View Full Version : Ahh another one---

Mar 23rd, 2011, 09:43 AM
"Robby" - Sorry guys, but the last few episodes have been absolutely dull, not enuf Zombie action to keep me downloading every week. Take a lesson from Leviathan Chronicles, gotta keep the action moving.


How long can a series go just running from zombies without any character development or advanced plot? Not very long. Not every action sequence will have zombies in it, and not every problem the characters have to overcome will be zombie related as well. I'm sure die-hard zombie fans will disagree with me, and that's ok. This is a a horror survival of people, in a world over-run with Z's and I'm sticking to it.

My direct response was: "@Robby. Wish you the best with Leviathan, we'll keep telling our story here."

Ps. The only reason I posted this was there are bound to be a few people who get mad that zombies aren't in every episode...

Mar 23rd, 2011, 09:47 AM
Haha. I actually had a moment where I was feeling almost the opposite. There has been VERY little downtime. I'm not complaining at all, but it seems that there's always something to do.

Mar 23rd, 2011, 11:53 AM

I read that on FB and blew it off. I've been trolling www.screenrant.com and all they do on there is complain about movies and such. You'll always have that person who lives to be negative. 99.8 percent of us here love the way you guys are doing things. Let that cat warm up his game console of choice and play games killing zombies all day, every day.

Mar 23rd, 2011, 12:10 PM
I did blow it off, but I like posting fun stuff here. It's my venting corner. I just thought it was funny he referenced Leviathan. I haven't had time to get very far in that series, has anyone else here listened to it? Does it have non-stop zombie action too? ;) (In case people are wondering, that's a joke.)
I'm curious when they might be coming back, Leviathan that is. Their last episode in the series (that was free) was in May of last year.

Revision: I just checked it out, Leviathan is working on 5 more pay-for episodes and then will kick off Season 2 after that. I don't know what the timetable is like.

Wicked Sid
Mar 23rd, 2011, 12:47 PM
I went to their forums, and there was a "Podcast recommendation," thread... There was also three recommendations to We're Alive!

It also looks like no one visits them though.

Mar 23rd, 2011, 02:34 PM
Listened. They are busy trying to get paid. Someone has to support their drinking (sober drunk of 10yr and quickly tire of those goings on)
Leviathan has provided me entertainment so I suppose I owe them something.
Talk about irregularity though.

Mar 25th, 2011, 12:24 PM
Let's agree to disagree with his statement. Yeah, there's definitely not much zombie action going on the past few episodes. That's the agree. Where I disagree, not every episode requires zombie action. I'm fairly certain listeners of the podcast have grown attached to characters, and that's why I love this podcast. There's a great blend of action, as well as character development.

Say you make a zombie podcast. where all they're doing is fighting zombies. That can get boring after a while. WA gets you inside the characters' heads as all of this is going along, giving you the impression that you're right there, in the action.

Hell, I admit I gave a big "fuck yeah!" when I heard Datu in the new episode.

Mar 29th, 2011, 08:45 PM
I disagree with Robby. If it was zombies all the time I'd get bored. I enjoy getting to know the characters in this podcast. I want to know what situation the characters are in, the plans they have, and their past experiences. I've listened to Leviathan and it's not all that. With We're Alive I'm always wanting and wondering what's next!

Mar 29th, 2011, 08:49 PM
" (snip)

Ps. The only reason I posted this was there are bound to be a few people who get mad that zombies aren't in every episode...

actually, I am ok with something other then zombies every week.. I like character development. I like an advanced plot..

Zombies every week would be really REALLY really boring. Don't change a thing Kc

Mar 29th, 2011, 08:49 PM
Let that cat warm up his game console of choice and play games killing zombies all day, every day.

I resent using the term "cat".... :p

I feel like even though it's set in a zombie-apocalypse, We're Alive is more about the characters and plot than pure zombs. And that's what I love about it.

Mar 29th, 2011, 08:59 PM
I'm pretty sure that if a zombie outbreak happened Robby would be pretty happy it's not Z's all the time. Just like i'm sure our cast is.

Mar 29th, 2011, 09:04 PM
I'm pretty sure that if a zombie outbreak happened Robby would be pretty happy it's not Z's all the time. Just like i'm sure our cast is.

Well said sir.

Mar 29th, 2011, 09:14 PM
It's good to post both good and bad reviews so Kudos to Kc for posting that.

I have no Idea what Leviathan is for the podcast/website, but My mythology class in highschool understanding says it has absolutely nothing to do with any zombie anything. Where as WA "We're Alive" has at least some linear correlation to anything related to zombies.

I also totally agree that if it was constantly zombie stuff all the time I would get bored with it as well. I like that we are able to get into the characters and I also agree that WA does seem to be moving pretty quick so It's great to have some slow down and take in some info episodes.

Mar 29th, 2011, 10:04 PM
I tried to get into Leviathan a while ago. Got only a few chapters in and then stopped after I hit one where there was just 30+ minutes of one guy talking. Occassionally another actor asked a question but it was just that one guy giving an entire backstory in single breath. Snoozeville. I started to tune out after 15 minutes then I suddenly realized is he still talking? *delete*

Mar 30th, 2011, 03:58 AM
It's good to post both good and bad reviews so Kudos to Kc for posting that.

I have no Idea what Leviathan is for the podcast/website, but My mythology class in highschool understanding says it has absolutely nothing to do with any zombie anything. Where as WA "We're Alive" has at least some linear correlation to anything related to zombies.

I also totally agree that if it was constantly zombie stuff all the time I would get bored with it as well. I like that we are able to get into the characters and I also agree that WA does seem to be moving pretty quick so It's great to have some slow down and take in some info episodes.

I'm only up to chapter 7 of Leviathan (and i'm enjoying very much) but I'm sure Leviathan refers to a bibilical creature of the sea. Closest thing i can correlate that to is in that Alantis Disney movie where they fight the undersea creature. I'm just very certain that Leviathan Chronicles twists the concept to the point to where its unrecognizable from the original source.

Other than that, I always think of We're Alive as a Survival story foremost but its not indistinguishable from Zombies either as the Walking Dead taught me. I see it more as a human story set to the backdrop of a 28 days later film (I'm thinking the them! should be just called infected's) as The Walking Dead sets out to do in comic and tv show form. Coming from that perspective, I really enjoy the downtime where characters interact as it makes me care for them and feel for their safety rather than hearing a whole lot of gunshots, zombies grunting, and yelling for 20 minutes at a time. Don't get me wrong, I love the battles but I appreciate if there is a build up to them first as to fully appreciate it.

Oh and about Levithan chronicles, I feel it can be action packed and I like how you can hear at least the main character thoughts (I wish We're alive would allow for the audience to hear the character thoughts sometimes) but i feel the narration from a nonparticipant narrator takes away from the audiodrama. I would love it if Leviathan chronicles took a more We're Alive approach and if We're Alive allowed the Auidence get into the character heads sometimes.