View Full Version : DL Problems

Apr 3rd, 2011, 08:46 AM
Hey, I was just curious if anyone is having trouble downloading this week's episode of WND. Whenever I try to download it from iTunes, it stops after a few seconds due to "Error 8006" (which is apparently something to do with the host server). I know KC posted on Facebook about massive amounts of downloads coming through their podcast server, but it looks like people from the forums were able to get it somehow.

Don't know if location would be an issue, but I'm trying to download from Saskatchewan, Canada.

Apr 3rd, 2011, 10:32 AM
Hey! Yes, there is an issue with We're Not Dead and We're Alive. Kc is looking into it. It sounds like it was okay for download for a short while after it released, but now it doesn't work :(

I'll keep you posted!

Apr 3rd, 2011, 01:41 PM
Yeah in iTunes I had to hit download about 4 times before it downloaded it. It kept telling me it was a file that iTunes didn't recognize so it wouldn't even download it.

Apr 3rd, 2011, 01:42 PM
Yeah in iTunes I had to hit download about 4 times before it downloaded it. It kept telling me it was a file that iTunes didn't recognize so it wouldn't even download it.
Still working on it...

Apr 25th, 2011, 01:08 PM
Not sure if this is where to post this:

I'm using real player to download and convert the files for our players, (mine and 2 kids). Chapter2 pts 1 and 3 and chapter 13 all 3 episodes will not convert. We have all the others including todays ch21 pt1 but these stubborn ones won't convert. Is there something with these that I need to do differently? If so, can you explain it like I'm an idiot cause apparently I am, lol.

Apr 25th, 2011, 02:39 PM
Not sure if this is where to post this:

I'm using real player to download and convert the files for our players, (mine and 2 kids). Chapter2 pts 1 and 3 and chapter 13 all 3 episodes will not convert. We have all the others including todays ch21 pt1 but these stubborn ones won't convert. Is there something with these that I need to do differently? If so, can you explain it like I'm an idiot cause apparently I am, lol.

I'm pretty sure they're encoded the same way... but one way around it might be to convert them to Wav files and do it that way?