View Full Version : Leaving The Tower?

Private Parts
Mar 11th, 2011, 06:29 AM
I know the story has been suggesting it and it would be an obvious move but am I the only one who doesnt think that we'll be leaving the tower to soon, would kc realese the 'rules of the tower' t shirt if we would only have like a chapter more staying there I think not! It would be like releasing a whole load of merchandise just before the last episode.


Mar 11th, 2011, 06:55 AM
I view the rules of the Tower as an iconic part of the story, so releasing the t-shirt with the rules doesn't imply anything. It implies that more people voted for that than other t-shirt options.

Though right now I will say I'm having a hard time figuring out when they will be ready to move. But they are in a much better place than they were at the beginning of Season 2 right now. They have a decent food supply, Victor has now provided them with a metric sh** ton of ammo....we might see the exodus before the end of Season 2. One of the only reasons they didn't leave before was their lack of supplies (and having no where better to go). As soon as they find the Other Tower, or another suitable alternative, I feel like they'll make the move.

Private Parts
Mar 11th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Wasnt the Other Tower completely destroyed? I thought they were planning on moving to the training base?

Mar 11th, 2011, 09:28 AM
It was ransacked by zombies but I doubt zombies have the ability to take a building out. Without explosives they'd have to gnaw on the support beams...

They haven't said anything more than saul's suggestion. Right now, its burt's call and he hasn't said anything about where he plans to go.

Funny Muffins
Mar 11th, 2011, 09:45 AM
I actually want to take the time to ask a question of the other tower.
If I am recalling correctly it was described as having cemented windows up to a certain floor. (3rd or 4th cant recall?)
How did Hope bail out of the 3rd floor if the windows were covered by asphalt?
She said she couldn't reach the escape latter due to being trapped on the 3rd or w.e so how did she physically escape the tower?
Kick out some window cement or something?

Rules are rules, no matter where the tower may move the rules will follow.
The shirts are just that, shirts.
If they start living in Vegas at the MGM they would still have the rules they've used up to this point but most likely slightly altered to accommodate.

Private Parts
Mar 11th, 2011, 10:13 AM
Im sure at one point someone (samantha???) said something about a fire i am in the process of listening again so ill check!

Mar 11th, 2011, 11:56 AM
If they start living in Vegas at the MGM they would still have the rules they've used up to this point but most likely slightly altered to accommodate.What happens in the tower, stays in the tower?

(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Private Parts
Mar 11th, 2011, 02:18 PM
What happens in the tower, stays in the tower?

(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

LOL what happens in micheals pants stays in

Mar 11th, 2011, 02:30 PM
And back to the topic at hand.

Private Parts
Mar 12th, 2011, 12:05 AM
So were do people think there going to go?

Mar 12th, 2011, 05:38 AM
Well as long as they go anywhere but Vegas, I'll be happy now....

I think they will find the other Tower first, but that's not where they will end up.

Mar 13th, 2011, 05:20 AM
I don't think they're going anywhere. They built up some sort of capacity to survive and the means to start over anywhere else without knowing what to expect could jeopardize everyone. The only thing they can do is continue to scout areas and look for options in case they need to leave. I think it might be smart if they set up a secondary place to have in case things get bad at the tower. If they're forced out at this point they will be at square one again and tensions will be running high which could lead to bigger problems.

Private Parts
Mar 14th, 2011, 03:05 PM
Micheal and the gang will be wary of moving as they have 25(?)+ in the tower thats one large convoy for ink to munch ass on also I dont think theyll leave untill somethings happened at the arena thats kinda been left open for another visit.

Mar 14th, 2011, 09:59 PM
I can see the tower crew over starting the revolution at the colony and moving there.

Private Parts
Mar 15th, 2011, 12:30 AM
I can see the tower crew over starting the revolution at the colony and moving there.

that sounds quite possible but I still think something will happen @ arena like they'll blow it up or something. Now were do we think lizzys holing out? I thought in the opposite tower or kalani told her were the other tower was whatever she'll be quite easy to find for micheal/saul/angel.

Mar 15th, 2011, 08:06 AM
I believe we've passed the point where anyone from the Tower can effectively lead a revolution within the Colony. In order to lead a revolution in the Colony, they'd have to get back into the Colony which is not likely to happen. The Colony is well fortified against human intrusion and even with Victor's knowledge of the defenses, it's not a good bet.

I stated before that if the Tower folk escaped the Colony, Marcus wouldn't lead an attack on them once they were able to escape. I'm not so sure Gatekeeper would actually follow that rule. If he does what Victor suggested and blames M/P/K/V/T/H for the death of Marcus there might be an uproar from the populace and in order to keep them in a happy (oppressed) state, might lead an attack on the Tower.

Private Parts
Mar 15th, 2011, 09:52 AM
And the colony although they know the tower is smaller than them( why else would they seek refuge) have no idea how much reistance they would meet. For all they know everyone is a burt style badass

Funny Muffins
Mar 15th, 2011, 11:08 AM
If he does what Victor suggested and blames M/P/K/V/T/H for the death of Marcus there might be an uproar from the populace and in order to keep them in a happy (oppressed) state, might lead an attack on the Tower.

Marcus wouldn't attack back but SUPREMELEADER would?
I feel that same way.

As always I will act as the devil's advocate:
What if the colony is glad that Marcus is dead for X reason and some feel indebted to M/P/K/V/T/H?
Would they seek them out if they could get away, or would they try to contact the Tower again via GLENN?

Mar 15th, 2011, 11:26 AM
As always I will act as the devil's advocate:
What if the colony is glad that Marcus is dead for X reason and some feel indebted to M/P/K/V/T/H?
Would they seek them out if they could get away, or would they try to contact the Tower again via GLENN?

Perhaps, though as with any oppressive regime the control of information is paramount. Supreme Leader (the artist formerly known as Gatekeeper) would do everything in his power to swerve the information to make anyone but him the culprit. Remember that Supreme Leader had to "poison" those guardians loyal to Marcus. There's still got to be some strong support left for Marcus and if the attention shifts away from the former Gatekeeper, that's better for him all together. Some of Marcus' loyalists might try to escape, but we saw how difficult it was to get away when the Guardians were preoccupied. I can't imagine it's going to much easier when they are prepared to do their job.

Though this does raise an interesting thought: Supreme Leader could send out a mole to infiltrate the Colony (someone like Glenn that Victor would trust) and have them report back to the Colony. But that's getting off topic of leaving the Tower. I'll repost this elsewhere where it's more appropriate.

Mar 15th, 2011, 01:13 PM
well idk but what about that huge house they found by the ocean? it sounds it like it would be big enough for 20 people? and then they could have an emergency exit as a boat to an island if they get invaded at the top.

Mar 15th, 2011, 01:22 PM
It's true that it offers an alternative exit, but that also means an alternative entrance (at least in this case it does). Having to guard both the upper and lower doors, in a mansion like that (with a plethora of windows that all have to be boarded up, etcetera), it would be a lot of work. The tower was ideal because they only had to monitor one entrance. Same goes for the colony, or any other guarded perimeter. Limit the entrances, so that you can focus your defensive resources there.

Mar 15th, 2011, 04:38 PM
true, but i mean they have 20 people! they can bord up, or brick the windows, and if they can find a way to distile the sea water, no more water problem they are currently facing, also they can fish and that can be another source of food.

Funny Muffins
Mar 15th, 2011, 05:56 PM
We haven't physically heard like half of them.
They are either useless, or near that.
Aside from putting out the fire and maybe throwing a sofa off a balcony most can't/don't contribute much.

Think of them as old people or something.
They can help watch and move certain things, but fighting and facing the elements may be too much for them at this point??