exactly where it was and even in the chaos of the War she ID'd her throwing stuff from the balconies.

But here's the bigger point: Angel knew exactly who she was. Tell me one single other instance when Angel was a shoot first and ask questions later kind of character. Especially this is still in his "Maybe they'll just go away" phase. All of a sudden, he wants to just kill them. Intriguing.

Apr 10th, 2011, 10:06 PM
Yes as a matter of fact a small part of me died when I typed that out... Dark times they were... I think that was my first serious debate I lost, after that it's been a downward spiral of crashing and burning at every turn

Apr 11th, 2011, 04:36 PM
Lol, He was here first. Get your Robin costume ready :p

Fine...if that's what it takes to defend Angel...I guess that's what it takes. Just remember you are the one that asked me to dress up in spandex.


TCM Revolver
Apr 11th, 2011, 05:23 PM
Fine...if that's what it takes to defend Angel...I guess that's what it takes. Just remember you are the one that asked me to dress up in spandex.


That's awesome man!!! Alot better than what I was picturing.


Apr 11th, 2011, 06:41 PM
Isn't there already a thread about the rat? lol

Apr 11th, 2011, 07:09 PM
There is, but I think this was intended to be more focused on a couple individuals rather than debate about everyone.

Apr 11th, 2011, 07:41 PM
Fine...if that's what it takes to defend Angel...I guess that's what it takes. Just remember you are the one that asked me to dress up in spandex.


wow that's awesome! it should be required that you use that as your avatar during angel wars hahahaa

Apr 12th, 2011, 12:44 PM
Its amazing what MS Paint can do.