View Full Version : Does Skittles remind anyone else of Gollum from Lord of the Rings?

Mar 31st, 2011, 07:48 AM
Everytime he shows up I picture him looking like Golem. Kinda slinking over with some world of wisdom all the time with an alternate agenda.....

Rock Daddy
Mar 31st, 2011, 07:56 AM
You know, I have to agree. I see him very hobbit like. Hunched over with gross bare feet, darting eyes, and an overbite with thin lips. Bit up fingernails. Up to no good, like he will lead them into a trap next time. Weird image, I know. HOWEVER, when he was first introduced with the original doofy voice, I saw him more like a mentally challenged character more than mentally disturbed. Kind of like Lenny from Mice and Men.

Mar 31st, 2011, 08:10 AM
I agree, my view on him changed drastically with the new voice.

Its obvious he knows more then anyone gives him credit for. Also strange how he is always there when you need him to be. Looking forward to learning more about this interesting character.

Mar 31st, 2011, 09:00 AM
First of all: Arkum, that is one kick ass avatar.

Number 2: We are talking of Gollum from Lord of the Rings, correct? Golem's are from Jewish folklore and are animated figure traditionally made of clay.

Mar 31st, 2011, 10:46 AM
I picture him being more like the janitor from Disturbing Behavior, putting on a facade and actually being very smart. You would be surprised what you learn when everyone thinks your dumb!

Rock Daddy
Mar 31st, 2011, 10:50 AM
I picture him being more like the janitor from Disturbing Behavior, putting on a facade and actually being very smart. You would be surprised what you learn when everyone thinks your dumb!

So do you think he's really smart and just totally acting that way to deceive someone? ...or do you think he's all screwed up from a traumatic event and once he recovers, he'll be smart again?

Mar 31st, 2011, 10:58 AM
I think he's smart and has figured stuff out and works better by surviving alone. I mean how else did this supposed frail man make it from just outside the arena all the way back to just outside the base?

Mar 31st, 2011, 11:49 AM
First of all: Arkum, that is one kick ass avatar.

Number 2: We are talking of Gollum from Lord of the Rings, correct? Golem's are from Jewish folklore and are animated figure traditionally made of clay.

Thank you....yes I mean Gollum for LotR. I was hoping he would yell at Kalani at some point "STUPID fat humanses". But alas, it never happened...yet

Mar 31st, 2011, 11:56 AM
Thank you....yes I mean Gollum for LotR. I was hoping he would yell at Kalani at some point "STUPID fat humanses". But alas, it never happened...yet

.....that ....would...be...hilarious....I honestly don't think I could live through Skittles starting to talk like that. I can just hear him having a conversation with himself about betraying Angel and Kalani as he's changing the tire.

I'll edit the thread title so it's clear :)

Rock Daddy
Mar 31st, 2011, 12:33 PM
Thank you....yes I mean Gollum for LotR. I was hoping he would yell at Kalani at some point "STUPID fat humanses". But alas, it never happened...yet

Hahaha. Totally. Kalani cooked with taters sounds good... Nik that is totally him on the tire change. He's having a debate with his other personality on Angel & Kalani not really being his friends. Maybe Reese is his alter ego. aaahhh

Mar 31st, 2011, 12:56 PM
Skittles to Angel - "You cannot trusts him...Kalani just wants the ring for himself he does"
Angel - "WTF are you talking about?"

Apr 3rd, 2011, 04:27 AM
You know, I have to agree. I see him very hobbit like. Hunched over with gross bare feet, darting eyes, and an overbite with thin lips. Bit up fingernails. Up to no good, like he will lead them into a trap next time. Weird image, I know. HOWEVER, when he was first introduced with the original doofy voice, I saw him more like a mentally challenged character more than mentally disturbed. Kind of like Lenny from Mice and Men.
Yes that's what I thought too. I wasn't sure if they were going to have him actually be mentally handicapped or they were just trying to convey the stuff this guy had been through to survive.

Apr 5th, 2011, 04:15 PM
I can see you how he reminds of you Golem. He's like this weird little super helpful assistant and you are never sure if you want to trust his opinion, but then he goes and does something like ... changes the tire on the humvee while you are playing tag with Behemoth and that kind of heart can't be denied. He's a good guy, so he is not Golem for me. I can't quite describe who I see when I hear Skittles talk, but I feel like he should be wearing a fanny pack and clothing that doesn't quite fit him. haha.

Rock Daddy
Apr 6th, 2011, 09:19 AM
I can't quite describe who I see when I hear Skittles talk, but I feel like he should be wearing a fanny pack and clothing that doesn't quite fit him. haha.

I imagine him as the creepy brother Todd from the movie Wedding Crashers, but older, dirtier, and more nerve-rattled rather than emo.

Rock Daddy
Apr 6th, 2011, 09:20 AM
minus the suit of course. LOL

Aug 11th, 2011, 10:15 AM
I think Skittles suffers from autism, so Raymond Babbit (Dustin Hoffman, Rain Man) comes to mind. Skittles definitely has a Gollum flavor, only I see his part is played by Steve Buscemi. But that's only so I don't have to do CG conversion in my head.

Aug 11th, 2011, 10:26 AM
I think Skittles suffers from autism, so Raymond Babbit (Dustin Hoffman, Rain Man) comes to mind. Skittles definitely has a Gollum flavor, only I see his part is played by Steve Buscemi. But that's only so I don't have to do CG conversion in my head.

I thought the same thing when I heard the Skittles Actor #1 portray the role (not sure what that gentleman's name is), but now that I've heard Bob Berggren's interpretation, I've been thinking it's something else wrong with him.

I'm curious as to which version of the Skittles portrayal you have. Does the Skittles you meet before the Arena sound markedly different than the Skittles you hear at the Army Base?

Aug 11th, 2011, 10:29 AM
i think skittles is a very intelligent man, who just so happened to suffer from a severe psychotic break.

Aug 11th, 2011, 03:02 PM
Or dobie (or however its spelled) from harry potter since skittles helps them like dobie

Aug 11th, 2011, 03:40 PM
Or dobie (or however its spelled) from harry potter since skittles helps them like dobie

i'm nerding myself but, Dobby

Aug 11th, 2011, 05:14 PM
So do you think he's really smart and just totally acting that way to deceive someone? ...or do you think he's all screwed up from a traumatic event and once he recovers, he'll be smart again?

he's like the Transformers "more than meets the eye"

Aug 11th, 2011, 05:16 PM
I think he's smart and has figured stuff out and works better by surviving alone. I mean how else did this supposed frail man make it from just outside the arena all the way back to just outside the base?

skills has he

Cabbage Patch
Sep 4th, 2011, 05:08 PM
Skittles reminds me of Danielle Rousseau from Lost. He knows things that the characters don't, he's more than a little crazy, and we're not sure if anything he tells our characters is really true.