View Full Version : Chapter 19-2 Discussion

Feb 28th, 2011, 07:05 AM
Discussion of the new episode go here! Only a couple more hours til it hits!

Feb 28th, 2011, 08:26 AM
This is actually my first week of having to wait until it drops. What time does it approximately happen?

Feb 28th, 2011, 08:42 AM
Waiting. waiting. Ahhhhhhh!!!!

9am-ish pst.

Feb 28th, 2011, 08:49 AM
Waiting. waiting. Ahhhhhhh!!!!

9am-ish pst.
It's there, go for it. No announcement yet. We usually wait a half hour so some of the slower podcast update systems can realize it's there.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:01 AM
It's downloading in iTunes as we speak. Squee!

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:17 AM
I don't see it on the DL page tho.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:19 AM
KC, you are spoiling us with these 24 minutes episodes. Keep it up!

Good grief. You really showed us a lot in the colony this week, explaining a lot while still keeping the story moving. The cliff-hanger ending was nice. Was gatekeeper talking to shovel-face? I imagine some plot to get Michael killed would be in order.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:35 AM

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:39 AM
Hmm...very, very interesting. Now we know that Marcus was bs-ing everybody, but even though Michael has leverage, he can't use it in the position he's in. The structure of the colony appears to be a very tiered one, which also gives us insight into how dictatorial the leadership is. Very interested in what we'll see next week. I'm guessing that Pegs will narrate the first part at least, and it is bound to give us a lot of information on how things will go down in Chapter 20.

Oh yeah...Pete!!!! Didn't know that Greg would be doing more than one episode.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:39 AM
Was gatekeeper talking to shovel-face? I imagine some plot to get Michael killed would be in order.

Sounds to me like it was actually Marcus.

So Victor took Michael over, and...

Quiet! I don't want anyone overhearing this. Get in here.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:40 AM
I loled when the episode started. I know this will be a topic of discussion this week on WND.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:42 AM
Sounds to me like it was actually Marcus.

I'm not entirely sure it was, but it was hard to distinguish since it was hushed voices. But I doubt it was, because shovel-face would hardly have told Marcus the story again, unless Pegs' section was set before the whole thing happened.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:44 AM
Yeah, that does make sense. It was really hard to tell the distinguishing characteristics between the voice in the hush tone. There wasn't any stuttering, though. Also, he could have been just making sure Victor did what he was told to do.

Feb 28th, 2011, 10:04 AM
Perhaps, but it appears to be unlikely. I'll listen again and see if I can make any further conclusions, but I doubt Marcus, being the controlling figure he appears to be, would leave Victor off with Michael without being watched by someone immediately close to him.

Feb 28th, 2011, 10:06 AM
I don't know what you guy think, but the most important think learned in this episode for me was the confirmation that animals can not get infected, no matter what. The dog bit a zombie girl, and no effect, so this "virus" can only be given to humans.

Feb 28th, 2011, 10:18 AM
I don't know what you guy think, but the most important think learned in this episode for me was the confirmation that animals can not get infected, no matter what. The dog bit a zombie girl, and no effect, so this "virus" can only be given to humans.

That was an interesting thing. I don't think it's been addressed, but do we know if the infected try to eat animals as well?

Feb 28th, 2011, 10:19 AM
That's actually a very interesting point. What exactly is it in animals that makes them immune? Also, does this mean that whatever caused this is built specifically for the human genome? If it was, it may mean this was a little more than an accident.

Feb 28th, 2011, 10:34 AM
That's actually a very interesting point. What exactly is it in animals that makes them immune? Also, does this mean that whatever caused this is built specifically for the human genome? If it was, it may mean this was a little more than an accident.

Well, the design may not be an accident, but the containment most likely was.

It still could have been the deployment, but IMO it wasn't.

Feb 28th, 2011, 10:39 AM
It just seems iffy to me that a virus that could cause this sort of destruction would be contained or tested in an area with such a high population density. That would be one of the only reasons I still think it wasn't really an accident, but it could still be. Speculation, speculation, speculation.

Feb 28th, 2011, 11:02 AM
Man... I really like where this is going. I hate hearing "join us next week" blah blah :(

Feb 28th, 2011, 11:21 AM
I uploaded a little behind the scenes video: http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/entry.php?33-So-tired...

Feb 28th, 2011, 12:07 PM
All that effort to get just a clean dog bark that isn't stock. Kudos. This is why you deserve a medal. Attention in the details.

Feb 28th, 2011, 12:22 PM
All that effort to get just a clean dog bark that isn't stock. Kudos. This is why you deserve a medal. Attention in the details.
There are some stock ones in there, but it's so difficult to get something that matches what you want. That's why the Dog Lady is a real dog as well. but Mr. Whiskers, he's not very cooperative, although he does exist in real life.

Wicked Sid
Feb 28th, 2011, 01:17 PM
After watching that I was able to pick out which samples you used during the episode.

Feb 28th, 2011, 01:22 PM
Also, does this mean that whatever caused this is built specifically for the human genome? If it was, it may mean this was a little more than an accident.

That's what I think. Whatever it is, it only affects humans and possibly primates (I think the Little Ones are monkeys or apes).

It causes rapid and selective mutation. It's a toss up right now if it was meant to be benign (to make a better human) or malign (to make a better soldier or a world with less/no humans or an alien attack).

I wonder if the smart ones were those infected soonest (the Zombie with the name tag) so they were scientists or techs working in a lab or facility. Or, they could have been trying to cure mental illness and so the more mentally ill you were, the better zombie you make.

Feb 28th, 2011, 01:56 PM
I think the Little Ones are monkeys or apes.
I'm just thinking it's an age difference. We know that there were children attacked, but we haven't seen or heard anything about them. Imagine 8-15 year old zombie. (Besides the freshly turned Tommy). Imagine some young track star. Freaky. For that matter, imagine, 4-8 year old. Tiny, can get in small areas. They get in areas you never expect them to. Scary.

Feb 28th, 2011, 02:06 PM
another great episode, and I like the fact that Micheal is standing up to Marcus. I think marcus is worried since no one has ever stood up against him

Feb 28th, 2011, 02:49 PM
We know that there were children attacked, but we haven't seen or heard anything about them.

That's a good point.

I'm still betting the Little Ones are chimps.

Feb 28th, 2011, 03:38 PM
god, i hate bixby! would be so great for him to get his ass royally kicked by michael again, then fed to the zombies....but he would turn and pegs would actually shot the douche.

Michael totally called marcus on his B.S. too. Wicked!

Feb 28th, 2011, 05:07 PM
Wow, I'm surprised no one addressed this yet but isn't anyone else wondering why Michael can't get a hold of the tower.

The guy said the range on the CB radio was 30-40 miles at least.

So whats happening at the tower?

Feb 28th, 2011, 05:29 PM
That's a good point.

I'm still betting the Little Ones are chimps.

I'm really looking for them to be a pack of kids. The insanity and mental anguish it would bestow on someone having to mow down a pack of zombie kids. Geesh.

Feb 28th, 2011, 06:35 PM
that was an intense episode, i'm really looking forward to getting back to the tower just cause the colony is such a dangerous setting, like anything you do can be used against you. If i had to call it, i'd say chapter 19-3 might be focusing on the colony as well, just because there is a lot of storyline that needs to be advanced to bring it up to speed. But what i really miss more than anything is the zombies, i cant wait to see some zombie killing action. I'd really like to see Angel and Kalani get back to the tower and just have them chill for a bit, maybe have angel get stitched up by riley, and she comes out of the closet after he makes a move on her, the tower just seems so nice and safe compared to the colony.

Also, I'd just like to call it now, that the yacht that M/P/K ran into earlier, is going to have a role to play in communicating with the tower. I'm not sure how, but i'm dead certain its radio will come into play when reaching out to burt and the tower.

I only got a chance to listen to it once, so i couldnt really make out whose voice it was that got a hold of pegs, was it the gatekeeper, marcus, or shovelface?

also Marcus doesn't seem like such a bad guy anymore. He just seems like a dude trying to keep people from going nuts and getting everyone killed. And in the process he got sidetracked and ended up running the place via slavelabor. I cant wait for this guy to go up against Durai, that'll be entertaining.

other than that there wasnt that much to discuss in this episode really, it's more just advancing the story at as a fast a pace as possible it seems

Feb 28th, 2011, 06:54 PM
I do think that we should have a bit of discussion about the fact that no one at the tower answered Michael's call. It's really got me worried. My fingers were literally crossed as I listened, and...

Feb 28th, 2011, 07:20 PM
This episode was insane.

Feb 28th, 2011, 08:06 PM
I do think that we should have a bit of discussion about the fact that no one at the tower answered Michael's call. It's really got me worried. My fingers were literally crossed as I listened, and upon hearing no response a lump of worry formed in my throat. Saul is my favorite character, and if the tower were to fall under attack with him in his current condition, I don't see much hope for his survival.

They are just too far away for something like that to work. cb radios don't have that kind of range, like 15 miles max. I can tell you right now, the distance between LA and Santa ana, is a LOT farther, it's a good two hours travel time between the two cities. Even at the very beginning, when victor proposed the idea, michael said, it's prly not gonna work, just because of the range issue, they never had a shot, it was just a blind attempt to make contact. Also i will bet you anything that if anything kills saul, it will NOT be this illness. think about it, why the hell would you drag out his suffering for 7 chapters, THEN have the MPK group actually FIND a cure for saul, and THEN have him die, that's ridiculous and by all means terrible story telling, i'm not saying he wont die, but it sure as hell wont be because of the sickness.

Marcus showed that there are a few outposts scattered around the Colony. The sense of just how huge and put together this place is tells me that an assault could be disastrous. I think the best solution is for Michael to overthrow Marcus. It is unfortunate that his current situation prevents him from swaying the people, but how knows? Maybe if they hold a public execution or lashing, Michael will get his forum for overthrowing Marcus. I can see the Colony, under Michael's leadership, being a replacement for the tower.

yes we know the colony is massive, that's exactly why an assault led by the colony alone would be a disaster, and that's where the mallers come into play. And i don't think Michael will be able to sway the people just because he got lashes or because of a public execution, and here's why, NO ONE KNOWS HIM, he's just some dude, that was rumored to be marcus's second in command, and that's prly not gonna happen anymore. He's only been in the colony (awake and running anyway) for a day or two, he spent the other week or so in a mini coma, we the audience know he's a big deal, but as far as the colony residents are concerned michael doesnt matter.

Feb 28th, 2011, 09:13 PM
I disagree. It would give a huge feeling of hopelessness, to almost save Saul only to have Fate snatch him away from you. If he died the moment a reader felt his safety was inches away it would...

Feb 28th, 2011, 11:03 PM
It’s possible that that could happen to saul, but right now, saul is the favorite character for the majority of the listeners, it’s generally a bad idea to kill off the fan favorite. And yeah there...

Mar 1st, 2011, 12:43 AM
The CB radio at the Tower could pick up the transmission but they don't have the gear to transmit a strong signal like the Colony can. I'm not 100% sure about that, but that might be a factor.

Mar 1st, 2011, 05:44 AM
The CB radio at the Tower could pick up the transmission but they don't have the gear to transmit a strong signal like the Colony can. I'm not 100% sure about that, but that might be a factor.This seems to be the most probable theory yet. I'm sure the message was received.

The real question in my mind is: was it received by the Mallers, too? They have a CB radio (even though it sounds like they were farther away than the tower) and maybe one of their patrols caught it.

Would they potentially come to the colony, seek refuge, and try to take over from the inside? A frontal assault would never work; it didn't even work for them to attack the tower. The mallers maybe had 50-70 people after the attack on the tower; they would be trying to take on a well-fortified colony with hundreds of people. However, the mallers are proven criminals. I wouldn't put it past them to attempt infiltration.

Mar 1st, 2011, 07:41 AM
The CB radio at the Tower could pick up the transmission but they don't have the gear to transmit a strong signal like the Colony can. I'm not 100% sure about that, but that might be a factor.

Nice, thought! BUT .... wouldn't the mega-station pick up their weak transmit back? I thought that was the whole point of the focused direction .... maybe I don't understand though.

Here's my current theory...

...Therefore, Pegs will have to stay but Kelly will be the one to get out with Saul's meds and alert the Tower. Only she will get back there and find an empty tower. They moved on to the Military Training Base thinking that Michael/Pegs/Kelly died (logically since Kelly will not be able to get out for sometime). Thus Kelly will now have to get to the now-relocated tower OR admit that she was the traitor and get help from the remaining Mallers.

...and the time he was unconsious only helps this theory. Burt would logically have assumed they are all dead by now.

Mar 1st, 2011, 08:05 AM
I'm gonna be a touch snarky and ask where are all those who supported the banishment theory as punishment? Come on out y'all and take You're I told you so's! :p

That being said, I'm about to get 50% of my theories wrong from the chapter 19 voodoo lounge ....so i'll line up for mine in a week.

Mar 1st, 2011, 08:20 AM
But what i really miss more than anything is the zombies, i cant wait to see some zombie killing action.

The thing about all action all the time is you don't get invested in the characters. If you're not invested in the characters, the action (while exciting) only serves to makes things go boom (see any Michael Bay film). If you're invested in the characters in the production, you really care a lot when they get put in life or death situations. That's why you (and all the members of your Angel Fan Club (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/group.php?groupid=2)) were invested in the battle with the Behemoth.

As much fun as it would be to go all video game on a bunch of zombies, that can't happen all the time or it would lose it's impact. I've always held the belief that We're Alive is primarily a human story. The interesting conflicts come from human vs human with the variable being the zombies.

Funny Muffins
Mar 1st, 2011, 10:39 AM
Well said Nik.

Tower heard Broken Wing, so did Scratch.
If anyone shows up to look for MPK it's going to be an enemy of my enemy type of deal so they will ignore/pay possum until it's time to bust out a lil pipebomb action on the leaders apartment complex.
Mikey will remain in lockup, might talk to someone, might just be silent for awhile.
Marcus will reveal why he can't kill Mike yet at some point.
Pegs will tell Kelly, maybe they will do something other than suck and get caught doing something they shouldn't be right away.
Hopefully someone will hear that Marcus is a ***** who plays with puppies and not a soldier standing tall against the infection so it will fan the flames of rebellion so to speak.

Seriously can't wait for next week, and then the next chapter, and then the one after that too.
KC you ruined meh!
Treated me to so much amazing story telling up to this point and now I can't physically wait week to week anymore.
Truly a treat to wake up on Mondays to new episodes.

Horrid to think it will some day end...

Mar 1st, 2011, 12:06 PM
I'm going to stick with what i said in the podcast. MPK are going to get out some how with the doctor/help, and we are going to see the tower's perspective and Saul will be in big "trouble" and the MPK crew will arrive just in the nik of time, and it'll be super dramatic.

patient zero
Mar 1st, 2011, 12:20 PM
The end of this episode was soooo unfair, I just wanted to hear more! This colony angel is really fresh and I love it! Anyone think there might be some creepy cannibalistic colony vibe going on though? I thought it the other day and I can't help thinking that could be a shocking twist maybe?!

Mar 1st, 2011, 12:28 PM
The thing about all action all the time is you don't get invested in the characters. If you're not invested in the characters, the action (while exciting) only serves to makes things go boom (see any Michael Bay film). If you're invested in the characters in the production, you really care a lot when they get put in life or death situations. That's why you (and all the members of your Angel Fan Club (http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/group.php?groupid=2)) were invested in the battle with the Behemoth.

As much fun as it would be to go all video game on a bunch of zombies, that can't happen all the time or it would lose it's impact. I've always held the belief that We're Alive is primarily a human story. The interesting conflicts come from human vs human with the variable being the zombies.

character development is needed in the story and all, i'm just not a big fan of the colony, i dont like it, i dont like the people in it, i dont like the way its run, i want the colony to burn, and recently we've had a one plot story, it's all been focused on michael, so i'm just looking forward to seeing the other cast again. i miss them :(

I'm going to stick with what i said in the podcast. MPK are going to get out some how with the doctor/help, and we are going to see the tower's perspective and Saul will be in big "trouble" and the MPK crew will arrive just in the nik of time, and it'll be super dramatic.

i'd be totally down with this idea cause i dont really like the colony all that much, and i wanna leave it as soon as possible, but heres my problem with that, we know that the people of the colony are suffering under Marcus's dictatorship, i dont think the story will have MPK escape with the doctor and the medicine, and just leave the colony to rot, cause what would be the point to the last 4 chapters telling us about marcus, and the dictatorship etc, they have to bring closure to the colony storyline somehow

Mar 1st, 2011, 12:51 PM
character development is needed in the story and all, i'm just not a big fan of the colony, i dont like it, i dont like the people in it, i dont like the way its run, i want the colony to burn, and recently we've had a one plot story, it's all been focused on michael, so i'm just looking forward to seeing the other cast again. i miss them :(

I agree, I miss them as well. But I think we have a chapter or two before we get some zombie thrills. And I sadly don't think we're going to be meeting up with the Tower for a hot minute. We're now in suspense about the fate of the Tower. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the "What happened to the Tower?" question goes all the way to the season break. Whatever happens at the Colony is all finished and M/P/K (maybe more than that....maybe less...) will get to the Tower and find it ravaged and empty and that's the season.

Mar 1st, 2011, 12:56 PM
I agree, I miss them as well. But I think we have a chapter or two before we get some zombie thrills. And I sadly don't think we're going to be meeting up with the Tower for a hot minute. We're now in suspense about the fate of the Tower. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the What happened to the Tower question goes all the way to the season break. Whatever happens at the Colony is all finished and M/P/K (maybe more than that....maybe less...) will get to the Tower and find it ravaged and empty and that's the season.

wow that just blew my mind, i hadnt even thought of that. that would be a helluva season 3 opener, if it started off with burt recapping what happened, and then angel/kalani give their perspective on what happened, when they got back to the tower, and then MPK give their perspective. that would be really intense, i would actually really like that idea, EXCEPT that would also mean we have to focus on the colony for the next 4 chapters and then a summer break of no we're alive but then it would be pure awesomeness... ugh i really dont like the colony, it reminds me that, ehem, "there is no place like home" YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH

Funny Muffins
Mar 1st, 2011, 03:01 PM
Why does everyone keep assuming that the Tower will leave or somehow fall in the absence of MPK?
Who needs a one arm ass, a can't cook-for-junk, and ummm Kelly around?!

Water might seem pressing but finding a water truck might not be to rough if they start looking in that direction, food is secured for months, and ammo if Burt is in command is I am sure already secured from his shop.

Just to b
I hope I'm correct but I bet the Tower will be better when they return then when they left.

Mar 1st, 2011, 03:07 PM
no one's saying the tower fell because MPK wasnt there, but if the tower got hit by another attack led by INK, then there would be a problem even if MPK, was home at the tower, there wouldnt have been anythign they could have done about it

Mar 1st, 2011, 03:43 PM
Why does everyone keep assuming that the Tower will leave or somehow fall in the absence of MPK?
Who needs a one arm ass, a can't cook-for-junk, and ummm Kelly around?!

Water might seem pressing but finding a water truck might not be to rough if they start looking in that direction, food is secured for months, and ammo if Burt is in command is I am sure already secured from his shop.

Just to b
I hope I'm correct but I bet the Tower will be better when they return then when they left.

I'm not even saying The Tower gets hit while they are still there. They could abandon the Tower and move to another home but someone (most likely the Mallers) would ransack the Tower looking for supplies left behind. Thus looking like the place was attacked.

Mar 1st, 2011, 04:02 PM
I wonder if the smart ones were those infected soonest (the Zombie with the name tag) so they were scientists or techs working in a lab or facility. Or, they could have been trying to cure mental illness and so the more mentally ill you were, the better zombie you make.

I had the same thought. Every time I hear the smart ones mentioned, I keep picturing the Scientist from the latest Call of Duty.

Mar 1st, 2011, 04:53 PM
Why does everyone keep assuming that the Tower will leave or somehow fall in the absence of MPK?
Who needs a one arm ass, a can't cook-for-junk, and ummm Kelly around?!

Water might seem pressing but finding a water truck might not be to rough if they start looking in that direction, food is secured for months, and ammo if Burt is in command is I am sure already secured from his shop.

Just to b
I hope I'm correct but I bet the Tower will be better when they return then when they left.

I'm not sure if they will get around to leaving the tower but I do think they need to, unless they come up with an answer to their water crisis. When Angel and Saul were coming up with the MRE idea, Angel blurted out that he felt the tower only had three days (the context of his hushed-rant seemed to imply that they were that low on water). I think that with all the supply runs they've been on they would have found a water truck by now, unless they get lucky on a later excursion.

Mar 1st, 2011, 06:55 PM
I'm hoping that Michael can get them out of there soon, if the tower handled the mallers they could hopefully handle this town.

Mar 1st, 2011, 08:15 PM
I'm hoping that Michael can get them out of there soon, if the tower handled the mallers they could hopefully handle this town.

not necessarily, When the tower fought the Mallers, they were specifically on defense, there 4 active soldiers, michael, angel, burt, and bill, (everyone else was drunk) defending the tower against a group of about 30-50 mallers armed to the teeth, defending a position is 10 times easier than attacking it. that's why the tower wouldnt be able to fight toe to toe against the colony, not when the tower is on the offensive anyway UNLESS maybe they pulled something crazy off with the sweat bottles, maybe that'll even the odds, like hit the colony walls with pipe bombs, then throw some sweat bottles, and then book it

Mar 1st, 2011, 09:19 PM
I'm hoping that Michael can get them out of there soon, if the tower handled the mallers they could hopefully handle this town.

I agree with ra1th also you have to remember how good the guardians are as snipers. They killed multiple people without allowing any of them to escape, and are good enough not to hit the recon member who brought the victim to the killzone. It is already hard enough to take over a position, but it makes it harder when you have a platoon of snipers picking you off one by one.

Mar 1st, 2011, 10:19 PM
you have to remember how good the guardians are as snipers. .

If the snipers were actual soldiers assigned to that position by Marcus, they might be quite interested to hear of his true military experience.

Drawing the Mallers into a battle with the Colony would be a good move.

Also, we use CBs at work. When distance is a factor, less powerful units can "hear" more powerful ones but not visa-versa. It makes complete sense that the Tower could be picking up transmissions but not have the ability to send them that far.

Mar 1st, 2011, 11:29 PM
If the snipers were actual soldiers assigned to that position by Marcus, they might be quite interested to hear of his true military experience.

i dont think any of the guardian snipers are actual. military, probably just trained into "soldiers" like durai did with his maller army. cause otherwise any soldier with half a brain could have figured out marcus was lying, maybe shaun did.

Drawing the Mallers into a battle with the Colony would be a good move.


Mar 2nd, 2011, 06:59 AM
I doubt the Snipers are ex-military because they would have noticed Marcus' lack of military knowledge themselves but maybe they didn't get a chance to talk to Marcus yet. <br />
<br />
I agree that getting the...

Mar 2nd, 2011, 07:54 AM
Adogg, the upside to giving the mallers the colony woild be that it puts the mallers 3-4 hours away from the tower base. The mallers would have to be pretty desperate to make a trip like that on a...

Mar 2nd, 2011, 09:19 AM
It is possible that the tower received the CB message but their reply signal was too weak to be detected. Not sure how that would play out because Michael simply said they found help, not that they were prisoners.

Mar 2nd, 2011, 11:02 AM
Yes! Someone that agrees with me! <br />
<br />
The Mallers have no reason thus far to help M/P/K or the Tower community. Even in the instance that they did, at the end of the scuffle, who gets to keep the...

Mar 2nd, 2011, 11:09 AM
Michael needs to read Pegs' journal dangit!

Well he certainly has nothing but time at the moment...maybe that's what a portion of part 3 will focus on.

Mar 2nd, 2011, 12:23 PM
OK. Michael is on my ish list AGAIN! what a dumb ass!
Several theories I had panned out and several went kaput! I was most def wrong about Marcus NOT being a killer..er, having people shot.
I was pretty sure they would simply be turned loose without supplies and left to fend for themselves (basically killing them).
I had also assumed that Marcus would only be able to maintain power if everyone was drinking his kookaide and had informants.. yep, and Michael struts right into the hornets nest loud as can be and f'n singles out Victor!
There also had to be a group or council to help Marcus maintain "order." That turned out to be true. They all seem to have their lackies too.

It would have been nice for Mike to drink a big cup of STFU and work from the inside out and build a powerbase. Right now, the has no leg to stand on because he's already told every Tom, Dick and Harry that he and Marcus served together. His credibility is shot now, so he really can't hold that trump card to tightly. He did get Marcus to pause though.

The dogs and Marcus was very, very telling. Paranoia? Enemies at the gates? Yep!

Mar 2nd, 2011, 08:40 PM
I saw this earlier, but I was on a phone all day, and I thought it would be a lot easier if I just waited till I got to a computer.

The Mallers have no reason thus far to help M/P/K or the Tower community. Even in the instance that they did, at the end of the scuffle, who gets to keep the doctor? The medical supplies? The guns? The food? Speaking of food, who gets to take care of the extra mouths to feed? At this point in the story, I can't see Scratch suddenly having a change of heart and saying "Thanks for giving me back my brother that you killed. I'll help you rescue the girl that killed him and split goods evenly." Even with a temporary alliance, the Maller's have shown they aren't the sharing type.
Look I’m not saying the mallers and the tower are gonna be buddy buddy with each other. They have serious differences, and that’s not going to change, BUT the enemy of my enemy is my enemy, The USSR and the US were once upon a time ALLIED because of the common threat of nazi germany, that doesn’t mean we were bffs with the soviets, it was a temporary alliance for mutual benefit.

I can buy the idea which someone already mentioned that they could trick the Mallers into a fight with the Colony. The problem with that is innocent people would get caught up in the fray and probably lose valuable supplies in the process. People like Hope and maybe the Doctor could be killed in the crossfire unless M/P/K get to them first in the confusion. We don't know how fortified the Mallers actually are if they even play a part in this matter. I can speculate on Michael taking over the Colony as opposed to turning it into a warzone, but it's too early to tell since we don't know his fate yet. Victor showed that even though people aren't happy with the way things are, they can be fickle as soon as trouble strikes.
Aaaand this is of course the weakness of the maller/tower war on the colony theory, the innocent colonials get royally screwed over, but hey, life’s a bitch

Or just carry the action over into Season 3... as Season 1 did.
Season 1 did carry over the action into season 2, BUT season 1 also had a distinct climax where all the pieces of the puzzle that we’d seen over the season came together into one giant bash. If you were to carry the action over into season 3, then what would the climax for season 2 be? I’ll admit, I liked nikvoodoo’s theory on having the season 2 finale be contained within the revolution of the colony, and then have the season end on the note that when MPK got back to the tower, it was in ruins, and season cliff hanger. That would be a hell of a way to kick off season 3, but in the process season 2 would get the short end of the stick. The entire first HALF of season 2, would have been basically for nothing, The tower’s desperate situation, looking for somewhere new to live, running out of food and water, saul on his deathbed. what kind of season 2 finale would completely ignore these things, and just focus the colony? That would be bullshit! It would have been like, hey we’re gonna make the ENTIRE season 2, a setup so that season 3 will be amazing. That would fail on soo many levels. So far season 2 , with the exception of the angel/behemoth fight, has been one giant character development arc, there has been barely any action! Especially compared to season 1. I’ve pretty much justified this hoping that all this buildup of pressure will lead to one giant blow out of awesome kick-assery. Man I’d just be so disappointed if the season ended with a fizzle and not a bang. And not just some revolution in the colony with humans fighting humans, I want some zombies up in this bitch! When the season ends, there better be fireworks. I really miss the tower, and ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS! Would looove to seem em before season 3…

Mar 2nd, 2011, 09:35 PM
I disagree ra1th with your assessment of the end of the season being bull shit if my theory comes true....if they show up and everything is gone, that'll put your butt in the seat so to speak for the kick off of season 3 because you'll be dying to know what happened. It would be brilliant (albeit aggravating as a listener) story telling.

Mar 2nd, 2011, 09:42 PM
Look I’m not saying the mallers and the tower are gonna be buddy buddy with each other. They have serious differences, and that’s not going to change, BUT the enemy of my enemy is my enemy, The USSR and the US were once upon a time ALLIED because of the common threat of nazi germany, that doesn’t mean we were bffs with the soviets, it was a temporary alliance for mutual benefit.http://zombiepodcast.com/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png

I think you misunderstood that part of my response. I agreed that if there is a temporary alliance resulting in a fight to the death with the Colony, the two sides will be inclined to go their own way if they win. My point was to which looter go the spoils when both party's are hurting for supplies and one is highly untrustworthy.

I think you meant "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." :)

Mar 2nd, 2011, 09:59 PM
Oh whoa my bad haha. Yeah the spoils thing would be an issue too. Maybe tanya could pretend to not be a doctor? Im back on a phone so i cant type mch. Oh well at this point i jst rly wanna see the tower again... Even datu... Maaybe

Nikvoodoo, if it happened ur way season 3 would be great but all of season 2 would have been build up to like No pay off other than a cliff hanger. And u said it urself there has to be a balance of both char. Dev. And action. We cant have season 2 be all char dev and season 3 be a michael bay mOvie. Not to mention a season finale without the tower would leave sooooo many open endings from the first half of the season

Mar 2nd, 2011, 10:24 PM
Oh whoa my bad haha. Yeah the spoils thing would be an issue too. Maybe tanya could pretend to not be a doctor? Im back on a phone so i cant type mch. Oh well at this point i jst rly wanna see the tower again... Even datu... Maaybe

Nikvoodoo, if it happened ur way season 3 would be great but all of season 2 would have been build up to like No pay off other than a cliff hanger. And u said it urself there has to be a balance of both char. Dev. And action. We cant have season 2 be all char dev and season 3 be a michael bay mOvie. Not to mention a season finale without the tower would leave sooooo many open endings from the first half of the season

true, but if the colony goes into full revolt, you get your action payoff, and can still Have the cliff hanger.

Mar 2nd, 2011, 10:34 PM
There better be some sweat bottles and some zomvie action involved. Still the sooner we r dOne with colony and back to the tower the better. Id hope they address the saul dying issue sooner rather than later tho

Mar 3rd, 2011, 09:39 AM
I thought it was weird that Michael was up and shoveling folks and drinking and what have you like minutes after getting out of surgery. Also, if I just realized I was a captive and my friends were being used as slaves, complete with corporal punishment, I don't think flipping out and assaulting the higher-ups would be my first move... I was very entertained and engaged though. Apparently Michael is tired of being level-headed.

I thought Skittles was dead for while (he's not right?). I had to go back and listen. I'm not sure I really understand him. He seems more useful than everyone else. He changed the tire himself but can't answer simple questions?! I'd team up with him (i can't change a tire). Conversation isn't that vital. He not only knew about MREs but also found and lived off them. Survival Savant ?

I'm glad they're only over working them. I was worried it was going to get rapey. Like Michael would wake up and find the women were being sold of something... (hope that's not where Kelly's been "doing laundry")

Mar 3rd, 2011, 09:41 AM
There better be some sweat bottles and some zomvie action involved. Still the sooner we r dOne with colony and back to the tower the better. Id hope they address the saul dying issue sooner rather than later tho

Seriously! hasn't he been dying for like a month? It was at least 2 weeks, then they were at the colony/on the way to for like a week or more...

Mar 3rd, 2011, 10:59 AM

You are holding on to that Maller/Tower Marvel Team Up Theory like a pit bull with a 20 ounch steak! ROFL!
Skits is far from dead. That dude probably has multiple spots to crash. The Colony.. hmm.. all I can think of is an old boxing saying "Kill the head and the body will follow." Marcus and his crew crash and burn and the peons (Guardians and such) will switch their behavior quicker than you can say "Lizzie has a big ole booty!"

Mar 3rd, 2011, 11:11 AM
hahha if it doesnt happen i'll be off in a corner crying for a few weeks, and you guys can all send me hatemail cause i deserve it if i'm wrong

i'm dying to see the mallers mobilize and go to war against an opponent that can actually do some damage.

Mar 3rd, 2011, 11:19 AM
tbh with you marcus is obviously one of the bad guys that i think will be making up rules in the colony and not following any of them so if Micheal doesnt comply with what he wants him to hes a dead man so i think the next thing they will do is probably make micheal escape but they will track him afterwards

Mar 3rd, 2011, 05:37 PM
I can't believe nobody thought about Michael's imprisonment as part of the plan he had. He should have known that marcus would hear about Michael's lies and his broadcast to the tower. I'm thinking his imprisonment is part of the plan.

Mar 3rd, 2011, 07:11 PM
how does being in prison help his situation? and the thiing is, if he got caught on purpose, there's no guarantee that he'd be thrown in prison. With a guy like marcus, it's wayyy more likely that he'd be shot no questions asked.

Mar 4th, 2011, 11:52 PM
Mod Note!

Something happened and most of the posts in this thread were doubled. I've gone through and deleted the doubles but may have accidentally deleted both the original and the double by mistake. I was very careful so I don't think this happened, but if your post is missing, I'm sorry.

Mar 6th, 2011, 08:09 AM
I'm really looking for them to be a pack of kids. The insanity and mental anguish it would bestow on someone having to mow down a pack of zombie kids. Geesh.

Never been a camp counselor have you? LOL

Mar 6th, 2011, 06:06 PM
Finally got to listen to it; this chapter made me sick. This is EXACTLY what would happen if there were a Zombie (or other) Apocalypse- <br />
<br />
What are they, 5-6 months from the collapse of...

Mar 6th, 2011, 06:12 PM
i think the joker said it best,

"You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. "

sad but true

Chelsea C.
Mar 6th, 2011, 07:11 PM
i think the joker said it best,

"You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. "

sad but true

Aw, shucks! Don't go quotin' The Joker on me ;)

"Ladies and Gentlemen! You've read about it in the papers! Now witness, before your very eyes, that most rare and tragic of nature's mistakes! I give you: the average man. Physically unremarkable, it instead possesses a deformed set of values. Notice the hideously bloated sense of humanity's importance. Also note the club-footed social conscience and the withered optimism. It's certainly not for the squeamish, is it? Most repulsive of all, are its frail and useless notions of order and sanity. If too much weight is placed upon them...they snap. How does it live, I hear you ask? How does this poor pathetic specimen survive in today's harsh and irrational environment? I'm afraid the sad answer is, "Not very well." Faced with the inescapable fact that human existence is mad, random, and pointless, one in eight of them crack up and go stark slavering buggo! Who can blame them? In a world as psychotic as this... any other response would be crazy!" - The Joker in Batman:The Killing Joke

Mar 6th, 2011, 09:21 PM
So about the recon teams, they sound the most badass. Bet some of them killed Kid-Gobblers in hand-to-hand, with blades or bats. This image helps me sleep at night. I quite enjoyed the part where Michael was describing the groups in the bar, it was like having a novel read to me. Recon teams are crazy...I love them

Mar 6th, 2011, 09:33 PM
Aw, shucks! Don't go quotin' The Joker on me ;)

"Ladies and Gentlemen! You've read about it in the papers! Now witness, before your very eyes, that most rare and tragic of nature's mistakes! I give you: the average man. Physically unremarkable, it instead possesses a deformed set of values. Notice the hideously bloated sense of humanity's importance. Also note the club-footed social conscience and the withered optimism. It's certainly not for the squeamish, is it? Most repulsive of all, are its frail and useless notions of order and sanity. If too much weight is placed upon them...they snap. How does it live, I hear you ask? How does this poor pathetic specimen survive in today's harsh and irrational environment? I'm afraid the sad answer is, "Not very well." Faced with the inescapable fact that human existence is mad, random, and pointless, one in eight of them crack up and go stark slavering buggo! Who can blame them? In a world as psychotic as this... any other response would be crazy!" - The Joker in Batman:The Killing Joke

oooh a joker fangirl? i guess i shoulda figured that one out sooner considering your avatar haha

Mar 7th, 2011, 07:39 AM
So about the recon teams, they sound the most badass. Bet some of them killed Kid-Gobblers in hand-to-hand, with blades or bats. This image helps me sleep at night. I quite enjoyed the part where Michael was describing the groups in the bar, it was like having a novel read to me. Recon teams are crazy...I love them

Agreed, but the first experience with one didn't show this ...

They seemed under gunned, over prepared and nervious.

Which made me think of a new question, how come the hoards in the area of the Colony are not starving?

Mar 7th, 2011, 08:32 AM
What Mike described when he walked into the tavern kinda reminded me of the "Vampire Earth" series by E.E Knight.

My theory on why they aren't starving is this:
They have stores and stores of dead people to eat. I'd like to assume that the Arena Munchers are a mutated strain and their behavior is linked to INK, but I also would by that that behavior is universal.

Mar 8th, 2011, 11:23 AM
Agreed, but the first experience with one didn't show this ...

They seemed under gunned, over prepared and nervious.

Which made me think of a new question, how come the hoards in the area of the Colony are not starving?

I think the Z's are always on the brink of starving- they're like a virus, always hungry and never satisfied. I still think we'll see some go dormant till food blunders by like "The Boss in the Wall"....

Crap; I was gonna quote "The Fuller Memorandum" cause it's got a great explanation for what a "Zombie plague" really is- but I lost the book! I still have the cover but the book's gone!!!:eek:

Mar 14th, 2011, 03:10 PM
. I still think we'll see some go dormant till food blunders by like "The Boss in the Wall"....I was gonna quote "The Fuller Memorandum" cause it's got a great explanation for what a "Zombie plague" really is-

I went on Amazon but couldn't get a good synopsis. What are they about?