View Full Version : Baby Boomers

Apr 4th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Saul's ideas have come and gone, but lets make this official...
Who is going to be the first to 'repopulate' the Tower?

Apr 4th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Actaully, there isn't a way to change that afterwards

Oh, well. You learn from your mistakes... unless its with a Behemoth, then you're sort of dead. Right?

Apr 4th, 2011, 12:56 PM
Well, lets round up the "suspects":

1. It was pretty heavily implied that Michael and Pegs got it on in the Beach House.
2. We have the emerging theory that Lizzie's vomiting might be morning sickness.
3. Angel is definitely attracted to Riley and there might have been some indication they were "together" the night Lizzie got kicked out. But Riley's sexuality is still in doubt so this is vague at best.
4. Kelly and Victor were pretty friendly at the end of chapter 19, but we didn't get any follow up yet because there was too much else going on.

I gotta say Michael and Pegs are sleeping together, or at least they did in the Beach house. And Lizzie's vomitting does seem morning sickness (and the theory does fit in with the chapter title "About Last Night"). Until we find out what Riley's "type" is, there's no telling about her and Angel's relationship. And its too early to tell for Victor/Kelly.
There's my two cents.

Apr 4th, 2011, 12:58 PM
it got reset and i cant vote again. i say lizzy.

Apr 4th, 2011, 01:00 PM
it got reset and i cant vote again. i say lizzy.

Gotcha in there.

patient zero
Apr 4th, 2011, 02:49 PM
Michael and pegs in the beach house for sure, listening to WND interview with pegs it all made sense with pegs' innocence ect..

Apr 4th, 2011, 02:51 PM
Saul and Lizzie have my vote to repopulate the planet.. One baby at a time!

Apr 4th, 2011, 05:28 PM
I don't think Lizzie will get pregnant. The guy didn't really DO anything to her...

Apr 4th, 2011, 05:36 PM
Well, lets round up the "suspects":

1. It was pretty heavily implied that Michael and Pegs got it on in the Beach House.
2. We have the emerging theory that Lizzie's vomiting might be morning sickness.
3. Angel is definitely attracted to Riley and there might have been some indication they were "together" the night Lizzie got kicked out. But Riley's sexuality is still in doubt so this is vague at best.
4. Kelly and Victor were pretty friendly at the end of chapter 19, but we didn't get any follow up yet because there was too much else going on.

I gotta say Michael and Pegs are sleeping together, or at least they did in the Beach house. And Lizzie's vomitting does seem morning sickness (and the theory does fit in with the chapter title "About Last Night"). Until we find out what Riley's "type" is, there's no telling about her and Angel's relationship. And its too early to tell for Victor/Kelly.
There's my two cents.

True! I didn't think of that.

Apr 4th, 2011, 05:48 PM
Although we aren't 100% sure if Saul and Lizzy have gotten it on I'm inclined to believe Lizzy is pregnant. Her vomiting (potential morning sickness) is a pretty heavy factor in my theory. Perhaps KC is trying to keep their sexual encounters a secret and shock us with a reveal that Lizzy is pregnant. If so.... we're on to you KC! (Though, judging by his unpredictable writing, I'm probably wrong :p)

Apr 5th, 2011, 12:39 AM
Lizzy could be pregnant by her ex (in every sense of the word) boyfriend, too.

Wicked Sid
Apr 5th, 2011, 01:15 PM
I listened to chapter 8 again and it suggests pretty heavily that Michael and Riley had some sort of encounter. Not much sleep and they were most likely drunk, that insinuates quite a bit.

Additional credit to Nikvoodoo for mentioning this a while back.

Apr 5th, 2011, 03:25 PM
Lizzy could be pregnant by her ex (in every sense of the word) boyfriend, too.

DUDE!!! I wouldn't of even thought of that!
Although, morning sickness would have kicked in a bit sooner... how long has it been in the We're Alive world anyway, a few months?

Apr 5th, 2011, 03:45 PM
DUDE!!! I wouldn't of even thought of that!
Although, morning sickness would have kicked in a bit sooner... how long has it been in the We're Alive world anyway, a few months?

Yea, it's been a few months. I think 3 months was mentioned in Chapter 20. If Lizzy has morning sickness it's not from her deceased ex. But how could Lizzy have morning sickness immediately after leaving the Tower? I mean Saul was still mostly unconscious wasn't he? With an IV in his arm that he himself put in. Doesn't seem like a romantic time to procreate if you ask me ...

I think Lizzy's puking is from something she ate while out and about, or perhaps she's doing it on purpose to leave bread crumbs?

Sticking to the original thread:

The first mother in the Tower is Sauls, however the first person to become pregnant I say will be Pegs. She seems the most "motherly" and Michael seems the most fatherly.

Apr 5th, 2011, 07:09 PM
Yea, it's been a few months. I think 3 months was mentioned in Chapter 20. If Lizzy has morning sickness it's not from her deceased ex. But how could Lizzy have morning sickness immediately after leaving the Tower? I mean Saul was still mostly unconscious wasn't he? With an IV in his arm that he himself put in. Doesn't seem like a romantic time to procreate if you ask me ...

I think Lizzy's puking is from something she ate while out and about, or perhaps she's doing it on purpose to leave bread crumbs?

Sticking to the original thread:

The first mother in the Tower is Sauls, however the first person to become pregnant I say will be Pegs. She seems the most "motherly" and Michael seems the most fatherly.

They were getting together prior to the party.. after the trip to get lady... Plenty of time and Saul I feel can be very persuasive.

Apr 6th, 2011, 08:33 AM
most likely lizzy and saul

Apr 21st, 2011, 05:20 PM
Tanya is a mother and shes in the tower!

Apr 21st, 2011, 05:43 PM
Tanya is a mother and shes in the tower!

Wow. Yay for technicalities!

Apr 21st, 2011, 05:51 PM
DUDE!!! I wouldn't of even thought of that!
Although, morning sickness would have kicked in a bit sooner... how long has it been in the We're Alive world anyway, a few months?
Don't worry. If she really is preggo, we'll be able to tell whose it is.