View Full Version : Blogging/Fan Fiction Submission Guidelines

TCM Revolver
Mar 28th, 2011, 08:57 PM
As our community grows in size, we have noticed an increase in blogs posted by our forum members. We are very encouraged by the increase of activity on the Blogs page in the We're Alive Forum. We do want to set forth some guidelines for you to follow as you contribute to the blog-o-sphere 'round here.

If you are going to blog about the story of We're Alive, and are including details from the story (regardless of how old the information is), we ask that you use the enclosed spoiler alert as the first line in your blog.

---Spoiler alert!!! This Blog contains details and specific events related to We're Alive!!!---


Many of our forum members are new, and still catching up to the current chapter episodes. We want to protect them from spoilers by containing them to certain spots of the site where they would be expected to be (as covered in the Rules and Regulations). We can't expect you to not talk about the We're Alive story in other locations but we can and do expect you to announce that your blog/group/post contains spoilers about the story.

Also, while we encourage blog posts, the blog section of the site is not the best place to start conversations. Before you post your blog, take a moment to think if your post might be better served in the Forums section. Especially if your post is asking for feedback about a specific topic, it might get more out of becoming a forum thread. One quick way to get a blog post deleted is to publish something that could easily be be placed in a thread that already exists.

Finally, we have a few Parent Topics created (The Voodoo Lounge, The Writers Desk, Tower-Gate etc) that are blogs run specifically by certain members of the forum. Please do not tag your blog posts with the labels of other writers. This will avoid any confusion over the source of the material.

Happy Blogging!

Apr 4th, 2011, 06:48 AM
Hello We’re Alive Community,

As of this moment, we are locking down the blog section of the We’re Alive Forum to only certain individuals (Admins, Mods, Staff, Cast, WND Hosts, and designated Bloggers). The reason for this is very simple: We requested that individuals not use the Blog Section for starting conversations covered by threads elsewhere found on the forums. (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?1280-Blogging-Guidelines) We have noticed more and more blog posts that belong in forum threads that already exist.

Because of this simple reason, the blog section is now locked. It is tedious for the We’re Alive forum staff to relocate your blog post to the thread it belongs in.

This does not mean the blog section is off limits permanently. We are currently developing an application process for those who want to create a blog on the We’re Alive Forum. When we know how we’re going to move forward, we will let you know.

Apr 5th, 2011, 05:14 PM
If you want to blog on the We're Alive forum, here's what you have to do:

Submit a PM to me letting me know you want to blog or write a fan fiction. In that message, please let us know what sort of topic you want to generally cover (characters, plot points, zombies, tactics, fan-fiction, etc). We will also accept topics covered by the forums (Video games, books, music, everything else, etc). So even if you submit for a blog about The Characters, but you feel inspired to write about something else you are free to do so.

Submitting an example blog post/fan fiction may be required by the staff, so please be prepared to submit a full post to the staff during your application process. We will hold a discussion among the admins and mods about your blog concept and sample, and will let you know about our final decision via PM. Simple as can be.

We look forward to your submissions!!