View Full Version : AM I the only one who hates STEVEN!!!!!!!!!

Mar 22nd, 2011, 06:16 PM
Yea...I h8 him I hope We're not Dead, Britt and Greg feel the same. >:(

Mar 22nd, 2011, 06:31 PM
Steven is like an other non-main character in the Tower, I would totally be shitty about the Rules if someone had made such a big point about it like Michael did...

Mar 22nd, 2011, 07:51 PM
Didn't you see how everyone's decided that he's the mole now?

We're not supposed to like him but I feel for him honestly. If you're living in a situation like that the people in the background in the Tower are very likely seeing the preferential treatment that certain people in the Tower are getting. If the rules are there for a reason then the rules have to be followed by everyone across the board. She fell asleep and because of that they were almost attacked. If it had been a background character that we didn't know about we wouldn't have necessarily cared and probably would have been a-ok with them getting the boot, but it was Lizzy.

Mar 25th, 2011, 10:23 AM
I don't care for him at all. Yeah it would be tough to live in the tower, but he's purposely trying to create tension and he's attempting to rally everyone to mutiny against Burt so that he could be become the tower leader.

Rock Daddy
Mar 25th, 2011, 10:30 AM
Something IS definitely fishy. KC has been very clever in creating the beloved tower group. But there's a lot going on behind the main story. Just think -- there's a group of characters in the background, we generally know nothing about... And now they are starting to surface with names, and personalities... (and possibly motives) I can't wait to see what unfolds!

Mar 25th, 2011, 10:37 AM
Yeah Steven pisses me off but he's not the rat. In fact I totally get him and that would be me in that situation. Rules put up need to be adheared by everyone and no one is special even management. I've actually pulled a Steven at work a couple times and it worked for me due to my work ethic being high. My coworker pulls a steven on a daily basis and could be out any day now!! I think a combination of the colony experience and Steven's point of following the rules is what a rule change in the next episode.

back on point listening I was just waiting for someone to give him a good smack down.

May 8th, 2011, 03:53 PM
I know a rat and his name is Steven... dundun duuuunnn

May 8th, 2011, 04:36 PM
"steven? who's steven?" I say while quickly kicking an arm under the bed, hiding steven's bloody corpse. "i didn't know there was a steven living here in the tower ;)"

Bravo Team Leader
May 30th, 2011, 11:03 AM
Steven is a shit stirrer for sure.

Cabbage Patch
Jun 9th, 2011, 10:47 PM
Did anybody else think of Neil Frogurt on Lost when you heard Steven for the first time? That was my first thought, followed quickly by wondering when he was going to take a flaming arrow to the chest.

Jun 9th, 2011, 11:15 PM
why can't they recycle Steven into Soylent Green?

Jun 12th, 2011, 02:59 PM
I hated steven the moment i heard him push for lizzy to get kicked out of the tower the guy was bad news then but i know for damn sure that he is the rat. between to trying to split the tower activities and all his bitching it has to be him.

Jun 12th, 2011, 09:12 PM
I hate him, he's a nasty conniving bastard who's only interested in his own aims of becoming Leader of the Tower rather than the welfare of the entire group. However, it wouldn't make sense (to me at least) for him to be the rat because of that very reason. Why would he attempt to create mutiny to boost his position while also working to sabotage the entire operation that he wants to lead?

Jun 14th, 2011, 10:51 AM
I think that it would be too easy for him to be the rat. We're supposed to think that he is, but it's a red herring - it wouldn't be any loss really if he turned out to be the rat and was booted out, it would be much better for the story arc if it was someone in the inner circle that the others have trusted!

Jun 20th, 2011, 02:29 PM
I hate Steven too, but I feel for him. What I don't get is why didn't Michael or Saul beat the crap out of him when they found out it was he who pushed Lizzie out?

Jun 20th, 2011, 11:37 PM
I hate Steven too, but I feel for him. What I don't get is why didn't Michael or Saul beat the crap out of him when they found out it was he who pushed Lizzie out?

Because Saul focused his anger on the leaders for letting her go, and Michael couldn't beat him up because she violated the rules. And leaders really shouldn't lower themselves to the level of fisticuffs because of a disagreement. The better thing to do, which Michael did, was change the rules so situations like that didn't happen again. No one has been evicted from the Tower under the rules except Lizzy, so it can't even be viewed as changing in terms of favoritism because she's been the only victim of it, so she's the only one wronged by the rule. If no one else is evicted, no more harm is done.

Steven was technically correct in his reaction. Just not in a sense we like to admit. Lizzy almost got everyone in the Tower killed if not for Burt being an insomniac.

Jun 20th, 2011, 11:38 PM
Because Saul focused his anger on the leaders for letting her go, and Michael couldn't beat him up because she violated the rules. And leaders really shouldn't lower themselves to the level of fisticuffs because of a disagreement. The better thing to do, which Michael did, was change the rules so situations like that didn't happen again. No one has been evicted from the Tower under the rules except Lizzy, so it can't even be viewed as changing in terms of favoritism because she's been the only victim of it, so she's the only one wronged by the rule. If no one else is evicted, no more harm is done.

Steven was technically correct in his reaction. Just not in a sense we like to admit. Lizzy almost got everyone in the Tower killed if not for Burt being an insomniac.

Good assessment of the situation. I agree but still wonder was it just taking care of Saul that caused her to be so tired or something else.

Jun 21st, 2011, 12:06 AM
Good assessment of the situation. I agree but still wonder was it just taking care of Saul that caused her to be so tired or something else.

Well if she was tired for the reason you're implying, that makes Steven a biiiiiiiiiiiig bastard. But of course, it wouldn't be his fault because he wouldn't know she was pregnant.

Anyhew, I'm now waiting for the turning of the tide where people start to say they like Steven now that he's proved his worth in the defense of the Tower and how serious he takes the job. Much like what happened with Kelly and Kalani.

Jun 21st, 2011, 08:45 AM
He seems to be redeeming himself lately... I don't buy it. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Heavily. With spikes in it's tread. Impaling Steven.

Jun 21st, 2011, 09:33 AM
I don't think that anyone can be justified for showing a great deal of emotional feeling about steven to be honest. I mean we've only heard about him 3 times. So I would say that "redeeming himself lately" isn't really justifiable as he's only been in one episode where hes done a nice thing compared to two times when he's done something unlikeable. I think that at the minute hes just there to symbolise the minor characters that haven't been mentioned yet.

His actions were justifiable against Lizzy, because Burt had made lots of rules and made clear the consequences for not keeping to them. Lizzy chose to leave to keep order in the tower, I think Steven could have been doing the same, because if others knew that they could break the rules and get away with it then any one of them might stop obeying the rules, and the tower could fall into chaos. Steven could have been trying to prevent this from happening, because everyone wants good leadership in the tower.

Not wanting to be in the guard room with someone who could have been trying to rat them out is also quite justifiable. I bet the feeling of the majority of the tower is why are we even keeping him here if they think he could be a threat. justifiable.

But overall, all the unnamed characters in the tower are loyal to the tower. They have all been taking part in supply runs, repairs, clearing out dead bodies, throwing furniture at the mallers and putting out the fire. If they weren't loyal they would have tried to leave like Carley or Simon. I think any of them minor characters would have done the same thing in Stevens position as they all take their jobs seriously and want to ensure the security of the tower and its inhabitants. All these actions could have been done by any other minor character, but that could just confuse us with more names to remember.

As to the idea that steven ultimately wants to take over the tower, I think your'e crazy. Steven doesn't want to beat the system, he just wants to make sure it works.

Don Man
Jul 1st, 2011, 04:20 AM
no not just u i hate him

Jul 1st, 2011, 06:52 AM
yet another character i would like to see(hear) accidentally fall to his death from the tower

Jul 2nd, 2011, 05:10 PM
Frankly while I don't like the way Steven went about it he does make a good point, why should liz get to get off with only doing extra word for a few days? that's not fair at all. I still think that Steven is kind of an annoying character.

Dr. Hatchet
Jul 12th, 2011, 12:13 PM
He is an ass, I mean didnt have to blow it up that big, I still thik Burt should have kicked him out or killed him