View Full Version : Who is Angel?!

Feb 3rd, 2011, 11:19 PM
I'm listening from the beginning (again)..

Chapter 1 episode 3... 4:42

Datu: Hey, you look familiar, do I know you?
Angel: Naw, you must be mistaken.

So Scratch wasn't the only one to recognize Angel...
Who is he!?

Wicked Sid
Feb 3rd, 2011, 11:30 PM
I'm listening from the beginning (again)..

Chapter 1 episode 3... 4:42

So Scratch wasn't the only one to recognize Angel...
Who is he!?

I just want to say that Datu recognized Angel because of his girlfriend in the Tower, and Scratch... Well, I think Angel used to be a rat for a police precinct when he was a young JD.

Mighty Morphin' Clarification, Go!

Feb 3rd, 2011, 11:35 PM
on another thread, KC answered this question, datu knows him because Angel's girlfriend, Cindy lived in the tower, so he saw datu every now and then when he came to visit.

Feb 3rd, 2011, 11:41 PM
I didn't even think about that.

Well Angel just got 100% less interesting. Sorry Ra1th. <3

Feb 5th, 2011, 12:21 PM
Not sure what to say now, the conversations topic just veered off the bridge and landed in the water. LOL.

Feb 5th, 2011, 04:00 PM
Personally I think Scratch recognized him because he was her secret long lost second brother... CATCH!

See, that's wrapped everything up.

Feb 5th, 2011, 04:07 PM
Personally I think Scratch recognized him because he was her secret long lost second brother... CATCH!

See, that's wrapped everything up.
Yeah, and Michael is Batch and Kalani is Watch.

Feb 5th, 2011, 04:12 PM
Yeah, and Michael is Batch and Kalani is Watch.

Just don't ask Scratch if she has a match on her. She'll think that you're talking about her mother.

alive in ky
Mar 10th, 2011, 10:07 AM
I'm listening from the beginning (again)..

Chapter 1 episode 3... 4:42

So Scratch wasn't the only one to recognize Angel...
Who is he!?

could it be....Elvis?

Mar 14th, 2011, 05:52 PM
I'm listening from the beginning (again)..

Chapter 1 episode 3... 4:42

So Scratch wasn't the only one to recognize Angel...
Who is he!?

Well Angel does know how to hotwire a car which is somthing people tend to learn on the "streets". I'm thinking Scratch may have hung out with him before she endded up in jail... OR! maybe they used to... date <3? But thats crazy talk... or is it?

Mar 14th, 2011, 07:35 PM
they prly met at one point or another but if they dated then why would scratch not know him? all she said was that his name seemed familiar or that he seemed familiar i forget which

Mar 15th, 2011, 06:04 AM
they prly met at one point or another but if they dated then why would scratch not know him? all she said was that his name seemed familiar or that he seemed familiar i forget which
My two options
Michael did say in the beginning that Angel was a typical spoiled rich boy. Maybe Angel had a record as a youth he can hot wire cars.. But then again Michael makes nasty crap like chloroform.
Or option 2 he was on the jury that convicted her of some crime.. cause Scarface had many crimes. Yep I am going with option 2.

Mar 15th, 2011, 07:34 AM
My two options
Michael did say in the beginning that Angel was a typical spoiled rich boy. Maybe Angel had a record as a youth he can hot wire cars.. But then again Michael makes nasty crap like chloroform.
Or option 2 he was on the jury that convicted her of some crime.. cause Scarface had many crimes. Yep I am going with option 2.

oooo. I like option 2. I haven't heard that one before. :)

Mar 20th, 2011, 10:16 PM
Okay my theory on Angle. Typical rich kid? Yeah maybe in Michael's eyes he was a rich kid who rebelled against his parents by breaking the law which is where he got the experience with hot wiring cars and probably came into contact with scratch somewhere along the way. Two different scenarios with the military side of Angle are he got busted and was given the choice of either time in jail or military. Other scenario is he wasn't caught and went onto college and did the ROTC option to get his military commission which is why Michael says he had no field experience. Either way Angle is a green horn in the field but seems to be a quick learn. He has the ability to be a good leader but lacks the field experience to make the decisions at a quicker pace like Michael.

Mar 21st, 2011, 03:33 PM
Okay my theory on Angle. Typical rich kid? Yeah maybe in Michael's eyes he was a rich kid who rebelled against his parents by breaking the law which is where he got the experience with hot wiring cars and probably came into contact with scratch somewhere along the way. Two different scenarios with the military side of Angle are he got busted and was given the choice of either time in jail or military. Other scenario is he wasn't caught and went onto college and did the ROTC option to get his military commission which is why Michael says he had no field experience. Either way Angle is a green horn in the field but seems to be a quick learn. He has the ability to be a good leader but lacks the field experience to make the decisions at a quicker pace like Michael.

option two is likely, but the problem with option one is that Angel is an officer, with no field experience. If he was given the choice of prison or service (which i'm not even sure they do now a days) they wouldnt give him a chance to become an officer, he'd be enlisted, which isnt the case.

Mar 21st, 2011, 04:58 PM
Thats what I was thinking when I was typing that. Maybe his parents gave him the option to do something with his life or get cut off from the family money.

Mar 21st, 2011, 06:19 PM
I could see him having a couple spots of being in trouble getting caught for one of those times and in the courthouse meeting Scratch, then parents give the option get out or go to the military. I could also see him being part of a group but being the quiet one of the group causing trouble and getting caught once and then having to straighten up or lose the trust fund so-to-speak and thereby denouncing his past.

Mar 28th, 2011, 09:37 AM
Or it could be that Scratch was sizing up Angel to give up details about himself like who he was and his name. Michael at least says as much when he was talking to I think Bert about how he was trying to size them up too but Scratch caught on too fast to get anything out of them. In this sense, I think Scratch was just bluffing or if you believe my other theory, Scratch may have been the Sandy Bill was talking about and she came to visit the Tower when Angel was with his girlfriend Cindy there.

As for the Hotwiring, I believe he just hung out with people who would do carjacking for kicks and never got caught for it.

Apr 5th, 2011, 04:33 PM
Well Angel does know how to hotwire a car which is somthing people tend to learn on the "streets". I'm thinking Scratch may have hung out with him before she endded up in jail... OR! maybe they used to... date <3? But thats crazy talk... or is it?

I don't think Angel recognizes Scratch personally. But I think Scratch might recognize Angel personally on some level. Could definitely be some kind of Police rat or jury volunteer.

Apr 6th, 2011, 03:48 PM
maybe scratch and angel hit it..? pushed it real good ?

Apr 6th, 2011, 03:48 PM
why would they not recognize each other then?

Apr 6th, 2011, 05:03 PM
Or it could be that Scratch was sizing up Angel to give up details about himself like who he was and his name. Michael at least says as much when he was talking to I think Bert about how he was trying to size them up too but Scratch caught on too fast to get anything out of them. In this sense, I think Scratch was just bluffing or if you believe my other theory, Scratch may have been the Sandy Bill was talking about and she came to visit the Tower when Angel was with his girlfriend Cindy there.

As for the Hotwiring, I believe he just hung out with people who would do carjacking for kicks and never got caught for it.
Interesting... you're first theory makes a lot of sense she could have just been sizing them up, seeing how badly they thought of them, your second option is a little too unbelievable though. Scratch being Sandy? I honestly don't think that Bill would have hung out with anybody like that.

Luna Guardian
Apr 7th, 2011, 02:20 AM
why would they not recognize each other then?

Do you remember everyone you've hooked up with when you were dead drunk?

Nov 10th, 2011, 02:21 PM
Hello all

All good theories. Been awhile since i posted but i been listening to the show again (like my 5th time) and just learned some new things, which may be lurking in another post. But who is Angel? I believe he has seen both Scratch and Latch before, whether or not via undercover work or possible street activity (could you believe Angel being part of a rival gang????). We are familiar with the hot wiring abilities and with Scratch saying that Angel looks familiar. In addition, when Angel removed the now dead Latch, he was able to recognize Latch, despite being burned to a crisp, by the ring on his finger, even going to the extent to describe it (something along the line of a bird's wings around a stone). Kalani tried to get some info out of him, but Angel is skilled at lying and changing topics....

Jan 2nd, 2012, 05:36 PM
Hello all

All good theories. Been awhile since i posted but i been listening to the show again (like my 5th time) and just learned some new things, which may be lurking in another post. But who is Angel? I believe he has seen both Scratch and Latch before, whether or not via undercover work or possible street activity (could you believe Angel being part of a rival gang????). We are familiar with the hot wiring abilities and with Scratch saying that Angel looks familiar. In addition, when Angel removed the now dead Latch, he was able to recognize Latch, despite being burned to a crisp, by the ring on his finger, even going to the extent to describe it (something along the line of a bird's wings around a stone). Kalani tried to get some info out of him, but Angel is skilled at lying and changing topics....

Oh snap. Never caught that one before. How did Angel know Latch had a ring that looked like a bird's wing around a stone? I am quite certain that the ring never comes up in the story proper (but hey, it might have been mentioned at some point, who knows). As far as I can remember the only time Angel even saw Latch was when Latch and Scratch came to the Tower asking if they could stay, and I don't think Latch was named in that encounter.

I think this is what went down:

Angel, Scratch, Latch (and a few others who may/may not be part of the Mallers (I still think Maulers is a way better name)) all ran with the same group. As Michael said in 1-1, Angel came from a rich family. No offence to any rich parents, but they usually aren't the best at instilling good values and morals in their kids. I would bet that as a kid Angel did something that got either Scratch, Latch, or friends busted. Angel's parents - being rich - probably posted his bail and sent him to his room or something. Then later in life he got in some more trouble and they sent him to Army OCS to become an officer.

I say it was as a kid because it's hard to forget the face of the person that got you in trouble. Kids change a lot, so if something happened at the age of around 15-16 and the next time you saw someone was like ten years later, it would be hard to recognize them. Also, Datu said he thought he recognized Angel when they first met in 1-2. Maybe there was some news coverage?

This would also explain why Angel knows how to hotwire cars (which isn't all that hard of a skill to learn, just something a rich boy wouldn't need to know). It also might explain why Angel took a quick liking to Saul's plan of "Let's live at the Prison!", but I would just chalk that one up to thinking it's a good, secure place.

Jan 17th, 2012, 09:25 PM
I'm of the guarded opinion that Angel was the/a rat in the tower. Its still a possibility, he was around when the prisoner got shot. I have to agree with the idea that he /was/ involved in some nasty things, but turned his life around, maybe even in Juvi. If he committed crimes before he turned 18, those records /should/ be sealed, and he could've hopped into college and joined OCS later.

Actually, come to think about it, Scratch and Angel dating isn't /that/ off-base. They could have had a youthful fling when Angel hung out in the wrong crowd. It would explain things like his rather vehement dislike to being called 'blondboy'. by Scratch. Maybe he did something because she was blackmailing him?

Feb 28th, 2012, 12:53 PM
I don't think Angel recognizes Scratch personally. But I think Scratch might recognize Angel personally on some level. Could definitely be some kind of Police rat or jury volunteer

I also think Angel was some kind of police rat. He did all he could to try and convince Micheal not to talk to Latch & Scratch. Angel also wanted to remove all their name tags and went a little overboard when Mike mentioned his name.

One other thing and i need to give it a relisten but I think Angel says at one point says how he knows Saul would have no problem living in a cel. Later Sal shares with LIzzy that he has done a little time in the clink. I need to find the exact quote.

Cabbage Patch
Feb 28th, 2012, 02:32 PM
Here's another explanation of how Scratch could have recognized Angel. He could have been one of her victims. Maybe she robbed his parents house, or she stole his car, or did one of the other things that career criminals do to spoiled rich kids when they get the chance.

Drogon Malice
Mar 24th, 2012, 07:12 AM
(spoilers......not sure if i'm posting this in the right place)

like i said spoilers...

yeah i've noticed listening again.... when the power goes out and lizzy and saul go out for fuel for the generator micheal and angel had a quick conversation
Angel says something like "we sent three people out there but you said 2 friends"
and Micheal responds with something like "yeah the other one is just burt" or something like that, i also noticed first time around listening scratch recognised angel but i didn't pay too much attention to it.... i remember someone got pulled into the tower and then got shot later on..... i don't think Kalani knew how to use a gun, when hope was the only one in the room or something....

anyways when bert was on the zip line going to the chopper to get out, the rope gave out, but when it was pulled up micheal said it was "about x distance" which works out to be roughly thirty feet but bert was close.... if it was a stress snap wouldn't it of snapped in the middle or where bert was (remember bert was close) so did angel cut the rope?

Mar 27th, 2012, 04:47 AM
(spoilers......not sure if i'm posting this in the right place)

like i said spoilers...

yeah i've noticed listening again.... when the power goes out and lizzy and saul go out for fuel for the generator micheal and angel had a quick conversation
Angel says something like "we sent three people out there but you said 2 friends"
and Micheal responds with something like "yeah the other one is just burt" or something like that, i also noticed first time around listening scratch recognised angel but i didn't pay too much attention to it.... i remember someone got pulled into the tower and then got shot later on..... i don't think Kalani knew how to use a gun, when hope was the only one in the room or something....

anyways when bert was on the zip line going to the chopper to get out, the rope gave out, but when it was pulled up micheal said it was "about x distance" which works out to be roughly thirty feet but bert was close.... if it was a stress snap wouldn't it of snapped in the middle or where bert was (remember bert was close) so did angel cut the rope?

Well, I'm pretty sure Kalani was the one who shot Pippin, it's not official yet but it's safe to assume that it was him.

Also, their burning tanker was underneath where the zipline was, and Michael tells us the ends of the rope were burnt, not cut. Besides, why would Angel cut the rope--it was his only way off the collapsing and overrun building? It was just an unfortunate accident that the rope snapped.

Angel seems to have odd occurrances all the time happening around him. Scratch recognizes him...but from where? I think he did some time in juvey for stealing cars, and then cleaned up his act (eventually landing him in Officer Candidate School).

His girlfriend was turned and they had to shoot her; he and Riley had to spend some time sandwiched in a coroner's worst nightmare; he's always getting injured (falling from the ladder at Burt's store, jumping through a window...getting trapped on the roof of a collapsing building...); he gets elected to drop off Latch's body (which creates a sticky situation for him when Scratch brings it up to them over the radio...)

Geez...now that I think about it...it's not just Angel...but Michael and Saul seem to get into a lot of dangerous sh*t too...

Apr 3rd, 2012, 09:30 PM
I definitely think Angel and Scratch have a history together, directly or indirectly.

Apr 5th, 2012, 02:29 PM
I think Angel was at one time a cop. Only explanation I can think of that Scratch would recognize him.

Apr 5th, 2012, 02:40 PM
Angel is....
