View Full Version : Why was lizzy kicked out?

Mar 19th, 2011, 03:54 PM
I listened to the newest "we're not dead" and as they were discussing the end of chapter 19 I thought they would have touched on the possibility that Lizzy may have been kicked out in order to infiltrate the "Mallers". I think that it's a strong possibility that Burt, who has shown that he makes very good tactical decisions, may have came up with a plan with Lizzy for her to ingratiate herself among the Mallers in order to gain intel as to who the rat is and maybe even get some kind of help for Saul. I don't think we have any real grasp on the time line yet and neither Burt or Lizzy have been portrayed as the sit and wait type.

Mar 19th, 2011, 03:59 PM
But would Lizzy have been a good choice for that?

Mar 19th, 2011, 07:34 PM
Maybe Burt thought she was the rat?

Mar 19th, 2011, 07:53 PM
She made Burt angry as she violated rule #1 by choosing to constantly sit with Saul instead of working on the assigned jobs at the Tower. And what happens when you break a Rule of the Tower??

Burt isn't the kind of guy to tolerate any challenges to his authority for long, and his sympathy for the situation eventually ran out. It came to a head and Lizzy lost. Burt felt he had to do it. To do otherwise would undermine his authority - can't let one person violate the rules while the others watch, makes him look weak.

That's my theory.

Mar 19th, 2011, 08:30 PM
She made Burt angry as she violated rule #1 by choosing to constantly sit with Saul instead of working on the assigned jobs at the Tower. And what happens when you break a Rule of the Tower??

Burt isn't the kind of guy to tolerate any challenges to his authority for long, and his sympathy for the situation eventually ran out. It came to a head and Lizzy lost. Burt felt he had to do it. To do otherwise would undermine his authority - can't let one person violate the rules while the others watch, makes him look weak.

That's my theory.

I totally agree with this theory. I just don't see Lizzy being the one to infiltrate the mallers.

Mar 19th, 2011, 09:11 PM
I think it what something drastic. I mean, remember when Kelly broke the rule. The tower is under a different leadership, but Lizzy and Burt kinda were friends...right?

Mar 20th, 2011, 07:23 AM
I think it what something drastic. I mean, remember when Kelly broke the rule. The tower is under a different leadership, but Lizzy and Burt kinda were friends...right?
Not really. Burt has left Saul for dead at least twice. Lizzy hates him for that.

Mar 20th, 2011, 08:41 AM
Maybe Burt kicked Lizzy out so he could have Saul all to himself.

Mar 20th, 2011, 09:09 AM
I've thought about this... and my knee jerk reaction was Lizzy was the rat... but I think its to obvious... plus remember Lizzy's interaction with Scratch and Latch after they got the tanker... I really dont know why she was kicked out... but I don't think it was for being the rat!

Mar 20th, 2011, 01:37 PM
I can't believe Lizzie was the rat. It was probably an argument over Saul's treatment. Maybe she tried to free his chains or was hoarding food for him. My other theory is that Burt believes that Saul is carrying the zombie disease, even if he isn't biting anyone. Lizzie probably was knocking boots with Saul or he sneezed on her or something and thus Burt kicked her out because he couldn't bear to shoot her and had run out of chains

Mar 20th, 2011, 07:17 PM
maybe she was doing something to keep Saul from getting up and being in danger again and got caught.

Mar 20th, 2011, 09:01 PM
Michaels group has been gone for quite awhile...half, or more, of which they've been out of contact with the tower. they may have been presumed dead after at least a week of no contact. my suspicion is that Lizzy did something to try and secure help for Saul that didn't sit well with Burt, and that is why she got kicked out. It would also explain why Saul is doing better since we last heard about his condition.

Mar 25th, 2011, 04:49 PM
Just a shot in the dark, but Burt saw that Steven and Lizzy were having a tiff. He saw people start to crowd up and he didn't want to cause a scene. So he just told them to leave. He probably didn't want people to look at him like they looked at Michael after The War. So he just tried to solve the problem the best he could. Though he did regret it clearly.

Mar 25th, 2011, 04:52 PM
Just a shot in the dark, but Burt saw that Steven and Lizzy were having a tiff. He saw people start to crowd up and he didn't want to cause a scene. So he just told them to leave. He probably didn't want people to look at him like they looked at Michael after The War. So he just tried to solve the problem the best he could. Though he did regret it clearly.

Amazing.....you were able to predict how and why Lizzy was kicked out with the exact same accuracy and precision as I was able to predict the Super Bowl outcome!.....

...two hours after it was over. ;)

EDIT: Let me clarify. This was supposed to be a joke. I viewed TheNomad's post as a tongue in cheek joke, much like my joke about the Super Bowl score (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/showthread.php?132-Super-Bowl&p=1785&viewfull=1#post1785)(which I predicted the outcome approximately an hour after the conclusion of the game) However, It ended up having way too much of an edge and the joke was missed. I'm not going to delete it the post so it remains clear. My apologies that it got misinterpreted.