View Full Version : Lizzy's Rescue Team

Mar 29th, 2011, 10:15 AM
So the rescue mission to go find LIzzy is fast approaching. The way I see things going down, I think it will take some time for the preliminary team to find the clues to figure out that Lizzy’s been...

Rock Daddy
Mar 29th, 2011, 10:50 AM
I'd have to agree with you on this team Ra1th. I think def Burt and Angel are on this one. Burt's feeling really guilty and needs to make good. I have a feeling a couple things may come into play soon. I think Angel and Scratch may have another face to face, where she finally realizes where she remembers his face from. (I see people have had some good thoughts on this one) Also, I think Saul will push himself to go, (as stubborn as he is) and at some point he will not be able to give himself his scheduled doses of meds. I really hope that ISN'T the case, but it would be on the list of shit to go wrong. :(

Mar 29th, 2011, 10:59 AM
oh i hadnt thought of the scratch angel thing! wow this is a perfect set up for that.

but u know i was thinking and maybe the tower wont be able to pick up lizzy's trail so quickly, i mean she could be anywhere right? so what if it takes them like a week or two to find out where Lizzy is? if thats the case then Saul could have time to recover, well he wouldnt be back to full strength, but the fever, malnourishment, bulletwound, etc will prly have gone down a bit. But it could go either way really

Rock Daddy
Mar 29th, 2011, 11:14 AM
True. And I also forgot there's another team already out there. I wonder what their fate is. And I wonder if Steven is on that team...

Mar 29th, 2011, 11:17 AM
I reckon Michael will go because he has shown in the past that he leads from the front line. People need to see him out there being the Hero and saving more people to consolidate on the respect he recently earned. Could be a while until the tower find out where she is without the maulers contacting them. Possibly the Maulers want a deal, we give you Lizzy you give us Pegs/take some of our people in/ help us take over the colony. I doubt Saul will be completely recovered when they locate her but I reckon he will insist on going to any negotiation/ on any rescue mission. Burt is an obvious choice, along with Angel. Victor is a possibility but he's new and although Michael has gone through a lot with him, I wouldn't be trusting him just yet. Could the Michael's party swap the tower for Lizzy, arranging it so they leave the tower for fort whatever and collect Lizzy on the way? just a thought.

Mar 29th, 2011, 11:51 AM
Saul is going to be in serious hurting status when his dump happens. He'll actually be worse off, but hopefully the drugs will have started doing what they're supposed to do. A big thing about Saul is his will power and ability to suck it up. His Full Mad On, will keep him going for a min though.
So, who's going?
Mike? NOPE! too much at the tower needs fixing.

We already know Burt's tagging along. I say Riley and Datu join the club. Datu needs to REman up! This is his chance to inflate his testes.

Victor doesn't have a reason to go out. Nothing invested. Matter of fact,they owe him, not the other way.

Mar 29th, 2011, 11:52 PM
Really I don't expect them to find Lizzy for a little while which means Michael woud probably be on top of things. He is also not the type to let others take all the risks. Remember them trying to get the water on?

Apr 6th, 2011, 08:48 AM
to find lizzy ok here is my list of people who will help in the assult to find lizzy, number 9 is manditory

1. Saul
2. Burt
3. ME (lol)
4. Michael
5. Angel
6. Riley
7. Pegs
8. Victor
9. Steven (the person who got lizzy Kicked out the tower, who then dies in the attack)