View Full Version : The Map

Mar 18th, 2011, 07:40 AM
Thanks to KC and crew for doing such a f'n sweet job on the map. Speaking of which, I think this is a muy perfecto time to talk about it.

I've only been to California once and that was only to the hospital at Travis AFB. I know zero about what's where except for what I see on TV and movies. Having said all that, my questions fall along these lines (some we've touched on in other threads):

1. Where should they scavenge next?
2. What do you think about the distances traveled?
a. by the residents
b. by the creatures

3. Where do you think the "Other" tower is?
4. What/where are the best places other survivors could be?
5. Where would you place your second place to stay?

I also want to know how far from the Res station was Skittle's hideout and how far from the Arena did they first encounter him?

Feel free to expand on those questions, but let's keep them MAP related please.

Crowbar out!

Mar 18th, 2011, 03:34 PM
I don't know about any of the points crowbar brought up (one major reason is I've never been to California so I wouldn't even begin to know where to go), but does anyone else find it interesting that Tommy's House made it on the map? Was his house mentioned in any larger capacity other than where he was when his sister died?

Mar 18th, 2011, 06:32 PM
I don't think Tommy's house is significant, it's just a note. Remember the origin of the map in the early chapters? They were marking everyone's initial locations and time of first encounters to try and determine the infection center and speed of the spread. The times marked by Michael are on the map in red as well.

Mar 18th, 2011, 06:41 PM
I don't think Tommy's house is significant, it's just a note. Remember the origin of the map in the early chapters? They were marking everyone's initial locations and time of first encounters to try and determine the infection center and speed of the spread. The times marked by Michael are on the map in red as well.

It's not. KC responded in another spot saying it was there just for proximity purposes.

Mar 18th, 2011, 07:34 PM
So is Anaheim being right next to the Colony pretty much confirmation that Tanya is Saul's mom?

TCM Revolver
Mar 18th, 2011, 07:41 PM
So is Anaheim being right next to the Colony pretty much confirmation that Tanya is Saul's mom?

Wow man!!! Good catch, I totally forgot that saul mentioned in chapter 1 that his mom lives outside Anaheim. I don't know if it's a confirmation, but really raises the chances.

Mar 18th, 2011, 08:09 PM
I had caught the Saul's Mom outside Anaheim/close to the colony, but there were other interesting items I found while looking around. Like the distance some of the items were to go out of the way.

One interesting item is that Tommy's house is listed, even though he never mentioned it in chapter 3 pt 2 or 3. He did say where his aunt's house is, even though it isn't marked on the map. Kind of amusing.

I attempted to find real life mental hospitals ~10 miles from the military base, and guess what, it's less than a mile from where the tower is.

Mar 23rd, 2011, 05:56 AM
I have a rough idea of how far Lizzie could travel in one day and it leads me to the realization that the Mallers are a good way out of their territory. They "claim" a good expanse of the West, but considering the time Lizzie left, The stress, the terrain and the need to move with stealth wouldn't put her more than 5 miles from the tower.

Mar 23rd, 2011, 06:20 AM
Maybe they could shoot over to San Dimas to see if Bill and Ted made it thru the apocalypse or not lol.
Made me laugh when I saw it on the map, I had no idea it was even a real town.

Mar 23rd, 2011, 11:15 AM
More alarming questions I think at looking from the map is Why the Arena is so far from Ground Zero? Well I guess its the only place large enough to hold a lot of zombies that they flock to it. Still, I would think the hottest zone would be where the most of them reside.

Then again, it would make sense the regular zombies fanned out out of the hot zone if they don't like behemoths and other weirder them creatures. I would put it as plot point in the story to again revisit the plan to wipe out the zombies at the arena to make a move towards ground zero. Then again, that could be just wishful thinking on the account that their best chance was when they had the possiblity of restoring water to the tower and before the attack. Only way now would be to ally themselves with the mallers somehow.

Mar 24th, 2011, 12:49 PM
More alarming questions I think at looking from the map is Why the Arena is so far from Ground Zero? Well I guess its the only place large enough to hold a lot of zombies that they flock to it. Still, I would think the hottest zone would be where the most of them reside.

Then again, it would make sense the regular zombies fanned out out of the hot zone if they don't like behemoths and other weirder them creatures. I would put it as plot point in the story to again revisit the plan to wipe out the zombies at the arena to make a move towards ground zero. Then again, that could be just wishful thinking on the account that their best chance was when they had the possiblity of restoring water to the tower and before the attack. Only way now would be to ally themselves with the mallers somehow.

That is actually a very interesting point. That makes two very nasty hotspots of zombie activity: Ground Zero, and the Arena. You'd think the arena would be located in the middle of Ground Zero. Not all the way on the outskirts of the city limits.

Mar 28th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Maybe, just maybe the Arena started out as a place for the smart ones to congregate when they first turned? They've still maintained a smidgen of their humanity, so that calls for the need to socialize and feel secure.

May 3rd, 2011, 09:06 AM
I had to break out the Map again to answer some of my own questions and it just raised a few more. What I did notice from a google search is that there are several.. well, 5 airports in the southern area, not including LAX. Durai could be at anyone or all of them gathering equipment and planes.
I would also think they're headed southeast towards one of the big lakes like Lake Matthews or Lake Eisenore (sp?) near Terra Cotta.
Scratch and crew would head east on 210 from the Arena then turn south on 57 to E10, then link up with Durai at S71.
Lakes mean no water worries, food and fertile ground to plant.

Bob Hope