View Full Version : Zombies Have Taken Over My House!!!!!

Feb 2nd, 2011, 11:58 PM
I don't know how it happened, or exactly when- Zombies have never been my favorite monsters in years past (I'm more a Vampire fellow, of the pre-Twilight/ pre-Anne Rice throat-ripping variety) but I woke up one day in 2011 and realized Zombies have taken over my house!

Sure I'd seen Night of the Living Dead (a masterpiece) and White Zombie (great Lugosi part) and the 2nd DVD I ever owned was Hammer's "Plague of the Zombies". The Dawn of the Dead remake, 28 Days Later, and Shaun of the Dead are all recent classics in my book. All deal with Zombie-ish outbreaks....But those movies were spread out over years, even decades.

Now in 2011 I listen to "We're Alive" in my car; I eagerly await each episode just like it was my favorite TV show. Same with "The Walking Dead" (which is tied with Dr Who as my fav TV shows)

But wait; there's more!

I have the book "The Zen of Zombie"; I have the Accoutrements glow-in-the-dark Zombie figurines, and recently got hooked on "Zombies Ate My Neighbors" SNES game all over again (cause I was hooked on it way back in 94)

But wait; there's more!

On my living room table sits "Zombies!!!" the board game- and no less than THREE expansions for it (including Circus Clown Zombies!) and the "Zombie in my Pocket" print-and-play game. Since Xmas I've blown over $50 EACH on two Sideshow Collectibles "The Dead" figures (if you've never heard of "The Dead" they're the most awesomely done high-quality Zombie action figures I've ever seen) that I keep in my back room cause they're too gruesome to display in the living room, and I'm setting money aside for more(!)

Now it's 3am and I'm posting on a fan forum of a podcast that no one I know in person has ever heard of- tomorrow I plan to listen to a podcast about said obscure podcast about Zombies (ie "We're Not Dead")....

What happened to me? When did the Zombies take over my whole world?!?!?!?!?

Feb 3rd, 2011, 04:29 AM
I think you totally need to get your friends into listening to the show!

Also, next time I move I'm totally pimping my house with zombies

Feb 3rd, 2011, 07:34 AM
Now it's 3am and I'm posting on a fan forum of a podcast that no one I know in person has ever heard of- tomorrow I plan to listen to a podcast about said obscure podcast about Zombies (ie "We're Not Dead")....

You should only really worry when you start planning a podcast or blog about the podcast that is about a podcast.

Feb 3rd, 2011, 01:04 PM
Haha! You should check and see, is WND the first podcast about a podcast in history? It'd be a real milestone....

It shows the validity of the "new media"; people are rabid fans of what's basically an "amateur" production (no offense, WA sure sounds 'Pro' to me) Think about it; no TV spots for "We're Alive", no radio commercials, billboards, or even sky-writers; no Hollywood corporate backing, so it has to stand on its own merit. It's like my friend who posts fanfiction; she actually has a small cult following(!) When she posts a new chapter, hundreds or even a thousand people have read it within the first few HOURS.

I'm spreading the word best I can. I only know one other person who listens to ANY podcasts at all (and I'm the one who's a backwards old Luddite?) I've given plenty of "Shout-Outs" on plenty of other Forums, wherever Zombies are mentioned...

If you really pimp your house you gotta look up the Sideshow "The Dead" figures, I'm totally addicted to them; only ever seen 3 or 4 "in-person" but believe me the online pictures do NOT do them justice.

Feb 13th, 2011, 07:21 PM
Note my snazzy new avatar..... Finally figured out how to put a pic up (the instructions/FAQ doesn't specify what TYPE of file you have to use, only the pixel size and file size) That's the Sideshow "Subject 805: Tactical Containment Unit Operator" zombie!!!!

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